rf ivv- WHAT OH i York District Lodge market A Is anticipated if the delegate are not prevented by the state of to roads Tennyson The Tennyson will meet at Mr Richardsons when the Ode on the Death of Bute of Wellington will be studied To the A cordial invitation is extended by Kiss to call and examine Paris and New York Designs Cos- etc at the Royal Hotel on Thursday and Friday Feb and from am till pm Newmarket Club sent two rinks Toronto to play on Wednesday for the Ontario Silver Tankard and both were defeated by Osbawa aa follows 1st Rink Burns Stewart to Lloyd Davison Brunton to Majority or Snowshoeing has been a popular pasttime with some townspeople this week They great aJl over the farms without climbing a fence Father Whitney fe haying a com modious attached the Presbytery It is a veryrare thing to nave a wedding especially when all parties to the contract are anxious to fulfil it but was the case here last Tuesday A wedding was an nounced to take place in St Johns church but the groom was at Mt Albert and he expected to drive here in time for the hour set However he had to telephone was im possible for him to get thru owing to state of the roads and the wed ding was postponed till yesterday House for Sole The residence Wainstreet for sale Terms easy Apply to Jv Forbad young cm ho was hurt In the eye at Castas Fac tory is getting along sight is returning Messrs George Powell and have been appointed Industrial Home for The the Methodist church of next Wednesday at Hospital will be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday The ladies and in the Library have kindly consented to assist and additional talent wilirbe secured This is the greatest of all and it is earnestly hoped ail New market will show their sympathy with children and work being done for by attending tills entertainment Dont forget day is hoped the churches in Town will do their ut most for the success the entertain ment Bells There was quite a large at St Johns Church at yester day morning to see Mr of this Town claim as his bride Miss of Catharines The ceremony was performed by Rev Dean Morris of St Catharines assist by Father of Newmarket- Hiss Annie of Toronto wag bridesmaid and Mr Patrick Jr of groomsman At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party were invited to the Presbytery where the Wedding Break fast was served after which they left for Toronto by the morning train The bride was housekeeper for Dean Morris during his residence in New market and since his removal- to that place performed toe functions of that office for him there wilh the utmost grace and satisfaction The bride was the recipient of many handsome presents The Opening fetid The news of the of a dear little girl Eailiert Irwin came to us in the midst of the storm on Monday and was referred to by Rev in th church that She was bright and very Attractive child the daughter of Dr J Waiter in resides in jyifik the mother and sister were vis two years the child took a great fancy Jo her- grandmother and aunt ander own mother being she dame back- with making her home here Over a year disease fastened it- self upon her and as tuberculosis set in she gradually wasted away hut was cheerful to the last The Great Gardener the pure ffower to adorn the heavenly Sunday afternoon and evening a ter rific wind and snowstorm was rag ing blocking up all the The ran several trains during the night to keep the road open but the trolley was completely blocked again The Sutton stage started out after am but only got as far- as the Cheese Factory It is said that the drifts around Morrisons cor- AW are from to feet deep The trolley got thru on Tuesday morning after work it is said that the snow is higher than the tops of the cars in many places It is a perfect fright to travel on Sutton stage started out again on Tuesday but only got as far as Morrisons corner were blocked in every direction It was necessary in many places to abandon roads and go thru the fields People in Town have no idea of how the snow is piled up In lots of fields the snow covers the fence en tirely The got thru on Wednesday the first mail the people of Sharon and north had since Saturday Our older residents say is the worst storm for the past Sole Register Tliv csa for speed fetch the tetfere fced tesn and on to carry tfeem distributers beet ad Fell iIn his weekly re- Ojike Ikrd states for the week ending Feb Boers were ft were wounded prisoners surrendered London Feb British has been to extent that his last pj has been captured Commandant one of his has been routed Lord Kiteben- sent the news a despatch from Pretoria dated Tuesday Feb as column white towards after a march attacked and Scouted a consid erable force of the enemy under mandint We captured teen pounder a pompom taken from Firmans and a Boer that the last gun Wet and three wagons of munition horses and The Boer casualties were men ed six wounded and men captured Among the killed was Field Comet Among the prisoners is of the Artillery The enemy was scattered Our casu alties were slight feJwa Recount the storm trade has been affected in Toronto this week but more particularly In the stock- market Many cars intend ed to be shipped failed to reach here and prices were high Export cattle sold from to Choice beef inferior at Dry cows from per from to and for good feeders Milkers In demand at- Calves froiri to 5c ft and to bucks and yearlings from to i Hogs are coming Rejects are now lights and fats TOTAL PARALYSIS 1 p Dootf mm tonlihM how eurmm many who to J i j STOCK TAKING SALE f Reduction of Stock Must be Made Mvtr Pleasure He- Considering the extremely cold night the attendance at the Public Library Concert on Tuesday night was ex ceedingly gratifying and the program reflected much credit on our home talent His Worship Mayor Cane presided and In his opening re marks he expressed his pleasure at interest manifested in a worthy project the opening of a Free Read ing Room for the Town One of the most was the Doll Drill by 18 pupils of the Primary School dressed in uniform with long drab dresses and white aprons each carrying a doll and the manner in which the little dots per formed their parti volumes for the patience ability of the teach er Miss Ironsides For Weir and Florence did their parts to per fection and give promise of much use fulness In future Our soprano Miss Elliott Miss and Miss excelled themselves and each cheerfully re sponded to the hearty encore The same may be said of our tenor solo ist Mr a Knowks Mr Blake Hewitt Is always well BY- A A short distance from shores of the Mediterranean lies that city the dead that pleasure haunt of paganism Pompeii In its it was a busy thriving- city the popular resort and residence of large numbers the wealthy upper classes of Rome passed their leisure time in the am phitheatre the forum and the crowd ed streets the pavements of which are worn down into deep ruts by their chariot wheels The numer ous wine shops too in which the large amphorae or wine vessels are still standing were also doubtless fa vourite resorts of dissolute patricians But they were literally sleeping on a volcano they had built their upon a Bite of beauty upon the slopes of the smoking burning mountain which formed a weird fireillumined background regardless of the fact that probably those bloodied flames which by night lit up tie pall t and steam as if the universe were on would one day he the j cause of their destruction And they rhet their fate For in the midst of their revelries the pent up fires burst forth from the terrible furnace ever burning beneath the brit tle solid crust of tie earth and eject forth from that seething caldron veritable deluge of molten rock and ashes and dust and unctuous mud The flames roar with appall ing great tongues of fire dart hither and thither fragments rock and massive are shot high in air as from a titanic piece of ord nance all streaming down upon the city in one destroying detune earth herself awe the heavens are shrouded in a pall of darkness a darkness which may dread and affrighting And now they flee some not tar rying to collect their treasure escape with their life some unwilling to their gold rush down their cellars to secure their hoard But too late Their retreat cut off and their treasure chamber- Is Feb Stephen their where their whitened Winch will have an unreserved sale bones have rested these nineteen of stock implements etc on years the portals of their tufa- in the Mbfon of North covered tomb sealed up by the iimburyi months credit will until now at length be given on sums over Sale at opened by the spade the explorer tricko faio hope of her tKard of cures by rroas troobJea dccidedl0tr7tba followed rhc it worked indeed I feel I ipak too remedy Edward RC SoW by p t The supplies of hay oats flour etc shipped to South Africa by of for the War Office amount to 000 up to date By an explosion of gas in the basement of a twostorey frame build ing in Chicago eleven lives were lost aid the building was blown into kindling wood Mens Heavy Winter Shirts and Drawers Mens Wool Fleeced Shirts and regular for- Extra Wool Tweed regular for yard inch Home Spun Tweed regular for Misses Imitation Grey Lamb Mitts regular for pair Heavy Knitt Mitts for pair Boys Qlovee per pair Be Roller Blinds Complete best standard Cloth regular for we To add to the in terest of this Sale many lines of White Goods will be contin ued at the Reduced Prices during this month At BRUNTONS CORNER STORE a a a a a a Flour per barrel White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Goose Wheat pec bush Buckwheat Barley per bush Oats per bush Peas per bush a Rye per bush a Butter a a Sheep Pelts a Wool per lb a Hay per ton a Bran per ton- a Shorts per ton i a Potatoes pet bag a Chickens per pair a Ducks a a pet lb a Turkeys per lb a NONE SO AS BRUNTONIS BAKING POWDER The Cheap Store Departments Try us for what you want and get our Prices awv WE OUR Big i Toronto TUESDAY Feb Mr Michael Cain will have an extensive sale of Farm Stock and Implements on lot con East Terms mos credit en sums over or per cent off for cash Sale at oclock Smith auctioneer Toronto Feb Wheat pec bush- a White Wheat per bush 0 a Spring Wheat per bush a loose Wheat per bush a Barley per bush a Oats per bush a Peas per bush Rye per bush per do Butler roll per lb per ton Potatoes per bag Wool per lb a a 10 I 1 oclock sharp Kava- auctioneer Cancels in a Minute A Lively Machine at the Toronto A machine capable of cancelling the stamps on a thousand letters in a minute was Installed yesterday at the Toronto It does the work of tbe sixhand drop max rect at his post having refused to quit it although a choking death and choked fall prone to the ground- angered nature- performing the funereal rites for tte struggling ashes to dust to dust enwrapping and wretched miserable in the ashy mudrain in process of time hardens round him reaving a perfect mould of his writhing con torted figure And bravest of all there stands that soldier ordered to stand sentry until SUH when discovered standing Dressed Hogs per cwt ileal fore Heel hind Chickens per pair Ducks per pair Seed Seed Timothy Seed a a a a a a a a fiO a 75 a a a a a a 50 OF Ladies and Misses Jackets Ladies Cloth and Lined Capes Ladies Furs Mens and Boys Clothing Mens Fur Caps Wool Blankets To Builders and Contractors chines that In their days were consid ered marvels when compared with the old stamp The new greatly facilitates the work and en ables the clerks to give a more effi cient by being always to date with great volume of mail received in his character songs and his matter passing thru their hands It appearance In My Host began its fitampcaacelling career in was no exception Mr Fred made his first ap pearance on the public platform as a Ventriloquist and was a decided Utile folks were delighted and Fred deserves for his ability fa this line v The Newmarket Orchestra under the- Jno their excellent reputation and ren dered or sir which were Rteatly laudable comedy No- Duke was well susUined each per son doing his or her part The thanks of tbe Board axe due to all who took part not forgetting Miss Perkins in uch a evenings entertainment The proceeds were Toronto yesterday afternoon at lour and before midnight about letters had passed between cylinders This lively machine been by order the who Constantly on the lookout for the latent Improvement in the matter especially the frequently It in use in every large city in the except Buffalo It very compact and apart a twotoot rion occupies little more space than a man standing It Is run by electri city It la adjusted to run off in an hour but Ita maker claim that It capable of handling in the same time aver age in the United State id about Attached to la an ed full in face Rut perhaps brave man who feared not death was on of the nu merous converts to- Christianity then was gaining such a hold upon the world hundreds and being willing to be torn to pieces by lions or wolf hounds in the arena rather than their holy For he knew that having ac cepted the Saviour as Mediator all bis misdeeds were blotted out of the record on high and that his be loved Lord was waiting to receive his spirit into joy the moment it was loosed from the of its coils Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to the 1st March next for the erection of a Solid Residence in Newmarket Contractors may tender for the whole or any portion of the work The stone and brick will be furnished the ground contractors to supply all other materials- Plans and may be recn at the Era Newmarket or at the the architect J A Kills J Adelaide St No tender necessarily accepted JACKSON KNOWLES Grocery Store FISH FISH FISH A lull line of Freeh and Salt Fish hand for the Lenten Season Saturday Only we will give you fresh at per quart lie and get some A nice Stock of Beans Cabbage Carrots Potatoes on hand at Close BOYS ULSTERS i In Brown and Fawn sloe and Regular Price Special BOYS Sizes and Regular 433 Special ULSTERS Deep Storm Collar Tweed Regular Price Special 5 Hardware Fancy Lamps Decorated Vase Lamp A Foot regular price week Mens For Coats and Fur Robes ffoodbrldge OnL fun eral the late A celt yesterday Sun day for Maple cemetery for burial delayed until today on account of the severe snowstorm which block- pried Apples per lb roads badly the whip Northern Spy Apple flebree of the hearse and several Bacon by roll of wore broken making it no- ft It to draw and corpse Bacon per ftby 13 MUST THIS WEEK Kerf a Two FUR COAT BARGAINS only Mans Alsatian Dog for I only Mans Coon Coat for Into the ban of Mr and put until Good family Flour per TEA A COFFEE and ft Pinto Regular Prices to 6c fecial Price Your each HOOF- Regular Price Tin BpfAi Price tot Weak each m r KMirE A Regular Prfcct set Special lie set DAISY Latest Improved Steel Ball Bearings No regular No a regular Jfi00 lor WfP i Newmarket f rf id A