Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 28 Dec 1900, p. 9

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I V f I- V V I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEC i goo r CHINA HALL Boots and Shoes We want to say a few words about our Empress Fine Shoes for Ladies They give per fect Satisfaction for the fol lowing reasons They are uptodate in They fit perfectly They are guaranteed to give Every satisfaction to the Wearer Have we Sold You a Pair Misses and Childrens fine or strong Shoes Mens and Boys coarse and fine Shoes at Pursuant to notice the nomination of candidates to represent Sharon Di vision in the next County Council of York took place in the Town Kail Newmarket on Monday afternoon last Mr H Wight of pte- siding were received in the following order tbe Courts ever and prac tical has been accomplished If reelected would strong urge that Metropolitan live- up to their agreement better furnish uptodate cars At cars are uncomfortable imperfectly heat ed and the accommodation a shame by and insult to the people of ibis viciu- of Newmarket and sc- ifcy- Since the commenced run- by M Cain of East the tollgates have and the roads revert to original by Soules municipalities An act has recently of and seconded by been passed also handing the Moulds of East GwiUimbury railway speed of cars etc J Woodcock proposed by J minor municipalities Mr busing it to each volunteers to South Mr advocated the good Africa and Mr Woodcock charged roads movement and did all he could for making out the papers white to push -it- along that a special rate in banks do the business free He also County of Hastings cost Ihe for inspecting North York Re- J pie mills on the dollar and Office and drew for extras that the Government aid of 5100000 while Warden last year It is not a year to counties was a mere drop in hard to see the inwardness of this the bucket compared with the amount County Council business and it would that it would take to maintain the be better to leave Mr Woodcock oft roads The balance would be solid for a couple of years Mr is cash out of our pocket He fast do away with that such a scheme would be bur- statute labor He was one of the l to build these gentlemen who went to the Govern- roads is a mile and a mile loaded up with this scheme He annually to maintain them He also got S3 and cents mileage for wanted good roads as well as anybody inspecting the bridge at Holland Land- but people should them at a No wonder Mr Woodcock wants moderate fee and leave them in the to make a trip down to Toronto every control of the municipalities He was few days as his ticket on the electric very much opposed to the grant of only costs him and he charges to the Clerk and as for the ser- County making a clean 170 vices of the High Constable they were every time he can go down on not required He believed Mr maintained that spending the peoples money McKay of Newmarket and second- said he was in favor of Government jeaks where the as they do their and didnt sec by Wesley of East- aid to leaning highways but he is not taxes go that anybody getting a salary of nor never was in favor of the Counties you were in the a year was entitled to any char- Council did you draw pay and Mr Kitelcy said that he had o GRAM RDrBERS Our Snag Proof Rub bers are the best the market on o- China and Glassware Dinner Sets Toilet Sets same time representing to the Premier the voice of the council of East limbury which Mr Lundy had previ ously urged On account of the large amount of money that is going into the Ontario Government thru the succession dues it is felt that some of this should come direct back to the municipal it ies to sustain leading roads The payment of an extra grant to the County Clerk was then explained in this manner High Con stable Jones was receiving a year at time of his death When the office was merged that of County Clerk the salary was reduced to While in the pursuit of his duties as High Constable in May or June last outside of the city limits Mr was obliged to visit dives where he contracted scarlet fever and tho it was a very light ease he was obliged to go to the Isolation Hos pital for six weeks The previous Clerk was paid as salary while Mr salary is only and as most High Constables receive as a salary for the performance of such work the Council thought that under the circumstances Mr was entitled to the extra 100 Mr explained that he opposed the extra grant to the Warden as he had assumed the duties when the salary was fixed at the sum of 400 and he did not believe in a person enjoying the reputation of being generous at the Countys expense But a precedent had been set as previous Warden At Very Close Prices to reduce our large Stock Over Sets to Select from See our Stock in Store opposite -o- Grocery Fine New Figs 5c lb Fine New Selected Raisins lb Fine New Citron Orange and Lemon Peels This Seasons Currants are scarce and price high R A SMITH The Leading Grocer Telephone Coal and Wood Lime Hair Cements Flour and Feed delivered to all parts of the Town free WJ WILLSON Cor Mala Karon REMOVED W proposed by Uriah assuming leading highways without Marsh of Newmarket and seconded consent of municipalities by A Mackenzie of Queensville chairman of a convention called the The returning officer declared toe interests of good roads he was one of nominations closed and retired On committee to present to Premier motion Mr J A Hopkins of Holt Ross the resolutions of that voted to chair and which was in of opened Between 50 and aid to leading roads being but in the course of an hour up- rounded by conditions that would not wards of voters were in the Hall make it impracticable but at the from alt parts of the District There was no opposition to the suggestion that the candidates should speak in the order that they were nominated and the speaking commenced Mr made an Excellent speech defining clearly many matters of public interest- He was pleased to state that the County rate of taxation had not raised any derm past two years but he could not hold out much hope for the future this re- spent It will depend largely on the new agreement with the City in refer ence to the New Court House Our present arrangement is the Coun ty pays per cent and the city SO per cent of the costs for the adminis tration of Justice and costs the Coun ty about a hear The County Court House was built in at a cost of The first meeting was held in In two wings were added to the building at a cost of 9000 In a conference was held with the City Council in refer ence to new Municipal In the Co Committee composed of Messrs Jackson- and Tyrrell completed an arrangement with the City by which the County was only to pay the interest on as their cost of constructing new build ings Mr JacksonrThe amount we agreed upon was but the Provincial Legislature increased it- Mr The building was com menced in but is not completed yet It is costing an nun of money and it shows the wisdom of the Co Council in those days in hav ing a fixed amount that the Co is li able for The City assumed the stat utory obligations of the County to build furnish and maintain the Court House It is now partially occupied but the Co has not assumed and re sponsibility because the City to charge a percentage for depreciation in value and a percentage for furnish ings The Co appealed against this but Justice Street has confirmed the action of the City The Co took no part in the allocation of offices because other matters had not been settled fearing to prejudice their case and some officers are occupying more pace than necessary The same may said of the furnishings and they arc far more expensive than the County thinks necessary Several conferences have been held and last decision reached was that Co shall pay 22 per cent and the City per cent of the Court expenses It is very im portant that good representatives be selected for the next County Council as the new agreement will be made by them and it will stand for five years Until such agreement is made to figure in separation From to I860 when the jail was run by County it cost us an average of per annum Since then the City ronn the jail and the Co pays per day for the keep of its prisoners Referring to the statement that jurymen were for the last Court he said that the City allows the County to have half the jurymen because there is a more in telligent class of men from the Coun ty than the City and they are more regular in their attendance but the City pays fourfifths of the cost and the County Matters in con nection with the Industrial Home were then explained He believed that it was managed with economy compared with efficiency Owing to a falling in the water supply it was neces sary to purchase a swamp of acres and fence it in cost A difficulty also arose between Tele phone and wires but by rent ing a strip of land on private property and moving the poles a reduction of per cent in cost of lighting more titan pays the rent and thai matter was amicably adjusted The with drawal of North Toronto and Toronto Junction from the Co and yet collect ing pay from the Co pupils attending High Schools has led to legisla tion so that in future a corporation must have a population of be fore It can withdraw from the 1 LEHMANS DRUG o- mileage from your own home Mr Yes Laughter Mr Mr who was appointed to act as clerk while Mr was sick is drawing hun dreds and hundreds of dollars out of this County and the Council was alto gether too liberal to give him 100 ex tra when his room is just next door Mr asked to be returned to watch these fellows who are all the time trying to get extras Mr Woodcock was then introduced as the next speaker He also fully explained the salary to the County Clerk and the duties of the High stable showing that between the two offices the County was now saving and defended the extra grant to Mr under the circumstances Mr Woodcock showed that in when Mr was a member of the Finance Committee they brought iu a bill to give to the Clerk He contradicted the made by Mr tliat he drew in extras over with the exception of or that is paid back to the County by the railway companies for work on the railway committee With reference lo the statement that he had charged for making out the papers in connec tion with the Transvaal matter Mr Woodcock explained that during the lime he was Warden a grant of to each member of the 1st Contingent to South Africa was made to be sent in June and the later A difficulty arose to get the names of those who were in the service and Mr Woodcock had to go to Toronto to look after the matter This accounts for the charge of lor mileage With reference to for the Registry Office Mr to go Toronto counter new desk land new office chair which effected a never canvassed for the position of County Councillor nor looked for ife but the people knowing his reputation for honesty in public matters and his ability as representative of the Town ship bad urged him to stand for the County Council and he asked the elec tors to give him their support Quite a bit of crossfiring took place towards the close of Mr Kitcleys ad dress and the meeting got quite noisy It closed in the ordinary way with a vote of thanks to the cbariman and cheers for the Queen HAPPY NEW YEAR w TO ALL LEHMAN Proprietor OTHER NOMINATIONS Scarboro At Bast Toronto James Chester Alex Ley North Toronto At Deer Park Turner and J Gibson by acclama tion At Weston J D Evans and John by acclamation At the Town ship Hall Wm of Rich mond Hill and Geo High of by acclamation A Root Ash C R Tent King J Stokes Norman Four others nominated but they all resigned Seneca Baker Hartr man and H Powell Simcoe Johnston and v lilt Pays that he had 1 to purchase new Mr Woodcock received for extras the Warden before Mr Davidson S received for extras and the War den before him Mr High received S60 for extras If returned- Mr- said he was in favor of amending the bylaw so that there would be no ex tras Mr opposed the pay ment of to Judge Morgan for ex amining the lunatics believing that to be one of the duties of the Judges in cluded in their stipend and the law has since been amended pving the Judges this extra Mr Lundy said that Mr Woodcock was largely in strumental in having the Land Titles Act amended so that Toronto Junction now pays its just proportion and fees for the maintenance of that office inmate at from this Comity costs per year amounts to sum of or a year The Alexander School for in Toronto is a simi lar institution at similar expenses Mr Lundy said he was in favor of the composition of County Councils being changed it is much better for Reeves to be the representative than the present way and equalization could be remedied by dual voting He in in favor of developing the resources of old Ontario and the appointment of a railway commission to adjust all kinds of between shippers and the railway companies He com plained of the present cattle guards that are being constructed by the railway companies winch arc practical ly no benefit Of ltd not belong to the Cocni hut he believed calling attention to such things In order that they might be remedied by the law makers Thank ing the electors for the confidence they placed in him years ago he hope fully asked for a renewal Mr What do you mean good roads Mr I am not in favor of abolition of labor but con centrating expenditure on the leading highways Mr was then introduc ed to the audience He opposed to remunerating public ser vants at additional salaries what it could be purchased for in Newmarket of over besides the fees that were charged When Mr took sick Mr was appointed Clerk without salary as it was necessary to continue business which required the signature of the Clerk and after the work had been performed the Council recommended a grant of to Mr Macdougal Mr showed that his doctor bill was over and towards this the Council gave a grant of The running expenses of the County Coun cil in was Si18O90 in were and in were Under new County Councils Act the running expenses in were in 1898 were and in were a reduction of per cent and the members likewise reduc ed from to The people of Newmarket appear to be satisfied with my course In the County but Bast is not However would not be surprised to beat the three that are against me In he said he was elected a member of the Equalization Committee and succeeded in lowering taxes of Bast by nearly sunt they have never been Tne Court House Commission was referred to stating that he was upon that com mittee and the work was only one third done The has been years in of and not yet The Cmimy is not anxious to hurry up the matter because it in the Countys Interests to delay it the committee Is ready to meet city whenever hey are ready He was look after Countys inter est and when Warden went 10 at his own expense and found out that the County was paying for a man there named Robin ion who did not be long to County He had also found that the was fees for persons who did not belong to County and had thinqs righted in In No County Council Division considerable feeling was manifested One the candidates contended that the old Council was an extravagant one urged the doing away with the present system and argued in favor of a commission say three This like back the dial of municipal government to the days before the country enjoyed existing municipal institutions The published report of speech is meagre and we are left in the dark as to wheth er he favored commissioners being by the people or appointed by Gov ernment If the former it would be a large constituency for one man to seek election at the hands of onethird of the County and if the latter he would simply be centralizing power in the Local Government and the elec tors would have a body of men im posing direct taxation without a di rect voice ovet the administration of their County affairs He is a tack number TO ISSUE neat at tractive Printing It pays to catch the best class of trade the money spend ing trade You cant money spenders with looking printing must use attractive work- not necessarily expensive that which will catch your customers eye and cause him to read it Your Work the Then if left with A- will receive the attention it deserves and will be correct in local names sometiilng that is not of printing ordered out of Town Let us execute your next order at once Newmarket MarkotQ Deo Pur Mitt Lost In lat Saturday ohan will leave It at Era Offlcoaad greatly TO RENT To Rent Good with on St Now- market Apply to SvttS barrel Whito Wheat per Wheal per bushel Buckwheat Barley per per bushel bushel oco 1 jo on Wool por III Hay ton Chicken per pair per pair per Abort a a a a a 16 Mi i W a a re i a 0 a CO a icon No Millards Block formerly occupied by J Montgoiwiy it Son JOSEPH STRAY STEER Came the premises of underalcrned on or a yearoll tin white la rem rated to prove chitiirrdutul OLDHAM hot ii3 t respect Mr reference la the of salary to Mr Mr said that he lid M gets as County Clerk and was glad to get it at that amount It has now been Increased to and because he took sick the Council not only paid his salary had saved monev for the many ways Mr Kitelcy was speaker be Without Boys Wanted some bright boys full of life and cheer To stand at my counter as drinkers of beer To Jill up the ranks without further delay Of army passing away Sixty thousand a year only sup ply to our trade from the drunk ards that die Send those who can toll or have wealth to bestow For profits are small on oh drinkeis you know Let them come from the school or the home Horticultural Society Smith Bros Photograph Gallery OPEN ALL DAY New Years notice la hereby An- mini ibonbove8olely will be bed J In Council Chamber Newmarket on Wednesday At hour of Ion and the Annual or Officer a fl0 KJACKSON Treasurer but paid a clerk to do his work He He He lower- had nothing to say against Mr Kavaof Mr and Ids wife the Keeper and of of the Industrial Home of East that had discharged their duties with satis- when Mr was Reeve and faction but if were not himself Hat they lit with the amount that was they appealed to Courts Hie Judge ought to resign and give somebody sustained the appeal which reduced the must grists or increasing the assessment and cannot be Increased for stand SEED STORE Opposite House An attempt was made to ovist Hie Metropolitan Railway to nave else a without Yeas into City as the salary He maintained that ox- five years- Mr K tele he a wc would no adeV re- to the Warden was a put up job goo that he w turn for the franchise of rmnln cars and no wonder Relaxation has in- roads on the streets unless such t creased If there is or to JWW j- v fiwilllmburv Council He j was in Well wclc- them all whoever may come mothers surrender their sons to our raise And fathers voting or good lic ense For if you wit vote to keep running the mill wheels GRANDER ran Now Year Holidays 19001901 A STATIONS IN CANADA in all stallnns In Can J to O A a but the mailer has in give away the County Council can do Council Small On Hi of J Twitching Eyelids Indicate eyestrain The slightest hint of it should not be neglected We test eyes free of charge and recommend glasses onl- when absolutely necessary Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Jewelry NEWMARKET Huron Mich Jet 8prlnKe Pond All In hot DATKA AND LIMITS At one- way al and Int la rctunilnv from dca nation not Jan and Third Jan la vUirnlnif nut Ia1iiban 3rd SCHOOL VACATIONS Pupils an ViiMlhni alnrtl by and nc- not I Pif Aenl tin A

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