ir v- 7 I I 1 rt J A I I- I I C A a the liberty to Enow to utter and to argue uxordlDgto above all other liberty INTELLIGENCES AND Single Copies Cents Each J PAGES No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Newmarket Friday March TERMSSU5 per I UOp if advance If t not want to carry A the following winter goods over you can have at the following a lVAx price Handler 25c Horse Blanker Lfned Horse i4 Champion only Slfor Body for 1imh Square teg for Coal oven -3- for Wool Heater 10 1 I f1 Hockey Skates Sticks only Buck Saws Spring AH Winter Milts at price BINNS Try our Oils People and Parliament Written specially for Temperance promoters and Prohibition host Are for to do their Their theyre defeated because was not heard A promise tor the future which should have been conferred We blame them not for thinking tis only their mistake That those who been tolling the world- to better make Should smalt things be daunted or for a cease It makes them more aggressive in efforts to increase The boot has changed its wearer tis on the other foot The people are resolving that they the terms will moot What shall be done to cancel this nilprevailing curse Which nils our land with mourning its woes we cant rehearse The people long have waited till patience is quite dead Now at the peoples country must ha led And those whose late election by them has been secured Must now regard their wishes or by then he abjured They now propose to promise what they intend do To save their homes and country theyll keep their promise too New plans be formulated to quench the fire breath Of the debasing traffic producing woe and death No Plebiscites in future to keep the cause in doubt Nor yet commissions royal all such are voted out The tactics will be altered the object to secure The dillydally process will no more endure The time has passed when ignorance is an excuse for sin Which has been said God winked but times have changed since then For gospel light and knowledge have flooded all the earth And things are seen within its ray at their intrinsic worth The millions who are lying in low dishonored graves Whose souls cry out for justice from dark oblivious caves While worlds on worlds are gazing upon the havoc wrought Within the narrow circle of mortals Christ has bought That men should thwart Gods purposes for purely love of gold Where hang immortal issues they wonder and behold And view with consternation the men who dare rob God The Cains who slay their brothers who get their wealth by fraud The barrooms are receding the backdoor yards Are from the public gaze with alt their glaring cards The step will be outside beyond the kitchen doors And by and by their will vanish from our shores y The widows and the orphans are in their wild despair Appealing to the or God to answer prayer His ear has heard ana noted their agony and gloom And is een now pronouncing the traffics final doom The mothers loi are vowing such as true mothers are That they will wage a warfare against the hiring bar Where loved one are inveigled to ruin are betrayed To lure them is their object and then beasts sir The in 1 the From our own Correspondent Toronto Feb afith Four points seem to staled out pro minently In the proceedings the Legislature during the past week viz The declaration that there should be no general election this year- the announcement the Budget speech that the Government would in all probability a Provincial rail way from North Bay into the iscamingue District the projected amendment of the assessment to do away with the so called rap- amendment of the act to introduction Hon Mr his bill providing land io Veterans of South Africa and Fenian Raid The statement with regard elections was made by the Premier in reply to a question by Mr Whitney doing so Mr Ross stated that I- For tte Era The y a banker Imperial Government Therefore he supposed it would be proper to as sume- that Any cash assistance by peisiohs or gratuities to those who acted so nobly on behalf their would primarily rest with earth is provided One or other or both of those saiellue is a matter governments However he thought extreme for the proposition in his bill that samel recognition by the Province should be given the volimteers who were en rolled in the Province proper and he felt extreme had w as many as for in- stance Jupiter or Saturn we should be in profound of the exists wa7rihV and J wnirt such action by the legislature would meet with the unanimous approval both sides of the House and the unanimous of the Applause The Commissioner of Crown Lands then went on to sketch briefly ilie various clauses of the bill and ex- the j plained the conditions governing the grant volunteer On tario or his next of kin in case of death will receive a of acres in a district to be set apart by the Crown These lands will he the the space in such profusion And of all the varied and diverse swties of beauty which Nature has pro vided for our not one in and absorbing with spectacle prevented by the Heavens on a night if vfewed in the pure atmosphere of some top liut however magnillcent scene may be yet limited pow ers of our organs of vLvion but the merest of the great universe a few of the nearer and exempt all settlement dutie and of the incalculable array of mighty could not absolutely hind himself Provincial and municipal taxation suns serried hosts stretch far but speaking without except for school purposes for a away into an etherspace so Would probably run its period of ten years If however remote that it is utterly be- full term They had no present in- the land is disposed of during that yond the feeble powers of our Unite lention of going to country until period by the locatee the lands be- minds to realise its boundless range another session of the House had come amenable to all the ordinary For they appear many been This announcement is ex- settlement duties Mr Davis point the sharpest human vision unex pected make a material difference out that it would be the duty can detect but about four of the session as the the Government to see that large and stars while the piercing Opposition will now reserve its j blocks of land were not taken up eyes of the photographic camera a- technical displays until a later period and held in perpetuity by the ated by the gigantic lenses we now when they believe the effect will be without performance of settlement possess reveal fewer one rvlvrik Ye puny ones 1 where is your hope of rest Such souldestroying beings neer mingle the blest Such souidestroy v O cease at once your slaughter in haste make no delay Your time is not command turn while yet P Grant you Richmond Hill Nov Blood l What One Man Did The Office Specialty Limited BAY STREET TORONTO Factory NEWMARKET FREE CAMERA to fills IS- 4 OUTFIT Kirn ft Till f I tKHAl Prune I jiz pit TUB WtOX iiii i BO Kansas Feb A deci sion favoring the defendant was ren dered today by Judge McCabe in the city court in the case against Mrs Carrie Nation for smashing the Sen ate saloon Kansas avenue two weeks ago Judge McCabe in dismissing the case held that since Mrs Nation bad had no malice toward the proprietors the place and bad destroyed it In abating public nuisance she was not guilty of malicious destruction of property This decision does not the cases pending against Mrs Nation for the Sunday raid for which she is now in the county jail Ac ftoertU opinion a American of nf deouig totonuO fini in wrfiMi4wttwwM iff tlftclO lift 1 ffMtiUmIoarotCTrfr lull Bo Can Weaving i withe Inform lliat he Iibi moved Mr HI and I hut Clclrto5 low Co Loom- with to date he do Work in yey1PK ami Twitching Eyelids Indicate eyestrain Theslightesthintofit- should not be neglected We test eyes free of charge and onl when absolutely necessary NEWMARKET HOURS A DAY Theres no rest for those tireless little Workers Dr Kings Slew Life Pills Millions are always busycur- jl Last he Torpid Liver Jaundice and should the sheriff yell Ten years ago he got a place with farmer at a month and his board raw unlettered boy green ignorant and honest He was willing to work and to work hard and being in no sense a society his personal wants were very few He gradually- siied up tiia ana soon elop ed an ambition a piece- of land In two years he saved up He a woman just suited to Worker planner sav and good He bought a team and wagon and rented a farm He kept on digging and working never fed in town tic got- two or three head of good blooded stock His crops were the best in the neighbor hood ftndlite neighbors he was lucky He rented more land arid fed more stock and milked more coys hiring one and later three men to an upon a waiting conn- I Probably- the most important of the Premier in connection the Budget was his reference to the necessity of a road into the district New Ontario He spoke of the handicaps both to trade and commerce caused by the present inadequate means of com- with that portion of the Province an far as Ontario is Goods and settlers could only be sent at present way the on the east side of Ottawa This bad also the effect of shutting the trade of that district j from balance of Ontario and making it entirely tributary to Mon treal and Ottawa A railway j North Hay to Temiscamingue would require to be miles in length and tMr Ross suggested the voting of a sum of money to ascertain what the actual cost of construction would be and afterwards to construct the road as a Provincial concern retaining entire control over it from start to finish It would then be necessary to lease it to the Grand Trunk which they would have to do in order to obtain the connection which make the trade of that northern country tributary to the older ports of Ontario The natural resources tapped by such a road would be very and the ultimate effect upon tie industries of Older Ontario very fatteaching Some day the road might be extended to James Bay a further distance of miles and a new and much shorter road to the Klondike opened up An interim report of the Assess ment Commission appointed recently to enquire into the operation the duties or payment of taxes Id alone than nearly forty million case at least in the history of Uses fining suns this action had not turned the power of our out to be in the public interest AH to add the end of ten years it would be for lht numbers of the starry those in power to say whether the j TOr lhat exemption should be continued really All applications for these lands must made two years from January 1st last and the act shall also apply to any person in the Pro vince of Ontario who acted as nurse chaplain or red cross commissioner during the South African campaign The scope of the bill also lie widened to admit the newspaper cor respondents who weut through the campaign with the troops i London Feb SI The War Office has received the following despatch from Lord Kitchener Summary of total losses ionic ted calculable distances from each other upon the enemy by French up to Feb bright neighbor is Boers known to have been Mated to fcc more than four hundred killed and in action ft6 from en prisoners surrendered One And judging from those whose gun 162 rifles We have able to estimate rounds arm ammunition j all these wins are worlds horses mules trek oxen size relatively the earth cattle sheep and 1 would in many eases be that of a foot wagons and carts cap to red ball to a grain of And how they flash in Our casualties Five officers and men killed and A officers and men wounded regret to say that Major Howard a very gallant officer of the Canadian scouts was killed Feb iv oris that Col Owen cap tured and pom- Feb as well as prisoners j and a quantity of ammunition We that the remotest of space would be altogether shut out from by a screen of mighty worlds so apparently crowded together that scarce an interstice can be detected be- them For even with the at present possess in many parts of the heavens this is found to be the of the sky which to us and starless being to be thickly with bright stars Hut although apparently crowded closely together yet they are thousands of even millioris of millions of miles apart some even of the so- called double stars being separated in- had no casualties in full re- Assessment law suggests an amend- treat and disjersing being vigorous- Fever and Ague They banish Headache drive out Never gripe or weaken taste nice work wonders them at drug store Petrified Pish fry Kfiy praon to every county of turdv flaancUl all St him out tomorrow there not be lea than 12000 net receipts from sale In other words this ignorant young man has earned the nice gum of a year for ten years or more than many of the parsons lawyers and professors in our colleges are able to earn best of it Ik that success has In no way spoiled One of the wonders of the world is him for he has a very pleasant home to be found in Colorado where cer- a delightful family of little folks and tain mineral beds of the nature has broadened out into a most valu- slaty coal occur These beds con able citizen of flw community in which talniij millions upon millions of pet- he lives When he was working at rifled cover hundreds of square a month clad in overalls and rnlles in the part of iiie there girls who would State They extend a distance of have felt aliitost Insulted at any in the direction of Green River Won from him and some of those and out for more girls arc nice old maids now and feel toward the interior of the State over just like Maud Not places Science- Sifting every hired man ran as well as these a mass of this because It is him but this perfectly fisi are iu dead sure if a young man wants to feet of thick nest A point of to feet financially when he is great tact that lie he has got to deny- himself when about feet above sea to he Is for he cant run with tlie which extent the land Is proved to boys and have what he terms a good have risen on 17 a month and become owner of an farm when ho Is Manure adda to the producllYenese Wilson Star of land soon applied all of in to the law means of which the scrap-iron- feature of the act will he rendering for companies so disposed to evade their just share of taxation as going concerns Of course never was the intention of the that should evade this but the courts of the Province sometimes in terpret acts in a manner little dream ed of trainers thereof And then general conditions change ami as the section of the act over which the dlmculty arose was framed as far back as it is not wondered at that not seem to fit Into the presentday sur roundings the Premier has felven notice of a bill which will do away with the of the ly pursued Feb The Boers destroyed a culvert between Natal- spruit and Klip River oh the railway just south of here at dawn today They captured a of food stuffs and after taking all they could conveniently carry set Are to the rest and disappeared over the veldt London Feb The War Office has received the following from Lord Kitchener Feb force marched here having cleared the country through At Boers under Generals Villiers and Lienberbcrg opposed him They held a strong position obstinately but were lumed after severe lighting in which the beauty like a in all colors of the rainbow Aldebaran shining a ruddy Ver million Eta in lVrseus a beautiful carminelake a dark blue the Lion jdifitening vivid burnished gold with neighbor like a emerald in the Serpent a glowing azure the Virgin around whom many romantic myths have clustered a pure dawling white with many an other beauty Hashing in variously nrv Hut there is one great central daz zling star for aught we know not Hit- side of the extreme range of our ion which must of infinitely great er magnitude and of far surpassing glory than them all And that mighty realm is the resplendent abode of the Great Creator where those who faith fully serve and city Him will have a glorious neverending inheritance And too in the black nether parts of the Universe is another dread realm where reign darkness grinding remorse and gnawing biting despair act and at the same time disarm tu the Opposition of a weapon Victorian Bushmen hoped at the next distinguished which they had hoped general election to do the Govern ment bodily If on Mr Davis introduced the bill to provide for the appropriation of certain lands for the volunteers who In South Africa and the Vol unteer Militia who served on the themselves Our casualties were officers and men killed and officers and men wounded The Boers left Danger Next Door Perhaps its diphtheria of scarlet fever Keep your own home free from the germs of these diseases Prevent your children from having them You cart do Hi men dead on the ground and suiter- severely Cape Town Gen frontier In In doing so said they all knew that by The capture included war in South Africa opportunity j been given the volunteers- from this Province to exhibit their loyalty arid devotion to the Crown They had Rort Hill killed or the i there reflected credit upon railway track near Gravenhurst on a vince and added fresh lustre to Brit- Tuesday some in our light the lamp beneath nri vapor fill the sleeping trie chUdren the room for its sIdsIb disease germ can live In the substance Is not son in one sea- pays to aavertlse in Era arms by tWr valor and heroism I Alex the man who shot The Militia were under the control Willi north Stony Lake gave the Dominion Government the himself up to Constable and conduct of the war under that of the was present at the Inquest Recommended and sold by Lehman druggist Newmarket