Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Apr 1902, p. 5

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A I J p ONTARIO Total General BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS 1SSUEE at and to Manager INSURANCE tot to fl Ramsay Insurance Agent and Totaled Town Property THE AT FRIDAY The- St- Argus rises to Last eiectkm it was Dr wart now it is Mr Whitney is greatly concerned about the book or A sentimental editor out in Kansas any sweeter in the language than I love you V Perhaps not but the words Heres that dollar I promised for years subscription are not at- all lacking in eloquent and delightful enunciation WHILE Is la Heap of a Marvellous Care IT IS A RESCUE FROM SUFFER ING AND DEATH EFFECTED BY PainesGeleryCompouaJ ftps Sundries and Finer prank Duncan AUCTIONEER Reals Keymarket Bolton and House Km Corner Street and The London Eng Daily that the colonial contingents for the coronation ceremonies will total At the Late Queens Jubilee there were only The above stat ed exclude officers who willattend in the usual proportionate numbers for instance twentytwo accompanying the men from Canada The telepJxme bills introduced in the Commons this session by the Govern ment and the for East York are to be delayed till year Mean while SolicitorGeneral proposes appointing a commission composed of expert telephone man a competent municipal man and an expert legal draftsman to prepare a bill for next session The LiberalConservative Club To ronto all by their lonesome has a vote of want of confidence in the Administration and tins too on the eve of the Premiers departure to accept King Edwards in vitation to board with him for a month- Canada honored by Sir Wilfrids recognition but it is wood and gall to the sensitive Club of Toronto of MARRIAGE LICENSES the Era Newmarket ntrr Issued J J1 I83UBK OP MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON NEWMARKET LATEST Monuments and Head Stones Allan A storm at West wrecked the Franklin Church killing two members of the congrega tion and wounding several others in cluding the pastor The revised list of eight teachers for South Africa at Toronto by the Minister of Education is as follows Miss Florence J Wilkinson Miss Mi M Scott Miss alt of Toronto Miss Augusta K Hoover Toronto Junction Miss and North York and Miss At a meeting of York County Com missioners last week tenders were opened for the purchase of worth of debentures The proceeds are to fie used to pay the Countys share towards the new Court House THE GREAT SPRING MR BROWN SAYS After the Use or Celery Compound I am now in the Best of Health Death of a Sehool lesson SAUL OF CONVERTOD The greatest of modern physicians Prof Edward K Phelps LLD after years of long practice aiid close scientific study to suffering and eased men and bis marvel lous prescription with the conviction and positive knowledge that it had peculiar virtues and am ple power to after the terrible diet inurahle was uttered by the medical practitioner Thousands of the strongest testi monials from the test known and most reliable men and women of our country fully sustain tile claims made by Dr Phelps regarding his incom parable Celery Compound One of the most convincing misled comes from a gen tleman widely known in the Capital city we refer to Mr Alfred Brown St Ottawa Mr Browns letter fully the fart that the greatest may cast off his or her burden of disease and well strong and happy it proves too that the great medicine maintains more firmly than ever be fore its unrivalled place in the estim ation of of wealth and social standing as well as with the masses Mr Brown says 1 acknowledge with thankfulness and pleasure the fact that have been cured of a very illness of years standing by use of Compound had during the years of my illness tried almost all the advertised medicines without de riving any results I was treated by several of the best doctors of this hoping to find that of ihcm at least would mv case was getting worse and was was incurabe was indeed in a condition I could not go Nine tenders were received the high est was from Co Toronto the bouse alone as was liable the prie being a little better sudden collapse tried hospital was accepted The treatment but no relief or good are to run for thirty years at suits to me I could not sleep per tent hut when the bonus is anything that I ate increased my Commencing on Good Friday we will finish your photo Per Half Dozen a This snap will only last a short g so if you axe too late- you will be to We do Pj ifcii mfirfcly to show you the g quality of our work J SMITH g Grocery and Provision is considered it figures out a little un der per cent When money can be had so cheap as this it would not- be a bad scheme to get some more lor road improvements A cablegram says The Kings birthday is in November a of the vear verv for such a brilliant military function as trooping the colors and the announcement that Celery Compound for a time I the day to he officially celebrated this year on May gives much satisfaction The celebration will mark the beginning of the coronation festivities as many royal other distinguished personages abroad will it is expected arrive by the end of May in readiicss the great lure and y teiial banquets honor of the Sove reigns birthday this year will he on a much grander than and the town Iiouks of several les of the Government are like IV to finrf 1 r I Go iK CI agonies I was extremely weak rest less tired and despondent was oblig ed to walk about with my hands pressed fiimly into my left side to ease my pains my and hands were cold continually had inclination to vomit bad profuse cold sweats quick breathing and would be racked with pain for hours at a lime the regular use of am now in the best of health have good and can use any kind of food Thank God am my old sell once more all through the use of Compourrtl John A John Char I Inn and break ma Hairy all Thomas we in a collision between at Out Mar h Mr- Sander on one of the most prominent itlens of the town was instant l killed by a live elect ric light wire about The wires were and ftr Sardeison was in the of letting loose when- the wire broke one end dropping into the Mr Sanderson thinking the wire was dead took hold of it to pull it out n tie water when instantly the force of the cunent of the wire killed him Diamond Dyes pot the Spning- time Details of toe Attempt to Hound Up Force Pretoria Transvaal Colony March 1500 under Kemp and were within the area Lord Kitch eners latest move but although sur prised by the rapidity displayed by the British gaps in the latters lines enabled most of the burghers to escape The Boer totalled men including Commandant Kniger and of Klerksdorp From the first prisoners captured it was learned that General him self was outside the actual cordon but Kemp other Boer commanders were inside the of troops The first body consisting of about Boers sighted at in the morning March reheated at full speed making for a gap be tween the British columns A race for the gap ensued British mounted infantry- which had already ridden up wards of fifty miles pressed their tired horses until they gave out when the men lumped off and raced for ward on foot Some of the mounted men however were able to tight into the gap just ahead of the burghers whom they met with a very warm fire These troops also succ eeded in back another body of who were forced to de sert the guns they had captured from the Von convoy in February The Boers tried to get through sever al openings but on each occasion were forced to double back until they ulti mate- found a gap and passed out of the British lines within sight of Klerksdorp Night fell before the pursuing columns could overtake the Boers Fie Canadians who fell of their column and tried to Work way back were surrounded by a and made a splendid defence But finally seeing their case was four of the- Canadians surrendered The however indignantly refused to throw down his arms arid continu ed a fight until he was killed This was regarded as one the most interesting incidents of the day -feoe- of Catarrh that as me cur will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through Die- mucous surfaces Such a 1 tides should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians as the danrage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly obtain from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo contains no ami is taken internally acting the blood and mucous faces of the system In buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken and made in Toledo Ohio by J Cheney Co Testimonials free Hold by Druggists pike per bottle flails Family Pills are the best While Mr J and Taylor were putting in some new ma chinery in connection with their light ing in the basement of church at Sand ford they took a lantern to examine where the gas was escaping when an explosion took place burning Mr whiskers and shaking everything up Acts 9 112 April Text Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out INTRODUCTION In Acts 58 Saul is introduced as a young man probably about thirty years of age who was already taking a prominent part in persecuting the Christians There are strong for believing that if he was hot a member of the at the time of St death he was elected into that powerful senate soon after possibly as a reward for the had shown against the Ow ing to this persecution the Christians were scattered and every where they went they the word Saul beicg exceeding mad against them determined to follow them even to strange cities On his way thither the incident in this lesson occurred PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS A well intending ye son may be a dangerous enemy to a good cause The conversion of those qualified to become leaders is of great importance Such conversions are feasible No man was ever saved because he was moral Saul needed to be con verted though he bad always tried to keep the whole law Sudden conversions may be perman ent The cooperation of the divine and human in saving men The of a good conscience Sauls conversion was a very re markable one in the means to bring it about if TO ltll TWO DAYS Laxative removes tie signature on every box Price cents lb- for Pin Jum Ju for I Tin A ir 10c cm jec KKOTTLfC Poultry Spice STORE House it the Cems of much gaiety on the right of 3 There are people living in Ontario who hold the re even for the salaries paid to school teachers Having no teal for complaint they are to manufacture out of conditions over which the Government no control Take the follrwhig as illustration Consider the very small salary that receive and the advantage of living away home it wot Id be letter for a young woman accept a young to work on a for eight dollars a to follow school teaching a means of This extract is taken from a slashing article cri ticising the Government and headed Premier has Premier or his got to do with an option bargain happily with Diamond Dyes twee a hoard of sctool trustees and Last years faded dingy dresses a school leather Nothing blouses capes as ever yet this Ik the of jas childrens and mens suite are In thousands of homes thrnugjioilt this vait Dominion and aie working merrily and Ilnrvey Ilaack of Drayton ajrcl If himself in the back vitb bis rifle white out hunt ing but will likely recover in Oups 1MPKOVKD Is only absolutely pure butter color in the There is not a trace of MUD or other offensive in it The last drop is as clear as the first It is the only but ter col used by the wotWs best te makers Once you use a common color your reputation as a butter is lowered The is sold by all firstclass dealers A at Japan has de stroyed houses A young son of Mr Geo of Perth fell into a well and was kill ed How many have My pimply face bane of my life How few would have It say If they gave Dr Ointment the test Mr Lilly did I have found Dr Ointment the best for pimples and sore faces thai I have ever used had three trying cases under rny care and hire cored them with this greatest of skin remedies All traces of the sores in each ease have been cleared off and the skin left as soft as a Babys I recommend it everywhere Chii If West Price totd by Free Enlarged The Canadian Government has re cently transferred a number of iks heretofore dutiable to the free list with a view to increasing their manufacture in this country these articles which will be admitteu free only when imported by manufac turers for in their own factories areas follows compound for the manufacture of rope Silver tubing for the manufacture of silverware Steel for manufacture of cullery Yarn of jute flax or hemp lor the manufacture towels Steel castings in the fur the manufacture of scissors and hand shears All articles entering into the con struction and forming a part of cream separators The reason for placing these articles the free list is that their use will enable Canadian manufacturers to re duce a of goods An order- incounci has also Veen passed providing for the payment of a drawback of duty on imported mate ials in the manufacture oi and ion use in the construction and euiomejit of for the fa tire of sugar horn Lift loot JO A WAV Take Laxative Quinine Tatt le All refund the money if It fails to cure is on box readers- Any yort in The Hamilton City Council has decided to contractor for In with his Government has into new and hand- to call troops dote out as gospel to their wme for wear Ibis to the colors home work saves scores of It is that the plague in annually to ram- tie Punjab Is carrying on sons month Success in home dyeing Is only as- j a fanner from and wrn the Maxwell was found dead In bed at are tired The use of House Owen coal contract WW and Imitation pack- o have car- McMillan ku to dyes a danger and a source of rW Fred a little son of a say fell into the weir and was ill owned A delightful social was spent at Mr Jos 2nd con King on Friday evening A was also him by fifty bis friends of the neighborhood Mr Snider arranged to leave for Mail the occasion was taken advantage of to Htm with a fur coat On behalf of those Mr Hart man In a short speech made the presentation refer ring to the length of time Mr Snider bad teen a resident the County of York and regret at departure- Mr Snider replied In a very touching manner referring to the many pleasant associations with his residence in tire neigh borhood iifc Latest AND SHELF HARDWARE COiMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE- YOU AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE A beautiful stock of New Millinery will be open for inspection at this store on Friday and Saturday April and i o MISS Will be in charge and will be pleased to show the ladies Jill the Newest Styles at Dawson City destroyed valuable steamers MISERABLE MONTHS South American Norvfno sovero case or a Gener ally upset nervous system developed Into Neural gia of the No ner vous trouble that it cure quickly and permanently of Oni put in ihree of scute from of the and system Doctor find irtatmeol give me help A friend wham Nervine cured of a very of si on inch trouble it lie It one And six a Sold by Dtraper TWINE Star feet to the lb Extra Manilla to 12c Twine sub jects will you Canadian in dustries or send your money to the United Slates Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINT ALSO Decker of Peelese purchase the electric plant the and to ail who unfortunately use sunk In Ihe Of her crew were an I Ad W Catarrh and bo llovod In to Minutes Per Eighty years old fifty Dr Catarrhal him Want any stronger power of this wonderful remedy over this universal Want truth of eon Detachable Tires First in Foremost ever since To have been first merely proves antiquity To have remained first proves merit CO TORONTO And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 400 On four years time Cheap at 600 fl THOMPSON The Cane Sons Mfg Co of Limited Have with and In will bo known as United Factories Limited All accounts previous to are due and payable by THE CANE SONS MFG CO Any having such will kindly send them In the Company 1 closing Its and will shortly apply for a return of its charter A Vs 1

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