Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , November 23, 1900, p. 10

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iiJ THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV Itifearoond foe flab AND COR- TO RECORD Boom F liver and cure headache Jaundice Hon etc are la to prevent a cold or break up Wild Beetle are worthy rttiindence Jan be taken by chlldrrn or delicate Price at all medicine dealers or by mail I Co- Lowell Mast of False Economy of Cheap Spectacles Sight too precious to trifle with When buying spectacles buy a- food par We use perfect lenses They cost a little more than the commoner kinds but the difference in comfort is worth many time the difference in price Eyes examined free L Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co Store NEWMARKET AIL Milt WITH PainKiller A III and Car for CRAMPS DIARRHOEA COLDS RHEUMATISM and BO cent Bottles BEWARE OF IMITATIONS- BUY ONLY THE GENUINE Rev J Wilson occupied the pulpit in the Mi on Sunday in he interest of the Bible Society The recent cold change came too sud denly to most of the farmers in this vicinity Rev P Cameron preached in Christian church on Sunday morning last Rose and family of have moved to this neighborhood Preparations are being made by the members and friends of the Christian church for their annual Anniversary and Hot Roast- on Dec and A writ and damages wis issued on Saturday by- J of Toronto on behalf of Sirs Esther Phillips of Aurora Williamson Mrs Phillips formerly farm the con of Whitchurch which was Anthony Spang and there being a mortgage against by ihe Cana da it was sold to satisfy the mortgage and Mr Williamson the purchaser Mrs Phillips how ever claims that be was acting agent in purchasing and that the profit made by him on selling it again rightfully belongs her Hence the action frrom grows Worry Lb a Standard JIFE ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber ality Popularity Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims During year Polices issued for The STANDARD has investments Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS YEAR 1900 ssure now secure a share of the profits GEO HUNT District J A Agent Mr Geo Skinner a flock of sheep for ihe Toronto market this week A number of farmers have failed to get in their crop of turnips before snow rail Miss Clara left Wednesday morning on an extended visit with in Toronto A quantity of was raffled of on the premises of Mr line King last Tuesday evening Messrs Aubray horse buy ers were at the SI Georges Hotel Tuesday last and purchased a number of choice draft ana road horses Jack may well claim the of being a professional hunt er and trapper So far this season he has oyer eighty fur bear ing animals consisting of musk- rat raccoon black squirrel etc Rev Father is getting SI per head for a Jot of fine Plymouth Rock fowl Quite a number of our railway en thusiasts have been looking in vain for ihow gentlemen called Their appearance on the scene of ac tion is prompted by the same snail- like movement as the often promised railroad itself have long since teamed to wait with patience and to believe it when we actually see it Mr Jos disposed of a large consignment of honey last week foi Manitoba Mr Webb of Toronto has taken of the hotel He intends it and turning it- into an uptodate Mrs J Hughes chimney fire one day last week and thru the promptness of some of our citizens a very serious fire was averted Mr Jos Brown our ar tist can boast of having one of Hie largest pigs this year The other day he killed a pig months old which weighed when lbs Mr J Kitchen the blacksmith has removed the shop lately occupied by Mr Simpson and made large im provements to He is about to build a new and modem blacksmith shop The bachelors of held their first annual gall and fowl supper at St j vh Hotel last Tuesday and to be a their most sanguine expectations After doing justice to the magnificent spread served by mine the lonely chaps spent a most time at speech making and replying to the customary aid indulged in various stKial amuse ments J Stone missionary to Indians at will de liver an address on his work Among SUTTON Many bushels of apples are rotting on the ground in this section Rev of Toronto has been appointed to succeed Rw The young people of Sutton held a very enjoyable and supper last night In the town ha The man who prays his face toward heaven and votes with his face towards hell will likely land in the tatter place Mr has issued a writ against the McLaughlin Electric and Gasoline Motor Co of Toronto claim ing damages for breach of con tract Herald On Saturday one of Mayor horses which was used for carting be came paralyzed and as there was no chance of it recovering the animal was killed The Royal Templars of Temperance held annua rally night on Wed nesday evening in which they were joined by about members of the same Order from Newmarket Mr George Clark the Select Councillor presided in his happy manner A very enjoyable evening was spent by those meeting was held in Mr 11 Lennoxs office on Monday evening for the purpose of holding a Christmas Market and was fairly well attended After some discussion it was decided to hold the market in Ihe Drill Shed on Wednesday December Mayor and Mr A were appointed a committee to canvass the town for subscriptions and we are pleased to learn have been very suc cessful About 150 will be distribut ed in prizes The prize list will be issue in a few The fair last year was the best ever held in the town effort will be made by the committee to make this one more successful The Worlds Famous PietUrrc tell you I and vow In the Dresden Gallery in Germany hangs most valuable picture in he world worth Raphaels Madonna and Child This great picture lias by permission been specially copied and reproduced on paper size in all the colors and beauty of the original and is given Willi this years Sat urday Nights Christmas Number The Modern Madonna admittedly the most beautiful picture ever made by photography has also been repro duced size and is given as another premium the most beau tiful book ever issued in Canada full or stories poems and artistic lions some of the pictures occupying flit ft luU I It It I rfjHt Ml Am lltlfit for CM It J tor J ISat ML CO lfr jt the in the Methodist church on Sabbath evening Nov On the Monday following at he will address Auxiliary of 31 of the Methodist church on Women Die Indians and on that evening at oclock he will a Mass Meeting of the Subject Tin Churchs call to the League All invited everybody come Anniversary services were held in the last Sunday Rev 1 War nicker of Toronto preached morning and evening and It NiCol of Tottenham a Sunday School massmeeting in the afternoon The solos by Mrs Or Stewart of were much appreciated Mr Patrick Welsh who resides on the 1st lint liad the mis fortune of having his right arm dis located from thn shoulder last Monday afternoon while engaged on premises himself going thru a hole in the barn floor used for throwing chaff he instantly threw out his arm to avert he fall which resulted as above fjcscrftxd fie was at once to Dr office by Mr Alex and with the assistance of Mr J the three worked for over an hour vain to readjust the fracture Another determined ef fort was made the next morning when they were again outwitted After a consultation Dr his pa tient concluded to go a city hos pital where tetter and more suitable appliance were at tllr left for there morning This tin- ttcond time Mr met a similar the same stioulder full pages A boys picture An Impromptu Speech is also in colors and Dont Cry Mamma is the most touching picture of the home of a missing Canadian soldier yet produced The whole sixty arc original bright dean and typical of Canada as also is the title cover which de picts in colors an Indian hoy plucking feathers from a turkey of the forest which he has slain Or der at once for nothing as good has ever been offered in Canada and last years Saturday Nights- Christmas was sold out within three days of its Price tents in tubes ready for mailing At all or from The Publishing Company Limited Toronto From the Gazette During the period in which the was one of the company of members the party consisted of a defender- a cook a worker a nurse and a maid No explanation of the names is necessary they speak lor themselves and were given to their ownersby one who sojourned with us for several days and knew whereof she wrote Our position as the title sbows was at Orchard Seach a quiet good thing at J tittle summer resort on the shore of the right Lake a very pleasant when once reached but for a place lit heart of civilization and progres sion requires more changes in locomo tion than any place the writer has ever heard of In fact an electric car a steam car a bus a either a row boat a wheel a farmers wagon are necessary to reach desired haven However all these changes give variety and experience arid prevent the journey from growing monotonous Very little can be said of our but when decorated with and our national colors red white and blue if not beautiful it certainly was attractive and answered purpose very well Someone gro- called it The Castle by name it was known to all around But what the cottage lacked was made up in ihe bountiful garden where potatoes onions peas cucum bers and all kinds of vegetables await ed then of Worker The grove along the beach composed of low green cedars with here and there A giant elm lifting its huge top high up into the sunlight formed one of the most cool and restful placesfthat could desire Here gently swinging in the hammock lulled by the ever swish swish of the waters on ihe beneath with the gaudy darling here and there the of the bird above and the chirr chin of the squirrel as he sprang lroiii branch to branch our thoughts would rise from nature up to natures and we must say with one of old All thy works shall praise thee thy creatures speak of love and and joy But our time could not all Ik given over to ran and meditation Milk eggs etc must be brought from the farm water from the spring gro cers and butchers must be interviewed always oh the question of sup plies there were fires to light pota toes to dig and dinners to get On one the defender and cook unfortunately being ill the work er and maid prepared the dinner and were enjoying the repast vith much satisfaction when the cook who might be called convalescent walked Jowly past the table and demurely said Oh girls save some of ihal chippy stull Much by expression with its insinuation we witlulrew thc honorable tide of cookv and thereafter she was known as- Chip py Chippys good qualities can never all lie told In fact site was the We of our company the steeper of the cottage but occasionally she would indulge In irregularities such herein five oclock tea at eight in the evening using a stretcher instead of a and other such like The maid and the nurse especially latter very fond of adven ture and took several jaunte throng the fanning they made the acquaintance not of the old young also of he lHrtis cattle geese etc and I It isnt the bodily a HecbUldfitlfid mind Biit busy The fiavc work to do plana to execute- hey line up their incomes as soon as they receive or- them with the of increase They afford lip SicVriessisacalaiiiity a financial calamity as well as a fe one So the man worries arid the more he worries the sicker he the LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT We have just received a Car of time The you feel a of about it do something about When you begin to feel rundown when a twinge of rheumatism tells you plainly that your blood is impaired when you are losing flesh and vitality go to the nearest drug store and get a bottle of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery It is greatest blood purifier and tissue builder It cures rheumatism and all blood diseases by curing the cause It purifies the blood and the Wood making organs into good healthy working order it tones up the stomach stirs up the liver the kidneys in and puts suffering nerves at rest It contains whisky alcohol opium or other dangerous drugs and does not therefore create a for stimulants or narcotics or I J Co writer I in Baltimore rheumatism months couldnt walk at all the best I get but did me no good I look bottles of Pierces Medi cal rjicovcry nod it wic sound I came and there were three eases of I the to use Dr roedkine they did and alt were I sold one worth of your medicine by telling how me You can to our Mr Smith in our town and be will Ml I aid for you in to BIST lilt KOLIMBIA SWING L Every Shingle of which is Perfect Call and see them We also have a full assortment of PRICES RIGHT izr The Cane Sons Co liXMITBD NEWMARKET I Three Years of Success period I have sulci beside several rtvatuia I have had no lawsuits or deputes of any kind and far know my customers are well yet have several Good Sec ondHand Portable Engines lor sale including the Cornell White and can supply a full refitted rig at giving years time No cheap it will interfere with my regular Trial given and customers satisfied ijeforc asking for- settlement THOMPSONS ARMOUR PROOF RUBBERS CM With Ihe Proof Brand are the heavy Double Duck rubbers They wear because made of purest rubber more of it than in any other heavy rubber Extra heavy real sol pure her They Stand the Wear See that the rubbers you buy have the Proof brand tlie side like the cm at all dealers Made by he and best Rubber Company The Canadian Rubber Co WINNIPEG The Office Speciality 6o- limited SYSTEM SOLID for Once per in JO lb ih The Colonials Windsor Nov scene at the reception of the- colonial troops the Queen in Windsor Castle yes terday war a heartstirring one The men who marched into St Hall where her Majesty was came from places very far asunder geographically hut they represented the unity of the British Umpire Many of limped and all were Invalids yet they looked serviceable body of men They In cluded meinnerK of the Canadian Queen asked after the welfare of the men with true woman ly Interest and word of her graceful little speech was distinctly heard throughout the One hall In which and have been repeatedly entertained A curios Is aunt Atom butt CURE to in CUnb Slav Jrvef fro believe can of having in or on every kind of conveyance or implement- from bug gies down to wagon racks and bay rakes A trip up the the steamer was a pleasant and enjoyed oh our recollection of where we spent three or four hours town has some Due and residences but the heat and dust made pleasure almost- im possible After wheeling for some time mi Defender where the park might he found and was directed to a barren sandy field where small hoys were running races for which they must sorely have needed as the thermometer was modestly flirting with the nineties The expression of our hearts was Oil for a lodge in Mime vast wilder ness Some boundless contiguity of shade say bat afterward we found a cool sequestered corner we were glad to rest until lime to again take the steamer for home Boating and wheeling were also much enjoyed and altogether the holiday wan one of pleasure and pro fit- Bill all friendships must sever mahl had already departed An other tail duty had come There was an early preparation a lurried farewell a swift ride down to the ferry where Choppy and a visiting came down the water edge a shrill whistle and boat man carried Worker away to new fields of usefulness Like a plank of driftwood Upon the watery main Another plank encounters Meets touches parts So It is with us forever On lifes unresting sea We meet greet and sever Bdlllng eternally JO Note This Is evidently Written by one of the occupant of Mr Colpitis at Orchard Lake fast summer A new lire economical too for with the vibration bat and breaks A Vfbapid between the robber and the steel prevents the and cutting which other are abject to Bee the exhibit at the fair at once for Free Tire Catalogue Living of all THE Tire Company TORONTO In Business Papers is best Economy File Binder Words a Perfect For flliuK your invoices receipts etc undor classified Index with a continuous record easily refenetl to over any number of years Simple Secure Complete The Oice Specialty Mfg Co LIMITED Bay St Toronto JOHN Solid Gold Best Fill 100 We guarantee LOBE OPTICAL CO 3 Toronto PATENTS GUARANTEED Our returned it we fait Any Vetch and of receive our opinion concerning he of How to ft Patent upon icqucM Patent through uiadvenlMtl out through receive In Rcoro an And widely circulated Journal and Investor Bend or copy VICTOR ft 0DEAS A live and bright and new Mai- a to climb TftOHCyiHftTKUOTiOH IN The Mention File complete The Shannon Binder Notre St Montreal Newmarket Out Some Ottlgmal A be known in three ways by his puree voice anger- injures three persons he who utters it he who hoars it ho of whom it is said A penny in a Jar makes a The punishment of the liar Is that no one believes him even when he sneaks truth The world is like the in a well the full one is soon empty empty one soon- full The emulation of wise is the life of science If someone says I- have studied and learned nothing believe not If another says I have learned never studied neither believe him Hut If still another I have studied and learned- he Is to he A once Raid I have learned much from my teachers from my companions and moat from my pupils Who is wise He who can- leant from everyone Who Is He who can control his passions Who Is rich lie who Is satisfied with his lot Who is honorable He honors YEAH8 MAR IS A wllflc I It- I rf hi hum if ij t 9 it- null Ill it iwil i a wmnKht ja aw fi ftUlirtrn lit

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