Wti Blood Is Is dcslh depends good blood is do to Mood Hood cm verified Rood tf- story Bat ih tab Nervous Weakness from loss of Hood Import my dbordertd I could not slttp fus cored Tbos Barrister o la on good Firm security Notary etc i I C THE ERA 1 Permanently Cared SUFFERING At a meeting the Ontario Gener al Education Association in Tor onto last Mr J Millar Deputy Minister Education who after AFTER SEVEN YKARS OF GREAT making that tie was speak outlined a policy of reform- Some of his we consider would be real im provements but others are theories based on equity Briefly we may 1 Division Court Building- Newmar ket Ontario fto CbopplD door South or Peat floe Herbert Lennox Aurora also be at Newmarket and Court Days at Solicitor for J Rosa ft Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora p Barrister to loan Block Main Banister Block to Loan DENTAL A I Dentist Post Omoe Block opposite Church Guaranteed DR R DENTIST to Opposite Store DR R J SPROTT DENTIST Correction of Insular teeth given Special Terrys Old Toronto Jabbing Rouse J A Agent for Fire Life Aarme to Loan interest at Current Rate the Newmarket R Ramsay lire 1 Loir Bate on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Tin Shop Newmarket o V- t ppaok Duncan AUCTIONEER roller ted Street Newmarket PAINTING mlailiMr Done promptly needy and In lam also with a Painter and Sign Writer Order can he left at Blnna Hardware Store gr at the residence of Mr J Green head of Street West Newmarket Bolton Painter Paper- Hanger and House Mr Hamilton Waters of Tells of His Relief from Neuralgia Stomach Trouble fa Thru the use Pink Pills of Dr Williams summarize Mr Millers suggestions A better mode of distrib uting the Legislative grant than by average attendance Some system of Official recognition of tie higher Mr Waters standing of certain teachers and the tbe cattle buyer of equalization taxation in 1 rural VAS an acute sur- so that weak ones might he neuralgia which was later benefitted Direct taxatjon for rheumatism and educational Purposes so raised as to stomach tianks give the children of the Province to is equality or opportunity so far as The May Delineator is very strong in shirtwaist styles Several oi them are shown in colors so as to give an Idea of the effect when- made up in materials- The same number shows many convenient and pretty Lounging Gowns for warm weather Selfmad GOVERNOR BRADY OF ALASKA He was once an Outcast in the Slums of New York Corner Street lane and practicable The consolidation of rural school sections to secure graded schools in rural districts the estab lishment of school libraries and the lessening of home work 5 The re construction of high schools and the reduction or abolition of fees Of course if a more equitable way of distributing the Legislative grant to schools is obtainable Province has a right to enjoy it and it is quite within the duty and privilege of Mr Miller as Deputy Minister of Ed ucation to suggest his more equitable scheme to Hon Mr Harcourt Head of the Department so that the same may be incorporated into law should the suggestion commend itself to judgment of tbe Government What Mr Miller means some official recognition of the higher standing of certain teachers from the brief synopsis of his observations re ported in the press we are not aware if he means diplomas or something of that sort there can no special objection but if he means pensions and money considerations the sugges tion is not reasonable The public has already been taxed to give these teachers the education they and there Is no sense in pensioning them because they embraced the opportun ity afforded at public expense The other question of equalization of tax ation in rural districts is a very large one and to touch it beyond the pow ers already enjoyed simply infringes upon the principle of selfgovernment What is meant by the third pro position we also have difficulty in comprehending Aside from the Gov ernment province has direct taxation now for school purposes but if Mr Miller thinks the children one school section should be allowed to attend another at will without an extra admission fee it would work a positive wrong School sections in joying the best of health Speaking of bis illness and subsequent cure Mr Waters For seven years suffered great agony from neuralgia the pains were of a darting excruciat ing nature and for days at a time would be so great that I feared I would lose my reason To increase my misery I was attacked with rheumatism and- this was closely fol lowed by stomach trouble My joints and limbs became swollen and I was almost helpless I suffered from nausea and a decided loathing for food- I became very thin and was constantly troubled with cold sweats At different times I was treated by three physicians without receiving anything in the way of permanent benefit I grew despondent and be gan to think that would always be a sufferer when one day my druggist advised me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills He said that within his knowledge there was not a case where the pills had been used but what benefit had followed and he added That is saying a lot in favor for I have sold over five thous and and have not had a com plaint from anyone Following his advice 1 procured a supply of the pills and after a few weeks could note an improvement in my condi tion By the time I had taken eight boxes of the pills the neuralgia and rheumatism had entirely disappeared and my stomach was once more in a healthy condition My appetite im proved and I gained in weight and strength daily It is now over two years since I discontinued the use of the pills and all that time have enjoyed the best of health and havent felt an ache or pain so that I think that I am safe in saying that my cure is permanent In fact eight boxes of Dr Williams Pink Pills ac complished what three doctors had The Conservatives of West Hastings have nominated Mr Porter to contest the seat made vacant by the resignation of Mr According to press reports of the meeting Hon Geo K Foster was not even mention ed in connection with the seat Sir Mackenzie has too strong a grip on that Riding for any of the nest of traitors to get within run ning distance The young men of says one of tbe local papers are using tie bosoms of their shirts lor looking glasses when shaving That ac counts for it Passengers on the morn ing trains heretofore assigned the unkempt appearance of certain young men to another cause The explanation should be communicated to the conductors so that they might give assurance to passengers who may entertain doubts on the subject Or Von Stans Pineapple Medical corered the potency of the pineapple as a panacea for troubles immense percentage of vegetable pepsin contained in the fruit roakes it an almost In cases of Indigestion One after each meal will cure most chronic cases In a bar cents Sold by J Y ton Town Great results are expected says Electricity from a new discovery of Do Gall Inspector of forests at France according to a despatch received at the State Department The new Invention is a method of produc ing a wood impervious to water and acids alike and a perfect electrical non conductor This is accomplished by means of dry distillation and high pressure which prevents the escape of developing gases and reduces tbe wood to a hard body of the character of coal yet without a trace of the or ganic structure of that mineral- This new body can be shaped and polished at will r A Ruby Lips and a clear complexion of woman Have you lost these charms Ibrioga torpid liver constipation biliousness or nervousness Dr Liver Pills will rcitoro them lo yon little Rubles in a vial cents Act Like a charm gripe Sold by J Town Townships bordering on Towns to do and I am justified Villages would not think of maintain- In warmly recommending them to efficient schools The burden others of educating their advanced pupils ver to authority has would be cast upon the already over taxed incorporated towns and villages adjoining 4 The idea of graded schools in rural districts we are disposed to favor the establishment of libraries is also an important plank and serves serious consideration but with the notion of lessening or abolishing high school fees the tax- paying public will have little sym pathy Even the present law with the power of imposing fees is an in iquity Municipalities where high schools are located have to furnish school buildings and grounds have to pay an equitable proportion of the County rates to cover grants made by that body and then have to makeup by direct local taxation whatever sum may be required to meet the an nual expenditure to maintain the in stitution Meanwhile pupils from ad joining townships are enabled to real ize all advantages these high schools can give without being called upon for extra taxation for deficien cies between receipts and ex penditures like the local municipalities must do where such schools are main tained It the Government would make these high schools County schools sustained by the County with the Government grant Mr Millers suggestion might reasonably be con sidered but not otherwise said that neuralgia is a cry of the nerves for better blood Rheuma tism is also recognized as a disease of the blood and it is because Dr Williams Pink Pills are all things a bloodmaking and blooden riching medicine that they so speed ily cure these troubles But you must get the genuine with the hill name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People printed on wrapper around the box If in doubt send direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co villc and the pills will be sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes tor JOB COULDNT HAVE STOOD IT If hed had Piles Theyre terribly annoying but Arn ica Salve will euro the worst case of piles on earth It has cured thous ands For injuries Pains or Bodily eruptions its the best salve in the world Price 25c a box Cure guaranteed Sold by W E Lehman During an entertainment in the First Baptist Church at Woodstock the gas generator exploded No one was injured but the audience was bad ly frightened HelpIeSS a a Baby Ameri can Rheumatic Cure strikes the root of the ailment and strikes It quick R Wright Daniel street for twelve great sufferer from rheumatism couldnt wash himself feed himself or dress himself After using bottles was able to go to work and says I thin It pain left me forever Sold by J Y Towns Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Baa Newmarket onset iT a Private If 1 J OP MARRIAGE LICENSES SUTTON WEST Tottenham April Frank Hummel a quiet industrious young man was instantly killed this afternoon white taking down a barn on the farm of Thomas Abernethy a few miles from here He fell from the building and his head was crush- a falling beam and a large stone A ROARING FLOOD Washed down a telegraph line which Ellis of Lisbon la had to repair Standing waist deep in icy water he writes gave me a Two Chinese steamers came Into collision between Canton and and seventy Chinese drowned- Her Heart like a Polluted Mrs James Srigley Pelt Oar says I was for five years afflicted with tiyapeptia constipation heart disease and nervous prostration I cured the heart trouble with Dr Cure and other ailments vanished like mist Had relief In half an hour after the first dose Sold by J Town Loveliest in repose tbe bull dog Burlington Free Press The Ophir with the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York on board has arrived at Ceylon on the way to Australia To Cure a Cold in One Day- Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure Groves signature Is on each box 25c There is reason to believe that the movement of population from the country to the city is subsiding and that farming is becoming more pop ular It ought to Farming prop erly followed is as sure and good a business as any other It may be a slow process of acquiring a compe tence but it is the most certain and the most independent one With in dustry and economy comfortable living can be made by cultivating the soil with less labor and risk than by any other honest method known Stick to the farm KASY TO FEEL GOOD Countless thousands have found a blessing to the body in Dr Kings New Life Pills which positively cure Constipation Sick Headache Dizzi ness Jaundice Fever and Ague and all liver and Stomach troubles Purely vegetable never gripe or weaken Only at W Leh mans drug store Dr J Archer Watson of Torfcnto was killed near Mills by the horse he was riding backing against a engine Under Nerve torture and torment of the victim of nervous prostration and debility no one can rightly estimate who has not been under the of relentless human foes M Williams of Out for four years a nervous wreck Six bottles of South American Nervine worked a miracle and his doctor con firmed It Sold by J Y Town Miss Carrie Nation was fined for obstructing the streets of Kansas City Mo A girl from named Aldrlch was killed by freight train while playing on a crossing at Allan- dale A SURPRISE TO EVERYBODY The promptness with which Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills regulate and invigorate the action of the kid neys liver and bowels is a surprise to everybody They are the peoples fav orite cure for kidney disease liver complaint indigestion ant constipa tion The sale of this great prescrip tion la simply enormous One pill a dose cents a box all dealers While chopping in the bush Ernest terrible cough and cold It grew of had the dally Finally the best doc- tune to chop all the toes off his right tors in Oakland Neb Sioux City and foot and Morgan Bros establish- asked Wouldnt I not live Then I began using on John St Hamilton did devil himself if he Dr Kings New Discovery- and was damage amounting to nearly I dont know my lord replied Insist on getting what you wholly cured by six bottles last week j doctor had him for a for and remember ttnrt there are no lively guaranteed or Coughs Colds patient Thats evidently true family be and all Throat and Lung troubles by tree falling upon him Children Cry for CASTOR I A A doctor In Coleraine Ireland was sued for damages for the death of a valuable horse he had treated It was shown that he had administer ed to the animal grains of some powerful drug and the in sisted that medicine had caused death The- doctor declared that he had frequently given eight grains to a man and that four grains more were not too much for a horse The judge 12 Gov Brady of Alaska on a re peat trip to the east told the story of his life to a New York report er The man who is now Governor of square miles of territory was born squalor in the tower end of Roosevelt street York- His fa ther was adrunken longshoreman His mother when he was a child At eight years of age Johnny turned his hand to the most of de vices by which the New York gamin seeks to keep body and soul together He had sold- newspapers shincd shoes run errands carried satchels to the steamboat docks and haunted the East River water front in the hope of pick ing up an odd job now and then BRADYS EARLY TRIALS Sometimes he found a lodging in the Newsboys Home As often as not he slept curled up in a box or in some dark corner in Chatham square One night a big policeman roused him from his bed in a packing case and Johnny confessed that he was hungry and that he hadnt any home to speak of His worthless father had married again and Johnny found favor with the stepmother So they sent hip with a boatload of other waifs to Randalls Island On the island Johnny made friends rapidly Among otiers whom he formed a fast boyhood friendship was a homeless lad named Burke In summer of the Childrens Aid Society arranged to ship a cargo boys to the West where homes had secured for them on farms Brady and Burke were among these selected to go and a happier pair of youngsters never took the famous ad vice of Horace There were twentyseven boys in the party but no member of the philan thropic Childrens Aid Society would then have been bold enough to predict that there were two future Governors among the tousled headed urchins riding in one car But so it was Brady is now Governor of Alaska Burke is a former Governor of North Dakota FOUND A GOOD HOME When the carload reached Johnny Brady was consigned to the home of John Green a leading lawyer of the town of Tipton who had asked for the ugliest and most friendless boy of the lot Johnny then became Jack To the kindness and good influences Christian home Governor Brady attributes much of his later success Mr Green stimu lated his ambition and turned his en ergies into useful courses He went to the village school applied himself to his studies and afterwards took the preparatory course for college in the Academy Ever ready to assist him his bene factor recognized the advantage to the boy of having to work his own way as far as possible So Jack was never idle- All the time he was in school he was earning what he could to help pay his way Mr Green had destined Jack for the law but about this time the boy decided that his mission was the ministry He had his way about it and went to Yale determin ed to work his course thru college During his years in Yale he helped to make both ends meet by chopping wood making Ares ringing the bell and doing other manual labor that offered a recompense Later he earned something as a tutor- Because of the true democratic spirit that pre vails in most American colleges Brady though poor was popular STUDIED FOR MINISTRY After graduation true to his purpose to be a preacher he worked his through the Union Theological Semin ary depending almost entirely n his own resources In those days while here in New York he never missed an opportunity to talk encouragingly to boys whose lot was as forlorn as his had been It was through the Influ ence of Dr Sheldon Jackson that Mr Brady went to Alaska as a missionary He was a pioneer in the task of civiliz ing the Indians and In the section where he labored as a teacher and a preacher nineteen years ago the Gov ernor is still frequently referred to as the Rev John Brady As business developed In the Terri tory Brady became a trader and open ed a store in Here he prosper ed so well that he became manager of the Sitka Trading Company and soon acquired a onethird interest in the concern He proved to be a shrewd business man but he never relinquish ed his active interest In missionary work When three years ago President was looking for the right man for Governor of the Territory the honor fell to the versatile John Green Brady almost by a process of natural selection His Excellency now has a happy home and a wife and five children to share it INDIA TEA J BLACK is confederating the Jgjnpire is Canadas best J r Britain cannot buy if she does not sell L UseTErU Grown in a British Colony by British capital Ceylon Teas are sold In sealed packets only never in Black Mixed or Uncolored Ceylon Green SALADA Toronto OCT WHAT YOU ASK FOR you ask for any of Dr Chases Remedies- look for his portrait and on box otherwise you may get an imitation Beware of druggist who tries to Induce you to something said to be ust as grains kill tho good If he substitutes medicines John St Hamilton did devil himself if he swallowed them he will substitute drugs in Proficiency in SKETCHING Select the section the direction general configuration introductory exercis the schoolroom or the schoolyard ship or county in which the school is situated Point out the boundary lines mountains or ridges and rivers the of the whole and anything that may be particular in After repeated copying on slates by the pupils either from black board book wallmap the final test in class should be performed wholly from with rapidity When the teacher thinks it advisable to introduce the ju of paper sheets of uniform size should be provided or better still books may be employed Ridges and elevations may be shown by means of a series of and rivers by an wavy line also the villages towns and cities as on This with the addition of a few names is all that is required for test lesson purposes CARTOGRAPHY In copying any first determine the size Upon this depends the dimensions of fee border which should now be drawn If It be determin- to draw a different scale from the model great care must be ex ercised in order that the length an breadth may remain In exact propor tions I Divide the enclosed space if possible by lines of latitude and longitude as in the map you are about to Copy If owing to tbe curvature it be found too difficult to draw these lines divide the model into four equal parts by two lines one drawn thru the centre from North to South and one thru the centre- from East to West Each of the four divisions thus formed may be subdivided as often as may seem necessary Proceed next to divide your own work into the same number of squares or spaces no matter upon what you have sketched your border Beginning always toward the corner so that you may be enabled to work left to right and downwards observe carefully the length and direction of that portion of the outline in the first containing space Imitate this closely on your own sheet and proceed from space to space in the same until the outline is complete Next sketch the mountains the lakes and rivers and after these the province county or township boundaries as the case may be The pencilled mountain outlines should be fringed with delicate in ink Sea lake be disnguishe7rt more lines drawn parallel fc the coast all around but each at a sightly in creased distance from the other outwards l It is now in to make the position of villages towns and cities The names these places should as a rule be in line with the parallels latitude Places of not very great Importance should be printed in italics- of places in Roman of cities in small capitals and of Government seats large capitals Names of rivers small lakes and low mountain ranges are generally in italics but those of long and lofty mountain ranges of lakes and of sea gulfs and important bays are in italic Names of countries provinces or states and counties should be inserted and in such a manner that while they follow the length of the coun ty whether horizontally or- otherwise they shall not interfere with names already marked Rule in pencil lines upon which to print all the names and when capitals are to be inserted rule two parallel lines corresponding in distance apart to the height of the proposed letters and in of the name Space all the letters carefully Severe In Back and Hips Mr James Clark County Eleven years ago I was With pains my back settling my hips and ex tending- up my spin The pain wan very severe and at tmes almost unen durable and many diya not to do an hours work I had consulted many physicians and tried medicines I could no relief At this my told me to try Dr Chasts Pills and said he they would curs me I secured cne box and great was my surprise whin began to feel better I continued their use until I had taken about boxes which made me a sound I have recom mended them to a my friends and never met with one case where they did meet with good success My daughter Phil lips has also been of a severe stomach trouble by the of these pills One pill a dose cents a box at all Co Toronto Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills Overcoats i I IN GOOD For Cheap at OFFICE SOLID RUBBER Carriai it one for In them Everyone should a good Invea theres years of serv and the price paid be beyond reach Spring in In heavier in weightsdarker is color from any Overcoating material that you wish flt- In in everything oyer patterns to choose from i Will cArty heavy loads and withstand herd service An eversatisfactory wheel tire Every set fcruoyntecd Can be fitted to any wheel DUNLOP TIRE CO Lehman Price is it is bronchitis or any doctor responded the judge for those of Dr A WChase Wt AUDruggiita boy is still alive the famous Recipe Book vJ 5 MRS PRIVATE SCHOOL I a French and Terms PAID IN- ADVANCE