EyjftA4ffi3 rf Highest For All Kinds salt always on an albert -Vi- Of j a to private and companies At and per cent Notary Albert J I V 1 gE W I Hi ii THE STATION V We are He mfstet for e statement of of January an Robert drovers dipped the month and catUe BREEZES Baldwin is not seasatiorr- lie So sooner excuse tfiai vulgar lean sooner is she put of the throes of one sensation than BLACKBERRY AND WILD STRAWBERRY PADS TANGLEFOOT INSECT POWDER Protect from the and gel flow of iHk using- our Spray It will fix Forrests Drag Store lipUNT ALBERT You can save money by buying jour at the I John of Harry netfcaMrniide remove it here -k- Does our good Tommy be those made at the Conservative invention relative to in North Conservative peospepts York It possible to The postponed annual supper of the here was held on Frday- evening roads were a very bad state there were about present- A very Si 5 fool an old bird with Let us hear no- attacks on our P Gen for wrongs he never com mitted- Some organs have been POSTPONED A i and the bantam had folks has After tte for been postponed eprtbes action of pUnasters salaries step has pheof Jones hypnotist will of tte weather and the of law again- possess the latent roads ap pear nett week a r i iii- PRODUCE MARKET solar None of the outside buyers made flying about- their apiearanfe at- the market on why not petition- the storm King to Tuesday Mr John bought his hand many a what produce was brought in There me years ago nient is that the would Jjiv friend mine attended laid the shanghai by a s US punch seances of 7a professional reader hypnotist and disco vereoV he was endowed with the Practice was a fair turnout the roads made travelling from a distance al most impossible Prices as butter Jo to chickens to turkeys to geese to ducks A STOCK OF Suites and We for Holders and the wehrated Stretcher Picture a delivered free charge J when ordered icjonlHy ALLAN THEAKCR runaway- Si Stoles had lively runaway coming to on Tuesday forenoon with a team of horses and cutter The horses be- canie at spine dogs when opposite blacksmith shop and dasher up Centre Street They broke loose from the cutter opposite the Miller block and continu ed their wild career until brought to a standstilt The or the cutter was broken but fortunately the occupants escaped injury j- J A of the Methodist oyster supper at are mo re abundantly blessed the beautiful- It almost seems as if We never had The old frayed for rain which tame and wash ed him and- his house down stream ffhen rescued he Lord of his always wiijr 6t for trapTbas Set And sweaty V j Before he- gets Misses Clara Ada were storm peo Saturday till Ihpse lively girls are aware Mrs wouldnt- bo Its providential tbey didnt tear house down over her head is wonderful how anxious our folks are to keep me posted joyed ad made him unaccomplished performer Ja derived much amuse ments V l 1 wish every town and soei- ety would Newmarkets ex ample aid the Sick is- a desert mg institution demand lor medical aid around at mostly beauties however are able to attend be an- expert politics of our ladies could teach him some useful lessons political architecture am assured but cahoot vouch for reliability that are on a grand scale for a wedding in our settlement There are things in this Id that fdont have any infect theyre a Two of thee are signs and ghosts Of course it evening was spent The pro gram consisted of recitations music vocal and instrumentalh and the usual toasts Deputy Supreme mander Sir K was present- He has about three with the There candidates initiated during his stay and still five applications before the Tent Had the weather been favor able nodoubt a much larger wquW have been initiated The Tent now numbers eighty j David has sold his newly built residence to Mr William Mi -Warriher- intends moving Marie p There was no in either church last Sunday owing to school has also been closed three during the pant weekB from same cause friends of Mr Van man will fe to that be te J a severe of of the ALL CASES OP DEAFNESS OR ARE NOW CURABLE try Intetf on- born deal are incurable HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY 1ll A entirely treatment of fire right begun lo if and IhU kepi until I are ato iBThoiilof in ear for catarrh for three any consulttd ft num other the most eminent rax apecialUt of this city who told me that only help only that the head noise would then the bearing in the affected ear would be lost forever aowvoKidTertimetrtaecHenully and ordered After I used day according to the rd after fire -seeks- my bearing the diseased ear baa entirely I tnaok yon heartily and to remain Very truly yours P A VRM AN Baltimore interfere with usual occupation YOU GAM CURE YOURSELF AT HOKE fct AURAL LA AVE ILL grudge great wool MARKET Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Mills and get highest Toronto prices In Gash Full stock Flannels Blankets Yarns etc also S Suitings always on hand 2c paid for wool taken to ox- cnanse for goods j Geo Sons the home of Mr Olivet on confidence itf ray ability to fix It up day evening the Hub Measles have made their appearance on Saturday evening He not OPINION to by- the etors o Perry Davis PainKinerV i- v AURORA OUR BOOT SHOE STOCK -IS- ASSORTED Stub Proof fe and Moccasins IN Cold Weather Foot Wear RAMSDEN ALBERT a sefes to preach this to an ally -where- ttey have a little in this vicinity Four of Mr John children on the Scott town are suffering with Mr Peter of Scott died of pneumonia on Monday We had another snow blocade on Monday The train from Sutton due at am did not get here Until oclock in the afternoon the stage could not get through to newly organized Libera Club held its second meeting on Friday evening and was largely attended of the was com- and decided to hold re gular meetings the and fourth Tuesdays oi month Con siderable interest Is being taken in this organisation and the membership will no doubt rapidly increase Marshall of organ- was present on Friday Evening and delivered an excellent address in the course of which he dwelt lately fly spring became of an the aims and of the and gave much valuable information OUR known his plans yet Some time ago I inquired of the hello- girl if telephone She modestly declin ed to reply to an old friend The mystery has been solved it is possible and to a is the honor of the discovery in formant sum of the kissing seance was thus Will a kiss sweet pet darling You shall have it then my dear What another and another Heres one from ma and one from pa Now then thats all right yes if is Ma And now ma good night has laid in a stock of valentines regular old timers such as used to make a fellow have the jams Are you looking for one We are all promised one in the form of a snow The weatherwise are predicting ear- country Irishman for sure seen ghosts and the toini There are sisfor death v The Owl that stormy was dont faitii signs If we get spring by April 1st well be lucky ft is rumored that our friend John Thompson of Newmarket w Yates Com Is about to of her cousin Miss Alice Kgypt Corners Such news Is too good true 9 m FALL STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE INCLUDING Specials in Furs and Ladies Coats Lined Rubber Coat IT IS A SELLER SEE THEM Miss the guest Woodcock Mr Alex and Misses Elsie have returned from an extended visit with friends In Mr John A of Toronto County Clerk was in town over Mr Jra Morton has gone to Mark- ham where he has secured a position Mr a Miller of was in town on Tuesday and Wednesday Mr D was in Toronto from Saturday to Tuesday Miss Edith at the home of Mr Phillips of Aurora a former resident was town tjils V i Keen Yourself WARM by buying a Queen Stove We are glad to hear at Muster Thomas Cowling is recovering after a Little Eva Merchant is to be up again alter being with inflam mation of the lungs We see Thompsons are out again after being confined with diphtheria- Jvfre Miller is on the sick list Mr and Mrs George Atkinson in tend to visit their sons in Hillsdale next week On Sunday a from here attended tte quarterly service on the 3rd and report an enjoyable tlrne-on- we back It is reported revival service are to wmmence here again soon We are pleased to see Miss May in our midst again looking hale and hearty The Misses HlHlsMlss Comet and were guests of Miss Maud Atkinson on Sunday Mr p is up store i We would be prVaAed to see the Owl in our midst The stormy weather no doubt accounts for his long ab sence J Warner blacksmith at Egypt is figuring on removing to Frank aged- trying his hand at Hes some very tasty work You know for years his scroll sawing took at the fairs I Our young folks are how to hop under the tuition of TV A common ij gquestioh ithiB eatfier Owl AftTy four years ago are capital Good to the of scenes almost gotten weve had some terrific lately seem to have lost their relish for Baldwin Breads Elijah Prosper Keswick is taking very kindly interest in the temporal of Geo ore arid wife an aged couple in lowly here Some weeks ago some Keswick young folks who visited Baldwin must have the measles here as there have been several cases since J Mount Albert r TIk Winnipeg City Council decide a majority of one to accept library offer A motion In favor Sunday street cara was defeated by similar majority He Sure and Call HEINES Hew Store Baldwin And get Groceries Fresh- Apples Dried Apples Salted Trout Teas Caimed Goods Long Legged Boots Snag Proof Rub bers Selling at Cost We are Clearing all Winter Goods at Cost room for our- Spring Stock Ahorse pump and everything complete used feed or running an engine KINK SALT by the Barrel Central Telephone as Baldwin Mr Howardhas been on the sick list but is how improving Mr Fred sleighing par ty- last Friday evening- Miss- Annie went to the city a week ago last Tuesday- to tend the at home the-Trjrh- Medical Students and Osborne intend spending the balance the winter theit daughter Mrs Br of New Their daughter Miss spend the time of her parents absence with her sister Mrs Smith Toron to Mr Vm been confined to trie house for some days with a severe cold but is better Mrs John is also ill with an attack grippe and heart in the Mckerroli Mr McKettfaei student from Knox College filled his appointments Sunday Mrs Silver purposes going to London to pay daughter Mrs McLean a Mr Donald went to the city last Saturday on business Het l and his bride are expected to arrive in Sutton tow Thursday evening The con gregation will tender them a reception at the Manse Missionary services were held in St James last- Sunday evening conducted Mr- of Toronto Mr of has been ting here for the past week with relatives Mr- and Mrs and family visiting her Miss Lillian was Vat home with a few Silver lost a valuable horse last week James has moved from the Lake Shore into tne village to re side Mi Amos of the firm Bros has quite ill with throat trouble Mrs relict of barrister of British whose end for some time has been expected entered into rest last Saturday- Mrs was a daughter of the Captain of Hall and of Mr Hugh and Br She leaves a family seven children of whom son and daughter are in The- son is practising law The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church held their regular monthly the Parsonage last Tuesday evert ing Quite a large number attended and after tea was served pleasant evening was spent Children Cry for northern York state are again delayed by a heavy snow storm on Sunday For Sale Two Jersey Bulls Lambert years old For particulars apply to STOKES Albert Mr Sampson some years ago on the Jos farm Miss of to in He success haying acres of good land well stocked and imptenented Robert Love of Kagawong Island returned Thursday from a to at Kng City County Lodge on Tuesday was attended owing somewhat to Rev left on Wednesday two weeks labor in the Methodist church Rev Pearson is continuing assisfed by his Mr Bush of Chatham is parents Mr and Mrs V W The pi the Aurora reports the sons between Bee and Jan whose ages aggregate years or an average of over years T lately employed by Messrs Caster has opened a grocery biisiness in the block Twelve days snowing out of thir teen days in February breaks the re cord- People are a coal Borrowing in lots is common and when a car arrives It te parcelled out Mr and Mrs John- patch seriously ill DAY and or Kidney oothd and by South erected my that I work at fUL and could for of South America and add Lit of cure great remedy Aha for I can work fourteen hoora a now tad not had tried In 4 SALE- OF In the Township of East In the County of There will be ottered or sale on of Feb At one oclock in the afternoon at Rosamonds Hotel in ttre Village ol mount albbt By virtue of Bower of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the Sale the following Property The Halt ol Lot in First Concession of the Town ship of East East Street containing one hundred acres more or less- following Irnrovernent are said to be erected on Cedar Log Dwelling anti Log Bam about Sixty Acres under cent of ton to be paid down on the day of sale For balance terms will be made known at tie Bale For further particulars apply to Mackenzie Leonard Jones Gibson Solicitors Toronto- street Toronto or to W DAVIDSON Mount -tff- Stoves Stoves Cooking of all kinds Stoves for either Coal or Wood and Heaters in great variety ALL AT- MOUNT ALBERT APOLOGY hereby tender my apology andex- my regrets for having written several anonymous letters to relatives and others in thla part Town ship of East bury said letters being of a slanderous character I also regret that by so doing I have thoughtlessly injured the feelings of those to whom said letters were ad dressed IW3 MRS MARSHALL KITELEY STORE For of Cough Powder Tor c use our We full line Patent Med Id thin Hem- and Rheotnlio Cnre and Family w or nirht TLLOYD CLEARING SALE SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS A PRICES RIGHT CALL AND KELLERS The Taylor Mount Albert SHEEP Can tapoa lota and In of East some ln Nov last On ta requested to prove property pay It away P Cutting or Saving all kinds of timber or lumber done separately at First work Holt P X THE LEADING HOUSE SHARON A GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitingr style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES I f of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can elsewhere and just as cheapl See bur new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R KEN YON j