Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Mar 1902, p. 3

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i Weeks Iioeal IS OH Baste Holidays the regular single- fare- the electric road is tickets will he issued Good Friday Saturday and Monday rtod to return on single Band The annual Concert of tie Cituens Band will take place on the of May Tbe boys are bound to keep their reputation for- a firstlass program- Particulars lat er Note the date fiend On Thursday last week while running a sawing machine cutting wood on his premises Mr E Lewis Street his left band very badly lacerated by coming in contact with ile saw However it is improving nice- for 15s HighClass French Wrapper regular 30c yard This week yard at Roches The Friends The place of meeting in Newmarket will be decorated next Sunday and the sermon by the pastor in the morning will be on tie theme Easter Test morning service The Lord is risen indeed and hath appeared to Simon Evening I was not dis obedient unto the heavenly vision T13E NEWMARKET jvs A iv- I IIMBIM Thimble Party The will bo their regular business meeting at three oclock next at the home of Mrs Car to which all ladies are cordially invited The meeting will be followed by and tea Missionary meetings Last Friday evening in the Chris tian church Miss a returned missionary from Japan gave a Very interesting address on the denomina tional work in that foreign land was appreciated by a large con gregation During the evening Miss Pringle and Mr Walter Stephens a beautiful duett The subscriptions and collection for the foreign work amounted to over Dont Forget n To call at Store Friday or Saturday and see the very latest in new Millinery Acknowledgment Sons received a diploma from the Directors of Worlds Pair in Paris for their of wooden- ware on that occasion It also states that a medal has been awarded but the latter has not yet arrived The goods manufactured by this firm are getting a worldwide reputation and business is correspondingly increasing Surprise On Tuesday the members of Pyra mid Lodge sprang a sur prise on who is about leaving Newmarket for Man itoba by presenting him with a beautiful emblematic ring suitably en graved as a token of esteem from the Lodge A number of speeches were made which regretted that Mr Mac- dougall was about removing from but wished him success in his new home There was a good at tendance and a very social evening was spent will long linger minds of those who took part Millinery Opening A bright new stock ol Millinery will be open at Store on Fri day and Saturday April Last Friday afternoon Col met with quite an accident on Pros pectavenue near the Town Line and it was very fortunate that personal injuries were no more serious He was driving bis Miss Terry of Sharon home from the High School when the horse took fright at a little hoy going along the sidewalk In a small wagon drawn by a dog The horse suddenly shied and the rig up set in the deep ditch at the side of the road Miss Terry escaped un hurt but the Colonel was injured in his leg One wheel collapsed the and one shaft was broken Curling Ah thru the season a great deal of interest has been manifested among our curlers over contest for the Davis Cup a magnificent ornament presented a couple of years ago for for local competition by lion J Davis The interest culminated in the match on Thursday night when Mr A rink came of victorious by a score of to The players were A skip Wake Howard Lloyd Clark and Frank Suther land against Stewart skip A Fred Doyle Alford and Luke Doyle This is the second time Mr toij has had the good fortune to win the cup Bible Tte Executive of the Newmarket Branch met on Monday afternoon Mr Webb in the chair Present Revs and Cornell and Lehman B Cody J Y Airnjtage Jackson The Treasurer reported a little over on hand but it was served on examining the books that that about onequarter of Town had been omitted on the canvass Messrs Webb and Lehman were re quested to enquire into the matter and the Secretary was to look attest collections on Owing to bad roads the country meetings were failures the past winter As the year closes on the of March the Secretary and Treasurer were in- instructed to forward all moneys paid in by Saturday night Real Estate Changes On Thursday of last week the Moses Knight farm in the 3rd Con of Bast owned by Mr Smith was sold by auction to Mr Michael of North for the sum of Mr has purchased the brick house on the corner of Queen St and Prospect from Mr John Hunter for the sum of Mrs Dr Freeman of Toronto sister of Mr Willis has bought the house on Par venue occupied by Mr Phillips Mr A Gilniour has purchased the house at the head of Water- street in which he resides Mr John McDonald has bought a lot on from Mr Doyle and intends building in the Spring Christian Last Sunday morning the pastor received six more new members into the church On Sunday evening the sermon was preached by Miss missionary from Japan This Good Friday a special religious service will take place at oclock to which the pub lic are cordially invited Next Sunday being Easter the choir are preparing special music and the sermon in the morning by the pastor will be appropriate to the day In the evening baptismal ser vice will take place Morning Subject Faster joys and Easter service evening The pow er that A special Easier offering is called for to be used in renovating and beautifying the inter ior of the church Doom A break in the big engine at Canes Factory occurred on Tuesday after noon delaying work for a of hours St service t on Good evening for Easier Sun day and special music First at at Paneake the Ladies Aid of the Christian churxh will hold their annual Pancake Social on Wednesday evening Aoril in vestry Pancakes and new maple syrup will be served and a short musical and literary program rendered A welcome to all The Burglatiy and store at was by a tramp one night last week who got a small sum of money and such articles as he could conveniently carry away He was traced to Toronto and Montreal and some of the stolen property was re covered by Constable Savage Produce was a big market last Satur day- gutter in abundance but prices were very steady Butter to 31c and eggs to Po tatoes per bag- Apples a basket Turkeys and chick ens to 90c pair Maple scarce at imperial gallon Fresh grated quart An Early Season People tell us that this is the ear Spring that we have had for to years Seeding has commenced in this vicinity and will be general next week if the fine weather continues The roads are all dry and dusty and the soil is in good shape for working So far fall wheat is looking splendid and gives promise of an excellent yield Supper Recognizing the splendid fight put up the past season by the Newmarket Hockey Club a complimentary supper was tendered to the boys by some of our citizens at the Eagle Hotel on Wednesday evening The spread was in keeping with the occasion and after ample justice was done thereto a very social time was enjoyed by speeches and songs The Hockey boys now fully realize that their ef forts were appreciated Misfortunes nevef cojuc singly it is Saturday night fire red on theRC church premises On Sunday one of the pews gave away during- the service in and as service was concluding an electric fuse burned out and put but light in Ycups A visit to the old home is one of the most delightful of old In New Engl itnd more and more has been made each year of tie feel- for the homestead and it is only natural the old Borne pa per The Youths Companion should participate in this renewal Last week the publishers enjoyed a visit from one of year sutoribers Peabody of Chicago now ninetyone years who had been spending a few weeks in England lie is one of tie few subscribers on record who has taken The Youths con- since its first issue The letter in he sent his original subscription was one of the first he ever wrote Thru young manhood maturity and old age thru times of war anil times peace in New and in the West thru all the last seventyfive years of his life his one constant companion has been tie old Youths Companion The Mr Pea body holds for tte paper is rot because of its age but because the paper although the same in purpose its last issue as in of seventy years ago has kept pare with all the extraordinary developments of these three genera- lions and instead of growing old has young in enterprise in origin ality and in the ability to know and supplv the literary wants of the American family f Spring Goods Arriving Daily NEW SPRING PRINTS FROM PER YARD UPWARD NEW ART OTSUNS FROM PER UPWARD NEW YARD NEW LACE but always have shown the best value in Lace in Town this season we even surpass ourselves CORSETS Beet Letters of incorporation were grant ed to the Newmarket Sugar Company by the at Toronto on Tuesday fiie promoters intend to push the matter as far as possible this year and have everything in shape for next year Contracts will be made with farmers tor growing the beets stock will be taken plans se cured etc so that stone for purposes can be hauled next winter The factory expected to be ready for operations by Sept 1st A The boys Trinity College Toron to have decided to erect a memorial in the beautiful school chapel to the brothers sons Rev J formerly rector of St Pauls Newmarket who were drowned at Newcastle during the last summers vacation The elder boy was head of the school and the younger was following in his broth ers footsteps Both boys were very popular Over one hundred dollars have already been handed in for this object The Tailgoas The prospects were never brighter for a season of sport in Newmarket than for the coming Last Monday evening a very large and meeting was held in the Fire Hall the Lacrosse Club was reorganized and folio officers elected Hon Presidents Hon Win Hon J Davis I J Gould I Lennox Cane J Woodcock Lloyd Vice J 2nd President Howard 3rd J Smith J J McKay A and officers Manning Chaplain Rev A H Lloyd to convention- A M Cameron Monday is a Bank Holiday Mr Perkins put a new floor into his harness shop this week Mr Will Wright has wonderfully im proved the interior of his shoe store Friday is a holiday the Post Office will be open from to a Palm Sunday was a Spring day Mr J Taylor shipped a car of cat tle and hogs to Toronto yesterday Mr Bert Taylor had a provoking experience with a horse oh Main St Wednesday afternoon which broke the bridle Prospective Enjoyment Many noted public buildings have their career opened by gay throngs of diners and dancers but it seldom oc curs that the closing of a public build ing is celebrated in any manner The antiquated dignity of the his toric old County Court House in To ronto will never have been more ap parent than on Wednesday evening next when its portals halls and spa cious court rooms are to he thrown wide open to the North York Old Boys and their friends These same rejuvenated Old from our own recent experience are not likely to undertake anything in a halfhearted manner any guests who accept their invita tion will doubtless share a very fes tive evening A musical entertainment of much merit by professional talent Is first announced for pm followed by a dance on the old assize court room A choke refreshment menu will be served before midnight and card play- em or the drowsy smoker can both find retreats So great has been the desire for in vitations that a second supply of an nouncement cards had to be printed Even these were inadequate to fill the many requests made to the who desire to apologize to any of the associations recent hosts in this vicinity should their names have been apparently overlooked all of whom they will he delighted to wel come at their first annual At Home all patties presenting to a con ductor of the Metropolitan on Wednesday afternoon next admission tickets to the At Home the commit- tee are able to give a return rate of and also announce that a spe cial ear connect tag with the allnight Toronto service will leave North To ronto for the return trip about am tickets above red to art to be had at the offices of I Mr T J Woodcock or Mr Keith Grove Stock Market Prices in Toronto axe a little un steady yet ruling high Some very choice Easter cattle sold on Friday at and Even Tuesday some extra butchering cattle went as high as with medium sorts at to and poorer stuff down to S3 to S3 Good fat cows are worth to and poorer ones fetch 3 are firm at 325 to for weighing to lbs and to lb ones at 375 to Heavy feeders weighing to lbs at to and stockers at to Some calves have sold as high as while poorer ones run about 4c Milk cows are selling at to apiece and in some cases go as high as for extra good ones going to per bucks to and yearlings at to Spring Iambs are going ay to each Hogs have advanced a little during the past week Selects are now at with fats and lights at Twenty good sound working horses to years old weighing to sold at Grands on Tues day from 80 to 170 each Some secondclass horses aged whih had been tore or less used up in the city but were still serviceable tor farm work sold from 40 to A lot of mediumsized drivers ser- viceahly sound ran from 40 to each Newmarket March Flour per barrel Wheat per bush I ted Wheat per bush 0 Wheat per bush Buckwheat Barley per bush Oats per bush Peas per bush per bush Butter t Sheep Pelts Wool per lb Hay per ton Bran per ton 18 Shorts ton Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair Geese per lb Turkeys per lb Fine Just at oclock last Saturday the alarm of fire was given and as the North end of the Town was already lit up by a glare of light many people imagined that a big con flagration was at hand consequently a large crowd soon gathered The fire had broken out In the sheds ad joining the Roman Catholic Presby tery and had evidently got a big start before being observed The firemen were promptly on hand and In a few minutes had the flames- under control The horse cow cutter everything was removed from the stable which was badly gut- led by the fire but the loss on it is covered by Insurance There was no insurance on the sheds which arc a wreck The origin of the lire is a mystery a 4 a a a a a 56 a 80 a a 18 a a a a a a a a 75 a J a a 0 a Toronto in Quinine the Toronto March Red Wheat per a White Wheat per bush a Spring per bushi a Goose Wheat per hush a per bush a Oats per bush a Peas per bush 0 a Rye per bush 0 a Eggs per a Butter roll per lb a Hay per ton a Potatoes per bag a Sheepskins a Wool per lb 0 a Hogs per a Beef fore a Beef hind a Chickens per pair a Ducks per 05 a Geese a Turkeys a Seed a Hod Clover 4 a Timothy Seed a 0 85 00 0 SPECIAL WELL BONED CORSET FOR PAIR STRAIGHT GIRDLE CORSETS IN ALL MAKES AND AT ALL PRICES Immense Stock Embroideries Direct Importation just to hand f Quality Variety Unlimited The lowest trade anywhere WiA I CORNER STORE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER the with any other weekly tor hoot We gladly welcome you to attend Millinery Opening SATURDAY MARCH 29 Dont miss this Grand Display of Spring Millinery from Paris London and New York Models See the Mantle Room Display Of Dress Goods Silks Muslins Sateens Laces Dress Trimmings Ladies Shoes Kid Gloves Handkerchiefs Capes Costumes Jackets Rain Coats Dress Skirts Underskirts Waists Wrappers and White Underwear c householTfuSsIncs Wall Papers Chenille and Tapestry Table Covers Curtains and Curtain Materials Furniture Cov erings Window Shades Curtain Poles Brussels Tapestry Ingrain and Hemp Carpets Oil Cloths FOR MEN Mens New Patent Kid Canvas Dongola Kid and Box Calf Shoes j New Hats and Caps Suits Neckwear Kid Gloves c Roche CO Newmarket vr k

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