Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1900, p. 10

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to NEWMARKET VERA FRIDAY One wwnv9 of tunc jour Tells the story aches and you paled and stomach buy a package Hoods Pills And take a from to Yon will be surprised easily they their work cure headache and biliousness rouse the llrer and make you happy Spain- it til Dont Miss it im a a A In price of 3 Cabinets for Half Cabinets Sunbeams I thettcst wort can be or refund my Aloa of date Frames at City Prices Cm and tbtin around the Hub RELIABLE COR- FIND TO JEyEttSLEY Mr Montgomery J has manufac tured the Cheese Co the past two seasons has rcturn- to his home in an absence of seven month The Cheese Co settle isp their business with the patrons on Saturday The past season has been one the most prosperous in the his tory of this factory the milk paying over per gallon LEMON ViLLE The open meeting of the Ladies Aid held in the church was well attended The treasurers report a sur plus of about the- treasury Bowles presided which Miss and Miss of and Mrs Dr took part was well rendered Rev Mr- Sargent Sand- ford gave the address of the evening Offering spoilt Joseph Irwin is in very poor health we arc to say Methodist Sunday School be the first Monday in January Frank is proud of his new toy- Jesse Cook has his new mil in East in running shape The school trustees have made an addition to the school by building two porticoes over the doors there by keeping out the cold winter blasts The Town Hall Association is mak ing a big push to have one of the swell est concerts on Christmas night ever held in- this village l Mr A P King of Zephyr has re ceived known as next year Time me ready your way never door that saw had this vrr it all ye AURORA T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND CURE ALL YOU ft WITH PainKiller A In The Methodist Church held their X rayersary this week Rev Clarke of took the two services on Sunday delivering very able and in teresting sermons The Vroonuiiton Choir heard the Cry from Macedon ia and Came over to help us On Tuesday night a hot fowl supper and were held and our Methodist friends were more than repaid for their trouble by the big attendance- The supper was all that could desired both in quality quantity of which there seemed no end The concert And Quick Cur for RHEUMATISM and SO Bottle OF IMITATIONS ONLY THE PERRY tire last meeting of the Public a vyas passed requesting tJe Council to dispense with the ward system in voting lor trustees election and make the Vote the same as for has already install ed two aceytlene gas one for Mr A Love and the other for and He is now installing a much latger one for Hastings and of Manitoba is here friends- It is years Man itoba and this is first time he has been home for the past- years ladies of Trinity Church held r a sale of Fancy Goods in Mr Wells va cant store on Wellington street last week and were successful in disposing of a large quantity of n The proceeds Which amounted to nearly will be devoted the debt on Trinity Hall Mrs of Ave met with a peculiar and painful acci dent one evening last week She would put some glycerine on her hands before retiring and in attempt ing to do so picked up a bottle on her children make stockings again For old Santa is coming this lies a wonderful fellow who forgets ills chief duties day His heart is as big as a barrel they know Who have tested thelUtle old man And his motto is Always be r- my dears Or at least be as gay as you can w How does Santa CIaus lonk asks my wise Utile Ted Ah where is the mortal can tell Some he is fat and some say he is lean And all of us know well That he fits a chimney with toler- able ease And cat squeeze through a keyhole- ah yes I And when he drives up with his rein deer and sleigh Who ambngst- us can give a right i He conies in the night with his bundle of toys And yet where is the child whose eyes seen the sly fellow all busy at- And planning his Christmas surprise I will I cried my Ted when last- Christinas was here I will watch if I dont steep a wink So he lay in his bed with his stretched apart yet my dears what do you think eyes boil over it of hop who here hope- he drains the very dregs despair i j Thlerearc forma of disease- to medical ignorance and popular- su- pveothe title of Hopc- Thaivery fact handicaps from diseases by them of the JraK l health particularly true of lung diseases- As soon as fastens tie vfttira makes and awaits his fate wouldnt that vy if a or a rattle- Hcdfight tint he is tender- the of Auper- wrjte 1 Despair of hope over door diseases as- by neglect utiskili- treatiuentroay end fatally in There is a new for that disease made by p out fiit- two words and leaving i it who enter here Can feope for sufferer- with the constant flushed face burdened and emaciated body The record ffyesv Ninetyejght out of every cases in which Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery has been used hive been per- cured Golden Medical Discov ery positively cures lungs obstinate lingerinf bleeding of the lungs and kindred ailments neglected It contains no alcohol whisky- of other stimulant Vjj have Jennie of Vaubiiren Kal Co Last spring J had a had cough hty wanted was could not help We thought we would try Dr Pierces Medi cal and I had taken one bottle the stopped add have since had sign of Its returning Dr Pierces Pellets are the best- for the bowels Use them with the Discovery I OVM iiJ LIMITED NEWMARKET We have just a Car of BBS IP of by Rev Brace and and the dresser which thot contained Was supplied by the I her hands with Orchestra and Mr A Rev Humphreys acted as Proceeds of supper and concert were in the neighborhood of eighty dollars tt itt tr fiyfzvKJvfi KENDALLS 111 SPAVIN wiHyt p 1 I If c m4 Lit I i At a tor It bo tot J CO FALLS SCBOMBERG Mr Simeon Lemon the present Reeve is again the popular candidate for that office We predict for him a unanimous support and an easy win ner over his opponent Councillor County Councillor I Stokes and Robert Norman may by all probabil ity have to face stalwart opponents in the persons of Messrs Me- and Archibald both of whom are as strong candidates t Messrs and Walter Thompson of visited their brother Stephen Saturday last They were all the guests of Mr and Mrs Stephen over Sunday Pete Graham the favorite fox ter rier dog died from the effects of a dose of strychnine which was placed as bate for in the homestead The loss was keenly felt by the Graham family forced their way into Leonards store Sunday night last thru a cellar window then up thru an unused furnace grate Horse blankets wools and numerous other arti cles missed Those who attended divine in the Methodist Church Sunday even ing last had the pleasure of listening to one of the most interesting Mission ary sermons delivered here for time jteaker- Rev Mr made a most effective plea for support and aid in carrying the gospel to the millions in America and else where yet in darkness The will regret to learn of Mr services as teacher here at The Company has now enter- J intends re- turning his own home in Viartoii where he has been offered and accepted a permanent situation as teacher in the High School at a liberal increase of salary over and what his re compense would have been by accept ing Hie conditions made dure rut a hit sliort stay among us has won Accumulated tt1cc regret his short friendly relationship wish him every access in tore Mr I dec In- j the position as teacher leaves a Bonuses Already Declared vacancy for Claims Paid 91000000 Harvey Clarke has put up a wind- mill and tank He has the water Tiihr V some seventy rods from a Polices were and for I also In different place hi the and has one of the most comfortable The in in Oris Standard Life ASSURANCE CO upon its 74th year The folloving figures testify to its Stability Popularity Canada to over Four- teen Millions of BONUS YEAR 1900 now and secure a of the profits GEO HUNT District Inspector J A RheumatloPalrta When a sufferer find permanent relief in a a South cm Cure how l to it Thame walk or for months four years ago bottle of him not a alnce that encour agement toe rheumatic fia Sold by W Lehman Writ 44 w tic WW It pay to In the Era The number of Chines who enter J Canada and paid tax of for the year ending June 48H5 in the previous year visited of Wr on Main street about oclock da and did damage approxi mately estimated at the contents Unfortunately the bot tle contained carbolic acid and as a result her hands were fearfully burned and her since has been intense We are pleased to learn she recover ing rapidly At the last meeting of the Council H D applied for per mission to lay gas pipes on the street and the application was re ferred to the proper committee A claim for sheep killed by dogs was re ceived from Mr amounting to and another from Mr Knowles of was referred to a committee to investigate The following officers were elected by the Aurora Council for half of I Hi Nelson Geo Clark VC Sister Alice Nelson VS Graham ftS I A Peregrine Webster Treasurer Sister Nelson Sister Del J Holder Sentinel Organists 1 McNally Sister Kelson Press Reporter J At the regular of the Sons of England on Wednesday night of last week six new members were ini tiated following officers were elected for the ensuing term Past L President It VcefVcsideiitChas Pearson ChaplainFred financial A Treasurer lini Stevenson First Guide George Second Fred Third Fourth Fifth Guide Sixth Guide oi Inside Guard Graham Outside Guard us Carson a farmer of Strange summoned More Magistrate Love on Mohday last for owing for wage Rowland The given till the to pay flic ac count Along came old Santa and laughed himself At the soft- little snore that heard As he tilled the wee stockings and kissing my hoy Flew off into space like a biro While Teddy in Dreamland still fan cied that he Was watching the and door Alas I for poor Ted With morii- he found Himself puzzled the same as before ri Every Shingle of which is Perfect Call and see them itch wjbadI Had to be hi bedsit time lie get it doctor hut told hint If It W also have a full assortment of Pine Shingles BIGHT Three Years Kong Dec A frightful disaster resulting In the of two hundred lives occurred- today on the West River A man fell from a steamer near and the four hundred passengers a rush to the side of the vessel to sec what would become of him ft transpires that steamer was overloaded and sadden uneven dis tribution of weight caused her to cap size Everybody was thrown into the M reach them of the were drowned Hut theres one thing we- know he will visit us all And bring sunshine and peace and good will And hope he will leave us an extra gift WAV In tire shape of a longing to fill The hearts of the poor and the sor rowing with joy And a part of our sunshine and peace And the gladness that came with the dear Saviours birth In our own hearts we know shall not cease School No Whitchurch Names in order of merit fir Johnston Helena Howard Wil lis Simpson Sadie Jr Starr III Russell Atmie Swain Nellie Haw tin Hill Frank James Albert Thomas Jr HI Angus Milton Sheridan Frank Maria Moulds Victor Vernon Annie Adda Host wick Mary Jr HI Margaret Sam Gihpey Louis Harry Wesley Carrie Joe Jr Pi II Sheridan Arthur Vernon Stewart Wes ley Frank Howard McClure Gen Illnnchard Sheri dan Sheridan Wilfrid Gordon McCMure Vera Jr PL Percy Leslie Maty Starr Mary Names of those attending every day Willis A Swain P A Gray Teacher SAW DBATH It often made heart writes of Elgin to hear my until It seemed her weak and nngs would Good said was so far gone with that no medicine cave her Dr Kingy Discovery arid use of Wh excellent medi cine saved her XVri guaranteed Astluna arid all ftrid diiisca and at Leh man a Drug Store Trial littles in Co London Dee The experiment of growing sugar heels In County lias been a success and the report from the factory at Marine City Mich where yearniestcrop was sent Is to the effect that Canadian yield a sugar than those in Michigan reports have stimulated In the industry and there considerable In Lambton County Steps are being taken to ward erecting a factory at and there Is every prospect that will lie in operation for next years crop company having it n baud the furantce of farmers will each demote acres sugar of Success During the above period I have sold engines several Sep arators I have had no lawsuits or disputes of any kind and so far I know my customers are well satisfied I yet have several Portable Engines for including Cornell White and can supply a full refitted rig at giving i No cheap rig sold it will interfere with my regular customer Trial given and customer satisfied before asking for settlement G Carriage Tire Anew that mokes riding on all a pleftsore economic too for it away with the vibrMton that and breaks A Vahpfd between the robber lire and the prevents the creeping and cutting other are to See ihe exhibit at the big at once for Free Tire Catalogue living of all THE Tire Company JOHN TORONTO WfNHlKO Solid Gold 1280 Best Gold fiyraGoldU Beat lasses We perfect OPTICAL CO 3 Street I PATENTS GUARANTEED sketch and description of any promptly free coucerhlfl the of me How to Obtain a through for Patents taken out through receive Patskt journal Frederick Richardson of To ronto a Grand Trunk engineer was killed near Scar hero by ntrikiiiK head the support of an over head bridgo an he van looking out of hits cab vhufow late Montreal ColdStorage Company wa to three years In Paul Penitentiary for hav ing to defraud the Merchant Bank of Halifax out of an Illustrated and widely fidr9raanprecopjrfatK Address J A CO a rJTs i sad uptodate school brigfat and rooms no A live to climb Kroa jPJftA Principal The Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT Good Night and Happy New Year Dear friends our parting song receive Good night and a happy New Year And may this hour sweet leave Good night and a happy New Year We thank you for presence here We thank you for your word of cheer And breathe for you this wish sincere Good night and a happy New Year Do hoi forget out school we pray Good night and a happy New Year Com visit us some Sabbath Day Good night and a happy New fact evry class be well supplied With teachers who will kindly guide Our step living fountains glide Good night and a happy New Year May sunbeams shine in heart Good night and a happy New Year Jesus will his joy impart night and a happy New Year praise him Sun of Righteousness And while his mercy we confess May his bright smile our pathway bless Good night and a happy New Year YEARS EXPERIENCE or mmi Trade Mark Designs Anyone kit u Ccy through Co lq bo Scientific A Of an TepBsWa Branch OS FREE J l tit MJVftjlIf frill Heart Relieved in Cure for Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Sympathetlo Heart Disease in minutes and speedily effects a cure it Is a peerless remedy for Palpitation Short- of Breath Smothering Spelt Pain in Left Side and all of a Diseased Heart One dose convinces Sold by Lehman Newmarket The death of Mrs J Jones took place at right after the marriage of her daughter to I While before the departure of the wed ding guests Bought Yesterday Cured To day Mrs C Burt of Broadway New York says am surprised and de lighted at the change for the better in my casein one day from the use of Dr Catarrhal Powder It worked like magic theres no excuse for a person suffering pain with- this remedy within reach cents Sold by W Newmarket OLD AT ERA OFFICE IMM THREE PAPERS I- IN ONE or news and live articles page or Iniert-atlnirltc- I Empitei Sections Pases Per Balance of free with sub scription Era and Mail for OF PRIZES GIVEN AWAY FREE boys girls Sir Chirlti fi a tad din MO aacfa and to a Valuable to Select From dUrftDd and will ton a of and will ao4 ton a of thru of lha and your pi MP FOR It The OIL CO JfjJ TO RON I I J

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