ONTARIO capital rest iswow Q President NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Bulking- Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits IT HIGHEST fcltlfl DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL And Drift a lid and Hems J for Rod Life Money to Loan At Current Hate A Ramsay Fire Insurance Loir on Farm And Town Tin Main St And Fancy WHAT IB J ABOUT TOWN Another addition of about lock and call boxes in Post Office week is a the public will who have to get boxes lately It is also an evidence of growing business of- be Town AnotbftP Wall Pope Friday and Saturday we will sell One Thousand Rolls Handsome New Wall Papers Borders and Ceil ings to match at pec single roll all this seasons new patterns aM worth per roll Glad to See There axe growing signs of near ness spring More warmth in the suns rays more brightness in tbe sky increasing tendency to quick changes from snow flurries to sun shine and again all points to end of winter So does the lengthening of the days Tie of Families ttJoyfiil News That Makes People Well and Strong CANVASS WOULD SHOW THAT THOU SANDS ARE BEING CURED AUCTIONEER S3 Newmarket Bolton And Corner area Street liyman Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Newmarket Office Papers lued At private residence J 3tTBEO MARRIAGE LICENSES 8 ONT MARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Before Ordering ficrjful Roads Owing to tbe tfaaw on Thursday of last week ran on Friday the roads in this part of just about Sutton stage started out on Friday morning hut Mr Morton found it ut terly impossible to get to Sharon and turned around before reaching Morri sons corner Saturday morning the roads were still very soft with the wet snow and the stage driver went out with a cart taking only the letr consequently everybody between Newmarket and Sutton had to do without their newspapers till after Sunday It is many years since any- like this has occurred Horticultural Society has de cided to hold its Summer Show in the Skating Rink Newmarket on the and of There are two special features this year that sbould create interest arid the Society deserves en- for advancing ideas They are A quantity of flower seeds are to be purchased by tte So ciety and distributed free to the lie and separate school pupils of the Town and certain prizes will be given for the best results other tea ture is prizes for the best kept Lawns and Flower Gardens in Town These features continued for a lew years should make Newmarket the most attractive summer Town in On- tsrio The people who Save not beard in some way of Celery Com pound and its wonderful triumphs over the diseases and ailments of life cannot be counted as newspaper or magazine readers nor ire they amongst those who are in touch the medical progressivoness of times A canvass that were possible of families Celery Compound is being us ed during these early spring days would disclose the implicit confidence that is placed in tiris greatest of all spring medicines would show toe enormous number of people who axe being cured of some of nervous ness sleeplessness dyspepsia indiges tion neuralgia rheumatism head aches kidney and liver diseases Now is the time that Celery can astonishing and happy results to the sick Now that spring is with us giving a promise of fte weather and new beauties it lend encouragement to the work of getting well and strong The use of Celery Compound for a few weeks will truly every debilitated weak and sickly man and woman The change from a and complexion to a fresh healthy color with bright sparkling eyes unclouded brain the enjoyment of refreshing sleep clear fresh blood coursing through the body will be the sure reward of every user of Paines Celery Compound Accept no substitute or imitation See that the name is on wrapper and bottle People are glad to see the snow banks disappear both in Town and country In winter some people always pre fer Hummer and in tbe summer they prefer winter Snowballs will soon be out of sea son March came in quiet enough last Saturday Look out for squalls and Defeat i London Feb War Secre tary Mr announced in the House of Commons that dur ing the last days Boers had been killed or captured and that 2 horses and head of cattle had fallen into the hands of the British troops The prisoners include Gen son and the Generals Secre tary The attack upon the British convoy in the western Transvaal resulted in the capture of officers and men by the Boers Only one officer and men have been released Winnipeg 2 An explosion of gas in the furnace of the public acety lene gas building at caused A GOOD HAND Every face some good fine a head a good profile characteristic that will show up Fell in a picture It Is part of bur art to look after these good show them in photographs we Consequently our pictures represent you at your best J SMITH KNOWLES Grocery Store FISH FISH FISH lull line of Freeh and Salt Fish Ob hand for the Lenten Season A Stock of Beans Cabbage Potatoes on at Close Prices Freeh Sea Herring pec do Trout per per Pth Salmon per ft per Pre Pork fl to lie pec Cheapen Place In Town for Meat To Una Meyers Poultry Spice you Bate at STORE Opposite House last Saturday Neither wheels nor runners could be used with comfort consequently only a small market sugar season will goon bo here The wheels have again been put in to commission Now for the veils to keep oft Marchs tanning winds The ice harvest continues More farmers are putting than usual This fapeJI of wowless weather must jar the women who like to sec their take exercise before breakfast A frequent exclamation Mind I Thats my sore arm It is an old saying that chickens come home to roost- Yes chickens have more sense than a lot of young roosters who stay out almost the break of day Time the ice was the sidewalks let us have dry walks married We clip the following from the Har bor Beach Times Mich Mr and Mrs J were pleasantly surprised at their large and comfortable home on Second Street last Friday a party of friends consisting of of the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church and their husbands the occa sion being the host and hostess wedding anniversary t It was a hastily arranged party to take the place of a disaopomtment For several days Mr and Mrs Keiley had ifcen making for en tertaining a number of their relatives from Ontario but at Ifce last moment only one Mr Jack of trolia a brother of Mrs Keiley was able to corn Then the aid society went to work and a surprise party as sisted them in passing a very pUasant evening and doing Justice to light re freshment During the evening Mr and Mrs Keiley were presenter with a silver syrup tray Members of Huron Lodge No of which Mr Keltey is a worthy and popular member gave them an elegant silver tea set and the Macca bees besides numerous friends and re latives remembered them with splen did sliver presents Mr Keiley is a son of she Daniel Keiley and Mrs Keiley is Fanny of the late Ceo of The adds its congratulations destruction of the plant and build loss is about with no insurance R mothers She Tells How Little Ones Can be Kept Well and Happy When baby is cross and irritable you may rest assured he is not well even if you are unable to see any symptoms of his illness other than It is not natural for a baby to be cross and he not so without reason He has no other way of telling his troubles than by crossness and crying When baby is cross give him babys Own Tablets and they will soon make him good- natured and happy because they will cool his hot little mouth ease his sour little stomach and help his ob stinate little teeth through painless ly These Tablets are just what every mother needs for her little ones and for her older children too Mrs Clarence McKay says find Babys Own Tab lets the best medicine I have ever us ed for my little ones When my was four months old he was very much troubled with indigestion He would vomit his food as soon as he matter what gave him and he seemed to be always hungry and kept tbln and delicate He also suffered from constipation After giv ing him Tablets a few days vomiting ceased and his bowels be came regular and I must say that since I began the of the Tablets I have had less trouble with this baby than I had with any of the rest of my children Every mother should keep Babys Own Tablets In the house at all times there is no telling when an emergency may These Tablets are a certain cure for all the minor ailments of Utile ones such as col ic diarrhoea sour stomach and sim ple fever They break up colds pre vent croup and allay the irritation accompanying the cutting of They are sold under a to contain no opiate or other harmful drug and dissolved In water may bo given with absolute safety to the youngest infant Sold by all drug gists at 25 cents a box or Vent post on receipt of price by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- vlile Out Han manuring a field is sometimes a loss as the labor and time is really thrown away if the manure is spread over too much surface It cannot supply plant food to be of service un less the quantity is such as to afford a sufficiency to the crop and it is bet- to use all the manure on a small plot than to attempt to spread a large field with a limited quantity of a farmer has yet to learn how to make save and apply manure Some men of cii make their creatures Feed horses as near the as possible When eating more saliva becomes mixed with the food aiding digestion Dont stay at home and about the of the institute and see for yourself that it is worth the money This is not the money making sea son with must farmers but it offers many opportunities for money saving It always has been and always will be a penny and pound foolish policy keep poor animals or to keep animals poor Allow the farmers institute to ga ther you in It has something to whisper in your ear that will be pro fitable for you to hear The frost is now fitting the soil to do good work next season the tiller should be fitting his mind to best sup plement the work of frost You can influence the shape of a colts legs by keeping the feet trim med in proper shape the same as you can trim a growing twig It is a curious fact and vet true that some of the most profitable mo ments any one engaged in can spend are in repeated washing of the hands It is a parody on cleanliness to to strain filth out of milk when it might have been obviated by the most ordinary precautions Tie horses so that they can lie down Comfortably at night It is a practice with some grooms to tie so they cant lie down save the work in cleaning the next morning Have the horses teeth dressed oc casionally a little attention given to this will prevent a socalled side- driver or puller It prevents sore mouth and assists mastication When horse fastened to a hitching post he will be more patient and comfortable if he does not face the wind This may seem but a small matter to some but when the comfott of the is considered it deserves consideration Wet need educated men on the farm There is work for the educated and intelligent farmer Our advice to the young boys is to educate themselves and stick to the old plantation The farmer is the backbone of the coun try That broken everything is ruin ed Ground rye made a thick slop is excellent feed for growing Rye feed purchased at mills where rye flour is made is also good teed in the same way We would advise against feeding rye to breeding stock however perform excellent ser vice in enriching the soil According to on meadow land earth worms eject sufficient digested mater ial to greatly change the tiis of the soil amounting to as much as eighteen tons per acre in some cases and containing over onethird of one per cent of nitrogen They also the soil and permit of the better access of water air and warmth No farmer will burn corn or hay a stove in order to keep his animals warm in winter but he burns extr quantities of such materials in the bodies of the animals when he doe not provide warm quarters Heat must be procured from of some kind and the must have the fuel or fall off In weight and production Warm quarters save food and prevent diseases But for the manure on some farms the Cows would no profit as many farmers bestow no attention to breeds or the characteristics of indiv iduals When it is considered two cows are alike and that one may be capable of giving twice as much profit as another the farmer who keeps inferior cows imposes him self a severe tax or incompetency The of care and attention will not enable an inferior cow to give a profit compared with those that yield large quantities of milk and butter Dont farming but quit fooling with the farmcut down acreage put down the plow deeper run the cultivator more often plant only the best seed and give the smaller acre age the very best care and attention Youll get bigger crop at less ex- pence and therell be a heap more satisfaction during toe entire growing period of crop than to dig and delve over a wide area the work never seems to be entirely and satisfactorily done The chances are too that the crop will grade of high er quality and sell at a better figure There is a heap more satisfaction in farming by this rather than in the oldfashioned way Begin now A LONG OP SUCCESS In curing cuts burns and bruises as well as all bowel complaints In held by over years Avoid substitutes there Is but one Fain- Killer Perry Davis and THE DISCIPLES SCATTERED Acts Golden TexUTherefoce they that were scattered abroad went very- where preaching the word INTRODUCTION When the chief- priests and elders found that despite the example which they had made of Stephen condemn ing him to death because of his faith in Christ multitudes yet firm in their espousal of the rew Gos pel they determined upon the most severe measures This led to a gen eral dispersion of the believers in Christ but with results far diHerent from expected PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Suffering righteousness sake means the giving up of own good for the good of others To preach Christ successfully we do not require a pulpit or a church We can preach him by kindly deeds gra cious words influences tender sympathies and lives filled with his sweetness and power Though these people were leaving so much behind them in Jerusalem yet they were taking Infinitely more with in God faith in Christ and joy in the Holy Ghost This lesson presents an opportunity to impress the muchneeded trutfi religion is a matter of the heart and not an intellectual belief a THE RAPING j HARDWARE STORE v E J The Latest DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall you do Go a warmer and more re gular climate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either case take the ONLY remedy that has been introduced in all civilized coun tries with success in severe throat and lung troubles German Syrup It not only heals stim ulates the tissues fo destroy thegetaf disease but allays inflammation causes easy expectoration gives a good nights rest and cures the pa tient Try One Bottle Recom mended many years by ait druggists in the world You can get Dr Greens reliable remedies at Scotts Pharmacy HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET I TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE Telluiide Col Feb most terrible ever known in Col orado caused the deaths of from to men at the Liberty Bell Mine on Smuggler Mountain today Nearly all the buildings of the Liberty Mine were carried down by bhe slide It seems that two slides occurred prac tically in the same place the burying those who were trying to res cue the victims of the fust Mens American Sample Boots lace or gaiter Sizes and only Regular Price while they last 149 THE IMMENSE PINES OF CAN ADA furnish the basis for that peer less cough and cold remedy Balsam It cures quickly and cer tainly Of all druggists Made by proprietors of Perry Davis Pain- Killer Coming The Provincial Colonization Depart ment has been informed tins Company promoters of Algoma Central Railway a are preparing to bring out Scandin avian colonists early in the coming summer The immigrants are now ready to and will be sent for as soon as the town hips are surveyed Passage money will advanced them They will employment outside their farming operations in working in the pulp mills The Co is under obligation to the Provincial Government to bring out set tlers within fen years Remember we are clearing out Winter Goods M Tie active business man is just as liable to take cold as anybody and because he feels be cannot to lay with it he neg lects It arid a neglected cold leads only to Grippe arid Grippe to the open grave i GRIPPE CAPSULE nips a cold in the burl you feels good effects in a jiffy and it cures like magic no need of laying heals while you work P ft builatw j Hhnwarfr Me on lb tint rift of a cold I two and It cold UUlt wonder worker off AT A CO Cod Liver Oil Will YOUR MAKE YOU MAKE YOU it ana Hut Clsfkr iihUvl fiflr anil JAViH A TELL Teachers Typewriting Ma chines Students Id Day Members In the Even ing Classes Positions filled from- Jan to Feb indicate the conditions now prevailing Control Business TORONTO A strong reliable school which you may enter at any time No t Vacations Write for Circulars Thorough Courses given by Mail Ask for sample Lesson Principal Toronto ENGINES Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Dick monarch or SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Rig tor On four years Cheap at 600 A THOMPSON I r To Builders and Contractors Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the of March next for the erection of a Solid Brick Residence in Newmarket Contractors may tender for the whole or any portion of work The stone and brick will be furnished on the ground contractors to supply all other materials Plans and speculations may bo at the Era Office Newmarket or at the office the architect J A pills Esq- East Toronto No tender necessarily accepted JACKSON Newmarket NEWSPAPERS TOH SALE AT THE Ell A Sons Mfg Co Have with and in fit be known as the Limited United Factories All accounts previous to Dee are due and payable by THE CANE A SONS CO Am person having such will kindly them in at once as the Company i closing books and will apply for a return of its charter