THE ERA FRIDAY Hoods Are prepared from hires mild laxatives and while gentle are reliable and efficient They Rouse the Cure Sick Headache Bil- Soitf Stomach and Constipation Sold everywhere per box by CoLowetuaM oand Hie Bub COR- yiXD TO Pollock has engaged with Mr John Swain Mount Pleasant for the summer Firemens Concert has been postponed until the of May Mr Jos Hoover while engaged in unloading machinery at Cooks plan ing mill was badly crushed sustain ing injuries that will confine him to the house lor some time A serious accident happened to the twelveyearold son of W- Robin- sun of Goodwood on Monday even ing from which small hopes are Problem Mr Charles intends going his recovery It is sup- to the North West shortly Some of our fanners started seed ing last week posed while doing the chores he was leading one of the horses to wa ter when the animal becoming fright- ASSURANCE CO Mr Robert Morris moved into lhe the house Clark recently occupied by Mr Too late for last week UDOBA The held their Annual the skull Mr Robert Young who has been connected with the Cream ery for the past i years leaves here on Monday to take charge of the creamery at Sutton and expects to move bis family there early in May a Rood man in V The Company has now eriter- upoi its 74th year The following figures testify to Us Stability Liber Popularity Meeting at the Shiloh School House I The town loses a good man the April in the evening The Hall Sir Young as he was held was well filled The former part of Bhest esteem and was an active worker in the church and mu sical circles The residence of the evening was taken up with Funds about Annual Revenue over 1 Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year 1898 Polices were issued for The has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars J A Agent SPRING into line on April 1st and spend a few months from that date in one of the De partments of our School and thus prepare for a bet ter position in life Edu cation opens the way to success Try it- Our school with a staff of ten teachers and finest equipment in Canada is worthy of your consideration Write for catalogue No vacations Spring term from Apr 1st Central TORONTO and recitations by the Band of Hope which was very much appreciat ed by the audience Afterwards the Rev Mr Humphries spoke on the Temperance question using a chart for the benefit of the Band of Hope Other gentlemen gave short addresses also a few remarks President of the Union who occupied the chair A good meeting was brought to a close by singing Where is my wan dering boy tonight V Mr Chris came up from Toronto to spend Raster Sunday with his sister Mrs McLean Mr Sam Taylor and bride came up from Toronto on the evening of Good Friday They were received in their new home by a few of im mediate friends We wish Mr and Mrs Taylor much happiness in their journey thru life A CARD We tie undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a bot tle of Greenes Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold We also guarantee a 25ceot bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded J BRADFORD Principal On Tuesday morning Miss Eva fell on the sidewalk breaking a near her ankle causing her to suffer a good deal of pain incon venience A feat seldom accomplished has been reported to us Recently Messrs Kneeshaw Davis and H Slight of this village while working at Holland Landing felled scored and hewed feet of square timber in hours Who can beat it Mr West while cutting wood m the bush on Saturday had his foot badly cut He was chopping limbs from a tree when his axe glanced and cut a deep gash in the instep of his foot which necessitated several stitches Mr West will be confined to the house for several weeks The session of the Presbyterian Church Bradford has decided to hold a series of services previ ous to the communion on May These services will commence on or about April It is expected that Rev Dr of Toronto Rev Russell of India will assist the pastor Witness of was discovered on fire on Tuesday morning and would have been totally destroyed but for the activity of the bucket brigade The building which is owned by Mr Silvester is considerably cause of the fire is supposed to be from a defective chimney Sentinel- m Miss Phillips of Newmarket is spending a couple of weeks with her uncle Mr Pearson was well represented at the Grand Opening of the Lloyd town Hotel Monday night The guests which numbered about fifty couple tripped the light fantastic toe till the dawn of the early morn I Miss Delia Davis who has been in charge of the intermediate department of the Public School since left Thursday for Rat where she has secured a morf lucrative position At the Annual Meeting of the League of the Methodist church here the following officers were elect ed Hon President Rev At P Latter President Mrs Duke 1st Vice Pres Miss Walton 2nd Vice Miss M McEacbran 3rd Vice Pres Miss Butler Vice Mr J Secretary Mr P Skinner Cor Miss Treasurer Miss Organist MissA Davis A very quiet but pretty wedding solemnized by Rev W at the residence of Mr and Mrs Stephen Leonard on Tuesday afternoon last when their daughter Mary ac cepted the vows of Mr Watson Adams The nuptial was tied in the presence of immediate relatives on ly After partaking of a sumptuous repast the happy couple left midst the greetings and good wishes of all for their new home in Mount Pleasant Michigan Sentinel J MA EDINBURGH of St Toronto Diseases of Women of Nose and Throat Piles be consulted every Saturday at the House Newmarket from till Walling room upstairs WANTED ImwfcDt id wt to tit lh to our fllkfc el lud we rffl Jet Mitr tor or It to li leant Duuwar la lolnticdix but TQtds and Children cry for CASTOR I A p bow on along II cuji P Pmm Ml to day to good dm Write foe full EMPIRE CQrUt over an estate in the United States courts had to be sus pended because the expenses had swallowed up all the money in the estate which was originally worth seventyfive thousand dollars Children Cry for CASTOR I A The barns of Albert Goodhue Port Stanley were burnt down Saturday night and head of fat cattle cre mated also one horse Implements over bushels of corn Insurance only OR A CHASES to Met 17 Itaptvt4 the ulcere ctcext it In AURORA On Thursday evening of last week Miss A Russell who has been or ganist for the Sunday services at the Industrial Home for some years past was presented by the Industrial Home commissioners on behalf of the county Council with a beautiful gold watch and chain as a slight recognition of her valuable services The presenta tion was made at the home of her father Mr Geo Russell As stated some time ago the Domin ion Government have decided to con tinue this place as the for the 12th Regiment md that end have decided to fit up the Drill Shed In a manner worthy of the Reg iment whose Col was the first in the country to tender the services of his men to assist the mother coiUy fn the South African war On Monday afternoon Col Otter of Col Lloyd of Newmarket and also Pay master inspected the shed and decided what work was lo done Prom what we can learn they decided that a suite of rooms should be partitioned off the north cud by and handsomely finished for the storage of the rifles and ammuni tion of the Regiment The building will also be painted the outside We presume tenders will be asked for the work shortly There are eight companies in Regiment The annual meeting of the officers of the Regiment was held at the Richardson House Toronto on Tues day afternoon wih Col Lloyd in the chair when reports of the different committees werfe brought in and new were appointed for the year The Regiment to be fitted out with a new Us e of forage caps helmets belts which will add greatly to the appearance of the Reg iment in camp at Niagara In June Baldwin flour mill has closed down since Monday last owing to a break In the machinery Reports I No WHITCHURCH per cent Johnstone per cent Simpson per cent Willis per cent per cent Jr J Sheridan Starr 3rd Annie Swain Russell Haw- tin Thomas Miles Hill John Hill A Jr 3rdA Sheri dan Victor Vernon A 2nd Louis Joseph Rogers Jr Pt 2nd Sheridan A Vern on Rogerson H McClure Sheridan IS Sheridan 1st Lizzie Rogers Leslie Roger- son Present every day Johnston J Sheridan M Sheridan Average attendance A Gray Teacher Blood We live by our blood and on We thrive or starve as is rich or poor There is nothing else to live on or by When strength is full and spirits high we are being re freshed bone muscle and brain in body and mind with con tinual flow of rich blood This is health When weak in low spirits no cheer no spring when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep we are starved our blood is poor there is little nutri ment in it Back of the is food to keep the blood rich When it fails takeScotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It sets the whole body going again man woman and child hive not tried It tend for free lUafreeeblcUttcwilUurpreyoQ Toronto Wo heartily endorse the following clipped from a city paper It is cer tainly worth considering Temperance sentiment in Canada has outgrown all methods hitherto devis ed fur its enforcement in law and prac tice There are large numbers citi zens who believe in temperance and even total abstinence who do not be- in prohibition or high license as the best means of eliminating the evils of the liquor traffic It is clearly time for the introduction of a new method more radical and more ration al than any that has been tried The solution suggested Is State ownership and control of the traffic While of course at this stage of the discussion we cannot pass very far beyond the principle involved leaving details to be worked out later on the following ideas would seem feasible Let the Dominion Government assume absolute and complete control of the traffic throughout the whole country Let them manufacture and sell whole sale and retail all the spirituous and malt liquors used in the country Let the act establish in its first clause to tal prohibition everywhere giving to each municipality the right by major ity of its citizens to have one or more Government dispensaries within its limits according to population the Dispenser to be appointed b the Government at a fixed salary so that he can have no possible interest in the increase of sales no liquors to be consumed on the premises but all safes to be made in closed packages strict regulation as to sale to minors and known inebriates travelling spectore to be paid- the Govern ment whose duties it will be to en force the laws regulating traffic the citizens of each municipality to decide as to the location of such dis pensaries as may be allowed them by the act This would confine the sale of liquor to the cities and larger towns Be cause of the complete elimination of private profit from the business the saloon would disappear and with it the treating custom which is respon sible for so much drunkenness The traffic would also be completely out of politics for it is a political factor simply because of the private profit involved in the business- Take away the private profit and you take away the incentive to political interference The Government is now in the liquor business receiving an income of some eight millions a year and expending large sums of money for police and prison accommodation made necessary by the traffic The Government would not go into the business in order to make it permanent or to advance it but in order to reduce Its evils to a minimum and ultimately it It is objected that vested interests of the trade are now so large that they would have to be compensated if the business were taken over by the Gov ernment To this it maybe said that every man who has cone into the liquor business in the last fifty years on this continent has taken his chances knowing that with the state of public opinion and with the growing rigor of Governmental control he was liable to have the business taken out of his hands at any time The question of revenue and of profits is fundament al If the present revenue from excise and tariff on intoxicants is eight mil lion a year let the prices in the busi ness under Government control be ar ranged at first so as to furnish this revenue with the provision that this is- to be a maximum and as the busi ness diminishes the revenue is to di minish year by year Of course all business connected with the enforce ment of the law to be paid for out of the business To sum up Government ownership and control would eliminate private profit take the liquor interests out of politics destroy the saloon do away with treating make more than half of the country practically clear of the trade reduce drunkenness to a min imum and make it possible tin educa tion and mora suasion to accomplish the highest results It would also provide for any loss in revenue and simplify the problem so as to make it easy to handle l would be folly to substitute public profit for private pro fit and experiment has demonstrated that no system can at the same time increase revenue and diminish drunk enness We are at the threshold of a great new era in Canadian life To eliminate the liquor evil would be to put our civilization upon a firm basis and to give our country an enviable and exalted distinction among the free nations of the earth We owe It to our weaker citizens to the women and children dependent upon them to fu ture generations and to the multitudes who are seeking homes within our borders to make this the soberest country in the world State owner ship and control of the liquor traffic seems to be the best means to this end spend more money for sugar than they do for wheat flour It requires to build and equip the average beet sugar refinery One ton of wheat per acre is a large yield Sugar beets often tons per acre One acre of land planted to sugar beets will yield about one and one- half tons of sugar in a season- At the present rate of increase in the consumption of sugar In- the Unit- States it will require the building of at least modern beet sugar re fineries each year to take care of the increase alone The operating season of a sugar re finery Is known- in the business as the campaign and lasts from to days of hours each stopping only in the case of breakdowns or lot an occasional cleanup A beet sugar refinery in a campaign days requires as follows tons of beets tons of coal tons of coke tons of lime stone barrels or a like capa city in sacks and miscellaneous materials to the value of It employs men and pays out for salaries and labor pays to the farmers over 500000 for sugar beets and the pulp produced during the campaign is worth in actual value as food- for live stock at least 100- It would require beet sugar fac toriescapable of slicing tons of beets every hours to supply the people of Canada with sugar -The- natural conditions of Canada tor growing sugar beets and the man ufacture of beet sugar exceed any country on earth The Ontario farmers are the most successful growers of root crops in the world At four dollars per ton the farmer can make five times as much per acre from sugar beets as from the average farm crop The pulp from the refinery makes a splendid food for all kinds of live The above is quoted from the Farm ing World Toronto which will after devote a regular department to the Sugar Beet Industry in Canada an industry which has passed the ex perimental stage and which promises to be of great importance to our farm ers We have made arrangements to club the Farming World with the Era Sample copies may be had at this office Is indispensable to athletic success In training much stress is laid diet care ful attention to the quantity and quality of the food eat enwith regularity of meals That la the secret of strength for every man No man can be stronger than his stomach The careless and irregular eating of business men causes disease of the stomach and its allied organs of digestion and nutrition There cau be bo health until these diseases are cured Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and enables the body to be built up Into vig orous health by the assimilation of the nutrition extracted from food I taken with the grippe which resulted In and stomach trouble He Mr CaudlU of Mainland Alleghany Co C was unable do a good part of the time wrote to Dr Pierce about my condition having full cotindeucc In his medicine Head- wed me Med lot Discovery which did Before had finished the second I began to feel I have used nearly bottle I feel for the bene fit J have received faint Med ical Discovery I can highly recommend it to all a good and safe medicine Pellets cure constipation Merit will tell even in strawberry baskets the best rise to the top Life Most of the news the weak comes from physician Hnrtford Journal After all the saloon is the place to look for the bargain counter Herald So you ran away with one the Smith twin girls eh Yes Which one Hanged if I know Im so nearsighted Town Topics Over S3 per cent all the sugar manufactured in the world is made from sugar beets The between cane sugar and beet sugar can be detected only by an expert and what little difference there is is In favor of the beet sugar You are using beet sugar every day if you use any granulated sugar at all Beet sugar is absolutely pure white granulated sugar Each man woman child in the United States consumes on a average lbs of year The the United States ft mat wori can ha la atff and to gi a lowar ihU tot prices also Maaofaetara law fit price The PAGE WIRE FENCE CO OUT 1 lUfc Jmanis THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE T 1 Jdtoeral THE V I Remedy lion Sour StomachPIaxrtioea and Loss of Signature of OF EVERY of put lwttle ft it not balk ftllaw- to anything else on too or It it good mad WANTED TIMBm Pine and Cut inches long with a saw and net leas than inches at small enJ All must be Green and Sound No Rot or Holes allowed inches it can be split the centra inches it can be a WE WILL PAY 450 PER CORD For above delivered at Newmarket i The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co Liuity6 NEWMARKET have any timber write for further particulars Three access During the above period I sold 28 engines besides several Sep arators I have had no lawsuits or disputes of any far as I know my are welt satisfied I yet have several Good SecondHand Portable Engines for sale including the I Cornell White and can supply a full rii at 400 giving years time J No cheap rig sold where it will interfere with customers Trial given nd satisfied before asking for settlement MmmtPket PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our and How you are Bend a or of and our opinion as whether It I Roketcd en by uWe fully equipped in MontreaJ and Id prompt- and quickly road the Invention Patents as broad as the Invention eat references Patents procured through Marlon Hon recti special notice hoot la over too newspapers distributed lhe Dominion Pale tu -Uanirfac- and I MARION and Atlantic DC Office BO BARS The British paid the over two a ball mil lion dollars for the of troops to South Africa A of Shtmokiri years of troubled with for fifty my lime used a great many but never had any until I Dr CatarrhaJ Powder One cured ma comr4a3tajy cents I Sold J faroughion Town Ac invontstsidlmr leiBraaswsr pCTorfJj very county to of solid flusuclal JT year pay able 1 per day nirvana all salary no paid nd ex Ren flX5 woe ftTANftARD i