Era gives more news every week any two other papers in Worth York combined and is acknowledged to be the leading Counif Taper a I -t- NORTH AND 8 PAGES Give me the lib to know to utte and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty lgW Pl No Single Copies Cento Each Newmarket Ont Friday Feb iJ I per annum If paid in advance HEADQUARTERS A model FOR A- In fc J Much of the expenditure particular- All other lamps in stores and shops stance asked for a sufficient amount in the item of electric light per light annum to put in the plant as it now stands plies will be lessened in future Hotels if lighted S3 no each the project would no doubt have this includes the cost of labor per annum if not special been voted down by the citizens etc for which charged is olTset how ever by the receipts for the year LABOR At a Oniccs churches hails rinks etc meeting of in special rates according to conditions held to discuss the installation of Rates are struck for sixteen candle electric plant a possible number eight power lamps Where can- hundred lights was considered by some die power tamps are used such lamps to be too sanguine a prediction Wrenches Clamps Bolts Nuts Etc of and do not distribute the various expendi tures among extension maintenance 50c ioo 1 and 150 per pair Continued from last week- Receipts and In a consideration of the receipts land operation accounts Had the from the waterworks plant it is outlay for extensions properly to be to add to the actual revenue I classed with construction been obtain- received from water servjee in houses able it is altogether probable- there factories etc water for j would have been a more favorable fin- fire protection The annual cost showing Moreover the the system as first installed for fire amounts of the annual expenditures purposes is estimated as follows not so favorable to a slight To pay off debenture Coal and supplies Engineer rf 50c per pair up to Pucks ShinGuards AnkleSupports Hockey Sticks Genuine Boys Sticks 10 15 and each The King Washing Machine Every machine mm guaranteed to give satisfaction Give this machine a free trial Total The engineer for whom per year is charged in the foregoing esti mate was employed at a salary of but had other duties to perform and tire amount of is regarded as a proper proportion chargeable to the waterworks as formerly installed for fire protection The total annual charge for fire pro tection practically would pru- vide twenty hydrants if rented from a private coy at each per annum a fair outlay for a town of the size area etc of Newmarket It is to be remembered too from the exten sion of the the town gets the benefit of a more perfect system of fire protection being now 33 hydrants and an engineer constantly n duty To this must be added an estimate of the value of street lighting and pub lic lighting which is placed as fol lows 23 arc lamps for street lighting at per annum Lighting public buildings tent as they should appear owing to the fact that the financial statements of the town include in one account ex penditures on fire hall and equipment fire alarm water and electric light The items belonging to other than wa ter and electric light account have been however as far as is apparent from the annual financial statements Taking the year as an example of what may be expected for the fu ture we have the following results Waterworks revenue Electric light revenue 73 Fire protection DO Street and public lighting General expenditure of water works and electric Salaries Debentures paidw A Try our Coal Oils SCHOOL Total The salaries chargeable to the oper ating of the plant include that of an engineer for the twelve years 1899 inclusive an additional per annum added to the salary of col lector from 1889 to inclusive and the salary of an electrician for the three years inclusive The financial statements of the town show the following receipts and since 1887 when the wale- works were first installed 96800 Surplus for the year 590 The matter depreciation of plant is an of cost which is subject to much reference of opinion With this in view it may be accepted that a suc cessful plant is at the ex piration of the debentures issued for construction will have met the annual of operation and the cost of necessary renewals and repairs re maining at the end of such period in an efficient condition for contiriued ser vice That the Newmarket water works after thirteen years of opera tion during the first of which a loss must be expected and combined with this the electric light system in its three years of operation that Wis I J en o 3 S a o EL a Pi a n a IHH8 1892 1897 WATER OESERAl 57252 1J830C3 plant during these early periods of operation will have met the ex- of operation and 0 the watervorks systu was M sixlra ca ton operated atone one engineer was em- or for right candle power lights are in use ployed When the electrical plant was lh installed for municipal and la CaUlie fll0r an eiectnciat was rates are made the the plcent has he in addition who was to per- fe of room exposed to ash and coal dust form the duties an as well per lamp of sixteen candle power a very obiectionabTe In having charge of the electrical planta the pr mm and to wiring street ieil thousand it is intended to make such a Limps etc or part the day colltratl division of the boiler and pumping so much has the extent of e com- P lighting exceeded original ex pectations that an additional engineer has during been necessary to permit tile electrician to devote his whole time to the wiring installation of lamps etc car bon ing the arc lamps etc The sal ary of the electrician as indicated hi the proceeding statement of expenditure Tor was ana that of He en gineer Ordinary labor Si per day and a man and team per day COAL Slack coal is chiefly used in sum mer almost altogether but in winter it is mixed with mine run Slack coal has ranged in price from to per ton at Niagara Falls Mine run ranges from cents to cents a ton more than slack The freight is per ton from the Falls The duty on mine run ia cents a ton for the total weight on slack a ton on per cent and cents on per cent- so that the difference of duty is in of slack Lump coal costing slightly than mine run has been used but does nob appear to render much if any better service The in coal however have not been made the subject of careful teats in the operation of this plant power is distant from the railway station about rods the hauling of coal an appreciable item in the cost of operation WATER The water rates as established by bylaw are in part as follows Per Annum Private houses first Second tap 1 Oaths in private dwelling houses including basin 06 In other than private dwelling houses to bo- fixed by agreement Watercloset in private dwelling Watercloset in private dwellings and bath An electric fire alarm system has Glider the old system the dynamos been installed at a cost of to the door of the apparatus is simple and effective con- the improvements be- sisting of fourteen boxes with I bells distributed thruout the town the foundations necessary wiring and an annunciator engineers and dry ceil battery at the power J ftUathed The engineer at the power house one being constantly on duty a l residence This sounds the alarm with the steam wins- having in accordance with the number of convenient at all times and the alarm box indicated on the amiunj J advantageous when The engineer also sounds call Kvcn bells at the houses of the town help in case of fire at night and chief of the volunteer lo ver convenient to brigade and the water works Wlce the en- pumps in motion steam being always j WwM ready A pressure of one hund red can be at any of the hydrants of there are thirtythree the town There is a fire station in the centre of the town with hose drying power heated with hot air also a hosereel house in of the town not readily from the main fire station The equipment consists of two hose reels and a hook and ladder truck The locations of the fire be better though slightly more ex pensive in first cost to erect a detach- residence for the engineer at a convenient distance for as pointed out plants are likely to expand or require alternation and obstruction to enlargement in any direction is preferably to be avoided Water supply for fire and domestic purposes and the production of elec tricity for public lighting commercial lighting and power forms in and he house are such I 171994 Deducting from the general expendi ture the cost of electric light and waterworks system as represented by the debenture issue we have General expenditure 24 Less cost of construction The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited BAY STREET TORONTO Fiictoty NEWMARKET Oat It Pays to Use Good Material Just one year we lib Newmarket and we made 112 large more this week than we the week a year ago Have call I you Bread and Cakes made by practical baker Try a lb of our Lemon Pie Filling We that are and import Baltimore CO I go ATS for since installation Including salaries- SUMMARY A summary of receipts and ltires thirteen years inclusive is therefore as follows Waterworks for private Waterworks tot fire pro- lection 12 year plant private limiting plant and lighting year a extensions and of the debentures annually paid up to the end of a safe predic tion that the plant will be classed among the successful ones fWitli a profit of in a year in which there was much expense for electrical supplies and an increas ing number of incandescent lamps from which the revenue will expand there is reason to believe that the early expenses will at least be fully covered and that the plant will ulti mately a source of revenue for the town or permit a reduction of water and lighting rites In addition the town derives benefit in several ways from better fire pro tect ion from the great convenience to the private citizens and industrial- in stitutions arising from the two ser vices lighting and water sup ply and to all of which a financial value cannot be attached in an esti mate of revenue ANNUAL EXPENDITURE The expenditure of IB9IF an in stance of the annual charges or oper ation is as follows Coal at Niagara tons 1400 Its Freights duty on coal Drawing from sta Ill Wages Wages engineer 100 Wages Misc Labor that there is a down grade to the greater part of terrttlory to bo served An issue of debentures has been made this year 1900 amounting to 10000 for the purpose of increasing the ca pacity and duplicating certain portions of the plant The present alternating flynanto with a capacity for incandescent lights has been wired with and the number is constant- increasing so that it is becoming overloaded although owing to tlie fact that all tights are never in use double the rated number of lamps on the house circuit and per cent a circuit of store lights is permiss ible EXPENDITURES General operation pout Salaried flurpluB from to iticloMvo 91062318 The amount represents a to be applied to the debenture debt That revenue from the wa terworks plant during thb first years following its would be to defray all expenses of op eration and maintenance and meet Urn annual payment of debentures as well was not to be anticipated particular ly in a town of moderate size such as Newmarket where good well water Is to be had Moreover the annua fin ancial statements Issued by the tow Electric light supplies Waterworks supplies Packing rings gaskets etc Asbestos for pipes Repair pump compound oil spirits andchemlcals Repairs to Blacksmith account Misc supplies to be fixed by special agree ment Pantry tap with sink 1 2 A general charge c twenty cents per gallons is made for water sup plied by meter Rates are also fixed for boarding houses hotels schools stables bakers butchers fountains steam engines billiard rooms etc Rates charged for sprinkling lawns or plots season from first May to thirteenth September square feet and under per season square and per season square feet and under per season Each additional feet A discount of per cent is allowed when rates are paid within the first fifteen days of each quarter RATES The following is the schedule of rates for electric lighting as adopted in- the totem A discount is hot allowed as in the case of water rates HOUSE LIGHTS light per annum lights per annum V each lights per annum 4- each and lights per annum 3 each arid per annum each and lights per annum each and lights per annum each 12 lights per annum each 13 lights per annum each per annum each 1 lights per annum each lights per annum 30 each lights per annUtn 2 each lights per annum each ilghts and over per annum each AH bedroom lamps each per At is however intended to have a duplicate plant including boilers en gines dynamos and waterworks pumps so that in case of breakage or accident to one set of machinery the engineer or electrician can at once put duplicate plant in- operation In j duplicating the electric plant it was decided to put in an engine boiler and dynamo of double the capacity of those heretofore in use so that the large plant can take care of the electric lighting during the heaviest season and the smaller plant during the summer municipality would be at all likely to undertake This is favored by the fact that a municipality can obtain money construction for about 2 per cent less- than is possible for a private company to borrow it New market except for minor particulars in the case of the waterworks is aid- by few natural advantages The principal item of cost power is de pendent upon coal ihe most expensive source The successful issue of the enterprise for which the town is de serving of much credit devolves upon careful management That the business men should be actively interested in the public affairs is to be regarded as an essential to good results all mu nicipal industries and in this connec tion it is to be noted that the Mayor of Newmarket Cane Esq is the head of an important manufactur ing establishment and has had over sight of the municipal waterworks and electric plant since its inception With the completion of the improve ments and extensions now proposed the electric light ana waterworks plant will become one of the most perfect in the province 263 BO 3 12 season when the demand for light is not so great This will operate both sets of machinery in turn and keeps them both in good order In duplicating the present suction and force pump the object is merely to provide against accident and should it be necessary to take one apart for repairs the other will be ready for operation in case of fire A tender has been accepted for an additional engine for the electric plant of the type horsepower and a horizontal tubular boiler rated at these to be set up arid connected by the manufacturer on foundations provided by the town for 3400 The new boiler will re place the old GO horsepower boiler the latter to become the property of the company whose tender is accepted tender has also been accepted for new dynamo of capacity con stant potential of volts of the same type as the alternating dynamo now in use The new dynamo with station apparatus will cost Such imperfections as occur in the plant are to be found mainly at the power house where the most satisfac tory arrangement of the machinery Is not possible This arises chiefly repeated extensions which have made Had it been poss ible to the entire plant at one time and under one plan or to antici pate its ultimate growth the cost would have been less and the results it annum provided the house is lighted more perfect It Is a common by at least one other electric light Misc freight 87 besides the Bedroom lights used for than 20 ordinary bedroom purposes arc charged full rate AH lajnps in stores or shops r which turned oft at pm and used Sat- until pm only for Total operation An each light per v Misc Carting Telephone Telegrams Inland retenue fee however that these works ex pand beyond expectation and the fut ure requirements cannot be foreseen or if anticipated it is impracticable to provide for them In the case of Newmarket so impossible was It to the ultimate growth of the wa ter supply and electric light systems that hid the- touficil in the first in Mrs an aged relative the station agent at Pistoles Que lost her life in the fire which destroy ed the station building It is expected that the Duke of York will return from Australia via Canada and that lie will visit New foundland on his way home next sum mer An explosion in the San Andres mine situated in a remote part of Mexico caused death of men women and children and injured many others In reply to the many inquiries which have been nude in regard to Queen Victorias family name we will say that It was while that of her consort was They were first cousins Alberts father the Duke of and Victorias mother the Duchess of Kent having been brother and sister A Siege The matrons of the pdi- son Orphanage at Lowell they had a siege of In their institution They said that very case was promptly by Vapo- Cresolefae Its value in coughs and colds was so it ready for use You know used dont you vaporizer and you inhale ft us fox ft book that tells all and sold by Lehman V