Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Apr 1902, p. 2

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THE i r J J j 4 J- I ate I It is announced For sale in good order Enquire Lady at office by Lad Alice Seed Improved for sale Lewis St by Lady Alice and Lord will sail from New York tomorrow for Eng land Kiss Dressmaker cor Church and Tim othy Work taken in and sewing the day Mama Mr Will Perkins is home from the city for a few days Mr Clarence was up from An engagement has been made with the city over Sunday Mr by the VISltlD a of Canada to ty purchase of the horses to of Toronto he used the new contingent siting in Town for a fcTto rfU the total required COO be condor Jed in the West in Ontario and Servant a Apply to Mrs A Queen St Newmarket WANTED An improver or apprentice to dress making once MRS WILL BELFRY Ontario St FOUND A bunch of keys with chain attach ed between Newmarket and Queen St Enquire at this office- iot for Sal On Eagle St Newmarket En quire on the premises in Quebec Bailiff entertained rocky lie Town Council de cided to grant the petition of the cor poration laborers for a ninehour working enlarged to a length of feet mak ing largest fresh water the world- We clip the following concerning one of the North York Boys from the Ohio Vindicator Mahoning Valley meeting met yesterday in Trinity members near in attendance the paper of the day was read Patrick OConnor this city his suhject being ipriating the The paper hunter HUNTER Newmarkets New Firm was received by the members as me of the toestTenso this year- Oof Toronto tetter SevenRoomed House with domestic and cistern water and Garden Apply at Era Office for Sale The wishes to sell but his entire Bee Business en block or to suit purchaser further par ticulars apply to M VERNON Newmarket Prop for The cottage of the late John Lewis situate on the corner of ham and Court Streets and the double situate Court St for sale Terms reasonable In tending purchasers can inspect the premises For particulars to Lloyd Solicitor lor Executors On last Hon A about friends at dinner SltiS Blair introduced the Government bill in Commons providing for toe Sixty settlers and seven car loads appointment of a Railway of effects left Michigan measure is desipiated era Canada The Railway Act and is Mr Jack Kelly who has been consolidation and revision of the law home for nearly a month leaves this respecting railways in Canada week again I Miss Jessie returned to The way Mr Evanturel a Tuesday after spending sou of Hon Mr Speaker faster holidays at poured hot shot into Mr Sterling Cody left on gentlemen for Red Deer to Jive during the last Assembly is not encouraging to the Conservative Mrs- Horace of press to continue bidding Albert were the guests of Mr and Canadian support for Mr Whitney Mrs Keller last Friday They appear to have decided to Rej sheriff gave an official member Ross master at the depot J week owing the illness of Constable Cain tween CO The at Ottawa be- l the GovernorGeneral over His Excellency tele- of did same thing Jackson her last Monday by whole and never got any farther carriages ate not seen so Miss Ontario Ladies now at railway stations as College Whitby spent as they are no longer check- days with her college chum Miss on the railways as free baggage the 1st hew regulation Mr and Mrs of Ham- has gone into effect on both the who were asphyxiated by coal P lines by a gas on Monday night arc both speial charge made for baby car- dead- The One hundred and fifty feet of is not less than cents and sonry Ml down a cliff in Ottawa is independent of anv extra baggage from a near Christ Church Cr I Premier Ross and Hon- The Montreal appears to be also Mrs Da is were guests very fond of making suggestions and Mayor Cane while in Town last giving advice to Ontario respecting Friday Provincial On some Manitoba named it plays rhe Sir Oracle and was sentenced to four months speaks as one having authority imprisonment for illusing a as an ordinary scribe A good do boy many people in Ontario however en- Catharines has decided to have the notion that if the Gazette fi to consist of would do something masterful toward chief wen regular and twenty Albert a miller at Newton- brook was sitting on the edge of a large watertrough at the Hotel North Toronto on Saturday night when he fell in backwards and was drowned Miss Margaret McMillan with her parents at Westmoreland Ave was found dead in her bed yes terday Invest show ed that in a fit of the de ceased had turned oh her face and death suffocation A named to work at on iionday Oh Wednesday he purr ten silk rested convicted and sent- to jail for days Hon Commissioner- of Crown Lands has been requested to speak at a it meeting Mount Albert en Thursday evening of next week and tle following night at Sutton Harvesting Machine Company of Chicago are now con templating establishment in To ronto of works nearly as large as those of the Company They have decided to build a branch in Canada and tbe other day their representative bad surveys made of two in this A Liberal convention will bo held in South Toronto on the in West Toronto on the 17th and Bast Toronto on the Theeleo- not very North Toronto it to be a sort of un derstood thing the prohibition ists and Literals- with a minority of Conservatives will support may not be opposed Dr lilt was talked of as the Whitney candidate but be appears to scent recognize the fact that all eyes will be turned towards bur spade wek and largely upon the foundation stone of our first advertisement will our future depend We heartily thank our predecessor for his reference to our experience and business honor in his advertisement of last week and hope to prove to the people of Newmarket and rounding country in the near future that Mr Haddock knew his men when recommending his friends and customers to give us a continuance of their confidence We also thank the papers for recommending us to their readers In- this our first announcement we simply wish to make known to the buying public the way we intend carrying on our business The different departments will be kept moving in much same way as formerly with the exception that our Clothing and Mens Furnishings departments will he much increased The same staff will be largely kept We are in a position to pay cash for every dollars worth of goods we purchase Consequently we will be able to sell goods as cheap and cheaper than most business men quality considered Boy Wanted At once at this office about years of age who has attended School helping its own Province it would be appreciated defeat and hesitates FOR SALE Farm on Towrdine pert Ko 1 Young Horse Buggy and Harness Storehouse on Huron Street Houses and Stores oh Main Street I Sandwich will with Windsor j in asking the Hollanders Tor on- The budget debate the JWot Commons was brought to close on Tuesday night last Robert Pollock of was Struck by a car in Hamilton on was defeated on a vo to Mr Calvin Conservatue ta j i leader with a broken arm and a fer Frontenac voted with the Gov- bruis6 few repetition new Conservative leader that time for a change its Newmarket passed thru the Town on the way to the city Isaac Kersey postmaster at Word comes from Bradford Mills hear has been sent to week that workmen mating penitentiary for years for burglar- houses on Ontario Street Houses for a new residence in that king unearthed hundreds of human The Canada Atlantic Railway will bones The are those of In- ke on eight hundred men before the from small to full- t May tobe in readiness when erown men and the supposition the Canada Atlantic fleet grain was the scene of a massacre carriers begin their trips v WiHiain a clerk on Queen Street l Newmarket- COOKBROS Flour and Feed MAKJTOUA KAA1ILY SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT SEBDB COOK- BROS cor Main Telephone Connec Are the best and faeil at yery dose prices also wheels very cheap It will pay you to see and get prices of our Busies and Waggons be fore making your purchases this A word to the wise is fiof- Farmers Binder Twine at 1st or per cent off for delay as supply is lim ited dont wish to toot our own born but if prices and quality count we intend to lead tho trade A trial convince Viz want your J Agency Newmarket J Goal Wood Lime Cement Ami of imnn The bones were in many years ago only about three feet under ground hotel in died a so apparently were never buried but were gradually covered by Most of the bones and skulls are Only well preserved skulls hare been found The Toronto Star has the following forceful observation respecting of gambling habits As in horseracing the knowing fellow will any length to get in touch a stable boy who can give him sure tips so it is in stock gambling men can put you on to sure things who find difficulty in paying their own house hold expenses The stable followers at the Woodbine who know so much about the horses are often men whoso knowledge keep a roof above their heads and railway fare in their pockets as they follow good things over circuit An eastern exchange says Com mercial traveller have recently interviewed in order to ascertain the pulse of the people Ontario in re spect to the Ross Government In nearly every instance drummers raid WW tney would sweep the Province This is the same old story of campaigns old drummers same old chest nuts Mowat must go the press 5 and at the last Provincial election will sweep Ontario Was the cry and he is sweeping with the prospect of another four years contract on hand Wore his organs got in the tantrums and turn against like they did towards Meredith and In which case he will prob ably reach the conclusion that law Is more profitable than politics and di rect his energies along line Vive houses were damaged landslide at Que An American with of has purchased the of the s Com pany Buffalo hospital where he had been taln as the result of a fall Mr Jack Smith of Midland assistant at the depot here spent a few days with friends in Town returning home yesterday Corson of Toronto who was wounded in the battle at Harts ver South Africa on Was a former boy is a cousin of firs Cane Thousands of villagers in China have en In revolt against the se vere indemnity tax and three thou sand and a number of guns have gone to Southern Mon golia the seat the trouble Mr J Shepherd formerly who has been employed at for some time left this week for the to go into business for himself Mr Shepherd Is a thoro and we wish him success Mrs of Stonewall Alan- writes ft is like looting for a every week to have he Bra coming and It is considerably more regular than letter average correspondent sends We are having weather now and that is what is needed to dry the land The big Snow followed by rain has given rather more than we need Sheriff gave anohlcial dinner at Toronto on evening last There were present Ills Honor Judge J dougall His Honor Judge Honor Judge F M Mr Mr J Tait Registrar- Mr K Irwin Clerk the Mr A Mo- Andrew of the High Court of Justice Mr of Mr main Clerk of the High Court Mr Inter Mr T Rob- barrister Mr Arthur Deputy and Mr Acting of the County Court Crown Attorney Was in Me through The decorations the new Kdward hotel it is said will be of a most elaborate character A bull broke away from drovers on Queen street near the Don and had a wild rim finally ending at the corner of Queen and On way however furious beast entered hotel kitchen and in one backyard tipped up an empty baby carriage It caused consternation among pedes trians along the route TURNED THE TIDE In half an hour after Mr took the first dote of Cure for the ho on the road to per manent recovery some of lb best Iondon for what diagnose I as incurable trouble I suffered agonies ihrougb pains about my frioting petti and a man grasps at a tried Cure for the The ft bottle me and when I had used two bottles nil trouble had left me ILavers Sold by Lehman The AltQP New market on Wednesday April by Rev A John Andrew to ftfery MeConnell the the father Mr A Hit fer on 2nd line of Scott on April by the ftcv J Morgan fJeremiah Sibley of Mount Albert to Emma Sister of Zephyr All goods will be marked in plain figufesv S Our terms are Cash and One We will not nor will we allow our to goods When goods a not been cut we will in every instance refund the purchase money when goods are not satisfactory We have come to Newmarket to stay as the fact that we have leased the store for a of years We will be open for business oh Saturday morning April 12 1802 and hope to be favored with a share of your patronage We are Yours Faithfully HUNTER BROS Successors to H HADDOCK Newmarkets Leading Store horrible accident happened at the station on Sunday afternoon by which John Donated a boy of years age lost Ws left foot While playing close to a mov ing freight train his foot slipped across the rails and was badly crush ed Dr Davis accompanied the boy on a freight train to and he was removed in the ambulance to the R V Hospital where the foot was amputated by assisted by Broad and Ross The family to which the bey belongs is peculiarly unfortunate His father arm about years ago in an accident and his mother died a year ago leav ing six children of which John wag the oldest Bedroom and Parlor ottered for days before stock taking at priced that are simply Now is the time to fit up your home with elegant furaitore at hast wit Come and see John Millard Opposite Roy at Hotel A The In Town on April tb the wife of Mr H Chop- pin barrister of a son Town on April to Mr and Mrs Andrew Hunter a son Town on April to Mr and Mrs Attrldge a son East on the to Mr and Mrs Belfry a on Aril to Mr and Mrs Jaa Cock- burn a son on Monday April to wife of Rev Kempt a son The Tomb village of on Monday March Sloan years and 10 soninlaws rekjence Wellington St Aurora on Satur day April Kknmft Stone relict George Stone- aged yeajra la days on April Russell aged years months and days Interment at Holt burying ground on Floral Designs printed on heavy stock Blue Green Crimson Pink and Cream Colors Borders and Ceiling to match 25 PER SUGAR SPECIAL A Special Inducement to buy in Barrel Lots Secure this op portunity while it is yours A Floor MAIN- ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful Attention from the mills in Manitoba has just been unloaded No iurd tell you of the meritsof this Special High FLOUR AH good house keepers know it On sale for family use at the Grocery Counter I CENTRAL TELEPHONE W STARR

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