Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1901, p. 8

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th era i I t tor bUIoatriess indigo liver and curt headache jaundice lion etc aw ha- to present a cold or break tip a Wild certain are confidence Purely vegetable can be taken children or delicate women is I dealers or by mail of I Hood Lowell ound flub fc l 1 fa FIND WORTHY The ladies of the Ever- at their last- monthly meeting re solved to donate as a Christmas offer ing to Mr and Mrs who tost all they possessed in the recent riots in China a smalt supply fruit and other necessaries of lift This was Jo generously there being about jars of LINE KINO A very pleasant evening wail at Mr A about couple until the early hours J Christ mas tree in connection the Urns Sunday School was a great success the disgraceful conduct of a few rowdies at the close marred the good name of- the corner- A few from this line took in the concert at the Coventry school and al so the tree Friday last and report a good time at both places The Methodists of this place held a grand concert on Jan Singing Miss Edith Leech and Miss Crane Dont also ham honey lbs of butter bags of potatoes barrels of Rev apples and numerous other articles of East accompanied by his guitar Recitations by Laura Pepper of Whitby Ladies College and Miss Mabel Speeches by Rev J A Long of Bolton and Rev A fine pro- tit A In price for the remainder or Cabinets for 2 Half Cabinets 125 Sunbeams I guarantee toe best work I bat can be produced or refund the money assortment of Frames at City Prices Cat and see them GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND Newmarket r AURORA comfort I The animal and Xmas tree given by the scholars of school proved a decided success Each who took part their of part in an excel lent manner presented of Toronto also recited and j was heartily The Eversley Glee Club assisted with a of songs Mr J Stokes of King City acted as chairman arid also gave a number of selections on his phono graph which were well received Mr Albert Wells acted as Santa in his usual popular There were quite a number sells for the young men present but all received hem in good part At the close a valuable rocking chair was presented to Miss Dunning by the scholars of the school ALL VOUK PAHS PainKiller A In IU1f for CRAMPS DIARRHOEA COLDS RHEUMATISM and cent BEWARe OF IMITATIONS- BOY ONLY THE PERRY DAVIS i J J Thursday of last week will be a day long remembered by the people of this place as occasion of much pleasure and enjoyment to the entire section As a souvenir of many happy hours spent in fitting up a turnout for our Public School at the North York Pair and our already noted success it was thought only fitting to celebrate by an oyster supper Lacking a moon the evening was all that could be wished for and as a result a very large number were present The tables presented a very pretty ance and were extremely tempting The oysters were pronounced by every- one to be A I and much credit is due to who had the preparing them Just before the company sat down to tea the gathering was called to order and Mr our popular public school teacher was T j completely taken by surprise by Miss he Standard Life he V 1 Mr A FT I Oscar On this another A Hi Ow jsion it has again fallen to us as it docs to most of us so many times during life to say goodbye at least The Company has now enter- jjt tu tlie business and social upon its year I he ftroivn lo following figures testify to and it is with deep regret that its STABILITY LIBER- the time is now so near at hand when PrvPlH vou intimate alii ruruLAttiii connection with We the pupils of public school and your many friends in this neighborhood desire to take this op portunity expressing in some tan gible form our moyt hearty apprecia tion of your selfsacrificing efforts and merited success in our school during the time you have so ably Idled the position teacher here and while at times perhaps we have been careless I and indifferent to our best interests The Misses of spent a day or so with friends Public School Inspector for York and Mrs spent day with friends here Mr and Mrs Titman and family of spent Christmas with Mrs Tilmans parents at Snowball Mr and Mrs Geo The members of the Masonic Lodge their friends last evening at an At Home in their lodge rooms There were a number present An elegant served during the evening The Tanning Company on Christmas eve presented each married man in their employ With a goose and each single man with a oys ters as a present and in turn the employees presented Mr the manager of the with a BRADFORD The Holland River road was improv ed lately to the extent of upwards of forty loads of gravel being placed it On the breaking up of High School for the holidays Mr J Rogers the Principal way made the recipient of a watch chain with an ad dress by the pupils and teachers Division No of the County of YoVk was field at King City All the nominees retired Mc- Cutchcon which will make a three- cornered fight of Crown Lands J was present and delivered a short but in teresting address on matters pertain ing to municipal government outlin ing a number of amendments his Gov ernment intended to make in ho Act- Mr on taking his seat loud ly A Good Roads Com for Ontario will address a series of meetings in township in the In terest of a bylaw that will be- voted on by the ratepayers on the 7th of Jan He is billed to a meeting at Jan 3rd at oclock and at at oclock of the same day Mr Davis is nursing a very sore foot A very heavy fell on it from the workboard in the tin-shop- Bible of Linton won the silver watch at Lloydtown for nearost on buttle of beans at Bonds ana the pair of gloves were in the bottle At the Annual Meeting for the elec tion of Officers for Loyal Orange Lodge No Jos Hulling head who held the Of Master for years expressed his de sire resign J no Gordon was promoted to his place The other were filled as follows DM H Chap tiro Bond Win of Bro Dyke Jos Com Bros A i At the of installation cer emony lunch was served Mr Wm Terry our butcher has been limping around with the aid of cane as a result of having his seriously hurt by a waggon running over him A very pretty house wedding took place at Lislehurst on Dec when Florence the third daughter of Mr and Mis LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT Look out tried the carial- boat wii under a tow bridge itnmeiiiatriyput his out of the cabin window to look and got a severe blow- Rubbing head rue fully he Why dp these call look out when they mean look in Look out for your health means look in For the secret of health is within you Germs are in the air you breathe and in the water you drink but if blood is pure and your stomach sound germs can find no permanent lodgemeut keep the and stomach in health or to reestablish them in a healthy condition they are eased no medicine is so effective as Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery It purifies the blood cleanses the system of waste and poisonous substances increases the activity of the bloodmaking glands and invigorates the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition can say honestly and candidly that Dr Golden Discovery is rand- medicine Jed for write Miss Am isle of Wight Co ter ribly with rheumatism and pimples on the akin and swelling in my fcueei feet so that I could not walk spent about twenty dollars paying doctor bills but received no benefit a- or two ago decided to try Or Pierces oIJea Medical Discovery and Favorite and am cured The Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser pages free Send cent stumps for the papercovered edition or stamps for the Cloth bound to Br Pierce We have just received a Car of BEST BRITISH COLUMBIA for the inleWtilioifcrxiuMii CO- Va uiTcred RED I E S J Every Shingle of which is Perfect- Call and see them Pine Shingles r We also have a full assortment of Solid Gold Best Gold Gold Fill Best Glasses Wegnarantee perfect fiLOBB OPTICAL CO 3 Yorio Street Toronto Mr K English Master in r ana nrs the Butte Collegiate Institute is to united- by marriage Mr 1 Rutherford Perry Funas about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Paid During year 1898 Polices were would n0t iave issued for 10016101 tliink that efforts for our welfare ihave been either few or fruitless we milled together in our The has invcsVtrients in school room in our homeland else- Canada to over Four- j where you have your gentle Millions of Dollars pathetic nmnner and manly Christian Mr J Rogers a of the School here duties to commence after the holidays Mr has been engaged at a salary of The Orange brethren of Coupons Hill expect to have a gala time on Now Years night They are to provide food for the body as well as mind and the general public are cord ially invited to partake of the good things Ministers members of Par liament Lawyers Quartettes Orches tras c will contribute to what promises to be an excellent pro gram- Witness of Mount Forest The bride wore a gown of ivory duchess sateen train trimmed with pleaited chiffon and carrying a of carnations The bride was assisted by her sister who wore white over silk- ami carried a of Chrysanthe mums Mr- S King of Mount Forest assisted the The brides presents were numerous costly and beautiful PATENTS GUARANTEED fee returned it fait Any one sending and description of any invention will receive our opinion trte concerning patentability- of How to Obtain a Patent sent upon Patents secured through for sale at our expense patents taken out through us receive tpeclai in Tali an illustrated and widely circulated Investors for id pic copy FREE Address VICTOR J A CO Attorneys- The WWv Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT 1 LAMP LIGHT OF ONTARIO ENQUIRE OF DEALERS FOR IT The QUEEN CITY OIL TORONTO ROGERS President I A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Miss Baker on Dec when a piano recital was given by a number of her pupils BONUS YEAR 1900 now and secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT District Inspector J A Agent Id every out up Midi or oJ all also ulrry act to exceed lo good honest reliable men No needful Write for fall THE CO KENDALLS SPAVIN aU for- 11 fit Will I tin OLEICS pi it or Ajri4t Mt CO J bearing and example endeared self to as all Indeed our hearts go out in warm gratitude toward you and you may rest assured that you will have our very best wishes for abundant success in your future course of study and we trust that as we Itecomc scattered from our school that we often have the privilege of again meeting with you As a slight memento of our esteem for you we beg acceptance of this pair of regretting the gift not more worthy of the re cipient and trust you- will consider only the feelings which prompt the be stowal We now all join in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and pros perous future Signed on behalf of the school by Violet Webster Maggie and and Harry Sibley ilcnville Dec During the reading of the address Master Harry Sibley made the presen tation of a of Persian Gauntlets Mr although taken by surprise made a very feeling reply in which he referred to the cordial relations which had always between them as teacher and scholars and his best were for J their success Mr his stay here has made many friends j who will be sorry to have him leave parting of the Teacher and on Friday afternoon was very af fecting and will be long remembered by those who Mr une up from the city on Saturday last and re mained over New Years- Mr McCullocb of Newmarket is expected to preach In the church here next Sunday pm Methodist Century Fund Dr Potts Is now and will assuredly reach the million dol lars aimed at v- I is destruction of lung by a growing germ precisely as mouldy cheese is destruction of cheese by a growing germ If you kill the germ you stop the consumption You can or according to when you begin Take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil take a little at first It acts as a food it is the easiest fo od Seems not to be food makes you hungry eating is comfortable You grow tfaia on it I more take not too much enough is as much as you like and agrees with you Satisfy hunger with usual food whatever you like and agrees with you When you are strong again have recovered your strength the germs are dead you have killed them If you have not tried it for free sample He agreeable taste will surprise you Toronto Poultry Notes Do not let laying hens eat snow Eggs are now so high that they look to city purchasers like stars For egg eaters dark nests and plenty of china nest eggs are the best prac tical remedy Dont forget to give fresh water to fowls every day your mother hens special care now Do not allow them to get wet or cold shells broken in small pieces are relished by the hens and are very good for them Save all the beets turnips potatoes and vegetables yon do not need for the chickens Stale bread makes a good food for laying hens and will not produce an overabundance of fat Dont forget to lay a supply of grit so that the fowls may not suffer after cold weather sets in Farmers should keep more and bet ter fowls The farm is natural abode and they will do better on it To get the best results from pullets should be separated from the matea at three months old or even earlier Do not feed the fowls more than they will eat up clean There is where many make a mistake and feed too much Dont keep a lot of male birds in the lock during the winter Keep those needed for next season in separate yards A house is large to ac commodate a flock of 50 hens using one third of it for roost and the re mainder for a scratching shed For frosted- comb rub on a mixture of two parts glycerine and one part turpentine A faw later apply sweet oil This treatment will usual ly restore the comb in a few days If begun early The Kingston Penitentiary twine factory is being overhauled and a lot of new machinery will be put in Mr and Mrs Christopher kin who live just west of the town In the Township of- West Oxford The Chronicle celebrated the anniversary of day oh Sunday last They are probably the oldest married couple In Canada living together Mr McMulkfn was years fit age last June and his aged partner In life was years old on tho of December Doth are bale and hearty and axe good for a number of years yet McMuIkln read and knit glasses Both the old people have wonderful To abort cat la and at noma of a We want a few more workers in this at and in order secure your cooperation without the delay of correspondence we herewith explain our full plan In this advertisement the wdrk is simple and the Machine is easily operated and with the Guide requires no teacher If you wish to join our of Workers let us hear from you promptly with the Application Form for Stock and Machine filled out and remittance and we will allot you Stock and send you machine and outfit to begin work at once THE PEOPLES KNITTING LIMITED 180000 Incorporated by Provincial lb Ontario Act Authorized Capital Stock HEAD OFFICE TORONTO CANADA I he Syndicate Is Offering a limited amount of Stock at per jhare In lots ot twenty of the twenty to be furnished a twentydollar knitting machine free to work iho Syndicate to share In the net pi of its of ail goods mode formed for the of and to ho tare Comblno and Compinlem which at and to goods with tho r company to down 1 a Syndicate It own and machine a Thi divide wih Its working I twnfyOO dollar Knitting to and and l In net profit you Syndicate hat all made by at their own hornet ie Syndicate for all properly at upon receipt of tame and aa la woVkng thorehold re the net the tale of all made for work when the net you ha OF THE but tho em Ihi ana and to fust It cat bo tent by lino to At rati tin can ou iviwiuMf which It will that onto It would be dollar Mi tan Ihtrefort not and all druggists fettttf das lull outfit optratlon to that anyone of ordinary Qolf and DDIPCC the Syndicate I rnluLO Bicycle Mote OOpcrlOOL All these are quickly made than clerking In working In or farm Shareholders can devote oil or Ie With a of yarn to commence at once of ordinary Hole and a fcnlt from the of or eocke or bicycle hot in twenty minuter With Qntt toque pay much all timet they All thete are quickly made on the machine and at any than clerking In working in or farm fihareholdera can oil or of their time for the of the Syndicate Vflll to become lift I MUM lU JUIIli at work tie out to it fill In and referenco and with Monty qui tlrn a for and Out ifatev fc I encloto m herewith la for to of to no other rcoole a limited which I allotted lo me and oo free your tattttictloai and yam which with to me to me begin work for the Syndicate at receipt of Mae laid W sarttripato In the of the Syndicate In to for id the do for the my Mr kow stack leu dyt AA4 AOw Too to eend V I

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