if li GIRLS mortality for It commonly axcuaa tor It it teown a Inflamed sort J Sid or month- When Smrt of bad Sarsaparilla 4 permanent care well Hon p lloss All being Premier of Ontario will sis sojourning for weeks past Op JigjVdiiVrtri toe first opportunity presenting J riodoubt the- Premier will tell the landers and Scots Gourds Large numbers officers and of the general public were present The band of the Gordon Highlanders played Dead v Hour Colonel- 1 Wed m I March Lord Kitchener and General Shot- While Passing Along the Car- the Attention Paid to Womens Terror TBS service Thos J Robertson Street Newmarket to Loan on rood Farm Province all about what he has said and learned respecting the much Imperial sentiment which seems to have disturbed the leader in the Federal House The Liberals East York will gather in convention at Markham vil lage to a candidate to contest the Riding at the coming Ontario general elections Mr John Richardson the sitting member hav ing decided allow bis name to go I before the convention it is more than j likely he will be chosen without London Sept 13 OTileigh furnishes the Daily with the following detail of the wreek Guards The coffin was covered with numerous wreaths of flowers tributes from officers arid men Col Vandeleur leaves behind a bril liant record He joined litis Scots and in was SAVINGS C TORONTO CANADA It Will Keep riichi Red and lag neat I The train consisted Pure Strengthen the Nerves And Prevent Decline of a tailed for special service took part in the and subse- a i hath ta ftpnt of and the others occasions and The I GEO A- i Boll tor Notary in short coaches front of the guards van airs Hiram the wife of- a Those upon the train never fancied 1TSfftf south township Welled county Ontario tiresome night and ilthat and and agate with honor The following year found him Capfta a INVESTMENT BONOS I lw BuiWlaa Con Ac of nee Leon or- Herbert Lennox will beat Solicitor Lb and Ontario Bank Aurora 1 on and p Barrister Block iw to Loan DENTAL A I Office Block 8tUfftCton Guaranteed DR DENTIST to Dr Drug op positionsalthough exWarden friends want to have his name to go before the meeting as a possible coming man Mr- Henry Duncan reeve of York now ill the of a horse is the Conservative nominee Applications in considerable numbers are being W the Crown Lands in the larger says the Mail than was anticipate and it appears that now the harvesting in Southern Ontario is completed men are turning their attention to the few lands of the north- There will be a large migration of landseekers to this fall and this winter those who have taken uplands during the summer will go in to their first clearing Over 23 cations for land were received on day last On Friday last the liberals of East in convention nominated Air John McKay as their candidate to contest the constituency at Provincial elections in the Re form interest The convention was a very representative every part of the district being represented some of the delegates having to travel miles Among the speakers who ad dressed the delegates we notice the name of Hon J Gibson Attorney General in the Ross Ministry Dur ing the meeting resolutions of confi dence were adopted in favor of both the Ontario and Dominion Govern ments Mr McKay will be the next member to the Assembly for East Algoma without doubt- says that give this tribute to the health restoring virtues of Dr Williams Pink Pills When my daughter Lena now thirteen years of age began tie use of your medicine littler oyer a year she was lit a most wretched condition were seriously alarmed lest she might recover The first were a feeling of languor and weakness grad ually growing worse She became pale lost flesh had little ap petite and was apparently going into a decline Finally the trouble be came complicated with a persistent sore throat which her great dif ficulty in swallowing I gave her several advertised medicines but they did not benefit her Then she was placed under the care of a who said her blood was poor and wa tery and her whole systern badly down The doctors treatment did not help her any and then acting on the advice- of a neighbor I began to give Dr Williams Pink Pills The confidence with which this medi cine was urged upon us was not mis placed as I soon noticed a distinct improvement in my daughters condi tion The use of the pills for a few weeks longer seemed to completely re store her and from that time she has been a cheerful lighthearted girl the very picture of health I will always recommend Dr Williams Pink Pills to other sufferers feeling sure they will prove quite as efficacious as they did in my daughters case DR J- SPROTT DENTIST Correction of teeth given Special Attention Terr Old J A for li Money to at Current the Low A Ramsay Fire Insurance Isolated on Farm and Town Property Shop Newmarket On the the bullet of the anarchist assassin Czolgosz accom plished its deadly Work with the pass ing away of President in the presence of his wife brother and sister near relatives members of the Cabinet and friends During tbe in tervening days between the shooting and his demise the President manifest ed a magnificent courage that will al ways be a proud heritage to the peo ple of the nation he loved while his lofty christian fortitude during every hour of gave unmistakable evidence a sublime faith in the religion he professed The American nation mourns and the christian ca tions of the earth Join in sympathy Says an exchange In steadily climb ing upward from country lawyer to President of the United States Wil liam overcame poverty ac quired a knowledge of the sufferings of sorrowing humanity and has left a clean record behind him in fancied security v There are a few Mockhouses along the northern line on this side of Warm Baths and itself is guarded by a small outpost Besides the officers there were in the coaches several including two ladies returning to Mrs Wilde and child sixteen months old and Mrs and her baby in her arms and their nurse Cora Page That line watchers tad not reported upon the section in Those awake sfate that as the train toiling thru the cutting a negro was seen to raise his hand and instantly a Boer discharged two mines derailing the train smashing the armored truck and injuring some soldiers The same instant a musketry Are was poured into every part the train from the top of the cutting which was above the height of open trucks My informants estimate that the enemy numbered about An attempt was made to reply by such soldiers as were able to grip their rifles Colonel Shot Dead Colonel Vandeleur started up shouted Ladies and men lie down Mrs Wilde shut her eyes and plac ed the babies under the seats and lay down on the door The children and their mothers were screaming The fusillade appeared to last a long time Mothers with daubers make no f they insist upon the occasional Dr WL liedawn fire hams Pills they will help them develop properly they make a blood rich and pure and thus Hjnto ward disease and decline The t pills are sold only in boxes ft pTvZi in after Pills for Pale People the fa tte wrapper around each box None other is wnuine no matter what some self- interested dealer may Bay id doubt send direct to the Dr Williams ft carriage instantly fired a a box or s b for penetrating the heart the colonel falling dead in the carriage corridor That OH Cheese jtetween his own and the end compart ment where the ladies were Another whom the women despatches In the South African war ho served with t was subsequently appointed for transport was ap pointed to command a mounted brigade lie was somewhat severely wounded in the thigh and returned home on sick leave but his enthusi asm prompted him to return to the scene of war almost before he was really cured With Kidridy Disease f ins- iW Stone In the Bladder rains In Cure KtrocCed by Dr KdneItver Mr of street Toronto aya 1 With kidney in the bladder Incontinence In urine severe pains In the Pack and over the loins I was so bad that I had to get up two or three- times In the night and could then only water with great pain Though long a sufferer and unable to work was confined to my bed fox three weeks and during that time thought I could not possibly endure greater misery It was then that I be gan to use Dr Chases Fills it Is with gratitude that I say that they have me of all these symptoms and me a well man J would not think of being without Dr Chases in tht house and can also recommend Dr Chases Syrup of Linseed and Turpen tine and Dr Nerve Food at very superior medicines In every town village and- In Canada just such cures are being brought about by Dr Kidney- Liver Pills They are no experi ment taut a medicine that stood the test One pill a dose ox at nil dealers or Bute- t Co Toronto Beet Sagat Fac tory fij of iob and upwards issuing therefor its lYnVplPWrt remitting the amount the fpllowing conditions Thd Company to pay Interest from date of money to date of menu J The Company agrees to pay on all The agrees to cash the bond at any time notice from party and TrnnU lire by Ontario Govern- to invest in the of lay The dominion and Ontario Government accept Bonds of Company as security to lie deposited by life and tire insurance In Canada Write for burn pie bond copy annual report and for further to BAILL1E Assistant Manager Toronto Olit I J 1 Resident in 1 CONTRACT LET AT The Qlobe of Saturday says The difficulty over the illflavored threatened to kill all cheese from a number Ontario is in a fair way to be cleared flhoo are women and up Hon Mr Dryden is in receipt a letter from Prof Harrison bacteri- fir at the Ontario Agricultural ie coaches College stating that he has found a species of bacteria which he thinks is responsible for the oft flavor He Demean AUCTIONEER Beau Collect Street PAINTING Bolton Painter House Com PAINTER Is prepared to take tor HousePainting or work by the day at Of School Lot Street issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES irH smSrjTftt Paper at OP MARRIAOE LICENSES west Speaking of legislation respecting representation in Hon David Mills at had this to say I confidently hope that tbe measure of redistribution will be a perfectly fair measure based upon the boundaries and subject to this upon the principles of representation by I trust there be ho with these accepted principles in the inter est of some supposed strong candi date The Reform party are strong so long as they stand up for what and proper but if there is to be a departure from accepted doctrines It bad better be left to our political opponents who did the wrong It the principle laid down by the Minister Justice is adhered to then goodbye to the Riding of Ontario which is now composed of parts of North and East York and North and South Ontariomunicipal lines not being recognized The Telegram Conservative has very faith in the Ontario Conservative leaders loud talk along pblltlcal lines and tells very plainly that gush dont count In an campaign it says Ontario is not to be won tor Mr J p Whitney by hurray speeches to the effect that the when they were united Such talk historically Inaccurate and has the mischievous effect of stimulating that MP the party than Again again the Conservative united under Sir John to teat Oliver They were routed horse is with it to ascertain Nurse Page if possible if It is the sameas that found In the about which com plaint is made Prof Harrison who is assisted in the investigation by Prof Dean of the dairy department baa f instructions to spare no effort in the attempt to solve a question that for some months has puttied cheesemakers and farmers alike It Is intended that he should examine the milk cans in which the whey is carried back to the farms and also possibly the stables It has been noticed that the off flavor is irregular in its appearance and tinies is not present for days at a came first respecting cheese made at the factory The off flavor has since at a score or more other factories at irregular internals and it the price of the in the English market it was deemed neces sary to find the cause and the remedy once Wounded the Nurse Another Boer put up his Mauser and deliberately fired at and wounded Miss of Toronto Mrs T J Woodcock is spending a week with her In Town j Children Cry for castor 1 A at HUNDREDS OF OPINIONS agree upon the fact that has alleviated mors pain than any one medicine Unequalled lor diarrhoea and Avoid substitutes there is but one Perry Davis 25c and At Alameda John a while driving to a Mrs Wilde and Mrs saw what happened but were unable to prevent the act Then the Boers proceeded 10 the train and passengers taking from officers men and women their money jewelry ant clothes even the wuis from their feel Major Dcatson was stripped of everything money watches anil photos but he managed to get a watch back which he said was friend The Boers took all the passengers luggage including the contents boxes They were assisted by a number of natives to pit the article into sacks which were upon their led horses The ladles begged to have their childrens clothes but even these were all carried oil Two natives were also shot cue two places When the work of robbing the passengers and bloodspilling complete the wounded and dead were removed by officers and and the Boers set fire to the Boers Knelt and Prayed At this stage a Boer shouted out Let us kneel and pray arid thank arid then beheld of the majority Boors kneeling and praying From that In dication think that probably A big red cow wandering medita tively along the railway track be tween mill and the Robert street crossing was the innocent cause tumbling engine and ten der express car and coach of tbe Flyer over into the ditch on Saturday afternoon The Flyer makes the run between Toronto and Penetang at an average speed about forty miles an hour and on Saturday she was a little behind time and was not creeping along When the cow was struck the fend er or cowcatcher failed to throw her clear of track and in some way she went under the wheels and was dragged a considerable distance The engine left the rails and the en- at once applied the air brakes Sept an steam and thereby marked a new epoch in the than one life The trial history of if hot of this p the embankment province Board of Directors of was sii high and the Beet Sugar t led on side hurling the Co today awardedthe contract and twenty feet into for the erection buildings and plant icar shore li II i 1 Sonic Reasons on Having EUREKA OIL ijnecjaalled by an Other genders hard leather soft prepared Keps out water luces cost of your lever burns the leather la increased ires beat aervice kept from breaking Oil Is sold in all Mwifkrtor by Eye Glasses Dont Slip or Pinch foot and artillery They carried the commando was with y 6h Wy8 Uppers and killed with his team have seen neither in their manners nor their morals show that FACES the refining influence of true religion worry for many Person sUonsrl enemy also exploded a third 5jy from Slotaach Oui of lu mine a mite in the rear to pre- vent assistance arriving from Pre tor- Province in Federal contests with the Man help of a gerryoiiuider The political ln with history of Ontario indicates Wovitt province is not the of any Col VahdeWs Funeral Vandeleur was interred votes their own party it they Vou mtlItar me- to defeat the Hose government The body was upon therell the flow of health Km carriage and was attended by a few euro and the empty glorification of party for the sake of party gives the clous to grieve Wp a few euro a detachmenf of the troops in the by Newmarket garrison including the Cameron next fall The building and part of the plant are to be of ions of beets capacity per day the mean cap acity being tons It is under stood the contract price is almost This culmination after years of and agitation in educating the farmers of ths vicin ity in beet culture Almost a month ago the board engaged J P to promote the balance of the stock and he has been successful in interesting eastern capitalists to the of 150000 thus placing the company in shape to make a contract for its buildings and plant A com paratively small balance of the 000 to be issued now remains to be sold and a large of this is being placed with the farmers and other large blocks are being taken up by capitalists so that the entire capital is- practically assured will no doubt have the first factory in operation in Ontario The annual meeting was held here yesterday and the old board wore reelected CHARACTER IN There is character in Dr Chases Oiptraent just such character as has mad Dr Chase esteemed and admir ed the world over Dr Chases Ointment has stood the test of time and remains the only actual curs for Plies arid itching Skin Dis ease It It standard Ointment of the world You can rely on it just at you on Dr Chases Receipt Book- because you know that it is backed by the sterling character of Chase Americas Greatest Physi cian express car tumbled over oh its side and lay on top of the tender and the passenger coach bounced over the env and turned almost bottom side up to the astonishment and convience of the score of passengers who were aboard The coach was but very little damaged inside how passengers- escaped without any of them being killed seemed mar velous to anybody viewing the wreck shortly after the accident Herald j LET without XTRACt OR TATION COOLS COMFORTS AND HEALS THE SKIN AFTER SHAVING Avoid Irritating Witch Hud to the tamo at Extract and cintalri 0d A poUoJL When we fit eye glasses they fit firmly yet cotttfottatty as near the eyes as the lashes will allow each eye looking exactly through the centre el each glass Comfort assured Satisfaction guaranteed t GRADUATE OPTICIAN Sold by All Newsdealers fc An explosion fire damp in a coal mine Injured men kilted and are Imprisoned Womans Peat Mrs You fcouth A Kiarty si It Mra A It lerto I took- my South American KMncy Cure I have ihatBghtett of lhtafgravatlnf trouble which I to many I paid fortune without any per manent aret remedy a for women did in Sold by Lehman Newmarket Name to Him The personage who had been announced as the speaker the evening was late in arriving and an effort had been made to entertain the audience the meantime by vocal music and short impromptu speeches A dozen or more portions began cabl ing lustily tor Byes Somewhat perplexed the professor of philosophy and belles who was acting as charlmah arose II Mr is in the audi ence he said he will oblige by coming forward I Three cases of smallpox cost the township of IT STRIKES THE HEART Not only the victim Rheuma tism a constant hut he lives la continual dread that the disease will reach the heart which means sudden and unexpected death mat am can only be cured when the uric acid is removed from the blood by the healthy action of the kidneys Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills make kidneys healthy and vigorous and so gradually and thoroughly cure Rheumatism by removing ths cause One pill a dose 25 cents a box Monthly to fevers Soajfand Choice Copyright CsWihoftltlons by the mod suthortV It Half Ocxce a foe If fcoutnt a aaykmaW at iJoife a la year you fit Page of ConspkU Pieces or If you cannot ft a cod to and mull you a J St Pa i V for Slid In good condition with a new pair of tires also new chain and sprocket Enquire at this office For House and Lot Goto orchard and small stable For further particulars write Lock Box Newmarket