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Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 2

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THE ERA FRIDAY NOV Tin tfra BUT OttOAVS WITH FRIDAY NOV for North Our representative is likely to to Australia as well can be seen by llto following press the Ottawa Not has been drill ed that the Canadian be represented at of the Australia Confederal bin fey troops Neither Premier Lord can to attend but Hon William will have the or his connection System It is said Mr will leave in about a fortnight Since the foregoing was put in type we have information that Hon- Mr has decided not to accept the duties of delegate owing to the work of his Department and previous en gagement Unfair Criticism In order to give Hon Mr Mulock a dig the Telegram makes a back- banded drive at bis opponent and his party supporters It says The right sort of a candidate and the right sort of campaign might have won the rotes of the hundreds of Liberals who home for conscience sake rath er than vote for Mr- Of course Mr- opponent and the gentlemen who stumped the Riding with him will appreciate this light sort of candidate and right sort of campaign Tut the funny part of the Telegrams comments in view of its remarks of commendation of the Post master General becomes specially ap parent in the nest paragraph to the above extract It says There are great merits as an administrator in the career of Mr and he is de serving of Home support as the best who ever held of fice in Canada No of it and that is very reason whh he got some sun port in a Riding gerrymandered spe cially by a Tory return a Conservative member to Parliament After passing encomiums like foregoing we do not think our altogether justified in endeavoring to connect Hon Mr with the po litical differences between lion- Mr and Mr Richardson elect foe The latter on his own ceased to allow himself to be classed as an independent sup porter and made an effort to discredit Liberal leaders By so doing he ceas ed to have a claim upon the Govern ment for consideration in the dispensa tion of its patronage If Mr fancied the Government feared his influence be simply made a mistake A press despatch from Ottawa states that Coulter Deputy has been granted leave of absence on account of ill health The friends of the Dr in this Hiding will regret to hear of his illness Saved by the skin of the teeth A recount took place in North this week when Mr McNeill Conservative was declared elected by a of one he could hot have less and win but it is sufficient to give him seat A press despatch from Montreal Saturday last announced that Mr George Bell Reeve formerly general traffic manager of the Grand Trunk has been appointed general manager of that Company in succession to Hayes who has accepted the pre sidency of Southern Pacific During the past week at a reception arrange- 1 held at the Rectory He- A report has reached us from the Parliament Buildings Toronto that the Provincial Secretory Hod J is very busy these days hearing deputations and friends of candidates for the positions of License Inspectors Changes in License Hoards Inspectors is likely to be made before another license year in a number of districts A Provincial election is now on in Quebec Nominations are to be held on the last day of month and poll ing is to take place on the of De cember Mr Parent is Lib eral Premier Montreal papers state that the Opposition have deter mined to place candidates in the field in every constituency but the Govern ment appear to be confident that the next will be equally Liber al with the last house Mrs Wallace and daughters moved from to this week v serve Bishop Mills coadjutor of On tario was initiated as a full member of Mohawk tribe of Indians On such occasions chief of the tribe always gives a new name to the per son initiated hence when Mills was honored with connection with the tribe he was named which in English mean- The man with large words bear er of an Important message communion service used cm oc casion was the one to rhe tribe by Queen Anne This journal has always favored an elective Senate if a Senate we must have Of course the constituencies should embrace two or Hidings represented by the Commons members and the term of election for a longer period than for the other of parliament Referring to the Senate recently the Globe has to say During the next Parliamentary term the Senate will probably become Lib eral so far as its majority is concern ed We do not think however that a Literal Senate any more than a Con servative Senate should lie allowed to stand in the way of the settled viclions of the people Our wn- pre ference is for the abolition of lite Senate and if cannot we would favor an amendment of the by which when the Senate and the House disagree the mailer shall be settled by a conference find joint vote Oar Society Column PERSONAL POINTS Mr Ernest Srifcley of was in Town last Friday Frank of Toronto was home for a day or two last Week Miss Skinner spent last Sunday with friends at King Oily Miss May Gray has returned to Toronto after spending throe at home Times Messrs- and of Newmarket spent Sunday in town air and Mrs Lehman were At Homo on Wednesday evening with numerous Mr J has the thanks of the editor for the tenderest piece of venison be ever ate Mrs who has been in Toron to for a month was in Town on Tub- day just for the day Mrs Prospect Ave leaves this week for Lebanon Pa to spend the winter with her mother and Mrs Fred Sax ton have re turned home after a visit with friends in Toronto and Mount Albert Mr Kelman has been confined to his home for two weeks from an ulcerated throat but is improving Messrs Chas and Prior of were here on Tuesday at tending funeral of their aunt Witness Mrs- is spending a few days Newmarket the guest of Mrs Stewart Mrs Evans of Cast- is visiting for a few days with her daughter Mrs Art Evans at the Mr George ironsides of British Columbia brother of Mr John Ironsides of this Town was here on a visit last Friday The Globe says Rev Joseph has accepted invitation to same time would have all Street The Single ilenry theories made them- s the Commis sion in Toronto last week but the manner in which Mr if rani commissioner for London Ont the inipraeticabilit of a scheme of taxation was somewliat Referring to the fact that if land alone was taxed in Lot don the rate of taxation would be as high as per cent its value while thousands who do business would go practically untaxed and at ages of citizens who had the taxes to pay under present conditions was an argumt During the session an argument was presented and was for future of the Commission by Mr Pardee who favored a reduction to about one- quarter of actual value and hotels only oc cupied two or three months in the year Among Up effective statements Go from borne to hear is against N which n nA lmtnJ n J an old saying The Trade Review of St Johns Newfoundland gravely announces that a new party is being formed in Canada having for its ob ject severance of the country imperial control- Bosh Jj On Friday last Lord and Mount Royal left Montreal for New York and sailed the next da by the Tuscania for England to resume his duties as Canadian High Commission er The citizens of Montreal gave a grand demonstration in Ms honor the evening before he left Tbe Liberals of Toronto will a banquet to Hon Clifford on December and it is understood Sir Wilfrid Laurier will be pre sent to do honor to his colleague from toe West also the Premier of On tario Hon Ross The event will undoubtedly be a notable one The banquet will be given hi the Pavi lion and covers will be laid for about The secretary of the committee of arrangements Mr desires those wishing tickets to make application at once A municipal ordinance now in force in St Paul Minn making an offence punishable by fine and in de fault by imprisonment for spitting the sidewalk The law went into force last week The penalty is a of from to or for days The St Paul Pioneer Press ordinance carries with it prohibition in regard cigar stubs and fruit peelings on the sidewalks A man who insists on expectorating on the street should to the gutter to his defeat at was his timber charge against Hon Mr Bavin alleged that a brother- inlaw of had secured a limit without compensation and being a very talkative man he said a Rood deal about it interlarded with grave insinuations The day of reckoning came when it was proven that the brotherinlaw aforesaid had per square mile for limit which was considerably more than the tes tations provided for But the discus sion done more than that it brought out the fact that the late Conserva tive Government granted limits each of 50 square miles without any competition whatever and Mr the accuser of Mr was one of those who secured a limit for which he never paid a cent This complete ly took the wind out of the sails of the bard of and proved a verit able boomerang is with more than ordinary plea sure make the announcement that the member for North York in Provincial Legislature Hon J Davis had anticipated our observa tions as expressed last week In to having from Lake sing placed In Lake With re ference to the Fisheries Branch of the Ontario Government to Introduce land locked in some of our Ontario lakes we are in a position to that Ibis will be done These salmon are said to be a very fish and ex cellent for sportsmen The for North York has been taking con siderable interest in this effort of propagation and we understand has received promise that if the fish can be secured negotiations for which are now under way with the and Quebec Governments a quantity will be placed in Lake Scarcely baa the tick of the tele graph announced the positive retire ment of Hugh John from public life after bis Brandon We are likewise authorized feat than a rumor comes floating to that it Is the intention also from Winnipeg that a report has to put a number of bass- in some of reached that city from and Mr Davis has secured Church Toronto Mr Albert Rogers Guard at the Prison was- in Town on Sat urday and visiting his father Mr Rogers of Street Mr Clay and wife Mr Harry Willis and wife and Mr Albert Prior were here on Tuesday in with the burial of Mrs Prior of Toronto came up on Saturday to assist Mrs Timothy Rogers her sister who met wiU a slight accident while attending Mrs 1 P Armitage Mr John Mitchell continues to im prove His son from Detroit and his daughter Mrs Little returned home CM Tuesday Miss Mitchell of Detroit is still here Miss Marsh of Clarksburg cousin of Misses Richardson is bete on a couple of visit on her way home from where she has spending summer Mrs Fred Bowser was in- Aurora on Wednesday to see if she could any further information regarding the report that her brother Mr Jos Kil lings was drowned Marie last Sunday Mrs IS Cane returned home on Thursday night of last week after spending a length of time with her husband at a sanatorium in Battle Creek Mich We are pleased to learn that Mr Cane is gradually improving but expect to remain anotljer month for treatment The Era extends congratulations to Dr Geo A Robinson of formerly of Newmarket who was elected to the State Assembly by a handsome majority The Suffolk County News says In the second assembly district Dr Geo A Robin son of made a phenomenal run defeating John T Ryan of Bay Shore by He ran votes ahead of his ticket in this assembly district and that too in of the fact that he had two opponents mak ing the hardest kind of a canvass John the Prohibition candi date for Member of Assembly receiv ed votes in his home poll and gained a few in nearly every election district by the vigorous campaign he made Dr Robinson has a host of old friends who stood by him loyally and the but dignified canvass he made added many more to his follow ing West and Bohemia the districts in which Robinson is to be found Council Regular meeting of Council last Monday night Mayor Cane in chair Robertson Hughes and Following accounts ordered to be paid and J Sav age- constable account 3 James Rower man drawing coal J drawing coal Howard Coal Co car slack freight Collector of Customs duly Howard Coal Co car coal ftl freight on coal R freight on stone 13 Express Co on assessment roll freight on oil freight on pipe 0 carting Hunter watering street Hunter drawing coal carting it and R Collector of Customs duly on coaL Thos 35 days at Power House Telegraph Co to Howard Coal Co cleaning putting in water service I day on water service John Gill days cutting wood Geo painting contract J A Allau account J- A account la Lloyd tickets and lunch to Toronto on charity Andrew Hunter on account con tract Cane Sons express Bacon of contract Mail ad of debenture Globe Printing Co ad debenture iJI- v IHJ Blue wiring FL J Woodcock cedar scantling to Com Longford Quarry Co ear stone Co referred to Toronto Pottery Co tile 23 Lloyd revision of Voters J P Anderson vision of Vot ers List Can- Jen Co to Com Pay Sheet Sheet No Pay Sheet No Pay Sheet No Pay Sheet No 23 RD Mr presented report of Property mmittee recommending payment of balance of contract and extras of Ross in building addi tion to water works residence amount ing to Report adopted Claim Packard Slack amounting to which Council disputes on ground of the large quantity of dirt in it be settled at as being the amount Council it worth This being made in compliance with request of Packard to pay them what the Council thought it worth and Mayor was instructed to issue his warrant on Treasurer for such sum Council adjourned I DRESS GOODS Prices on these lines reduced We want their room Note the reductions then see the goods Fancy Opera Flannels were 6oc reduced to 40c Black Figured Dress Goods were 50c reduced to Beautiful Black Blister Goods were reduced to 55c Plaid HomeSpun for Skirts were reduced to 50c Tweed Dress Goods inches wide were reduced to FURS I We want you to see our very superior stock of Ladles and Gentlemens Fur Coats Mens Coats in Wallaby and Goat- Ladies Astrachnn Coats in all lengths OVERCOATS Do you want an uptodate Overcoat See I our Fine Black Beavers at No living tail- or can make one as good for 1700 Mens Ulsters extra heavy at Mens Double Frieze Ulsters the warmest Overcoat made 7 50 See our Boys Pea J at See our Boys Ulsters Another Scoop in Ladies Jackets We struck a lucky purchase in Ladies Coats this week and can you something on a New Coat Extra me Black Beaver Coats at Very Nice Frieze Coats at A Beautiful Range of Colors in Fine Beaver Jackets at A Special Lot of the Very Newest Goats at Misses Ulsters price 550 special See the Girls Jackets at wihhik t H E Ottawa Nov Eighteen head of shut up in an improperly car were suffocated on Saturday The animals to Messrs Burke drovers were loaded on the car at a siding near South March is usual transport cattle in cars specially built for that purpose but probably owing to the weather it was thought advisable to put them in a closed compartment When the Irain reached here twelve of the wtlo were dead anil the remainder in a condition TORONTO LETTER A man by the name of Levi of Richmond Hill was found dead in a pierfoundation hole where some im provements are- being made on Street An Inquest was opened but nothing definite yet as to cause of death The Toronto on the of Oct to Mr and Mrs Harry Kll- nee Miss Cora of New market a son TRAINERAt on Nov 3rd the of Ambrose Trainer a daughter of the willingness of Mr a that shall have Conservative for to resign in favor of John to the Opposition leadership if Mr has not from on the most every day in the year party lines were almost wiped out and the support resident along the he received was most flattering as well as summer tourists wlJl plurality in the town of is in to the member for pretty figures considering tho fact for his fulness in that both of his opponents are from the same town THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has made a special out in on Furniture or a few days before tak ing For Cash High Back sett up Sideboard with Bevel Mirror ijp Extension up Bedroom Suites 800 up Lounges up Parlor Suites 1590 up Ail other in proportion A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at Residence John Millard There is only one member of tho United States Congress and strangely enough his name Is White A tree supposed to be over nun years old was cut down in an Ohio town not long since and in lis semi- hollow inside the skeleton of an Indian was found The Altai At the residence of the brides father on the by Rev A of Newmarket Mr Robert Styles of Ravenshoo to Mary Miller of berg on Oct May Dry don sisterinlaw of Robert ftlcCutch- of to J Mc- of Pott Huron The Tomb SINCLAIR West on the Nov Matthew Ferris Sinclair son of John Sinclair- aged In Newmarket on Alma Eliza beloved wife of Mr Jos aged and daya At the residence of her daughter Mrs Mot ton New market on Monday Nov 19th Ann wife of David in her year the residence of her tex Mrs Clay Toronto on Nov Lydia Prior widow of Daniel Prior formerly of Newmar ketIn her year The funeral took place on Tuesday by from to New market and interment at Stephens Burying Ground Whitchurch Newmarket Book News Depot Famous Books at Popular Prices Printed in large dear type on good book paper fully illustrated bound in heavy board with beautiful engraved designs or can be had in enamelled paper covers SPECIAL A line of paper bound books by some of the best authors per copy MENS THOUGHTS FOR MEN Beautifully Bound WOMENS THOUGHTS FOR WOMEN- A Suitable Gift Crockery and Glassware Dinner Sets Tea Sets Toilet Sets Crystal Glass See the Li FANCY VASE LAMPS A HANGING LAMPS STAND LAMPS BRACKET LAMPS HAND LAMPS BURNERS GLASSES SHADES WICKS Grocery and Fruit Department NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS NEW ORANGE LEMON and fiOGk Cans for cents NEW CANNED TOMATOES NEW CANNED PEAS NEW CANNED CORN Now California Apricots lb New Pigs per New Layer Raisins 20c lb New Layer Figs IB and lb Hungarian Sale- Do not fail to get some of that Black Tea for before it air goes It cannot be repeated at the price Choice Confectionery Bros Famous fu A tton era Creams jSCarameb Mawhmollons and Fruit Cordials best in the land W STARR 1 I Telephone All ill ami Pro

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