Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Apr 1902, p. 6

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Highest Market price Paid of- Seeds salt always ON HA w ALBERT drain to companies and per DAVIDSON Notary Public Mount Albert- j MANAGER HUSTLING FOR EASTER Mr Geo Richardson is the proud rode laid eggs daps preceding faster Sunday weight of this dozen eggs was 2lb 02 Our stock for season has We Wave all kinds of ftiil Garden in hulk which e will sell at prices Poultry will lice on cattle and on sheep Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT FURNITURE You money by buying your Funikure at the A LABOUR STOCK AN EVER OF Bedroom KxtDioiiand Parlor and Chairs We are Carpel flireicber Packer Framing a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when red in quantity ALLAN THEAKER Be- CONSERVATIVE CLUB A successful meeting of the Conser vative was held hereon Friday last There was a good at tendance Addresses were by Messrs J McKay and Newmarket TOOLS All persons interested should not Gee the fine display now on exhibition at hardware All the test makes- up with a drama entitled ware of the Dog Died On Saturday morning at residence of his son Crake John Crake late Aurora The de ceased although quite an old gentle man had been remarkably active un til a few days previous to his death when it is supposed he bad a slight stroke The funeral service was con ducted by Rev Dr Cade of Newmar ket BALDWIN BREEZES THE STATION Mr tfe following shipments pi live stock from the station here for tbe three months ending March bogs sheep and a few calves They shipped by our drovers J Shields and Haves THE MARKET The unfavorable weather Tues day did not seem to interfere with attendance at the market as the usual crowd present prices as follows butter to eggs to lie chickens to geee turkeys tolSc sheepskins to WOOL Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get Toronto prices in Cash Full stock Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment of fashionable Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Sons New tills week Messrs Keller Forrest and J A Hopkins A fresh ailment of snow Tuesday and Wednesday reminds that Winter still lingers in the of Spring A social under auspices of junior Bible Class will fie held in on us Sap Private Brock may rest assured that most of Era readers are interests in his letters But twill be more interesting to hear of bis to get a that mother is so faithful in writing lmpoitant announcement to tbe ladies with his usual has engaged Miss a milliner and has fitted up an elegant parlor for her The Newmarkets crack 1 Con Lots to inclu sive of Con and east half of IoVIO con To work con line opposite lots to inclusive and side road of love welcome lots con westerly to and sisters to were ordered as follows J Rye re services Link re and snow re repairs nan re gravel work and snow 225 Sawyer and Massie for culvert mould lacrosse team ajipear more ambitious Council adjourned to meet on Apr the the Methodist this evening Fri day See Mr- Wallaces big show of tine Spring Millinery on Tuesday next thing uptodate under Miss Hus tons trimming Call and inspect buying The many friends of Mr station agent will pleased to learn that he has safely undergone operation lor appendicitis in Mont real and is progressing favorably Many fanners were busy seeding dur ing last week and quite a quantity of rain was sown band met in the lor practice last week Some claim to beard them tbe week lefore- SPRING STOCK OF- Dry Goods Boots and Shoes m Arriving Daily and to make room we are Belling Balance of our Winter Stock AT HALF PRICE our for Ladles Coats ai Messrs Percy Norman and Alex Rings spent vaster at the home of their parents here Davidson Wil son Hiram Wilson and Keller spent Sunday in Oxbridge Mr and Mrs Sen of r were in Town on on a visit to father Mr Terry j Mr Frank West of Totletfhatn was in Town on Sunday calling on friends ill yore Mr 1 W principal of our public school is spending bis vaca tion with friends in Hamilton Miss teacher of the junior department of our schoril is spending her holidays at her home in Miss Forrest and Miss Vio let Walton of bridge High School arc home vacation Miss May is paying a visit to her friend Vis- Nixon in Arthur Mr Waricn Mann returned home on Mr John Murray of Pennsylvania is visiting town and vicinity Miss Bertha is vhiting with friends In the city Mr and Mrs Hayes moved to Sharon on Thursday last Mrs and Mr Will drove ro last week to how Mary Taylor is pro eas ing A considerable variety of talent fill ed the Christian Church here recently There have been Revs H Percy Alfred Terry and Daniel They are looking forward with pleasure to Rev pas torate after June Conference A maple syrup social is to be held at John Vacbell on next Friday eve lib of April House clean i to garret is the alHmpoiiant topic with women Iks at There are many phases of this subject There is the housecleaning the physical the moral and tbe in which clergy throw their coats roll up their sleeves and take a hand in name of revivals or special The pleasant warble of he Robin was music to my soul last week hope to hear more- hem Robins are always full of mel ody cheering their mates Though this section is almost de nuded of maple yet the supply of rru pie syrup is not diminished Its like the widows barrel of meal So long as Muscovada sugar is ob tainable the supply will be maintain ed Some years ago an Aurora paper published the names of some news paper dead beats It would make Rome bowl if tbe Era man did like wise with one or two of that stamp up here Why are angels always depicted females wearing a long nightrobe is Are there no men angels Navigation opened on Lake on the of March Very early deed The water that was so hard a month ago is now soft Indeed I have always noted that freezing will make soft water hard and boiling will make hard- water soft All wrong immigration pol icy of the Dominion Government fatal to the building up of a great people a strong branch of empire What we want are not Swedes Poles Turks Danes or Chinese but good loyal of the who will help build up the country not to disintegrate it This Indis criminate assisting the enemies of Bri tain to mate Canada their home is a foolish policy Well find it out some day No at Baldwin this dam repaired spent several weeks than for the championship ftags In selecting their Mock of presidents they slighted us If their stock of Presidents should run short we shall with infinite pleasure forward them an Owl guaranteed to be as sober as a judge to preside at their One evening last Nelson and Nancy Jane La we jogging home from mil when Uncle Samuel came along with a rush and a and whirled out to pass by road was narrow his cart wheel locked in the hind wheel of La buggy and it dropping the occupants into the road Sam was profuse in apologies and Jane forgot to scold Fortunately the horses were steady going and no one was hurt The following residents are building tbjs reason Johnnie Tavlor Thos ham Cooper and Sandy Craw ford When Jolm Charlton introduced bis Charlton Act he no doubt thought the measure was placing a moral safe guard about foolish girls But bless me you cant build a wall high or strong enough to keep separate the the sexes If our girls would but a moment on the humility and black despair of after days they would more wary Of course if they dont care they can brazen it out theres no talking They have themselves to blame in most of the cases Very few men have the audacity to insult a woman of refine ment A slap in the face would very each their place i fcryaiMyc at 10 am in Sharon Painte Oils Whiting the new wall coating Carpet etc ALBERT Buying Your SUTTON Mr Walter Archibald formerly of Sutton but of late years of Hunts- ville was in the village last- week The Messrs have made a temporary dam sufficiently high enough to enable them to again run their mill by water power Some of the in this vicinity have commenced seeding Mr Geo Kay who has been at Toronto University for the past two months taking up postgraduate work came home on Saturday to see parents and friends and left on Mon day to resume his former work at those who availed them- to go to the city during the Easter holidays were Mrs Mark Mrs Johnston Mrs Dr and her daughter Clara Mrs Frit ton Mrs Mrs Cross and Miss Donald Mayor Stevenson and Mrs Steven son have gone on a trip to the West Indies and expect to he away four or five weeks Mr and Mrs Geo wont to the city last Saturday and returned on Monday We extend our sympathy to Mr and Mis Herlert Mann who mourn the loss of their young child about six weeks old On he afternoon of the a quiet wedding took place at the King Street East Church Toronto when Charles Newmarket Band concert Wiley now of Lindsay hut formerly announced for May Make a of was united in of tie date Era have age to Miss Flora also SEE OUR STOCK ALL QUALITIES FROM TO THE FINEST P ALBERT 9 9 m We have been watching the markets and are pleas- ed to say have been well rewarded for so doing with a better Assortment and at much better prices PRINTS PONGEES MERCERIZED SATEENS GINGHAMS C0TTONADES DENIMS c c Our inc 32in wide cannot be beat for weight cloth and washing Qualities AMD SHOES done and perceived a storm period centres on that date also Better change it Maxell lame in went out the same way The Owl o Meeting of K Council held on March All members present Minutes of last meeting read confirmed of but formerly of Sutton West The ceremony was per formed by Rev L Powell former pastor of the Bridal couple in the presence of a few friends The bride was attired in a fawn cloth suit with coat opening on a turquoise blue silk blouse and hat to match Af ter congratulations and refreshments at the parsonage he young couple left the city by the evening train for and other points where they purpose their honeymoon visiting Communications received from T among relatives and friends After Foster re damages to horse their wedding trip they will return to 1 Link re work and snow cleaning where they will continue to New and Fresh and in from Sawyer Co from J Fennel re Corn an re work and reside ages snow Upon third reading of Bylaw re Commutation of Statute Labor the the Lake fishing for He upon motion was referred back Pitt burgh friends in at had glorious sport Local sports Just discovered this winter that white fish would take bait He also caught a trout an uncommon large one Some of our sports are wasting a lot of powder ami shot wild gee These birds have such a thick committee to amend The committee rose and reported the Bylaw amended as follows viz 1st Statute Labor reduced by onethird from statutory amount 2nd Com mutation fixed at per day with the provision that if paid to Treasur er on or before June 1st that trahle coat of feathers as to be almost would be accepted in lieu of a days proof Owing to the speed of work YOU WANT Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Milk Pans Cream on a Leader Churn JAM ON Miss Mildred Philips of fcpent with her parents here M Long attended the funeral of mother at on Friday last Thos I ward hew his brother and Kilter of Mount Alter keeping house for Mr Wellington a onetime resident of Sharon has again come here to live fie is accompanied by a niece and nephew who will work bis farm on the Landing road Mr J Miller Miller of Sunday at the of Mr A T Do an Mrs of Toronto with her tie Ik springing a week with her parents Mr and Mr Wesley the returned Aurora where she the great part of the winter A sudden change in atmosphere to me what under the aufcpicex of the Aid of Hi James church on Monday evening very well Attended unfavorable tea games were MountAlbert WVWmW la when their flight it- long to become an expert hunter A number of our young folks spent last VYedncfday evening at Mrs Cam erons for a visit with Miss lleise and family us for the city last week Aird sr does not gain much in strength or spirits The Yankee Pi on had better on tbe simmer We occasionally hear of minister lamenting that they do not he eloquence and the brilliant ora tory of some of more gifted col leagues They can however extract some comfort from the act that it for then to that Christlike disposition arid exemplary character so characteristic of a true Christian and so observed by the secularist 1 OUR AIM lo our in Next in fityle And with Worlr- NOW TUB TIME TO BUY ML KELLERS Tailor Mount Albert The above change in Bylaw of re ducing the statute labor only one- third instead of onehalf was owing to he large amount of statute labor expended in opening the roads block ed by snow The eve was author investi gate as the claim of J Fennel and at next meeting ell Tbe Reeve introduced a Bylaw to appoint Road Overseen Pound Kecp- Viewers and valua tors Bylaw regularly parsed and adopted Mr Holborn in cliair In committee The Reeve and Messrs Smith and were appointed a special com mittee to bridge in vicinity of Mount with authority to effect immediate repairs so requir ed following were made in the Labor Road Divisions viz- Con To consist of lots to inclusive to centre of each concession To work line opposite said lots and side road half lots con Con to 34 To work concession Jino from wide lot 31 to Town line west half side road con Con Lota 2 lo work eon line to and side road lota from centre of eon fi to Mill Creek Con fi halves of lota 67 and Con and lot Con except Powell To work Hams den Mill Road and Con line op posite lota and Con to sire To work line opposite lot to inclusive Con Lota to To work Don line opposite lots to aide road lota from cen tre of con to centre o Con The steamer Lake Superior which is aground near St John may be a total wreck as there are two holes in her and the hull is full of water ratepayers have carried a bylaw to raise for water works sewerage and an electric light station j Wanted t IMS in J fir JOHN Holt THE J King Speak for Themselves Our Groceries iha lbs Cleaned for r8 Soap for Bars for Bars Cameo for Cans Pink Salmon for 25c lbs Fresh Figs for 25c 8 lbs fur lbs Rolled Oats for lbs Rolled Wheat for Malt Breakfast Pood i3c Dried Apples bright sample COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AND WE WILL BE SURE TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU J QUEENSVILLE Breakfast Foods Prunes from up I 9 For Sale FOB SALS One Cow one Farm a lew Early Everett Potatoes J To frame bouse and lot In Mount Albert formerly occupied by the late Jos good stable well and about one acre of land In good cultivation A number good fruit bearing trees and small fruits Immediate possession Apply to TinBdale Albert T ALBERT DRUG STORE A CHOICE STOCK OK Field and Garden Seeds Just Arrived g Carrot Sugar licet Mangel Turnip Seed sold at right prices A full stock of SPRAYING MATERIALS Constantly on Hand We carry a full line of tent Medicines among them grovea and Rheumatic Cure Family attention day gj or night TLLOYD DRUGGIS ic Two Jersey Bulls St Lambert years old Also Fresh Milch Cow Grade STOKES Mount Albert Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY A CANADA MOHTUKAf or oiitKOron Andrew raanSamucl A rex lacoetc Accepted DAVIDSON Ml Albert Chief tor Hew Store NEW GOODS litne to We have a full line of Prima Art Mil NEW LACE WINDOW SHADES POLES We a of Wall on li soil tlvnryone We a bo baud stock ever of anil Parlor Tables Lounge Room Chairs awl fiitle Give a chance to you BY Central Telephone Baldwin HhHWHWNhNHNr THE LEADING SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LA DI Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh

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