THiJHEWM a feu to of disease cantcC Bed mates lift mote certainly do not if Wf it tor and I into be from roWDes Hoods Sarsaparlila feK5fll2 to own tt t get Hood J r J Robertson a Public c Ornca Street Newmarket to Loan op good Farm ecurity Public 10 IMrlelon Prisoners Sentenced Thirteen prisoners convicted during the last Sessions for Judicial County of York were sentenced by His Honor Judge on Sat urday last stealing from his employers got one year aod days in tbe Central prison Jos indecent assault font months at bard labor A- Ferguson ob taining goods under fate pretences six months in the Central Charles Plumb for selling some old debts twice got sixty days- Trios for attempting to btaeVmail city physicians will do labor in tbe Cen tral Prison for two years one day AU- Maynaxti was sent down to keep company with for six ty days for indecent assault Sam uel for assault and theft from Elsie Ward went down to the Central Prison for eighteen months Frank Gillespie Frank Fred Wilson and were all convicted for highway robbery Ry- being tbe leader of the gang was sent to the penitentiary for sis Gillespie got fan other two were given two years Its one day in the Central HEALTH IN SPRING pother REQUIRES THESE MONTHS Choppin a err CjnvOanccr 3 door Peal Herbert will alao lie mi market Saturday and iiara CT reliction for J Hoe Co Hank Aurora I mi Cf S Money G HI III IAL A J itntni timet J DR lo Or TRUNK TIME TABLE I si I CO t m a 5SS 1 Mill a to a to I a tf rt a a 5 tf H So H 3 t a CI rt fi a a J 3 S a c 5s S t- a a 2 mi 5 j 4 Metropolitan It a Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET A aH X CO a V ft a si a a rt a w 4 W t- Without infringing on the superiority it may he safely est woman is sometimes she who keeps to herself what she knows A doctor in an had a little patient the cause of whose i a story Chambers Journal To Kelp Throw off the Imparities discloses The little patient That Have Accumulated During had a little mother who believed Winter self born I doctor One day when should not be UsedIt la a Tonic made doctor was taking his leave the other said That is Needed in tem- she was specially great on v temperature by the war I will send Id this climate here are many A te j a clinical thermometer and c take temperature without these is tie tong hours perfectly shops offices and doctor to h T bed was startled a ring l S at the bell and hastening to the door the matter you are only who gasped iAa iitava Ellis Architect ai lit xid fcladt for U The Agreement ah The following extract is taken horn the Conservative organ at Kingston not because North York leaders familiar with that journal but it contains a gross misrepre sentation which other Opposition papers have likewise given utterance to The dosing hours last Ross session were marked by an other high raid on the public do main An immense anil valuable of public lend square miles in extent was away to fuenis and of Ross machine without a single dol lar being paid therefor Fair and honest of the acts and of any Government is le gitimate but- gross perversion of facts in order to make a point against opponents is anything hut com mendable journalism Instead of a high raid the public domain as stated in the above extractinstead of an immense and valuable tract of public Ian being voted away to friends between the Company and the Government does not give away to them one foot of land but on certain conditions it does empower the to cut the pulp timber on the laud stated payment of cord there forthe Government reserving the right to sell the pine limber on any land granted under said agreement But there are other conditions of vast importance to Ontario connected with the concession The Company is hound to expend at least id const ruction of pulp wood plant etc Of this sum is to be expended within one year from April within two years and the balance within three years This million and a half of dollars is in addition to the already expended the in developing water power etc mak ing a total of 2000000 if Within three years from April lift net in erecting pulp and paper mills and titer plant the agreement null and void and is also made for enforc ing under forfeiture of hands the production the specified quantity and viz tons an num return for what the Com pany agrees to do towards developing that part of New Ontario the grants for a period of years to rut aid within five miles of the rivers and streams tifhutary to of the Woods except on un- lands pulp wood for the operation of tie mills to their Ml capacity Urn Company however required to pay cents per cord for all spruce pulp wood and ten cents per cord for other woods this price to be advanced If the market warranto it at the option of the and the Government may conditions regarding cut ting The gives the Com pany Tin rights In We land and no only the privilege to cut and no pulpwoods be cut for ex port In the fog- Hie pulp wood tim ber 1 manufactured in Ontario aid all jlons are so distributed as to form centres of that will In expanding favorably effect whole of the part of New Ontario the nature of tle agreement the pret and stump arc as a high raid upon public domain voted in I he closing bourn of of Hoot Instead of and especi ally the Miniver of Crown for this credit for IrratJKur- a policy calculated ho a barren wilderMv into a hive of industry for of little tired after slight exertion or perhaps your appetite is fickle or lit tie pimples or eruptions on skin show that- the is not as pure as it should be It you feel this way not only your comfort hut your health demands that yon fake proper steps to cleanse yourself of blood impoiities that are responsible for your condition You need a tonic bloodpurifier nerve and of the system Williams Pills for Pale At meet all these requirements more perfectly than any other medicine These are tonic pills and not violent and weakening like purgative nseU- Nature does not requite a vio lent measure in Spring but a helping hand to throw off the impurities which accumulated during the winter and so toning and iig and function that a ci health will pre vail Everyone old and young ought to Dr Williams Pint Pills in the spring There is no other i will do you so much good Mr James Salmon postmaster Salmon Creek says Last was feeling decidedly unwell at times and felt tied I tried several medicine- but nothing did me any good till J began the Dr Williams Pink Pills and a few boxes of these made me feel like a new person- I would advise all who feel rundown and out of sorts to take Dr Williams Pills Dr Williams Pink Pills ate also ef fective in the cure of all diseases due to poor thin watery blood or weak nerves Do not take a substitute for these pills it is a waste of money and a menace to the health to do so See that the mil name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale people is cm the wrapper around every box Wold by all dealers or sent postpaid at merits a box or six coxes for by addressing lie Dr Williams Co Mr J P Wells of King has it cow which has given birth lt six pair of twin calves in six years This cow has been a very valuable one to Mr- Wells as he has on several occasions sold the calves at each He has another cow which has had twin calves twice Oh sir please sir do come at once Miss is worse Misses said I was to tell you that her tem perature is one hundred and eight and is fast Scarcely waiting to put on his hat the doctor rushed round to the bouse of his little patient and discovered the whole family assembled in the sickroom awaiting the end of little Marjory the mother ringing her hands and crying What is the temperature now the doctor almost shouted Oh sobbed the mother I have not dared look since Oh my poor darling It was one hundred and eight and they say that one hundred and five is always fatal and she broke down completely Without wasting time the doctor turned down the blanket and found that the thermometer had been thrust between the childs side and arm and the bulb was in a freshly ap plied hot poultice A CARD We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a bot tle of fireenes Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your or cold We also guarantee a bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J Guthrie a loss of by fire Floods in middle Tennessee have resulted in- los aggregating four Twentyfour persons have also been drowned TOSM BE A TO I UAH WITH a GOLD CLAIM Dr If hit throat and strain The thing Constipation Bilious Sick The cure best cure Hin purest cure is the neat desirable cure A compound is the cure Dr are purely vegetable You can lake ihsun any lime The are the tails palatable pills eta as tta Sold by Thomas Hunter chared with Hi death by looting of at Segutn Falls has acquit led at Parry Sound on the ground of Wlf- was insane and sauitcd Hunter several times mm mm And lagB part of comb tfa raora of Kidney wuUnt South of Oat was for fi a ni a form of To use his words- decided to try tome of he medicines I recommended to use Cure jweived great benefit from qui bottle and fie bottles cured there ha rcircr been a of kidney or do- that time Sold by Lehman Newmarket Hie says Karl one of tire three men in KlnKton Penitentiary for at fern to blow up a hxk of the Ca nal Luke Dillon the Irish and a member tin FIVE are all the time Painkiller needs to ft toy a ache oven when It is sharp enough to make a man Dont fooled by lions and The Dominion customs shows an increase for the past nine of nearly and other throat relieved by VatvoCrto- IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP A remedy for coughs and colds is all but you want something that will relieve and cure tie more severe and dangerous results throat and lung troubles What shall you do Go to a warmer and more re gular climate Yes if possible If not possible for you then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all with success in severe throat and lung troubles ttosc bees German Syrup It nut only heals and sim ulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease allays causes easy expectoration gives a good nights and cures the Try One many years by all druggists in the world You can get Dr Greens reliable remedies at Scotts Pharmacy Special Colonist Excursions 1902 TO CALIFORNIA COLUMBIA UTAH IDAHO COLORADO MINNESOTA NORTH SOUTH DAKOTA points Through fast daily connections limited to continuous passage in each direction For further particular apply to Grand Trunk Railway System A IfcOLELLAN DICKSON District Passage 1st continues into Summer Session and August in all of our Splendid from April our Special thru July Departments School The There are- no vacations and mem bers may at any Mine and continue lor any desired term down Teachers Machines and a dally Call of members this month J the character and College i I or circular Toronto J LOAN SAVINGS COMPANY j TORONTO CANADA C Kfof Vktoria HON GEO A COX President Paidup fund Interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Demand Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on days notice What Women Like in Men in and Husband and Wires are the titles of a series of very interesting papers the third of which appears in Cosmopolitan for April- It is announced that their Excel lencies the GovernorGeneral and the Countess of will leave Ottawa for New York on Wednesday next Her Excellency sails on Iodine Saturday for England where she will he absent several months The Department Fisheries so we axe informed will shortly resume work prosecuted so successfully dur ing the past two seasons of restock ing the inland waters of the Province with bass and other fish it is intended to some this way during the present year in WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD Managing Director W TREASU For in the County of York Nine COUNTY OP YOU I Virtue a of Count TO WIT HUM r Decem J Hundred One a lunlin me to proceed the lb Arrears itio it ot together and ex- nolle tiai ihjild bo sooner ttudai cco or so much thereof n may ho to the artara of taxes and ALL THE FOLLOWING LAND ARE PATENTED EXCEPTING LOT CON NORTH The London correspondent of the Toronto Globe says One of the most effective street decorations at the coronation will be a Canadian arch of grain emblematic of the agri cultural resources of the Dominion and similar to the one in Winnipeg admired by the Prince Wales Aside of the Easter features the Canadian magazine or April there are valuable articles John K writes of curling in Canada in a way to interest both curlers and general readers The protective vat- vaccination is told by John Fer guson The career of Henry Hudson the discoverer of Hudson Bay George Johnson the Domin ion statistician A press despatch Mom real states that on Friday last fifty re patriated Canadian families from the New Slates left that city per for and the North West In all there nearly souls and nearly all irt- taking up homesteads near Win nipeg The further states that nearly people were sent forward to the West during the past The Montreal Witness of Satur day last commends Ontario prohibi tionists for having decided to avoid the Manitoba blunder of dividing ami thus weakening their fortes on the prohibition referendum It then ex presses its regret to observe the ac tion of some overzealous local boards adopting resolutions to re pudiate the referendum No but much harm will result iiuni such action DISTRICT NO SALE TO BE HELD ON MONDAY DAY OF APRIL at the hour or In House St E Toronto MUNICIPAL TV OK Few Street Acrea 0 pt ft Main A Total NO and or Sale to be held on TUESDAY DAY OP APRIL At am la PUBLIC 8 Arnold Street Village of OF HA UK HAH Lot Con W part I I to Win Ma- W part A OK Con Aaaaded to part a OF Lot It uJntiu it to J to In it Hoover toll 8 Henry a If lie a to fi VILLAGE Ac roe Church Statu Mii a IjTSth It Taxed 3d a jo Taxed SIM ill Tax 202 tow It fri or as 1 I M in i as Total Total Tola- it i 2 ill NO 3 and Solo DAY OF APRIL 1903 at hour ir jira to the TOWN HALL OP KA8T Lot Con Acres it a lo part part 17 pait MUNICIPALITY OP WlllTCflUUCII r1it Acrca John R I SO to Kpart MUNICIPALITY OF HOLLAND LANDING mi tPl Street acrca part lu latonWY lot lEHlulito Ira1 ford ltd letcmx Ifawhlni Survey part Lot J part 111 IS I Total Pew A it Total Few St 1 if SI 5 ft7 I A w I it Jit WO North held on PJIUiUfiDAY DAY OF APRIL 1002 at the Hour am to HALL VHUgoof BUTTON OF Description of port port pRrt part part- part part Port it 9 Gardner at OF Hot Falcated to part Tan WW 11 2d It Con iwlekxa at I Krawtek ferr It OF VILLAOS OF a Flan Aero York Krai FeraAr Few A 1 IM tk Total W 14 IT Tot la Tola la en It is stated that legislation will he introduced during session Parliament to grant representation to trie Yukon in the Commons The Globe dent intimates that Hie gold will be given one two members in Parliament This action will direct outcome the visit of Governor who has been at Ottawa lor the past or lour weeks According to Ottawa to the western dailies Henry Strong Chief Justice Canada will from the Supreme Court tenth in September next He has impli cation the Minister of lo he retired lie was in I860 and has been member of the Supreme Court Since its formation in He was to Justiceship in the ilea Sir J J PAGE METAL GATES i no can fc Light porta hear man on tao cod tag dm a lifetime WlUnotxaKnoriffctHctbtrJ with which way apd only gate Die Education in to has out no less than thirteen tin veiling Two were shipped last weekone to Copper and- the to Cordova Minfc A pas at the late session Legislature making grants rural hot I libraries We are iiifoniied that regulations governing the distribution these grants will he made alter midsummer holidays Navigation on the northern waters will tie early this season The Bulletin remarks At the office of the Navigation Co the is busy preparing opening navigation Nearly allot the officers have been signed but as yet they have not been assigned to their respective This year the Majesty City of and City of Midland will make weekly trips to Marie and Mackinac The Atlantic will go as for as Marie once a week Trie place of tbe latter on the North Shore will be taken by the one of the later additions to fleet The City of Toronto will again ply between Mid land and Parry Sound making daily trips during tire tourist season July and the will nxake Hips week between Parry Sound and Ki calling at French River The Company pate an tourist are preparing or ft In such a way a to avoid ihe overcrowding which la caused consider all dl satisfaction t It Js expected that the first steamer will sail about April I that In farm purfxna Wo and rCcoPQuUrj WotNhndHtupnii f CjUrftUed For InihntB and