rrVa T- a J I Firm Bell Ontario For sale at Half Price or Exchange for wood Enquire at Era Office for Salo f m m On Lome Avenue occupied by Lloyd Apply to J Newmar Mr Mousley and daughter wish to thank the many friends who were so durin their recent Do A shaggy looking white spot around one eye and down over one side of the face Answers to the name of Sport Reward for recov ery Any person detaining same af ter this notice will be prosecuted ac cording to law CLAYTON PO The last session of W Wed nesday in buildings Toronto by His Honor Long before the hour arrived formal the crowded The Queens Own Rifles furnished the escort of men The Speech from the Throne indi cates a somewhat prolonged session judging from the measures foresha dowed and the probable discussion thereof Legislation is promised re garding the sale of intoxicants the construction of a railway from North Bay to Lake TemisMmingincreased representation in the northern dis tricts of the Province the assessment laws the fisheries and extraProvin cial corporations The announcement is also made that the statutes of On tario have been revised and consoli dated and will be printed on complex of necessary legislation If KLXisiitT For Sale Horn Balls lUffiBtsred No- calved 2nd February 1901 Price No- calved 3rd April Price Apply Lot Street IRVING To the Electors tie of LADIES GENTLEMEN I take this opportunity of thank ing the Electors of the Township of King for the liberal support accorded me in the election for Council for I hereby desire to express my ap preciation of their confidence and esteem and hope that my course On all matters of public interest will meet with their approval Yours respectfully JO ROGERS NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the in the Temperance Hall on Saturday afternoon will be held Newmarket January at oclock for the purpose of electing officers for the en suing year and the transaction of gen eral business A full attendance of the members of the Association as well as those interested in Temper ance is requested S Secretary Application to Parliament Toronto The reelection of Mr as Mayor of Toronto by a majority of 4607 over Mr Maclean is a distinct declaration that the electorate do not endorse the public utterances of the newspaper he represents on several important questions His platform embraced a number of matters which were outside the scope of municipal politics while his dictatorial obser vations towards the Conservative representing the City both the Local Assembly and in the Com mons estranged these gentlemen and their more intimate friends from him in the contest Then again his wellknown anti- prohibition and Sunday car views lost him the support of thousands of the citizens has not made a popular Mayor a good deal of satisfaction repressed before his opponent took tie field yet when measured by a man whom leading Conservatives considered had gone out of his way to obtain self- glorification at the expense of- the party the opportunity was taken ad vantage to pluck his plumage A like result attended the Worlds nominee for the of York where Mi- Henry Duncan was again elected by nearly over Mr Ames The World tried to sidetrack Duncan as the Conservative nominee for Bast York at the coming Provincial elec tions and Us efforts to compass Mr Duncans defeat for the of the Township of York was regarded ra mother Is here on a couple- of weeks Mrs Terrell has returned af ter spending a week with bet daughter in Toronto a Mr WMoster and a lady- friend Toronto were visiting his er last week Mrs entertained a number of ladies at five oclock tea last Friday Wr George Smith of visited bis da Thursday About forty attended a party giv en by Miss Sarah Richardson evening- Mr and Mrs Henry of To ronto spent New Years day with Mr and Mrs Mr- SbuttlewoHh from Manitoba spent last Sunday with his uncle Mr A etcher The many friends of Mrs Thomas Toronto will be sorry to heat that she is dangerously ill Miss Florence of Newmar ket is spending her holidays- at Holt visiting friends and relatives Mrs Brown and Miss of Stratford were guests of Mrs Clifton during New Year holidays Mb Smith returned to Detroit after spending two or three weeks with friends in this vicinity Mr moved into his new home on the coiner of Huron- street and Prospect avenue Mr J Johnson science master at the High School was call ing on Mr A Coombs last Satur day Mr and Mrs C of were visiting their daugh ter here Mrs Herb last week Mr J Montgomery an old Newmarket boy has been appointed manager of the Ontario Bank at and Sirs A- at tended a gathering in Ux bridge Tp on New Years day at which thirty- five were present Miss Morton street entertained her classes in the Chris tian and Presbyterian Snnday schools at her residence last Friday evening Mr J Wilson of Toronto who formerly carried on tailoring business in Newmarket was in Town a couple of days this week calling on friends Mr Gibson of Toronto son of Mr- John Gibson of this Town is having sore bereavement of three weeks he has lost a son bis Miss in visit Ing Jones- is visiting friends in Sunday flarby started Toronto oday were ronto this week attending the of her brother The Misses Nina and Lena Atkinson wertiup from dur the holidays i Mr aid Mrs A Brunton were At Home last Tuesday evening to a of friends- George Wood entertained at the tea hour tin Wednesdays In honor of- her niece- Miss of Toron to Mr and Mrs Wellington of Sanilac Co Michigan spent a few days tils week at their uncles Mr Lewis street MrJ Cane had a narrow cape from getting his leg broken up North last week He was laid up two or three day the sprain Miss Nellie was visit ing Mrs Atkinson street from the city- this week also visiting her sister Mrs George of v of dollars worth more Goods than we wish to write in Stock Sheets on the 21st of January These so in price tnat the saving to you will immense We will forego all profit in reduce this immense stock in a hurry The flveyearold son of Air fatally burn ed while attempting to light a lire with matches PILL- PRICE Th a box containing pit la numbtred Dr at eta SB Till art to at ail rtnrt All Mil Car and Hendchet ws ado Heartburn AppotUeand alt troubles from pills Sold by Lehman Newmarket Mens Ulsters High Storm Collars heavy tweed linioge reg price 00 Reduced to Mens Flue Beaver Overcoats Black or Navy very cheap at the regular price Reduced to Mens Very Fine Overcoats tailor made stylish coat cheap at to 4875 Mens Reefers storm collar heavy tweed lining cheap at to 350 Underware is hereby given that ap plication be made on of The and Aurora Railway Company to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next Ses sion for an Act to amend the Act bylaw Number of the as part of the program but the scheme failed now Mr Maclean is wifes sister and mother up against a host of Conservatives in Mr and Mrs- Morrow and two the Riding who dont like the course children from Quebec are visiting with taken by him either in Toronto or in his sister Mrs Cane A thc Township of York Besides all I her friends were invited in to spend this the Conservative members re- the evening with them on Monday presenting the City in both the Local House and the Commons have been held up by Mr Maclean such terms as to call forth severe rebukes while Mayor gave him such a cer tificate of character as will attach to him for a long time to come The Mail too has had its triumph Its flag will now fly from the office tower an extra flutter while the Township of King being Edward VII Ontario Chapter by extend- with the time therein provided for World as a party organ will be look- completing the railway and empower- upon with disfavor- Judging from the vote cast it will be a long time before Mr Maclean puts his to the ground to learn public senti ment in the Township of King to pay to toe and Aurora Railway Company the bonus therein mention ed notwithstanding anything contain ed in the said Act and schedules and for all other powers necessary in the premises Dated at Toronto the January HENDERSON w51 Solicitors for the Applicants J I On the Threshold Of a New Year -H- We wish to thank those who have helped to make our years business satisfactory We acknowledge appreciation and ex- tend to our patrons wish that the coming year may be one of happiness and Our aim has been to a drug store that should con- serve in every way the best in- forest of the The arj of this purpose has been made possible by adherence of those to whom thin greeting is extended SCOTTS DRUG STORE Main Street The demise of Mr Justice of the Supreme Court is announced He had only been ill about a week eased was in his year was a native of Ireland and came to Canada in He was first ap pointed a Judge in and pro moted to the Supreme Court in Deceased leaves a family of three daughters and one son Marconi of wireless fame left Ottawa on Wednes day foe New and will sail to morrow for England He has Ar ranged with the Canadian Govern ment to erect a station most likely at Port Breton The apparatus will be purchased in Eng land the United States ami Canada His negotiations with the Dominion Government are said to be eminently satisfactory A press despatch from Ottawa states that name of Hon David Mills Minister of Justice has been connected with the vacancy on the Supreme Court bench in place of the late Justice It is generally understood if he will accept there is no doubt about his getting tire ap pointment In the latter event the name of Hon Mr is mention ed as the coming Minister of Justice and Hon Mr Sutherland for Have You Everybody Grip arid every body that Quinine the best remedy for ft But it produce effect GRIP-QU1N- INS Tablets are more effectual to wad devoid of bad The relieve In a dose and cure ha a day TheV cure La Grippe Couftha Sore throat Neuralgia Ache and Paine dose at night you all right Sold by at e or by mall from the Sold at Drugstore Mr Rogers of Sparta twentyfive miles south of London is mak ing a tour of Ave or six weeks among friends in this part of the Province He spent last week on street near Newmarket and left this week for Mr J who went to the NorthWest years ago is here on a visit He formerly resided in North and is a of Mr Michael His crop averaged bushels to the acre of No hard wheat Mrs John A Crone Buffalo writes Though many years have passed we lived in Newmarket enjoy reading Us pages as each copy contains news of friends or Grain antes would know nothing of otherwise Mr and Mrs Geo Hewitt who have been spending the holidays with bis brother Mr Hewitt had their two sons Harold and Arthur christened in Pauls Church Sunday The ceremony was per form ed by the Rev in the pres ence of the immediate relatives of the family j- Mr Frank Daker of Winnipeg while renewing bis writes The weather here has been mild bo far this winter only about two cold snaps- The plaining mill is still run ning I am leaving Winnipeg today for a trip to Montreal and other east ern points On my home trip I will be returning by Newmarket and will stop off to call on old Mr and Mrs- Gibson have not returned from the city yet where they went to attend the funeral of his brothers child While in Toronto Mr James Gibson had a specialist examine his hand which was hurt at Canes factory some weeks ago and It was found that the bone was de caying instead of the wound healing and is causing some alarm Mrs Gibson also met with an accident by which a rib was fractured a couple of weeks ago The friends of Rev P A Jour- dan of Mr Low of this Town will be pleased to learn that at the last meeting Quarterly Hoard a strong Ion wan passed thanking the pastor and Mrs for faithful work doie the past year and en invitation for them to remain for the next Conference rear in ft short address exhorting the people to work harmoniously with of her to advance the interest of the Redeemers kingdom A brick kitchen has to the parson age costing between- three and four dollars which was opened by a circuit tea on New Year s eve The flltoP On Dec by Rev at the resi dence of the brides talker Mr J Mr Fookler and Miss Matilda were joined together in sacred of matrimony IiAKBlVOii Dec by Rev at the home of the bride Mr Williams of Richmond Hill to Miss Millie Baker Hill HEATH- COOK At Belmont on Christmas Pay by Rev J Webb Mr A Heath of Zephyr to Miss Elsie only daught er of Mr Samuel Cook form erly of Zephyr GROSE- MILLER At the residence of the brides father the of January by Rev Mo Arthur of Mr John Grose of to Miss Elizabeth Jane Miller daughter of Mr David Miller of East PUTNAM- SHUTTLBWORTH In on Thursday Dec 26th at the residence of the brides brother Mr by Rev P A Miss May daughter of Edmund formerly of Mount Albert to Mr Geo A Putnam all of MAINPRISE In Mount Al bert on New Years day at the home of the brides brother Milton Mainprise by Rev J Morgan Miss Emma Mainprise Mount Albert to Mr Geo Leek Mens Fine Fleeced Shirts and Drawers were a snap at reduced to cents Mens Best Arctic Fleeced Shirt and Drawers were reduced to 50c Ladies Fine Ribbed Union Vests were reduced to Childrens Underwear all sizes at Reduced Blankets Reduced dozen pairs Fine Wool- Blankets These axe the Choicest Blankets in Canada- and a Bargain at but wo will sell this- lot at per pair Boots and Shoes You will find many worthy bargains in our Shoe during this sale All heavy Boots and Rubbers will be mark ed down for quick selling H The Tomb At the residence of hot soninlaw Mr St King Township on Tuesday Keswick on Jan of the late in her year Line Whitchurch on Wednesday 1st George aged years month arid days At his Si Denver on Dec 20th Charles Brooke Shane son of the late Thos Shane and broth er of Mrs Hewitt of Awful railway collision in a tun nel in New York City on Wednesday when persons were killed and over injured A lamp upsetting in the Free Methodist church at Verona set fire to the clothing of a number of There was quite a panic persons were seriously burned The two sons of Robinson of Brampton aged 10 and years drove over the track just as a train came along and the horse was killed but the lads were not hurt The Cradle It A DUE AD In Town on to Mr and Mrs a son the J Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor Suites for days before stock taking at prices that are simply Now is the time to fit up your homo with elegant furniture at least coat see- John H Millard Opposite Royal Hotel A to Mr and Mrs Wm Gros ser a son Clair Holme Keswick on Jan to Mr and Mrs a daughter the Methodist Parson age Parry Sound Dis trict on Jan 3rd to Rev and Mrs A Belfry Miss Eva Jackson of Newmarket a son Town on Jan to Mr and Mrs a daugh ter HARRIS In Town on Jan to Mr and Mrs Harris a daughter At Britannia on the of to Mr and Mrs J formerly of East a son MOODYIn Town on Dec to Mr and Mrs P Moody a Kln on Dec to Mr and Mrs Ellison son on Thurs day Dec to Mr and Mrs Simpson a son Ideal Bakery c Reasons why our Bread and Pastry does Excel Competition Because the Most Skilled Workmen Are employed in overseeing and the duties of an Ideal Bakery Because an Ideal Oven of the Most Improved Design Has been equipped and fixed with hard coal giving a more even beat frea from dust and ail Impuritks- Because No 1 Hard Wheat Manitoba Flour la used in the manufacture of out first quality and large output of different varieties XT URhlTURLllH Because Heavy Machines driven by Power MAIN ST NO All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Do all the mixing and breaking much more perfectly than hand thereby giving an even texture and more wholesome loaf FINEST OYSTERS per QUART GOOD OYSTERS per QUART ALL M hours Hot Tea and Coffee W N fsMy la every day Good Pay