Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , November 16, 1900, p. 6

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INTRODUCTION- The Mount Albert Printing of Leader and Recorder has hands and henceforth the Era will be the- Albert pa per We have been very In securing Mr as Mana ger of the Era Branch- at Mount Albert which of the most of the smaller Towns tit North York Mr taught school in Albert for a number of years and is a wellknown and popular citizen who has hart the management of the print ing office there almost- ever since it was first established The energy and ability which Mr has dis played m securing advertising and new subscriptions during the past few days indicates that he will make a grand of our new venture- After this week we hope to make the Era a 10page paper without in creasing the price of subscription and allow sufficient space for our rapidly increasing advertising patronage Jackson Prop OUR MEN- blessings may rest upon This being tie issue of the estimable and family ifmi Albert edition we new home and iiat may you and your jjouht Albert- edition we new home and that we may ail be introduce to the many readers of the united at where partings axe Era our leading business men to known whose advertisements in another col- Mr Jones replied in suitable terms we wish to call special attention and was followed by short speeches Two general stores conducted by- from H Ross Dr Quite a pleasant snow storm Tues day except for those who are busy gathering in turnips Miss Ethel last week in Toronto Another meeting of the Army is Messrs Ross Bros and Arnold Dunn Robert anticipated at Hope on Friday den show as goods as can fine an assortment of Rowland John Moore be found in more pre- testifying to the high re- is THE MARKET TUESDAY Butter IK to eggs to chickens 10 to ducks to geese to lb turkeys dressed to live to St sheepskins 60 to places The trade is supplied by Messrs and J Rowland who can sell you anything from a pound of nails to a steam engine The Drug business is in tec hands of Messrs Lloyd Dr Forrest All kinds of prescriptions are carefully put up at in which Mr Jones this village Choice refreshments were then ed by the ladies and a pleasant ing was brought to a close tig Mr Smith was field this week Mr Martin our teacher ported is going to us end of the He has dun for school We hone the IS even- well ie either store and air kinds of reputable When I arose on Thursday morn and saw the snowcovered ground I was elated took it as an omen that RASPBERRIES Many people who have she advan tage of Jiving in wanner latiaoVa form the impression that Canada is a sort of snowbound region a period of warm weather during- July a short portion of read that not only have been found in blossom in many ire but that the Misses village have actually partaken or grown tit their own garden that bin a short timeiiin may have a mure favorable opinion of our climate patent medicines kept in stock Mr Allen Theaker devotes his attention to the Furniture and Undertaking and bis arc well worth inspecting- The Woollen Mills of Messrs Geo Sons where tons of wool are brought every sea son a large stock of all kinds of cloth in addition to their own manufactures Sir KeHar the leading tailor carries a careful fits his customers to the Queens taste Mr Rowland de votes his attention to the ills af flict cattle and horses Mr C Davidson is always pleased to insure either your life or your buildings- For good honestlymade harness Mr I Wilson is hard to beat No matter the country was safe for live years more A striking little episode Two of Sutton were once such bosom friends as to almost kiss and hug one another now a great- yawn ing gulf separates them J R who is as irritable as a hornet i was annoyed- by the Grand Sachem kid poking fun at him and proceeded to teach him his manners with a horse- Whip He was taken task for his unlawful acts and not giving satisfac tory reasons for his misconduct the daddy filled with virtuous indignation snatched the riding whip from his J It hand and vigorously applied succeeds in getting a good teaser the coming year Mr Nelson ami daughter made a trip to Toronto with a loud produce last- week there is talk of J J Dafoe coming out at the municipal elec tion in January M Good Meyers and Peter wear plea- Kant smiles The war must be over as they are all girls The Presbyterians will not be able to reopen their church for- weeks yet and will again occupy the Metho dist church on Sunday evening nest The Methodists had a big bee on Monday- levelling up and in with stone foe the foundation of the addition to the shed which be long with stall for rig This is what has been re quired a long time and horses will now be Stoves Roasting Pans Carving Setts Vegetable Scoops Scoop Shovels Potato Forks all at SUMMERFELDTS WIT ALBERT i Harvesting Sugar Beets Mr John is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is author- to receive subscriptions col lect accounts etc Orders for all feinds of printing promptly attend ed to Miss has gone to To- jronto to reside for a time iliss Greenwood has gone to the city to take a course of instruction in music Mr Hawkins spent a couple of days in the city last week and wit nessed the demonstration in honor of the returned soldiers Winter apples may be obtained cheap Ohm Hundred Persons Gathering Crop on Acre how grain or seed run may have making him give the u I iwariiancr in true style vjtronvMr Silver Gowan Brae Regret very much to hear that PERSONAL Miss Ida of Mongolia is visit ing at the home of her uncle Mr Sleeper Mr A Jones of Muskt- is in for a brief visit with friends Miss spent a few days visiting friends in Toronto Mrs J- Hamilton of was in a visit to her mother Mrs Anson Jones Mrs A K Jones and children left for their new home in Toronto on who been here on an extended visit to her aunt Jewell returned to her home in Mongolia on Saturday MisK Ada is visiting at Mrs A K Jones Toronto Mr of Toronto is in town on it visit to friends Mrs Rent lev has leased her farm and will reside in the village in fu ture to sell Mr- John Moore can always j Ka find for it and pays the highest- market price at any of ur stores is always and courteously waited on whether dressed in silks or rags and there is no fear of the smallest- child being cheated out of a cent Those who have not been in the habit of dealing in Mount Albert should give it a trial For honest dealing the best goods at the lowest prices and atten tion and to customers our business men can not be folks usually like to show off their smartness- Some of ours and probably yours are rather too smart It is said that an outbreak of diph theria has occurred in family Roy scarlet fever is bettor very much to hear that Mr Rowden former railway Conductor here has met with a serious accident causing the loss of one hand Tiic accident happened on a construction in west lie is now in the Hospital at Winnipeg mm or I MR A JONES GIVEN A HIS FRIENDS now fell here on Six inches of was a lively war of words among some of the buyers on mar ket on Tuesday One buyer in disgust z A very pleasant social tinder the auspices of Indies Aid of the Christian was held at the home of Mrs William on Tuesday Dr Wesley advantage of he recent mild to beautify his handsome new residence with a ter of evergreen shade tree The Hoard of Trade are talking of holding a Christmas Market- and are discussing wayi and means of raising money for prizes Rev Mr of Franklin deliv ered an interesting address on Mis sions in the Methodist church on Monday evening Tell friend who Iocs not take the Bra to call at the unite here and get a sample copy wlto find writing letters troublesome friends a Ideal tin- Era for Very few have had to part with as useful and highly esteem ed a member as Mr A Jones While his appointment to a position in the Civil Service necessitating his making Toronto his home for Hie fu ture was a matter for illa tion it has deprived us one of our citizens whose place will be hard to Jill Mr Jones was one of the main pillars of the Presbyterian church here He fitted the most important positions in choir church and School the latter in particular owing most of its success to his zeal He was also an earnest worker in every good cause connected with this village On Monday evening he was given a reception iu school room of the Presbyterian which was as a pVnng as ever assembled to do to one man After a pleasant social lime had Mr who chairman called upon Mr and Mr when the former read the following address and Mr made the presentation Ml Albert Mr A- Jones Dear It with deep of regret we have learned that you are about to remove from amongst us thus severing ties which have bound us since your early feeling keenly Ihe pang of parting with one who has been so uiiivemally respected and loved it is for us proudly us that he had a subscriber to Era for thirty years The Era has many such friends as that and I reck on they get- the worth of their money Smith Willi a shot gun very old horses to Wm and Graham to pass in cheques Late hours were kept at cullers store on Thursday evening Politics kept- some out of bed till halfpast one in morning A number from here went to Sutton on Wed election returns Frank was voted chairman and was also vot ed a gentleman for the honorable way Mrs Dr Noble during absence on a hunting expedi tion along others from this to the election a military man here with great emphasis la red that on the there would a whirlwind that would and his Government from power Well the whirlwind came but it played havoc with nearly all the leaders of the Opposition Wilfrid travelled bath east Sir Among the most growcis sugar beets in the- of New York is the firm of Smiths it of Syracuse says the Syracuse Post Standard now engaged in harvesting a crop of sugar beets grown on acres A Powell yesterdxv said sugar beet crop is more ait crop us thi year and we well satisfied raising of sug ar is certain to become an im portant industry in our community hut it is not well for farmer to go into beet raising extensively until he has considered a number of tings lit the first place the land must be adapted to the growth of this parti cular product Then there is very if any money to be made from beets when it is necessary to haul them a long distance for ship ment It is a heavy bulky product and not easily handled It is a crop that required a great deal of labor and the fanner who grows sugar and does not look out closeh for ex penses will find that the crop costs all it brings in- The crop can be produced on an economical and made to pay as well as any farm crop of today On ground it was not up to Hie this year on account of the Albert DRUG STORE Tor Balm of Cough Syrup SPECIAL VALUES IN LADIES JACKETS For a Powder for your or for Ac IMPROVED Condition Powder also carry a full Una of Patent Medi cines among ihem Family receive or LLOYD received of RUBBERS See our LEATHER TOPS with Albert GO TO- ROWLANDS FOR Mixed Paints pili Patty J Glass and Shelf I And was everywhere a welcome guest fortunately pur was eve and chipped in to get the I Though the wave he had to WW naturally moist and breast jwe are well pleased with the yield The ballots carried him on the crest lowJ JMd that In gratitude for dune firm Wili na lie acted Frank is much like my j He is elected to labor on hut a A u send painful to us is for your material good We regardless of sectarian or political heartily unite in congratulating you on your advance ment to a position the Civil Service of your country and trust that you may lie eminently successful in your career Your hiss to us as a valuable and citizen cannot adequately e measured words The memory of your integrity and zeal in Church unci Sunday School long remain minds of your associates As an earnest Christian worker you will he to the Church In severing connection with the and of Toronto Junction and with the New- Market we consider that we have taken a step that will with the of business wen and other who have active in terest in promoting the iper in Mount Albert While drawing any compari sons unfavorable Hie former difficult to replace for we desire to place before our read- you gave your best efforts some of he advantage of the The in a pa per in that the term im plies with this Issue It contain all the news of Mount vicinity and In addition the of the town of New market and of every place in our mediate We are lulled that no effort on our part Will be to work up a large ion among our former hi this nfighUfihood Those who should low no time In sis all new tor wx the for iwc of tiris jlar Tell your who do not fake It to tali of Ixrre and get a sample copy In we to hank our and readers for their Ta In the past and to as- irire that our earnest efforts will dictated pipe ni hiUrUng You have in addition able and useful worker in everything to welfare and Vanceineiit of good cause In this community We further assure you that we are aware thai much of what you have done must have Urn at the cost of considerable sacrifice on your part We desire to emphasize our ap preciation of the unselfish quiet and unobtrusive maimer which has ever characterized you and which have ren dered our services still more valuable We cannot allow you to depart from amongst us your fellowcitizens with out carrying away with you some slight of our esteem us to present you Combination Secret and and purse which we trust you will accept and retain aw a of this occasion and tlie In you been held here In permit us to express she hope that the choicest of friend a Com hut a as well The boys there bullyragged John Yates J ter ribly hut John wisely maintained his equanimity as a J P The prayer of the lazy farmer give us a month more fine weather our plowing is yet to lie done is going into winter quar ters looking par excellent A very sown in this neighborhood There arc wonderful reports of sec ond growths this fall Many folks have gathered large quantities of rasp berries- has crop barley out in head Many other similar reports and family arc back in the far An outbreak of yellow jaundice in Pringies little lock suggested the Was it catching Perry Crittenden and wife are visit ing This contract business at the mar ket has led to so much unpleasantness that it would tie advisable to shun it in fill Happy Dunk We paid a visit to Mr Crawford to discover if possible source of his happiness- and arriv ed a conclusion that it must be bis smart little better half I Dunk used visit the corners eight nights per week now never- Our collector Jos Kay is bid ding us good day I fear we look rather sour our slips showing an advance of nearly onehalf last A resident of Frog Ave is of name Out of respect for lovely rfslers and consideration for thy lacerated fwlings Hob In future and hereafter shall lie known as Andy Miller sr has been very ill Poor unfortunate Andy Prohibition would be a boon to him A battle royal for unity will have its re ward the loving regard next year if not more The crop of the Smiths Powell J ROWLAND esteem farm so fars harvested has averaged of the nations ler acre and since harvesting commenced over Rev Joujili Sipard S have from an tour it l hRhwnpton eld country home lo TOm ia mother ght of views of her l l FURNITURE place among them a view of the parish church her parents at tended also a brooch shaped in form of the national emblem of Ire land the Shamrock and made of marble set in gold lie brought a black thorn cane the real genuine articlefor his brother Mr Silver and his son Fred have gone up to North Hay with a carload of apples Mrs of Toronto spent last Sunday at the old home Miss Alice Winch of iwillimbury in guest of Miss Sadie ingle The contingent of hunters that went from here were quite successful returning with or deer Young men would do well to read and ponder earnest and noble ap peal of Lord Huberts to the friends of In returning soldiery not to treat hem intoxicants and thus avoid dishonor upon those who have won such distinction and glory upon the battle field This appeal should have weight every member of the community in leading all to put their veto upon the selfdestroying practice of using stimulants The Forward Evangelistic Services In Sutton arc making a profound im pression railroad places cars on the siding at the farm making it possible to load the beets conveniently The cars carrying from to tons each and the amount placed in them far has been li tons Smiths Powell have men women and children at work in the beet fields and it is expected that the harvesting will be completed about Nov 1st Two implements known as beet lifters are being operated be sides subsoil devices to get the product out of the ground Horses are attached to these plow and the work of getting the beets out of the ground is done more quickly than by the old process of pul ling by hand The men women and children follow the plows cut off Use tops of beets and put them into crates which are standing along the rows Then two or three men with a team and heavy wagon come along and the crates and haul them to cars The price paid for beets this year is the same as for several years per ton net on the cars You can save money by buying your Furniture at the pit Furniture Store A IAHOBK STOCK THAN OF Bedroom Ballet Extension and Parlor Tables Lounges and Fancy Obaira We are for Pillow Holders and ihe celebrated Carpet and Taoker Framing a Specialty Goods delivered tree charge when ordered in ALLAN THEAKER Geo Sons jj f OF Collar Check A Horse Blanketing Bed Blanketing Sheetings Cloths Flannels Yarns etc Tf FINE OF Tweeds Serges Frieze Milton 5 Grey Chovxots- Always on hand to choose from SOMETHING NEW TO BE HAD Tony relates lite details of a between a hull ami an old sow by the of hunger the sow grabbed a dainty the bull was devouring and the bull re sented the Intrusion A battle with varying for half an hour by vvhlch time the bout was declared a draw by mutual consent Now wherf that pig comes around the cattle make themselves scarce Some well meaning no doubt believing me an old time Hum very to influence vote Too but mo no a Im sot and stays sot I do In our motion the made a poor torn out Surely they were not by Sir Khan claptrap The Owl gale Register Mr will an arm implementa on Lot Hal Whitchurch months credit on pinna over 10 except for hay at 1 oclock Smith Us be profitable must make a rapid growth Do not Imagine you nlrve until within a few weeks of Christmas then stuft no they will weigh as much as your neighbors fowls have been well fed from the shell When picking geese lb feathers should not be picked until there is no Wood In the ends of quills This can be readily ascertained they will leave the flesh haul pull ing A roow will average about one pound of feathers a year Before Starting on a Journey Think a Moment and Time and Money All You Can Do by going to a mail on busi ness is to talk with him un less you want to break Peace You can talk with him just as well by WHAT R Suit- at a Reasonable WHERE in it to be got flt MMf Drugs I Fresh and Reliable MONDAY Nov Mr Hubert Sib ley of the Centre near Mt Albert will have his postponed credit auction sale of stock Im plements etc J Kester auc tioneer TUESDAY Stokes of lot Con I cntt near Mount Albert will have an extensive credit sale of horses highclaw cattle Implement J Kenter Nov will a of timber on lote and 28 dUiCon of Sate at oneoclock Kava- JOHN MOORE GRAIN MEHOHANT paid tor All or Grain Timber Sale For terms etc DAVIDSON f Albert GRAND TR The Great RAILWAY SYSTEM Stationery Waiting School Books PATENT MEDICINES I most popular All the re properly lit una of ROWLAND OF Ontario Veterinary College OOlTfT SHU Next door North of Lloyds Drug Store Through Line Hamilton Pails Buffalo Rochester Philadelphia fleet Washington Baltimore and All Points South For further particular apply to any Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway A eat Wat Union Toronto Manufacturer of all of Abo a large stock of band promptly to Forrests ALBERT ALBERT Boots Shoes I Rubbers Only the kept in took Solid School for girls and boys HDRAMSDEN fllbett

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