commoaiy Inherited not 5ffl rurally fiSlTBiy rem eared by Sarsaparitta Changes- Tbe Otta wa this week in consequent upon Mills to accept of Canada tic deceased The Hon taken Hon Portfolio Mini Henry Carroll MP takes Senator Sun of British Colombia a of the to without Sco the residents of the tow In tic Senate Hon ft TOW HOW TO AND GOOD Pale Sallow or Anaemic Girls Re- the Bright Freshness of Youth by Natural Good Health Within the Beach of- AH a ofHMf ancles tab at that time had J For more ffltr years wasa vet and ite jphen it helped York- Perhaps we- can condition t what now Brriter 0 Off Stroec 4 to Loan In tie teemed all he acquaintances Kill be Gove leader J throughout Canada would ale by irrownlng fca o did not tnk that he would and were puchaed and sea father V i the juecn City by a the which that on We to do IW by S4W i hat in the to on middle of the road on wading over to Solicitor Court Ontario porters during the hwu SlliW cannot failto parliament There are tisirtyeulit trW ramK heoefit to other pale and anaemic girls trough Liberals and fortythree she seated to give a statement to the for publication My illness J said hot with the votes of this the he on a load of hay down It waff a lively when appointees of the late Govern who recently tendered the Liber als an independent support Sir Wil frid need have no further fear the overthrow of any legisla tion his ministers have- to submit St fiarrjt fl door Of- T Aurora will on Court Kom Co flank Fundi n Loan p G- to loan Barrister A I Block oppMfle in DR R to Dr Opposite Store QkfD RAILWAY NORTHERN TABLE jf S if Filled The Senate vacancies created the resignation of Hon David Mills en Friday and by the death of the late Senator Allan have been given to Mr James McMuIlen tor North Wellington and Mr for Lincoln and Niagara The Liberals will soon have a majority in the Senate and then we expert to see the constitution of that bran of par liament changed so as so make its members not only mo immediately amenable to the electorate Canada hut bring it mo with tie spirit and genius of res i govern At the institution costs the country entirely and besides all that our view has not changed because of a change of Gov ernment We regard it as the- saxne old political graveyard as when the Tory Administration made it the dumping ground for rejected party hacks The fact of its being more Miss Brownlee came on very gradu ally and at first though it was a reeling of depression and tiredness kept getting worse however a finally had to give op a good position I was at times troubled with a tabbing racking headache ray appetite gave out the least exertion tired me and my heart would beat painfully My teemed to like weights and at other times there was a sinking sen sation which can scarcely describe I was treated a good doctor and too number remedies but with out any improvement in my condition and I began to fear that I was doom ed to be an invalid One day a friend who called to see me spoke very high ly of ftiiliams Pink Pills and what she said interested my motter so much that she bought a few boxes 1 began taking them and in the course of a few weeks was no room to doubt that they were helping me continued faking the pills for a of months or more when 1 felt- as well and strong as ever I had been It is about a year since I gave up taking pills and I have not since felt the need of any medi cine- I think Or Williams Pink Pills a grand medicine and should tak en by all pale and feeble girls Dr Williams Pink Pills make rich wasdHsraantredas a military station and its cannon down Street to Toronto some times requiring five span of to drag the lumbering of the mudHoles Such was dition in helped to the success of enemies Family Compact for Lyon graphically deecribed it the worsts road in the world as ifcde4 the concentration of his fortes To the North of our village there was a corduroy that reached to the Elgin Mills to the South of anoth er reaching two miles with each end bobbing up and down in the slush through what marked on our earli est maps as the Black Ash In those days it was no uncqmhon sight to see the passengers of the old stage coach running along with fence rails on their to give her another when she again got into difficulties Mr John did a great deal surveying about Kingston- In a murder occurred in the Indians were charged with the killing of a man named John Sharp The trial was flgaio n HE LOSES MEN A CATTLE LI J- f L more recent ap- Wood with every dose taken thus restoring the bloom of health and the brightness and freshness youth to pale and sallow cheeks does not remove the Jectional features of its relation to the electorate or change its powers as a Lord Kitchener the Kan the night of force various directions and forming a continuous mounted men on the west bank ol the Velt from far south Fannys and to Kaffir kop The advance was continued and Wet was within the enclosure but realizr his- position be ordered his men to diverse and sreK during bp night Wet with some and a number tie the line and at oclock in the morning it was by rushing his cat tle at the take broke his way thru the line mixed up with the cattle and losing three men killed Many attempts were made to break thru the line on the night of Feb to come at the Town of New reports Lord Kitchener the line of castle have been j outposts being attacked at various at Isle Point- Air the night a member of But very lew nd ten dead Society of has Boers were picked up in morning kindly forwarded to the writer an ac count of the tragedy named and A Farewell the Boer continues- latter the father of but as faras I have had settled on the 0haUined they consist of in killed creek in the present County of On- wounded and as well as They weie the of tired horses and many eat ing hack to the for the riearffeilbton did not get details of the pose of and trading for furs with the Indians On one tie Our casualties were only ten Lord Kitcheners- weekly report determining the rights and Through their action on the blood the Oil their return they privileges or the governed By an- they cure such diseases as anaemia found the poor fellow murdered his other year we hope the desire nervousness headache rheumatism skull having been Id with a they took a man with them named shows Boefs killed and taken Sharp Sharp was left to take care prisoners with wounded and of camp while they proceeded up surrendered totals of liberals throughout tbe length and dyspepsia St Vitus dance breadth of the Dominion will be real- troubles diseases of the l lbe ail make the lives of so many constant misery Sold in boxes had noticed the Indians Senate responsible to the electorate The Postal Service Early in December last we publish ed a number of statistical items tak en from the last report of the by addressing the Dr rhasterreneral relating to the ser- Hams Medicine Co Ont vice in this and adjoining counties but there are other features of general During the past week a deputation information in which no doubt our Typographical As sociation interviewed Hon Ma- lance heart club The two quickly made pieced to learn that there is kidneys way back to Osbawa and dreaded disease that that their story to LockWood able to cure in all its The readers paper will be at least science has its stages women a settled On the Lake f that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh scamped on the is the only positive cure known wrapper around which the shore on their way to York Toronto medical fraternity Catarrh name Dr Williams Pink Pills day or two previously Some of constitutional disease re- Pale People- Can be procured from j them were intoxicated and one of the a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of system there by destroying the foundation of the druggists or will be sent by mail Indians went through post paid at a box or six boxes the motions showing how kill ed Sharp This performance was watched by Ixickwood from a distance readers will be interesied The- lock against giving Government print- lowing statistics mark the rapid de- to outside offices Hut why of the country and gives strict to Ottawa have to an idea of the immense and proportion of government labor of the Department expenses why not give I chance These Ottawa people are two hundred and twentyseven new becoming so spoonted that they Having got hold of this story Lock- giving the patient wood started for Toronto after the strength by building up the These were found by Lock- fcion assisting nature in doing I go wood and the Indian Superintendent Col to whom Locikwood had related the particulars of the murder encamped on the Island A warrant TORONTO AND NEWMARKET la oi S A it S3 S3 S3 a S3 3 33 were opened during the year The of letters ex ceeded the of the previous year by The frequency of service was in- Creased lor The number of notes paid and issued increased from to W7- The total value was an increase for the year of hundred and ninetysix postal opened The money orders for the year amounted to an Increase of or since of 4- An arrangement was made with the United States whereby the American Government pays postal and money orders Issued to persons in tre United States in the same way as if were paid Canada- Canada does tne same for United States or ders issued to persons residing here The deposits In the Iostofitce Sav ings to an IncnaEe or Thett were inaugurated during the year new accounts as against for last year Despite the reductions in postage the revenue exceeded that for and the in that year was omitting Yukon transactions has decreased to And meantime postage rates have cut by nearly thirtythree per cent- f act silly sometimes Rake Saturday Several business houses we turned at Tamworth near A milk was struck by a train at Vroodfctocfc and a boy owned Units had both legs broken Children Cry for CASTOR I A press despatch from Winnipeg states that the Manitoba Government has decided to appeal the country at the same time aa the Liquor Act referendum la part of May The Liberals of will give Hon Mr Com of Public Works and Samuel banquet at on the evening the Instant The occasion be the opening of the new at the has teen In the Ontario Assembly the con stituency of represented by a supporter of Mr Whitney in the person of who takes much delight in boasting of Its normal Con servative majority But in of this fact and of the reoom- at a party convention- a change has recently come over him There Is talk of Warden a bar to his The latter Is also a Conservative been a Patron and has a on the air thinks there are other Conservative pebbles on besides Mr Whitney thatll all We are told that Dr is conducting an in quiry Into the decline of marriage and its causes Guess its because too many girls of the be typewriters etc in town anj city rather than dishwashers but when they- become old maids of the ten and twenty year a hence they will then regret that ma chines were ever Invented The rule by the there are 50per marriages now amoijg young years ago because more In number being Insured not altogether reliable however Insurance was not bo wU understood HEROIC FOOD ID in of fitlaM ynd all frmm It fttrfwh a migo wU works a quick and m It If heart which lh crown which Is lbe life It Deter Thirty ralouie iho fitt do bout forget pain- Try It by Lehman Newmarket faith In its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to Send was issued a Sergeant and guard testimonials cured and the Indian given up by the Chief whose name is said to have been Counsel was assigned to the Indian who on trial successfully raised tbe question of jurisdiction as to whether the crime was committed within the home dis trict or the district of Newcastle then newly set off On this occasion Mr John was summoned as a witness to point out the limit of the Indian and embarked on the Speedy Vessel which had brought His Excel lency Hunter to York Aug The following quoted from the Gazette Upfer Canadas first- Newspaper dated Nov by the late The Speedy this Port York on Sunday evening Oct with a moderate breeze from the north for was disci Jed on that Island on Monday following fore dark when preparations made for their reception but the wind comiftg round from the with violence a to render it impossible for her to enter harbor and shortly after she disappeared A large fire Address J Co Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls Family Pills are Ike heat Philip exCity Treasurer of Buffalo was arrested on a charge of municipal funds PALATABLE AS The Kmulsion of Cod Liver Oil for those from severe coughs and hemorrhages is the greatest Manufactured by Davis A Lawrence Co Ltd A trunk from New York contain ing cigars was ftt Mon treal There were no revenue stamps on the cigars tod to may tared cntghnndcoW by A P express was wrecked near Medicine Hat fry a broken rail Several cars turned over and among the passengers hurt was Mr of Toronto IN OF ATOICA the fame of has apreAd The natives use it to cure ccjtfi was kindled on the shore as a guide wounds and sprains as well bowel but she has not since been seen or complaints Avoid substitutes there heard of and it is with the most J is only one Perry Davis painful sensations we have to say we arid and Member of tf House of AEsomDiy fit the t the policemen sent to ar rest hint- The officers rushed in and overpowered him Angus McDonald Advocate and Mem ber- of the House Jacob Mr John Surveyor Mr John High Constable Cowan tfce Indian Inspector twenty The above named gentlemen were pro ceeding to Newcastle to and for the trial of the indicted for the murder or John late of Wie A i f A I 1 of Wrappers Re and one price egtcb 7 fc conned Mm ovochatos Thar are the the twf to or a An to aid tired Lb bfra biUp4 no iokh jnakfldeprted faartard looking- memory poor yek with and at deposit la atnaU2 Debility d Weakness tt to In ill FjC of qnrck old for BlxuJc for Treatment DBTBOIVf MICH For Taxes in the OF I Virtue of Warrant by the Warden of the Count of TO WIT York tbe of a id to mo dlrcotoU to proceed with the of Ihf Arrears of Tares on the set forth together with the and ex peases I that unless the said arrears of tax PS and be sooner paid Shall on thfddtes placei hereinafter speolfled proceed to sell a paid laa da or so much thereof may bo to of taxes and thereon ALL THE FOLLOWING LAND ARE PATENTED LOT CON NORTH NO SALE TO BEHELD ON HONDA 1ST DAY OF at the hour of oclock in th Court Adelaide Toronto OF Lot Street Acres Tare Street Main Taxes Total WO of Sale to be held on TUESDAY DAY OF APRIL At of at the Palmers Block Arnold Street Village of- MUNICIPALITY HimberstonsO W part at Wta I to OF I Oca to part as OB to 11 I to J WBelbr to SAD Crosby HI 9 I Description Lot I b Be Hoc to ft Hear Brown IS Street Aorta Church Main Main Main Jtouge ttoucra- flaBufe Total AM f 185 Total A Total 1380 WW WW w I to 1 and Holland Bale to beheld On tllJJDAYft AND APRiLV l atthe ADBOBA or j LotOou loJQhh taondtoii- part to part Lot Ji ll at a No bodies ever came to and as in the case of the on the Georgian Day the cause the catastrophe was never known In Conversation with Mrs OBrien Mr John grand who still resides us the writer learned presentment before 44 home lor his trip the Sold by E Newmarket OF iot I to 60 31 IBS Total 10 M Fee ft AS Fees A TBrtdforjHd TW in las Hpart OF Stroet lirta W Lota id Surrey part of tot part or Ul eorf tna North andVHIl4B0f on or attherfourof J I Total STT Part of part a a part fl 0 a ts c a riiiAW it is W to Gardner lot Fat to Port Bolajtex- OF pop i I part- t flO to k OP Deiorlptton TUn Lot Acre to or tab j Published J SMS its MM 1 Tots all Tot si