WPWVARFT CHINA HALL Weeks Local of liadics Childrens Summer Shoes China and Glassware Very interesting prices for Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Tea Sets Lemonade Sets I lb Butter Crocks Fruit Jars a Big Stock WHIT IS OX IK Day Monday was duly observed as a pub lic holiday in Newmarket- All places of business were closed and with the exception of- a base ball match on the Fair Grounds everything was very quiet- A Splendid Speech A number of exceedingly instructive addresses were delivered at the lunch eon tendered by- the directors of the Industrial Exhibition on the Fair Grounds on Wednesday afternoon to prominent representatives of the agri cultural interest the chief guest being E J Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands who made an excellent speech the following being a brief Tea The next regular Tea of the Ladies Aid in connection with the Methodist church is to be held on Wednesday evening of next week at the beautiful summary and spacious residence of Mr J Hon Mr Davis said that it was one Wilson The Cedars Victoria Ave Ms greatest- pleasures in the year to Tea will be served from oclock foll visit the Exposition and to enjoy lowed by instrumental music and par- luncheon with the directors of the lor games As the proceeds of these I greatest Exhibition on earth are for the Pipe Organ Fund they A year ago- when he was been very popular in the past and seat at an Exhibition luncheon his a Large attendance is anticipated good friend the late Mr Come and spend first social even ing of the seAson presided and they had alt appreciated and honored bis many good qualities He was glad to see as a successor of the late President a gentleman under whose wise judgment the Exhibition was sure to prosper The Industrial Exhibition could not- rise above its source and he felt that this was one of the brightest thoughts In connection with the Fair for it had as its source the wonderful resources of our coun try resources which were not equalled by any country in the world The directors should be encouraged by the increasing attendance and he trusted that the attendance should con tinue to grow as the population in creased and this increase he would say had been very substantial during the past five years WONDERFUL EXPANSION Quite recently the country had ex perienced a wonderful expansion and Big Mistake this was especially true of the Some people wonder bow it is that jvince of Ontario He had in mind two the domestic water is not as cold as railways the construction of which fln Episode Just as the Metropolitan car was pulling out from the station at the P crossing at North Toronto an excursion day last week the con ductor was hailed by a wouldbe pas senger with the request to hold the car for a minute for a party of sixty As the moments flew by and there be ing no appearance of the anticipated crowdj the conductors patience be came exhausted Directing a glance of enquiry towards his informant he was met with the reply AH right Conductor I am the party Yester day was my sixtieth birthday There was expression on that ductorsace as be jerked the bell government aid and the Yukon Dis trict also- has been developed All improvements and enterprises in volve expenditure and who will say that the expenditure has been unwise Certainly not- the Conservative party for they failed to record by their vote the House of Commons their against It The Liberal Govern- ding the exportation of pulpwood so merit and party have nothing to that the raw materal was now being for in connection with their manufactured within the country record on the contrary they are The mineral development of the j proud of it try was proceeding rapidly and this what year there had been discoveries of val- THE minerals in sections of the SIR CHARLES KNOWS Sir Charles Tufioper announces that try where such development had not been expected and he believed that this that the elections are set for- October HARDWA was onlv a of what was to not come in the future anything of the kind any more than IN thatnis Government would sweep the country Being a farmer himself he took a or than his worthy son knew special interest in being present after the last that the Fanners Day This was indeed a I the new Government could not last prosperous year for the farmers of On- six months or than either of them The statistics of other knew that a Liberal regime would tries compared with those of Ontario bring national and commercial disaster showed that this country was ahead of the Dominion But something the others in the average yield per must be done to arouse in every line of agriculture The asm in Tory ranks and replenish cheese and butter industry was increas ing rapidly and the feeding of stock had become a great source of wealth Old Ontario had not only developed in this way but New Ontario bad also shown what it could do The exhibits in the Agricultural Hall of farm pro ducts front New Ontario would sur prise everyone who was unacquainted with that district The Government was making an effort to colonize that country and they would be glad to hear tha settlers there were increas ing yearly NEED NOT LEAVE ONTARIO No man need leave Ontario for any part of the world Applause If it became necessary for young men to go out from their homes as it sometimes was necessary the Government would the depleted campaign fund and about the only thing potent enough to ac complish this is the alarm of an im mediate contest With charming as- surance the Ottawa Citizen quotes Sir Charles and then adds Should the elections not he brought on in Oc tober it will be a confession of the Governments unreadiness- or fear to meet the electors Possibly the re fusal of the Government to go to pieces in six months was also a sign of weakness Mrs Allen laid the corner stone of the new Davenport Methodist church last Friday Rev H Matthews is fsir ed States There were rich fertile lands waiting for them in the north it used to be and they the taps became noteworthy in view of what the Government was ready to assist A fire ill the lumber manufacturing district of Montreal destroyed property say to them Dont go to the Unit- worth nearly letting the water run to waste think- they would accomplish The Rainy that they will improve the River Railway would traverse a conn- tion That is just where they make which was fertile and the mistake For the last two weeks would develop the mineral as well as night day the wells have been the agricultural resources of the conn- forced by means of steam to provide try The Central would also the necessary supply Last Saturday accomplish a it was con- an eloquent reference to the deeds of afternoon there was only four feet of fidently believed in bringing the newer Canadians in South Africa and said water in the Upper Reservoir and on and older Ontario closer- together that altho foremost in peaceable of using steam so much all There had been other changes that tions when it came war they Were them in every way in constructing roads building schools and giving rail way facilities in order that the set tlers might be able to build up homes for themselves The speaker closed his- address with would add materially to the wealth and prosperity of the country All of the Ontario pine was now being the water has the chill off If people would be economical for a week two the steam pipe could be shut off and then we would get the natural in Canada and it was not flow of cold water Now everybody necessary for him to mention the try it for a week give the gar- fits that accrued from such a policy den hose a rest and see the result A thousand men are thrown out of employment by the closing of the Am erican Rod and Nail Mills at Aider son Now is the beginning of the Preserving and Pickling Season OUR STOCK OF Sugars Shoes cannot be excelled in quality We ask no fancy prices and give you the best in quality equal to any emergency and he was proud- to know that they had done electric lights were out on Sunday night at oclock owing we understand to the waterworks chimney taking fire OBrien and Frank Burns were sentenced to years each in the Kingston Penitentiary for robbing the house of Alex Cornwall Tp Arthur the sou of Thus of was drowned in the harbor by diving a boat and getting entangled in the weeds at the bottom of the lake Belleville Aug 31 Fred had also been legislation forbid- past hundred years more than their Canadians in employed in saw this war had done more to hind them- mill at fell against the saw of selves close to the empire than any- a shingle machine- yesterday and hi- thing that had happened within the left arm was completely severed Just below the elbow of the Belle Out better WritUnfar the I Mr George Foster the rival lead- Ice Co was at work in the icehouse jersof today are to stump Ontario when the contents shifted closing him Truly it is a great combination a securely in but not pinning him He great scheme shouted for a long time before help Ottawa Sept FROM WHO OUGHT TO KNOW came The Tories are setting beautifully Farmers around are re- tangled up with thefr douhlSk in the grand results of their Aug During a thun derstorm while Mr Charles Tate Ins brother David were engaged draw ing in oats the lightning struck the J- in competition with the Standard Oil for wagon instantly killing Charlie a1 of imperialism for the Irtish Company does not agree with the Wrtyftve and forty both horses and setting fire to the electorate and antiimperialism for the lhe Govern load David who was pitching on FrenchCanadians It a very ment latter load was stunned by the piece of machinery to handle ind i and out persist in but revived in time to drag his spite of the most careful the that the effect of the brothers body off the load before name to slip a cog aiui Governments policy has been to fire reached were burned bushels of wheat per acre appear to be of quite common report this year while oats and barley are equally as prolific Table Rock Aug a Automatic and Wickless Blue Flame Oil Stoves Simple to Operate Fully Guaranteed These Stoves operate similar to the well known Stu dent Lamp You extinguish and adjust the flame by raising lowering the burner I Screen Doors Screen Windows IceCream Freezers J Pure Paris Green Binder Twine Agents for Massey Harris Repairs J A ALLAN CO OUR FALL STOCK Is Hearing completion and as usual we will I Undersell Every House In the trade TORONTO HOUSE body the load before the perilously liable to slip a cog Governments policy has lv it The wagon and grain cause no end of trouble The famous result of the holdup of the New York The deceased wilt be Pamphlet in which lhe Pre- oil importer of he very much missed in church work censured no unmeasured Montreal sneaking for the Standard here He held the position of elder j terms for the course pursued by the Companys competitors declares and in the matter of the South A SMITH The Leading Grocer Flour haw el a W White per a Goose per a a a a OH KK3pdw Oil a Buffer roll per lb a a a per lb a ton CO a Hi lb ft per a a orUpcrtoft a IB Governor of a to the throne for a reward for having invited and for havifi aftervaida killed School superintendent and choir leader in the Presbyterian church in China Tien Aug guns on the walls of were mounted in pairs along the battlements fire of the allies was extremely accur ate as on the morning of August J 5 all these guns were found to have ism destroyed by shells They were by dead Chinese The xuns which had been trained on the Lega tions were less than yards distant They fired on an average or sixpound shells during the period of tlte attack Aug via Shanghai Aug intercepted letter written by the at who com manded at Tien during the nois ing there complains that the are overrunning the country of Tien Tsin particularly the cities on the Grand canal despising the officials who at first countenanced them and looting and killing the ere mite of their organization and fighting the Imperial troops of are kept closed and the people Inside are the Bo tern practically besieging the place The Viceroy reports that the of the city of TsangChow on the ca nal invited Boxers to a feast While the Boxers were their weapons were stacked African contingents is spreading con- here in Ontario and in the West Incredible though it may pear criticism is not that Sir Wilfrid failed to move promptly enough but that he countenanced aid to the em pire at all not that he lagged behind but that he went ahead altogether loo fast and the FrenchCanadian J is held up to the of the FrenchCanadian people the FrenchCanadian soldiers of ibf Queen were given the opportunity win undying honor by standing should er to shoulder with their compatriots of English blood in defence of the of their common country The attempt of Sir Charles when addressing an audience to repudiate this pamphlet is a com plete and ludicrous failure in fact It has only made the situation worse for the FrenchConservative papers headed hy Journal the Tory organ of Montreal established by Sir Charles himself TRADING ON HIS When Shakespeare inquired Whats in a name he had not met with an experience similar to that which the Dominion Tories arc going thru at the present moment- They evidently be lieve that the name of their groat leader of byegone days Is still one to eating and coi and we are hearing more four years ago but they have gladly for the increase of their of lhe account has iKen in proportion that the Government has done everything in its power to assist tlieui their competition It has reduced the coal oil duties it has compelled the railways to abandon their policy of discriminating rates- and It has greatly improved the facilities for handling commodity and thereby reduced Cost to the consumer In other words the Canadian importers fully endorse the statement of Mr Fielding in the House In May last that every step taken by the present Government either with respect to legislation or to has been in the direction removing restrictions and lessening the price of oil THE IRONY OF CIRCUMSTANCES The fates are particularly unkind to the Tory critics of the Governments financial for the existing condi tions could scarcely be less propitious for the success of the contention that an increase in national expenditure is an evidence of extravagance Business men llic country over whether whole salers or retailers manufacturers mer chants or farmers have experienced an increase of business and to meet their increased business they increased their expenditure There are hundreds of business men In Canada today who are paying for business expenses two of three times as much as they paid done so bank and it by orders fell upon arm i wi account has in ana it S and slaughtered all of them are of the man who those who to the PP lhelr more money that have failed to 2 his wife and Moreover the son of the old chief tab more The increased te M to to toured thru Ontario as under the Liberal administration by the Boxers at attraction In the great stumping has near ow organizing Mr Hugh j RIGHT LINKS wan on has a reputation lmnrw were well treated a There have been no corrupt or impro- majority of the mission stations among personal a facilitate and China have rne and to destroyed or looted Chris- the great mineral agricultural have terribly abused immTnt country have Influential native state that the him any of the prominent of rebellion has been fanned injjutes and facilities have southern provinces of China and madc IucUierance a for all there is in with the hay wavering Tories of Ontario whose old- harbors rated and perfected Immigration has predict a within a month TO CURE A COLD IN DAY and Pacific Coast limited Union Paci fic last night four road agents secur ed it is said here a sum estimated at in currency belonging to the troops in Manila Carrying an invalid can easily be managed by two people of average strength They should join their hands crosswise so as to form a firm seat If the invalid is lifted on to this and puts his arms the necks of the two persons he may be carried with perfect safety up and down stairs While ascending the stairs to his room over the shop with a lighted lamp in his hand J of Lindsay struck his head against the low ceiling and the lamp fell upon him and broke setting fire to his cloth ing Before he could tear Ida tor ments oil he was burned about the neck and ears and down his left side A Arc broke the engine room of the electric works at Markham on Friday evening and only for the prompt action of the fire brigade the building and plant would have been destroyed Tho fire started in the celling of the room and quickly spread hut was checked by the firemen before much damage was done The light ing service was only impaired one night Mr John a well known and highly respected farmer of the con while engaged In un loading oats in his barn last Thursday met with a shockingly sudden death Mr had a rack lifter in barn and he had just drawn in a load of grain and was engaged in lifting It when without warning the drum smashed and a piece of the iron dog struck Mr Dyer on the skull and knocked him oil tlie beam to the loft from where ho fell to the barn a distance of 25 feet Mr only lived till early Friday morning Oh examination it was found that eas ed had sustained a fractured broken knee a broken arm dislocated shoulder a broken nose and a crushed chest funeral on Sunday one of tftp largest that has been seen in this neighborhood for years nearly people following the cortege to the Union Church cemetery remains were Interred His Country Chicago Sept A special to the Tribune from San Francisco says I Musician Vance late U V was brought from the on the transport Thomas under sentence of- years imprisonment at Alcatraz This man it was proven not only deserted the ranks of the American army but took up arms against his comrades and while serving as a maj or with Filipinos attacked wagon trains and escort parties Vance was captured court and sentenced to be shot hut ow ing to the clemency of President Kinley his punishment was commuted years Imprisonment TO a and loyalty to T Union Tale Laxative Quinine dcad te fc into where his All drafts refu the money Unless a man is generous he is Sm and develop by the granting of seldom just 25c lets AH druggist If It falls to cure Groves signature is on each box practical enthusiasm for election pur poses Behind the historic name Sir Charles At last week Scott and Clayton Foster were both com mitted for trial under the Charlton Act Vaughan Plowmans Association will hold their fall plowing match on Nov King Plowmen hold theirs on Nov John of Owen Sound was drowned at by stepping oR a steamer gangplauk in the dark Miss of Belleville jumped off a moving train and was crushed between tlie platform and the car receiving Injuries which her death One of our exchanges says that the men who are always howling the most about the money spent for pub lic Improvements arc those who dont pay taxes enough to keep a monkey In peanuts Signals have been sent by wireless telegraph thru a suite of seven rooms the doors of which were closed Now if a fellow can only talk to his best girl from his shop to her house every thing will be just right Nothing In the World looks easier more prosperous than another mans Yet it Is asserted on good authority that not fivo per cent of tho business men in the country ever rich Kodaks are used in collecting evidence against saloonkeepers in Corn ing charged with violating excise laws Snapshots of prominent citi zens entering and departing from the saloons have been secured and in sequence Corning Is In an uproar Armstrong of Pefterlaw ship ped pounds of honey to Toronto last week Tuesday nights storm in Western Manitoba and the Territories Is mated to have caused losses amounting to about A St Louis car and foundry cam pany has been awarded a contract for constructing passenger coaches for the Government of New Zealand There are now bubonic plague cases under observation In Glasgow and the disease has made Us appear ance in a of the city The made the trip across tlie Atlantic last week in five days and hours If Halifax in stead of New York had been the ves sels terminal on this side the ocean the trip would have been A days hours The of Mr of was burned with all its con tents including sail and row bonis ice boat tent and complete camping and fishing outfit Incendiarism is believ ed to be the and a large reward is offered for the apprehension of the firebug This on box of Laxative the that a Toronto Markets T00K30 BCpt ft White Wheat nor per per bushel l29ja Ryopor bushel a OH Cut tor roll per lb i Potatoes per a Vt Apples per i 12S a lea 3 a 7S 7 0S 9 DO a Chickens per pair OK a QIC a lb