V vj a l 1 A A SILVER WATCH a LADIES OR SIZE rah MR ARNOLD CO Dent J Tor AFTER SHAVING COOLS COMFORTS AND THE SKIN pujffi the host WITHOUT UMPtEASWff rMrMenterftnaVlheisir Extract Midi wood life around the Hub COB- RESPONDENTS TO Indies Aid in connection wjlh St purpose having a Pancake social on Shrove Tuesday Feb promise pan cakes of the Very best style served in every conceivable way to all their patrons v The intend giving Grand Oyster Supper Entertain ment in the Music Hall Wednesday evening Feb Prominent officials or the Order will be present together with large representations from ad joining tents Politics are stirring a round about here but for toe Local House which deals so much with municipal and social issues this part of the Township like most rural sections of the Riding will a farmer trades man or manufacturer to a lawyer any time mmm NORTH GWILLJMBURY The oyster supper under the au spices of the Christian Church Kes wick took place last Monday night There was a good attendance and the affair proved a success Mr Pollocks family are at present laid up with the Mr Amos Crittenden lost a fine yearling colt one day last week from distemper This is the second one he has lest within a short time Several men thfsjc tibh are thinking going over to Uncle yams dominions to the Spring but if they are wise they will stay in Canada the best country under the sun There is no country in the world today with a intelligent prosperous and better governed- peo ple and their loyalty is shown by the contingents they send to South Africa to fight for Englands rights Oar Toronto tetter PERFECTION No wiring or piping yet beats gas and Electricity Cheaper than oil Never out of order Gives a delightfuUy soft light which does not strain the eyes Free descriptive catalogue Write for it LIGHT CO- nunc Montreal AURORA A MAKE THE FARM PAY Progressive stock breeders dairy men grain root and fruit growers beekeepers agricul tural students and home makers find the articles and answers to questions in every issue of the FARMERS ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE simply unequalled and indispensable If you are not already a subscriber to the most helpful best printed and beautifully illustrated farmers published we Invite scrutiny of a sample copy A post card will bring- free Address THE CO Limited LONDON CANADA The subscription price Si J per year includes also superb J Number tf Soft Harness cute a tod toe by OH YOQ GUI fit loo it would EUREKA Harness OH MM of ft to The North York County Orange Lodge will hold its annual meeting in the Royal Templars Hall Aurora on February Mr George Lemon has sold his resi dence and six acres of land at the south end of the town to Mr H Graham for We are pleased to notice that Mr Jacob Anderson who had one of bis eyes badly burned in the foundry some time ago is able to be out We are pleased to learn that little Margaret Winter who was so severe ly burned a couple of weeks ago by her dress catching fire is recovering services were commenc ed in the Methodist church last Sun day the pastor Key A Pearson being assisted by the evangelist Rev Robert lardy of Toronto Some time during this month the North York Old Boys of this city will a They have ap plied for the use of the County Coun cil chamber for the and the same has been granted A man named Scott stole two of figs from a railway car lastweeK- and the Police Magistrate sent him to jail lor ten days Cant I pay a fine asked Scott- Where is no fine for stealing said tie Ma gistrate and toe prisoner was by the police out the doclr The death ol Mr Geo- over years a resident pi the East End occurred week Deceased was the founder of the Sons of Eng land Benevolent Society It is said the Wilkinson Plow Co are employing twice as many men as in and the prospects of toe Co are enciniiragingTahd this too with a Liberal Government to power lor some yeais sed A serious blackmailing was iip in the police court on Friday in which a person named was charged with attempting to extort money from two or three medical men of the city Messrs and J Evans have been elected- County Com missioners to act with the Warden this year The spendthrifts will have a bard time Ate year as a majority of the Commissi oners are favorable to economic administration It has been settled that Robert Clarke of Chicago formerly of this city will manage the new King ward hotel Tee Sporting columns of the city press state that Hamilton wants td meet Newmarket in home and home games- in the semifinals hockey tournament dates are from to February Last week the York County Council raised the remuneration of the Warden by adding the sessional indemnity ol 3 a day during meetings the Council to the present salary of the number of lawsuits tried in the Assizes and County Courts here from outlying counties and taking tip time and making the taxpayers of York pay indemnity to jurymen it would appear about time York County Toronto City mem bers of the Legislature devised a re medy for this undue burden Why not up the costs against the Coun tries where lawsuits originate onefifth of the time Of our courts is taken up with these change of venue cases City clergymen are talking of doing away with services Many people take colds in winter at these services in cemeteries Hon Ross has accepted on behalf of Mrs Ross and himself the invitation tendered by the Colonial Office to the Premier of Ontario to attend the coronation of King Ed ward at London Business t The only to on in the world men rip use for incompetent young men or A course In this colfeige you thai mastery of business subjects and methods BRITISH AMERICAN i BUSINESS It that the P has completed surveying of a route to form a of this system and provide a line for its from the Atlantic to the Pacific I v David Hoskins Principal ii TANDARD ASSURANCE CO The Company has now upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY ality Accumulated Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year Policies were issued lor A young man whose personal ac quaintance we not yet had the pleasure ii make write lA- to solicit trie Goyenrhent on bis lucrative the UDiaii4jaiifeityWsi under cbrcurnstoncea say- we know of poly one and tbut can be found without the aid the Government- V j i Accpriding to the published report of of the Grange held in last week the of good roads was discussed at some length and te opinion tbe delegate was very largely in favor of doing away with statute labor which it was stated spoiled the roads The day is not far distant evidently when the existing system of statute labor in the Townships will be abol ished MiP for South Waterloo pears be strongly favorable to ownership erf public has a before th Assembly which provides for- the appointment a Provincial Board of Arbitration com posed of three who shall adjust the terms of the sale of ail public util ities taken over by municipalities Board is to have samp pow ers as an official referee being able td examine documents and take Witnesses called are to be paid by- the side calling them aiid they are to be limited to five When debentures are issued to purchase these utilities they are not extend over Another clause that municipalities cannot dispose of any public franchise without first sub mitting it to a vote of the ratepay ers Deposit over The STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to Fifteen Millions of Dollars J A BASTEDQ Agent That portion of the assessment roll of this Township containing the names of ratepayers specially assessed for the Aurora and is now posted up in the for of the public The purpose is to show the respective sums collected under the byJaw but now to be refunded on or before 1st of March next- The Methodist friends of purpose holding anniversary services next Sunday arid Monday On Sab bath Rev Isaac Council of Tottenham will preach at the afternoon and even ing services when freewill will he taken On the Monday even ing following Alls Pepper elocution ist will give a recital Interspersed with musical selections etc was quite an enjoyable affair The Methodist fiiends at gave a warm re ception BLOOM Cold Elf TEE AWT TIME Alter January for a under individual instruc tion in all Commercial Subjects Telegraphy Shorthand Type writing In Central College TORONTO This splendid school with teachers typewriting and courses of study to the test of the kind In Canada Circulars free Write for them Toronto The Special Meeting conducted by the Pastor In the Christian Church at dosed on Friday night last and not withstanding the weather the Meetings were- well attended and a very deep interest manifested from first to last The Church has been much revived many of the old mem bers renewed their covenant and en tered with renewed vigor In the work of the Lord Some twelve or fifteen united with the praying army to tell the story Saved by grace These meetings will be long remembered for the good accomplished- The Saints rejoiced and Sinners wept while God made bare his omnipotent arm In the salvation of precious souls Many of the old members said they never en joyed better meetings the meeting on Friday night when- five precious souls arose for prayer expressing desire to live a chris tian life There were present at the Fellowship meetfng on Saturday and nearly all took part In the ser vice testifying to the power of God to save The blessings of this day will not soon be forgotten The number added at with those atAttona makes thirty converts as result of our Pastors labors for the last two months lie to begirt Special Meetings in a few days Children Cry for CASTOR I A JAMES CLARKE District Inspector Dear oh but these are high old times for the Liberals It is now an nounced that a formal invitation has been sent from the Colonial Office in London through official quarters In viting the Premiers of the various Provinces to the coronation King next June KICK A DOG Kick a dog and he bites He bites you and you kick him The more kick the more he bites and the more he bites the more you kick Each makes the other worse A thin body makes thin blood Thin blood makes a thin body Each makes the other worse If there is going to be a change tlie help must come from outside Scoffs Emulsion is the right help It breaks up such a combination First it sets the stomach right Then it en riches the blood That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh A strong body makes rich blood and rich blood makes a strong body Each makes thp other better This is the way Scotts Emulsion puts the thin body on its feet Now it can get along by itself No need of medicine picture represent the Trad of Emulsion nd is on wrapper of every bottle for SCOTT TORONTO and all druggtsU ENGINES FOR SALE Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Decker Of SEPARATORS And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 400 00 On four years time Cheap at 600 A THOMPSON Newmarket New Partnership Messrs Hunter and A Hunter have formed a partnership as Contractors Builders And are now in a position to take contracts for all branches Mason Work Estimates at And guaranteed BOILER A SPECIALTY All kinds Carting and Teaming done Short Notice HUNTER Timothy Street East ANDREW HUNTER Corham Street NOW THE TIME Mayers Poultry Spice If you want Eggs in the early winter For Sato at FEED STORE Opposite Forsyth Houses The electorate appear to have bad something to laugh at as well as re gret down in West Hastings during the recent contest where Mr Porter and Mr Frost were opposing candi dates for the Commons During his nomination speech Mr Porter called attention to a declaration made by his opponent in the following words Frost says that I cant perform any miracles it I get into Parlia ment and then he took a drink of water There he said Ive just turned water into Porter and the Porter crowd appreciated the joke An Irishman in the audience made a characteristic remark said he but that was done Now if hed only turn the Porter into whiskey and give us all a chance 1 Then came the turn for Mr Frosts friends to join in the merry making and both sides cheered In reply to a correspondent respect ing the liability of a municipal coun cil under whose authority the grade of a road was changed by deepening a cut thru a hill thereby destroying the entrance to his property we may say that under the provisions sec tions the Municipal Act any person whose property is injuri ously affected by such exercise of power on the part of municipal coun cils can claim and is entitled to com pensation for damages necessarily re sulting from the exercise of such lower taking into account however any advantage which the claimant may from the changed condi tion etc We may further say in reply to this correspondent that in stead of going to court it would be better to leave the question of dam ages to arbitration end doubt the Council would accept the opinion of either Jackson or Davidson both being well up in municipal law and experience A press despatch from Ottawa on Saturday last states that the Minis ter of Inland Revenue has ordered an official of the Department to make investigation into complaints ot tered in the press against the quality of some of the coal oil being sold this winter in Manitoba and tho North West Territories The Government like Its predecessors cannot -j-uaran- the quality of the oil sent Into parts of the Dominion for sale but it Is anxious tftat consumers should be adequately protected Properly oil that stands the Govern ment tests to which it Is subjected be fore it Is allowed to leave the Cana dian refinery or cross the Dominion boundary should prove a good If the oil Is inferior when reaches the consumer the Investigation will show where the responsibility rests and permit of a prompt remedy Only this week while In conversation with Mrs a former resident of this Town whose husband is a merchant in Manitoba we learned that the oil now being shipped to dealers there does not compare at all favorably with that of previous years and dilution is suspected It fa to be hoped the inquiry of the Govern- ment will Ax tho blame where ft be longs CASTORIA For Infant rut I I SraSlSSiaawl Dowels Imams THAT THE FAOSIMILE SIGNATURE OF- Not Narcotic ft Sour Convutsioiwfeveri5h- and Loss SLEEP Signature of NEWyOHK- is WRAPPER OF BOTTLE OT At ma it I lis tilil pot la ilj It et told In balk Dont aUav snjeat tell od ana vlU Sim it A r DISEASED MEN If contracted any blood you are afe unless hit been eradicated of the the hair to break oat again happy In domestic life let Our Now Tf in euro Out tees are back by batik bonds thai the disease will Thoatandt patients have cared by nut New Method A Yeartemedhk bare done aie than and all the and medicines bad pre- tried I of those paint seen any nicer or blotches for years and j loatfaeume disappeared My has grown Id fully again and I am married and faappy CONtULTATtOM Mil BOOKS FOB IpOHHOUSTSIATUEHT Drs Kennedy A Tetter Woven Wire Fence It reliable fence for owing to the coll or No Page wire will 9fioQ pounds ordinary No will only eland a Btralo of pounds Common colled or bent on the first strain and remain to Page know they hare always been the beat rage fenced ore by alt Canadian railways Tat Co For pure blood a bright eye a clear complexion a keen appetite a good digestion and refreshing sleep take BRISTOLS It arouses Liver quickens the circulation brightens the spirits and generally improves the health Slalzelxht hare proved It to be the moit reliable All sell BRISTOLS Hunter Hunter Have bought tbe patent right tot the County of York for Roofing Floors and r also A Pittsburgh Hoofing t Persona dealring to have old roots repaired In a way which will prolong the lite of the old shingles should con above firm or write or in formation Models can be seen at the shop on Timothy ail tori jltllrtadw becks la you are Send rough ktteb or model of and we roe our opinion as to whether it en siiecesaiulry pro wealed by fully equipped offices In And Washington thltqutllfiescitoprom work and quickly Patents procured through Marlon ft Ma rion receive special without la over too newspapers dUtrlbuted throughout the Dominion and MARION Wtartt 8alleUor A Bills and Sanitary Adelaide St Toronto Plans and Estimates made for all or Application to Parliament NOTICE is hereby given that plication- made on behalf oh The and Aurora Railway Company to the Legislature the Province of Ontario at next Sear for an Act to amend the Act confirming bylaw Number of King being Ontario by extend tag the time therein tot completing railway arid empower ing the Township of Xing to pay to ami Aurora Company the therein mention ed notwithstanding anything in the said Act asd kaeretoj and all other powers ireceeeary in the feated at Toronto the January A HENDERSON We