A RKET ERA A SKPT 1900 around the Hot AND FRANKLIN- The carpenters axe making quite a change in the appearance of Mr Geo house and will soon have their job completed Mr Samuel Johnston of Plea- Bant Mich called on his nephew Mr Rose and other friends in this Vicinity last week In spite of the extremely warm weather last Sunday a good congre gation attended the Sunday School and morning service at Christian church The pastor delivered an earn est sermon Next Sabbath the regu lar quarterly service for the district be in this church Services at a and p The Ladies Aid Tea at Mr Roses on Aug was not very largely at tended on account of the rain but those who were there seemed to enjoy themselves Ice cream and water melon were supplied liberally and 510 were left in the hands of the treasur er The home of Mr Crone will be the scene of the next social gather ing of the Society the evening erf Tuesday Sept A good pro gram is being arranged aidtheIadies Intend to furnish a tent for the occa sion A pleasant time Is promised The infant child of Mr and Mrs Hart died on Tuesday BIRTH In August to wife of Mr Webb a daughter Miss Kitchen five year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Joe Kitchen had the misfortune to badly lacerate her tongue by falling oft the Trout porch and striking her chin on the op posite flooring the little girl who had her leg broken at Sparlings some time ago sufficiently to be able to to her home near Aurora- and left for her longdesired home circle Miss Violet Armstrong of Lloyd- town entertained her Sunday School class of pupils on Friday evening week Tea was served an beautiful lawn and a most enjoyable time was had by all Tuesday morning while Messrs J- Graham and Leatherland driving into town from the their horse became unmanageable and when opposite Dukes they were upset in the ditch where the horse also was brought to a stop Fortunately the of the buggy escaped any serious in jury save a few scratches and braises but the rig was considerably damaged MOUNT ALBERT- Messrs Rosamond Sam Dal ai and are in Buffalo this week Mr and Mrs of North are at Mr this week The small hoys went to Sutton on Saturday and were trimmed to tune of to There was some rejoicing in town because Sutton was beaten by Carrie on Monday and Newmarket by the Junction at lacrosse last week Both teams had done so much Mrs Blight of Toronto spent this week at A Jones Miss Rosamond has returned from a lengthy visit at Bradford Mr Stiver now around so he is able to practice his profession Mr of Toronto several days with lrl Mr John A Co was over Sunday Dr J Wesley is unable to be around owing to sickness Mr and Mrs Swain of were here Saturday and Sunday at Jos Swains Jewells pony took 1st at pony race at Exhibition in milt run Best time seconds Mr Albert Blizzard of Parry is visiting his mother The hisses Terry have returned from a months visit at Toronto and Mark- bam Mr Will Money and family are mov ing to Toronto Mr took in a concert at on evening Mr spent Sunday at Sand ford rUEENSVItL The property has passed into the hands of J Joseph Wright of Queewville nearly bled to death from the severing of the main artery in his leg by a horse which he was driving attached to a rake in harvest field McMillan corners Miss Emma Reethman in visiting at Mr Mr John McNeil is his house- This will make quite an improvement to tfce comers A number from around hare took in the Exhibition at Toronto this week Rev of Sutton will occupy the pulpit here next Sue- day Mrs Geo of Severn Bridge is spending a few weeks with her par ents Mr and Speck of and Mrs John Speck and son Saturday and Sun day with Speck We all deeply regret to learn of the death of Mr David Stephens in the He was a very intelli gent and highly respected young map k our last- weeks note concerning Mr Trios leasing hams farm at- Union it should have read Lot at on the line instead of BALDWIN BREEZE MOUNT ALBERT BORN In Mount Albert on Mon day Aug- 37th to Mr and Mrs Johnson a son Mr J Grose of met with a very painful accident last while drawing in grain He was step ping from the mow to the load and in doing so lost footing and fell to the floor striking his knee on hard substance arid splitting his knee cap Mr Grose will be laid up a number of weeks Mr Thomas was before Mr J P on Tuesday night for alleged nonpayment of wages at the suit of his hired Ivy named Crittenden The cause of the suit was a dispute over the terms of the agreement between Mr Colt man and his help Crittenden got a of with costs making to tal amount Mr Jordan who works for Mr J Harrison of the Scott town line was driving a wagon on which a threshing machine was loaded and in going thru a gate he walked too near the and one wheel of the heavily loaded vehicle passed over his foot His great toe was badly crushed and be will be laW up for some time Mr from Scott was visiting at It Rowlands on Sunday As was driving his brother and Weaker to New market to attend High School his took fright at a bicycle at Sha ron upset the buggy turned around and ran out to the sixth con where it was stopped The buggy a new one was all broken to atoms They i had to borrow a buggy to return j Alllston from Toronto is stopping with his uncle T for a few days Jewell took three- horses to the Exhibition to show from the city Is stopping Mr J sr was staying with his Mrs Dr Wesley fev days Our village was flooded with peaches on Wednesday Starr had a load out his on Compare the Era with any other for home ALLEGE The weather has been exceptionally fine indeed another thaw was on deck The harvest is passed and the sun ended but of our farmers are not thru harvest yet The order was well filled when Mrs J presented her husband with another fine baby boy which is as handsome as handsome does The girls are scarce Wonder if our good friend Mr Josh Oliver is getting along with his ce ment flooring alright We understand Mr Duncan Cement King is there finishing up the job It dont matter in what section Joker goes he will hear something about his acquaintances While work ing in sight of the beautiful- town of Beaverton a lady whispers Do you know a young gentleman up West who to elude his friends wandered out in the far East and spent the of July in Sunderland By the way on the platform lie captured a fair dam sel and his importunity is under con sideration We said as they were many men of many minds and many men of many names we wish a sound to as near as she could remember It ran thus it was cither Trench Crouch or she certain Mr- Joint McNeils new house is its final operation Mr of Keswisk Is the physician If you want a neat brickclad call on the above named gentleman Rev Mr Minor has preached farewell sermon His discourse brotherly love to bis flock was a fit ting one We are glad to see our enterprising good old friend at the front with his usual tail corn ap parently to take the Johnnie cake from Mr We have given up the fruitless search for taller corn The automobile car is running up Queen street instead of the electric motor Miss of Newmarket Is visit ing relatives and friends on Queen St A certain lady with much experience in bliss of married life has been Issu ing such epithets as to lead one of our young men out very fast The new gown and other feminine addi tions are somewhat conspicuous The farmers are now busy rushing in their fall wheat Mr Grant and Mr were in our midst looking up a horse Everybody around here who had spare time took In the Exhibition this week We noticed many Newmarket people driving back to town this week If the Editor feels as well as he looks he will be happy when he sees College Corners items Mr Ernie Winters of is visiting relatives and friends around here Mr Frank Clare who has been af flicted with a painful leg is improv ing nicely Jersey is losing all lis pretty girls Them Holland a the pluckiest yet The duck hunters are around again making the feathers fly Cranberries will soon be bill of fare Mr Watson and wife Journeyed oat to a friend and spent Sunday in Oh for an old coon hunt Lots of signs prevalent in corn patches The Joker Its going to rain I dont give a rap let it rain Im done harvest says our farmers Seeing the great amount of butter Duncan King brings to market How many cows do you keep Duncan says I Oh bout a dozen says he That means money and a snug little pile of it every week The man who eats to live is the one who usually succeeds in living while he who lives to eat usually dies a miserable dyspeptic Aunt- Sophia alias has returned from Tp where ihe was visiting relatives you sorry you contracted your butter for sixteen cents say those who are getting twenty for butter A sickly smile is the only reply Several errors in my last weeks news due no doubt to my wretched fistography I should have said Cole had passed his first class teachers exams and I meant to have said grandma Nelson accompanied her daughter Mrs Elijah Morton to Mani tobaand may success go with them Father arose early one morn last week kissed his liil goodbye to the dawg told John to be a good boy- sprang aboard the train and was oil to the hub to see elephant After wandering about sev eral days taking in the show he Wt lonely tired cross and sleepy so re turned home Crittenden brought home a cargo of fruit on Saturday evening from Toronto With her usual liber ality Mrs- dispensed luscious peaches to her friends Its none of my business but I think the editors head is level in re ference to the memorial to the Haines A monument would hut show public recognition of the brave lads sacrifice and would be in more conspicuous locality where the public would see it besides school houses are very risky places being liable to land then the tablet might be The Alexander is a most handsome apple but unfortunately is given to rotting on the trees before ripening That is the complaint in every case where- I have seen them all over province A curious puzzle In the orchard of the Graham near ville was an apple tree whose fruit was sweet on one side and a sharp sour on the The be tween the sweet and was very marked was produced by some trick in grafting Tins is an undoubted fact as many can bear wit ness Can anybody explain the meth od Dame Humor says Im to get a up from several ladies on whom I have tattled but as the are very pleasant ladies I dont reckon itll be a very great blow Mrs Dan Cameron and Mrs George l those almost inseparable chums got together had Just a lovely time last week Mrs Cameron spent over night with Mrs I see by Era that the old of a sea serpent in Lake Is vived Many many years ago some parties about Queensville tried to hoax the public Jas Milne Chas I Abbs a big black bottle and several others all deceased went Jlshfng and came home with horrible tales of a horrible time with a horrible snake A iiouomous note came to band last the belle and a pup The writer a female will re member thai I write sketches my object is not to foster and generate evil or jealous spirits I wish the goodwill of all Mrs Geo Tomilsons hydrangea hush is a mass of bloom too handsome to describe If frost does not spoil it the fairs see some beauties from it Great crowd from to the In dustrial this week Five hucksters made an exceedingly brisk market on Monday A shilling for eggs and as high as 21 for butter Aaron had a little versat with chaps who arc try- to run him out but he dont pur pose to quit Some lollipops stripped a neighbors melon patch- lately taking even the green ones I hope their reward was an amazing stomachache Five thieves in an apple tree all at once is also too much of the hog We to note that Is again recording doings We presume the Judge was of en joying holidays We hope the Sutton scribe will give full details the hot time In the old town on Day when the cleaned out the pockets of Sutton by a score of to The Sutton lads will have no- change left to spendat the big fair Billy Ed and Ids billy club had their own time to prevent a breach of the peace Perhaps if Sutton another 525 to jput up we might take a load of old women up and play a friendly game with them Wed guarantee them to keep the peace I The Owl KESWICK A nephew and nelce of Rev Mr from Pennsylvania have been spending a- week or two at- the par sonage They left for their I this week Mrs Wesley of Miss Ella eldest daughter spent a few days week with of Mr Warriner returned home in thissection hast week after an absence of a year Mrs Rankin Stewart and children of or two with relatives in Michigan spending the her Her grandmother accompanied her sister Mrs Proctor and other Miss Vera Warriner returned home relatives with her grandmother this week for Mr Black son of Mr Joel Jan extended visit Miss Vera is a Black formerly of Newmarket but late of Buffalo is spending a month of his With relatives in this vicinity i Mrs H Archibald of King City spent the few days with old anees on the and line west- Mr Steward of MPs take was visiting here- Sabbath last Mr Alfred Barfadell and wife of New York State spent a few days last week under parental roof of his mother and brother A very large concourse of relatives general favorite and will be greatly missed In social and religious circles Mrs Frank of Toronto and two children axe spending a few weeks at Mr Next week the County Convention of the in Keswick Hope our people will turn out well to hear Johnson of Toronto on Wednesday evening A very interesting regatta took place Cooks Bay last Monday in which six yachts took part There was a fine breeze during the most of the race You want Reliable Vinegars and Spices We cannot say top for the reputation our Vinegars have before our trade The White Wine Vinegar cannot be and our Cider- Vinegar will keep all kinds of Pickles and adds a pleasant flavor to all preserved therein Pure apices are necessary for good results and a complete range of alt apices will bo found at our grocery You have an idea what you want is it here and friends followed the remains the boats kept well together in Mrs to her last resting place on Saturday Mrs bad just returned from a visit to friends in Manitoba having taken ill about an hour after her return She gradually sank till Thursday when death relieved her of her suffering The funeral ob sequies were performed by Rev Mr Robinson of King City and remains interred at Aurora Cemetery Mr I Webb and bis brother Mal colm Webb of Kansas were calling on relatives here on Wednesday Miss Emma returned after a prolonged visit thru and the city Mr Si Stephens of Niagara is again in our midst this week He had only returned to the Falls on Monday after the death of his father and received word of the death of his wifes grand mother Mrs on Friday and immediately returned to attend the funeral Miss A Davis of was the guest of Mrs Stephens last week Harvest Home festivals are being talked of in both churches here We will perhaps be able to give you dates next week SUTTON Mr John- is Agent for the Era at Sutton and is author ized to receive subscriptions col lect accounts etc Orders for all kinds of printing promptly- attend ed to Rev Mr Smith who had charge of the Presbyterian congregation here for some time has received a call from the congregation at Victoria- Road near Kirkfield A baseball was played here Between Sutton and Albert Juven ile teams last Saturday Score Sut ton Mt Albert Mr Alexander Milne of Oat with wife and family arc visit ing here with bis parents The campers at Jacksons Point are now bidding farewell for the present season Tht remainder of those at left last Tuesday A large number from surrounding neighborhood went on the excursion to Barrio last Saturday A flying squirrel was caught and killed by a villagers cat the other day I mention this because believe it to be a very rare creature in this vicinity Miss Till of Wilfred was The gees- of Mrs last Sunday Mr Arthur Cuttle of was visiting with parents here last Sunday Mr Chester Is home for a visit with friends bcre The big fifty dollar baseball was played here last Sutton and We it proved to be base enough at events played in two ways with balls and also with the final at the Point was a of rotten ryes the departing as a niton for similar accorded to the Sutton boys at the watch played be tween above teams Big Bay on Barriers Civic holiday did not witness- the matvh be ing in Toronto that day and hopes he will not misrepresent anyone but re port says that bad blood was exhibit ed by the Barrie men from and their words and actions did to irritate and annoy their Sutton ponentfi making it obvious that they were ready for mischief This an noyance was resisted by men and from hard words it came to blows result ing In a considerable number being drawn into an ugly fight A number of constables were sworn in to alay the disturbance and maintain peace Quite a few received severe cuts and bruises not very honorable souvenirs of the occasion all will allow Also on their Journey to the boat they entered a garden by the way and carried oh pumpkins c which was certainly an act rowdy Mr McDonald Jr of Jacksons Point is still very poorly Eyre of New York City Is at present visiting here with her sister- inlaw Mrs Johnston Quite a number of our citizens went to the city last Wednesday to attend the Mrs of Buff alo was drowned lako All Manitoba election pro tects filed months ftK- have withdrawn two groups McDonalds of si came in ahead a close second and a close third ORCHARD Mr and daughter of Pa are visiting relatives in this vicinity Mrs and Master Ernie formerly of Pine Orchard now of Mich are renewing old ac quaintances here and in A number from here- the Exposition on Labor day Mr Robinson of New York who resided over fifty years ago spent- Tuesday calling on old friends very few of whom remain Mr Hall and Howell are paying a visit to his par ents Mr and Mrs Hall Mr and son of Cleveland Ohio are alaoyisiting there this week Several families are quarantined on account of an outbreak of in the neighborhood Fort Logan Col has been visiting- at Mr Misses Toole and Lloyd have returned from Roachs Point where they spent several weeks Mr of Lake City Mich is viaiun at Mr Miss A Hall Pine Orchard was at home villi Patterson and Priore also Mr Hall of last week Sehool Reports PUBLIC SCHOOL Etta Stephenson Maude Saunders Jr Morrison III Walker Laura Tate Jr III Evelyn Maud Fare Artliur Kiteley Nellie Wes ley Roy Vernon Lillian Jr Black Mia Emma Smith Lulu Rose Charles Ruth Haines Frank Vera Morrison Bert Peter- man Sarah Laura Simpson Jr Milton Saunders- I Sydney Simpson John Al- Black Gordon Vernon Jr Ezra Morrison Trent Tablet Adelaine John Willie Black Stanley Stanley Roy Simpson McCallum Teacher Philadelphia Sept 2 persons killed and over ao injured is the appall ing record of a rearend collision be tween an excursion train and a milk train on the Bethlehem branch of the Philadelphia and Reading railway this morning at Hatfield Pa mites north of this city Ottawa Aug The reduction to two cents in the letter rate between Canada and Porto Rico Hawaii Phil ippines and United States Islands of the group is to take on the first of October Mr II Ingram Treasurer of the Central Vermont Railway fell overboard from the steamer Bohemian just above the Rapids He was rescued by three Indians after being In the water 20 minutes Ottawa Aug Uniforms for British soldiers have formerly been supplied at home but by reason of kindly sentiment aroused in Britain towards Canada by the Imperial policy of the present Canadian Government the attention of the War and the Indian Government has been turned to Canada The War Ofllce and the In dian Government have sent several or ders for uniforms greatcoats fur caps etc to firms in this country and there are now on the way from these firms to Vancouver greatcoats pairs of moccasins fur caps and pairs of long stockings These goods have Been ordered by the Indian Government for the use of the now In A further order the London War for greatcoats arid khaki suits will be completed in a few days ready for shipment A shipment of tons of bay leaves St John next Pure Saigon Cinnamon Stick Cinnamon Curry Powder Ground Mace Mace Tumeric Powder Whole White Pepper Ground White Pepper Whole Shot Pepper Cayenne Pure Mustard use no other Whole Root Ginger Ground Ginger Whole Allspice Ground Allspice Whole Chili Peppers Ground Cloves Cloves Whole Mustard Seed Busy Fruit Season As usual handling choice fruits Plums are large and in ood condition prices reasonable only small quantities arriving plentiful at present Our prices will you Price likely to advance ten day Tomatoes large and smooth stock Grapes in 10 lb baskets or to sell in small quantities DAVISON CO Main St Grocers Newmarket Fire near destroyed Alex McGregors bam and contents Five horses were burned to death Twelve officers and men the British force at passed through Winnipeg en route to Tuesday Samuel Alan- and his brother Thomas on a visit from were struck by a train and killed near CATARRH FOR TWENTY YEARS AND CURED IN A FEW DAYS Hon George James of Pa says I have been a martyr to Catarrh for twenty years constant hawking dropping in the throat and pain in the head very offensive breath I tried Dr Catarrhal Pow der The first application gave in stant relief After using a few ties- was cured cents Sold by Lehman gnu Card of i Farm to Let con A Georylae- About acres pasture land Apply Vac hell or P West Executor Teacher Wanted To A 13 Township Apply salary to Mrs I return our sincere thanks to the friends who such and sympathy Illness and on the death of our daughter together with those whoso willingly assisted connection with the funeral arrangements JOSEPH Says chat his stock of horse which be dont examined too Closely daylight and and best stock of Buggies Traps Carts In the County of York are all la ihe possession of the Bailiff he field Is particularly anxious for In buy them and take them out of the possession of the Bailiff FOR SALE A FIRSTCLASS FARM P Quetinsvlllc FOR SALE a EDINBUHOH of St Toronto Specialist In Diseases of Women to beginning Sept 3udlW0 The Fair CALL AT Smith Studio AND Your Photo Taken while at f known building Bite in the Town For further particulars apply W HORSES WANTED Ho sure you see their exhibit of In the Main Building Saddle Bus Draught Horses must be 1st and free Irom blemishes Age of horses from to years Weight Of Draught Horses from to Will be the following places Hotel Newmarket Sept Hotel Albert Hotel Button Hotel oclock- Palmer House Richmond AUBKy Montreal 10 12 WHAT SOMEBODY SAID Be as well dressed as you cbji afford and its good advice But clothes cost money more less according to quality of fabric or less accord ing to length of wear More or according to the thoroughness of the unseen work This inside part is the life of the garment It keeps it in shape and is one of the features which deter mine its appearance and neat ness Have you ever tried us for mens garments It might be worth your while AUCTION SALE -OF- Valuable Farm Ofl ST There will be by Auction at tho Hewitt Hotel premises Newmarket on Saturday the at the hour of 11 oclock In the forenoon following freehold property namely The Booth half of lot No in the first concession of Bast est of being the Dawson acre more or less This aria sit at about from New- market of a clay soli There If It a aood brick house with frame barn and outbuildings also orchard and about acre of rood bush per cent cash and In days farm will bo sold to a re serve bid For particulars of sale apply to Solicitor for Vendors Newmarket OLD NEWSPAPERS For sals at Office per tb in loti over JO Ibi