Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Jan 1901, p. 5

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Ik n- 4 I I- hud Manser inEWMARKETj BRANCH General J interest Allowed Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED flritftjE ml vid i 10 OX- r the Era Jesus by Matt- January 1901 ox- QUA pits Poods CD Voice tuner or Pianos and ttl Stria IN Monuments and Head Stones Ordering Elsewhere Al Wholesale PROVISION STORE Two door North Furniture Store Main Newmarket of The best sod Mildest Cured Meats on the Market A trial will con vince Alao Rolled Corn ileal Butter Potatoes ERB TonKnelHonsyBoap Order filled on the shortest hath done what she she is come to an- Li toy body to the burying I fr THROBS Verse That borne is greatly where Jesus is a guest No love gift is too costly for Jesus Christ ft A may have a low estimate of his master Jesus has the first claim upon our generosity are always very men to serte Jesus passes quickly Love eyes see what duty may overlook Jesus gives Character is not changed by the best surroundings 15 The self life may sacrifice even Jesus to its intereste 16 Nearness to Jesus does not change the txaitorpus heart SUQGESTIOSS Verses may be invited into the leper- home Disciples may misunderstand some good works A stranger may apprehend truth before a disciple Jesus rewards the deed even if the doer is nameless IB A disciple of Jesus may fall into dreadful sin troths Verses The loving heart will seek opportunities for service Andrew sought for Jesus his brother Peter Philip finds for Jesus his friend The woman finds a congregation for Jesus Verses The self centered soul will see evil in good doing Christs mission to the demon possessed abused Christs miracle on the blind Christs mighty work at Bethany aroused anger Verses To the loving soul spiritual insight is given To Peter the loyal was given the revelation of God To John the loving was given the knowledge of Jesus To Paul toe true hearted was given a sight of Jesus Verse Christ lifts into immortal preeminence benefits received The widows mites have worldwide fame The cup of cold water given in the name of Jesus is The visit to the jailbird is kept in mind by Jesus Verses may go from religious into sin Cain killed Abel after a religious service Saul sought to slay David at a religious feast Judas betrayed Christ after the Passer service Verse disloyal heart seeks opportunities for mischief Saul goes- to Damascus to afflict Christs followers Herod to Christs foes the church Nero troubles oic the disciple Jesus IS GOING OK IN Mr Burke an employee in Canes Factory a painful accident last Friday morning when the etuis of fingers were taken of by a jointer Township Convention The annual of the Sabbath School tion be the Methodist church and Wednesday Jan and There was a fair supply of bulrter and eggs at the market last Saturday but there was an upward tendency As high as cents was paid for but ter and for fresh eggs packed sold Great demand for poultry dressed geese went up to and dressed turkeys to lie per pair was paid and for chickens Apples and a basket and produce same as previous market Itnrnediately at toe close of the Service in the church the following ad dress and presentation took place To Rev P Dear Pastor We take this first in trft of the Twentieth Century to thank you for the interest shown in the spiritual and temporal welfare of the members of your congregation the unremitting attention to the sick and suilering whether their names were upon the church roll or hot The young people have always found in you one who was interested in their welfare the pulpit you have been faithful in en treating instructing and warning At times words fail to express our appreciation of others then in the motto of the country in which ill- K THE LEADING L HARDWARE STORE fleawly pipe The residence of Mr Richard son occupied by Mr had a escape last Saturday evening Miss struck a match to light a lamp but the sulphur flew oil the end into the lace curtains and they went up in smoke a puff Fortunately Mr and Mr Coffee were in the room and with their assistance the tire extinguished but not before the curtains the curtain pole and the carpet had been badly damaged 1 DONT neglect- I write for our New if in ihe the School In which to train for Business Central College Toronto employs SO nd studwiUiind in strong demand WiWerTermfroiyi Ian 2 any time after that date We fire ursea lor those cannot end our School- particulars firtven SHAW Principal a 17 gun At dawn the officer com manding the post at sent out a patrol and shelled the enemy out of Helvetia making them abandon the temporarily- The Boers however formed our prisoners around the gun and got it away eventually No ammunition belonging to the gun was Captured The casualties were 1 officers wounded men killed and wounded A was sent out from but owing to had roads it failed arrive in time tiHd Three Years of Success the above period I have engines several 9 I have had no lawsuits or of any kind and far as I my cuHtomcrs are well I yet Have t Good Portable Engines for Halt including Cornell Abel White and lean supply 4t full refitted at giving 3 time cheap rig where it will interfere with my regular cugtomeis Trial given satisfied settlement- West Dec vil lage was vfetted with the roost disas trous fire in lie history tonight The whole block on the east side of Gra ham street was wiped out and the will probably amount Tlie conflagration started in the grocery stre of McColl Bros shortly after seven oclock CATARRH CURE direct to She Men Boers on Christmas so ox London Dec The War Office has Dec Gen received the following despatch from has severely defeated corn- Lord Kitchener IK miles west of and Pretoria Dec am Gen has driven them towards He reports that our post at He- captured a number of- wagons and veUa was captured morning leased the Cape police who were cap- by the About were killed at and wounded and taken prisoners London Dec ten Kitchener Col Kitchener reports that he is telegraphing from Pretoria Sunday following with a small force in the December says track of the Helvetia being The post at Helvetia was surprised by Reeves has been at 230 am the enemy first rushing reinforced from Belfast Helvetia was a very strong posi tion on Railway and was held by a detach ment of the Liverpool Am asking for further information Boers are said to have two or three horses each though in bad ditbn They have no gun or trans port but are well supplied Rifles Cap tured Boers say that the intention of these commandos is to roam about and wait until appears upon the The British Government London Dec General Kitchener owner of over camels telegraphing from Pretoria under date thousand are used in India to carry of Friday December 28 sends a sum- stores and equipment when companies miry of the number of attacks made are changing quarters line of by tie at various points The march only important incident was an attack Canada lacks Only square on a baggage column near whole A company with a pompom of Europe It is nearly 30 made a sortie from and and drove of the Boers Captains and is square miles and Harvest were wounded Bight the United States men were killed and wounded Twenty men were missing London Dec A de spatch dated December 28 says it estimated that were engag ed in the operation in North Natal hoping to break the British line of communication This plan failed and the Boors were driven off in each case with more or less loss their casualties in the past day or two numbering while the British casualties were slight Transvaal Deo The Boers captured two waggons contain ing Christmas luxuries destined for the camp of Lord London Dec It is credibly Rev Milton Coltman who has oc cupied the pulpit ever since the de parture of Rev Mr Weeks completed his term of engagement last Sunday He preached with much acceptance and gives promise of being an arduous and successful laborer in the Masters vineyard The new pastor yev J is expected to occupy the pulpit next Sunday On Tuesday evening the members of the church will hold a reception and roll call It will take the form of a social evening and a large attendance is anticipated side Deeds- Speak and moments come in our lives when silence is gold- en It is well to commence a new day- week month or year with good good intentions good resolves and actions But comparatively few are privileged to commence anew cent under such circum stances as we do now We ask you to accept and invest the Gold as a reminder of the twenty- seven years of the best of your life in the Methodist ministry and which may give you profit and pleasure during the days you may be spared in the present Century The Silver to be used for the enjoyment of yourself and family And we cannot allow this opportun ity to pass without expressing word of appreciation of Mrs Ream for her unassuming and indefatigable services for the upbuilding of our church Hoping you and yours may be Spar ed many happy years to labor Master is the wish by this gift from the families of your congre gation on behalf of the congregation The pastor who was completely sur prised made a suitable reply Christian Srincjoy The annual Christmas entertainment in connection with the above school took place last Friday- evening and a very social time was spent Tea was provided for all present and after the children had spent a couple of hours in games the Superintendent- Mr Eves called the gathering order and a program of recitations and sing ing by the children together with singing by Rev Mr and reading by the Superintendent occupi ed about an hour Candies were then distributed to the children and every body went home feeling that they had spent a good time A quiet wedding took place at the Free Methodist parsonage in the town of on Dec when Glover of and Miss Mary A formerly of the tovn of were married by Rev H Reynolds Mr and Mrs Glov er left on the evening train to visit friends near is the O The election of officers was complet ed last Friday evening when the fol lowing were elected in addition to those already given Foreman Overseer J Snider Guide Byo A Inside Watch Stone Outside J Buck Rep A Armitage Al to L Jackson The installation will take place On Monday Jam The District Deputy It Peregrine of has been invited to new officers and an oyster supper is on deck at the close Consumptives Need not to be Cured The System Of TfMtmeot If you Ab solutely A consideration kibe overlooked the treatment couaumpUve the expense inquest of Some of medical men are now advising the permanently I free- or A V Newcastle dated 29 that M w being and Louis Botha has Informed Command- written about change of climate and ant that Kruger ha influence patient Stick lots word that the must lay altitudes say one the mountains down their arms or continue fighting aw another How la a on their own accent as no support feme from Europe tan be expected people consumption in all climates The Boors admit that in flglit from it too in all climates with Gen Clements at if they are treated jproperly The they lost 130 men positive cure for the disease is to kill the Cape Colony I it ft1moi ldatd l system of lb almost disease must bare log to feed on That is the principle On Christmas no mail had reached underlying the system You can there Dec try it at your home Provisions are at famine prices The V military took charge of all the lament commanded gjJJtfflfcJgJJ by Major Harry had a Com mi with the aalloa Dec 27 at captured a m- voy of on Christmas eve flnnlversary The Royal Templars are making great preparations to make their anniversary concert an success It is to take place in the Temperance on Monday evening of next week There are pieces on the program which will I varied inter esting and entertaining The is only cents and children c Coombs Esq Principal of the High School has kindly consented to take the chair The program com prises vocal and inrumcntal music dialogues and recitation wellknown talent including Miss Partridge Miss Miss Lush Mr J Green Mr tho McDonald and families All friends of Tem perance should make a note of this entertainment and encourage the workers by their presence Square A Ladies of Canada The hollow tiare a purely British military tactic was never broken but once Why Because Tommy At kins frorn Canada and Tommy Atkins from all other British possessions stand solidly together Tlie lesson is that in a commercial way also the colonies should stand firmly together and the ladies of Canada the purchas ing power can do much toward ac- that end Ceylon and produce the finest teas By using the teas grown in sister colonies ladies act patriotically These teas- appeal to you f sentiment from purity from economy in every way they are superior to Japan or Chinas Drinkers of tea should try Mon soon or Blue Ribbon packets The employees of the Metropolitan Railway and invited guests to the number of spent Saturday evening at Hotel Bonds Lake An excellent supper was provided by the proprietor of- the hostelry and holi day festivities were indulged in with much satisfaction to the gathering Cleveland Dec Two frightful elevator accidents occurred here this morning within five in build ings only a short distance from each other Sydney of London Ont stepped into an open shaft and fell six storeys and Ralph 19 years old fell five storeys Doth were instantly killed Silence is of ten the most eloquent answer that can be given The brow of a hill may not be wrinkled but it is often furrowed Affluence is the of every man who is in the employ of others l t Tho multiplication table has no legs but it gets there just the same System is an index for the mind To see something to object to In people is better than not seeing any thing in them at all KEEP YOURSELF STRONG And you will ward off colds pneu monia fevers and other diseases You need to have pure rich blood and good digestion foods makes the Wood rich and pure as no other medicine can do It tones the stom ach creates an appetite arid invigor ates the whole system You will be wise to begin taking it now for It will keep you strong and well Hoods Pills are lionirritating Price 25 cento V Severn Bridge Dec Atlan tic Express jumped track at this place this morning at Oclock and every car on the train was derailed land more or Mess damaged The mail I car was turned completely over and rolled into the ditch Joseph sons of Paris sustained a broken leg Mr George Thorn a leading merchant of states I was troubled with Itching piles fifteen and at times they er bad I could scarcely walk tried a many remedies but never found anything like Dr Chaises Oint ment It cured me Mr Jackson of the Laurie Spool Company St Alexis Monti Que writes I was troubled for two years with that cruel disease bleeding piles after using Dr Chases Ointment I can say I am entirely rid of it It la a treasure to all suffering from i Mr Thornton blacksmith Calgary states For fifteen years I suffered untold agony from blind Itching pile end have been treatment with wellknown phy sicians I had tumors removed but obtained no positive cure I have suf fered more than I can toll but can now say that thanks to Dr Chases Oint ment am positively cured and by one and a half boxes a box Or Chases Ointment Ready Pot Winter la Ufa ft Cook and Heaters FOR Coal and Wood Are wanted now and we wish to draw jour attention to our stock the leading makes on hand in the Line always in Paints Oils and Glass ALLAN CO ftf NEWMARKET LEADING SHARON i GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Fall Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh I kenyon f JAM ARMOUR PROOF RUBBERS CO ROBBERS the Armour Proof firand are the strongest heavy Duck rubbers They wear best because made of purest rubber and more of it in any other heavy rubber Extra heavy real tap soles Stand the Wear See that the rubbers you buy have the Armour Proof brand on the side like the cut Z Sold at all dealers Made by the oldest and best Rubber Company in Canada i The Rubber Co WINNIPEG VAST STOW We Jtlrr to i7 ali OlR tii of it ait n to them out Ite xh WE lo it JO ftlft i Jul jnu Of He I rtttru inncj AlHolulely As will DIfT THE CO WHOLESALE JtWCLERS TORONTO R ihst bis stock of which dont and and stock of Traps Csriso in of York a In the of ho and out of the of said Bailiff Cedar Rails Posts FOE SALS AJ 14 f L 1 i- -Uk-

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