Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Aug 1900, p. 2

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-r- J- t i 1 THE ERA FRIDAY AUG w Advertisements Chow Roche Co For Saturday H Start Gentlemen Ladies It Kenyon Tenders Tench Business School Connor For Sale P Come to K- Farm to Let P Teacher Card of Thanks Kennedy The Year Book Canada for has been received Those who are fond of comparing figures wilt find much to interest in this volume Mrs A and two sons also Miss Mary Potts of Detroit arc speeding a couple of weeks at Mr J Main St Rev Mr of Toronto the Mr th to be held in Hall Mr Sunday gave an admirable address Our Toronto better Metropolitan Electric Toronto to market 8Cars Each TIME TABLE North Toronto Leave Newmarket am am pm pm pm pm pm am 11 JO pm pm pm ft pan pm Particulars in return of Mr mid Conservative P P for Elgin were filed by the solicitor for last- week at Hall The trial is fixed for the of Sep tember According to the particulars set forth tbexe are charges cover ing majority of offences enumerat ed under the election law The charges against Mr are that he bought drinks for the elec tors of Township prior to the election and on election day and also that he furnished them with tick- upon which they could obtain li quid refreshments It is also charged bribery was committed by agents Betting to a large extent was likewise indulged in with the view of influencing votes etc A conservative demonstration is Return Fare either way 120 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Oar Society POINTS PLEASANTLY J in 9 IS b J coco Hi Sg- ft si 4- 5 concur fc She LETS UP 1 BUT ISSUE The nil at Jxomg FRIDAY AUG EDITORIAL The Canadian Composing Company of Montreal manufacturers of typesetting and casting ma chine have been awarded grand for toacaines of this class at the Paris Exposition These machines are being Introduced in printing offices all over the country and are recognized as the most satisfactory typesetting machine made and producing work that can hardly be distinguished from the past few years the To ronto World has been building up a remarkable reputation as a reliable authority on finance commerce and the mining industry Also for its re ports of the live stock market In these departments the World em ploys a stall of men specially qualified by actual personal experience to handle the questions with which they have to deal This is why people in these sub jects are regular of the World The sitting member for East York was never the majority elected A P of that Hiding but when the next appeal takes place he will have the privilege of writing exM P after his name in hotel registers doubt Among the names mentioned In Hon with the Liberal nomination in that Riding we notice Messrs J Mackenzie J Knox Leslie and Win The old line conservatives will not soon forget Mr stab during the last- Mayoralty elec tion for Toronto of Mr Clarke and will pay back the debt with inter est when an opportunity East End Orangemen openly state that a day of satisfaction Is There has been a lot of gossip late ly In Opposition prints about the pro bable resignation of Hon Mr Tarte from the Dominion Government They have even gone so far as to name with much assurance his successor in the Cabinet viz Mayor of Montreal The Globes Otta wa correspondent thus alludes to this gossip of the Conservative press Should the Mayor of Toronto visit Ottawa on civic business the Opposi tion press would have an opportunity to declare that Mr was to re sign and Mr was to bo Vie Postmaster General Such Is an similar situation to that on which the story of Mayor elevation to the Cabinet is Mr Jos of Perth was Town yesterday Miss tane has gone to Muskoka with a friend Mrs J A Cody and the four boys are visiting at Miss Dunn entertained a few young people one evening last- week Mr Wallace of Toronto spent Wednesday with Mr The Misses Lee of Winnipeg are visiting at Postmaster Mr H and family came home from the Lake on Monday Mrs and daughter Miss Jessie are visiting relatives in Toron to Mrs Hughes attended the millinery opening in the city this week Miss Mary Bathgate of York Mills was the guest of Miss M last week Miss left this week to spend a month visiting friends in To ronto Mrs and Miss Glass of Richmond Hill are the guests of Mrs Davison Miss is spending a week at Mr A in East limbury Miss Davison entertained several young ladies at tea on Wednesday afternoon Mr Thbs Webster has the thanks of the Era start for a treat of fresh cider Rev H and wife of are visiting friends at St Catharines Mrs Lyman of Toronto is visiting her son Mr Lou of Prospect Ave The Hodge family returned from the Lake on Wednesday after camping for a month The Oliver family are home from Orchard Beach after a very enjoyable camping season Mr J Stephens school teacher at Virginia North York has gone to Mr Armstrong of Toronto spent last Sunday with his friend Mr T Lloyd Lorne Ave Miss Ethel Hunter has returned to the city accompanied by her cousin Miss Clarice Mr Keith and wife are oc cupying Mr camp at the Lake for ten days Miss Simpson is also with them Miss and Miss of Port Huron have been visiting Mrs for a week Miss Nellie Kelty who has been spending vacation with relatives near Berlin lias returned home Dr Anderson was a guest at The last Sunday The Dr leaves for Manitoba this week Mrs Knowles Miss Nellie and Mr Taylor were guests at Saints Rest Lake Mr Walls of the Tottenham Sentinel was In Town on tie Gospel meeting Matthews of Sarnia brother of Mrs Thos Watson arrived here on Tuesday on a vacation of part of which he will spend on Lake Miss Jessie Wright of Second St returned home last week after a delightful outing of twelve weeks with relatives at Kagawong Lake Island Ross a pupil of our High School has just passed his Leaving examination as well as his Matriculation with honors English French and German Mr Tom Watson started out on Sunday on a cruise of the lake in the accompanied by Messrs A Wake Howard Mont gomery and two or three others Mr Matthew of Port Hur on Mich brother of Mr Thomas was here on a visit this week It is over years since he was here before Mrs Nurse and children have re turned to Belleville after a couple of weeks visit here Her mother Mrs Terrell returned with her and to be away three or four months Miss Ellen Cody Kindergarten Teacher iu Toronto Normal School has returned from a visit with her sister Mrs Hill in and is spending a few days at her fathers Air Cody before returning to her duties Dr son of J Esq- returned to Buffalo last Friday after a short visit He spent a year in the service of the Government connection with Cuban war and Can tell some interest ing tales Miss the efficient stenogra pher at Canes Factory left on Satur day being about tobe married Her many friends here will us in wish ing her all the happiness site deserves Miss HUlier of Chatham is her succes sor here Newmarket boys are still keeping in city on the of September The party leaders including Sir Charles Hon Hugh J and Hon Geo Foster will be present and address the gathering Of course all other local events in and about the city have to take se cond place to the Industrial this week The display is good and everybody talks show The Deer Park Hotel on Saturday morning last was robbed of cash a gold watch and chain and some other articles The money and jewellery were taken from the cash box in the bar No clue of the thief at time of writing While Mr Howarth of Ontario St was in bathing at the Island on Sat urday some one stole his gold watch and chain Pretty bold theft Over people visited Munro park last Saturday On Saturday afternoon while Mrs Davidson of Peter St was sitting on her front door step a thief entered the by the rear door and stole 53- Stein years of age lost life Monday afternoon while en deavoring to save a young woman from drowning in cut He plunged into the water with his clothes on and while others were en gaged in rescuing the drowning girl ho himself sank and disappeared Suits Men Canadian Boys Honored at are to the front At the Kim Street Methodist Church in Toronto last Sun day the service was conducted by Rev J K Sawdon and a solo was con tributed by Mr J H Lewis formerly of the Era tenor soloist iu Avenue Baptist Church New All De WITH CAPTURED TRAINS Quebec Aug The invalided Canadians reached port yesterday afternoon about oclock receiving a right royal welcome The government steamer Druid with a portion of the reception committee on board togeth er with yachts of the Quebec Yacht Club and several steamers all gaily decorated with lags and bunting went down as far as the point of the island to meet the returning heroes with all the enthusiasm which it was possible to display When about opposite the city the Druid steamed alongside the Lake Ontario when she made fast and after the usual greetings and a short delay the invalided men were transferred from the ocean greyhound to the Druid and a start made for the Queens wharf amidst the tooting of steam whistles roars of myriads rockets and the cheers of the thou sands upon thousands of people who crowded both sides of the river front All the ships in the harbor as well as the public institutions and private dwellings were bedecked with flags and bunting and the city wore a holi day appearance This is a Bargain but our stock is heavy and to start the season well we will sell twenty Mens Solid Tweed Suits double or single breast thoroughly tailored and made up with firstclass linings Not one of these suits worth less than 850 Any size on Saturday at 690 chool Suits at 375 Sizes to all wool double or single breasted threepiece Suits The best wearing goods you can find and in neat dark patterns Worth to 5 Saturday special day and gave the Era a call Mr Angus Williams and Rev Weeks with their families are occupy ing one of the cottages at Park Miss Minnie Bond and Miss Jean Webb of Toronto are visiting with their cousin Miss Lottie Case Eagle Street Times Mrs Man ning of Newmarket and Miss John son of Sutton are guests of Miss Wallace Miss Maria Rose of who has been visiting her Aunt Miss Morton left on Wednesday for The Assignees agent of the Lead er Recorder was in Town yester day trying to dispose of the Al bert Bradford Witness Mrs Stewart accompanied by tier two children were recent visitors at Mr Stewarts Messrs Jack and Low assisted the Regiment Band at the Military Tattoo in Toronto on Tuesday night Mis has returned from Montreal where she spent a couple of months with her daughter Mrs Wilkin Donald Guttery of In spector of Register Offices for the Pro vince was here on Friday inspecting the North York Lloyd met Special am There are large Government being undertaken in Montreal at the Armouries To- which necessitate the Majors visit yesterday and was well impress- with the new general Pretoria Aug 25 Gen Wet has been prevented from joining his forces with those of Gen Botha Gen denPowell has headed off and captur ed all his wagons The Boers are reported to be in con siderable and com mandoes at Llchtenburg and the West- em districts but are said to short of arms and Generals Paget and BathmPowcll at tacked the forces of Gen Wet yes terday and released British prison ers They captured Hoars and three gun trains The Boers are retreating to the north London Aug Lord Roberts has left Pretoria and has fixed his head quarters at the second station west of where the bulk of the Boers in arms are sup posed to be Wiring from there Aug he says Bullet reports the Boers laid a trap for his cavalry August 23 open ing with several guns at fairly short range The English guns silenced the Boers but when the firing ceased and the pickets were being placed for the night by some mistake two companies of the Liverpool Regiment advanced fifteen hundred yards into a hollow out of sight of the main body where they were surrounded by the Boers and suffered severely The lost ten men killed and and fortyfive wounded In addition they had men missing London Aug 28 During Gen But lers recent attack according to The Daily Mails correspondent at Lorenzo Marquez the Boers lost heavily Half the gunners of the Bethel commando were killed as well as Its command ant Von Dalwig a cousin Krupp Capetown Aug 23 The Chartered Company has decided to grant a hun dred farms in Rhodesia of 3000 acres each to members of the Yeomanry or Australasian and Canadian volunteers who are bona fide settlers and to dis tribute a quantity of- breeding cattlo among them Tlie conditions attach ed to the offer are very light The company will also pay such settlers a sum of per annum as a retainer for their military services o A number of Anarchists have been arrested on the charge of conspiring to assassinate King Victor Emmanuel III Norman aged of died on Saturday from the of a repast of cucumbers and ice cream which caused of the stomach Charles Graham of was killed while employed threshing on the farm of John Francis in the Township of Brock His skull was fractured by a broken piece of ma chinery Newmarket Aug barrel White Wheat per 063 a Bod Wheat per bushel a a Buckwheat a 0 Barley per el OSS a per a per bushel a Bushel a SO 011 a per lb 0 a a Apples per a- Sheepskins a Wool per lb a Hay per ton 00 a lb Chickens per pair a u Ducks per pair a 060 perlb droUed a CO a 15 Shorts per ton CO a 18 The Cradle town on the lust to Mr and Mrs Herbert a daughter Kbiay In East the Inst to Mr and s Frank a daughter In town on the lnt to Mr and Mrs Lyman Fisher a sou In on the to Mr and Mrs Geo formerly of Newmarket a daughter In town Thursday to Mr and Mrs Arthur Fisher a daugh ter In Aug lo Mr and Mrs Andrew Hunter a son For Saturday Boys Girls Mens and Shoes at Out Prices This is the Leading Shoe Store Why not test it H E i UihA THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House Has made a out in prices on Furniture- for a days ing For Cash High Black Diners sett up with Bevel Mirror up Extension Tables up Bedroom Suites up Lounges up Parlor Suites 1600 up AH goods proportion A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at St John Millard Telephoned Toronto Auk ax Wheal per White Wheat per bushel a Wheat per bushel a Barley per a Oats per bushel a Peas per bushel 0 a bushel Oil Butter per lb a d0 076 a SbcopBklos a let a a a W a a a Chickens pair a a Newmarket Book News Depot The Tomb At residence Niagara Newmarket on the of August Hughes aged years In Redding Gal on Autf beloved wife of it and sister of Mrs Matthias of On Friday August 1000 at her late residence John St Brad ford widow of late John Armstrong In her year In Allendale on Ang Eva May daughter of Mr English and granddaughter of Mrs Richard aged days In town on the Inst daughter of Mr Job Robinson aged days 81 Marys Hospital De troit Michigan Aagqst 24tb beloved wife of in her year In town on son of James A Allen aged mos and days In town on the Dak isl MotuuaAi son of aged nd days J Main tit North Newmarket All Orders will and Prompt Attention School Stationery New Lead Pencils ask for the j pencil Pens Ink and Pencil Erasers Rulers Crayons for paper or board Compasses Pen cil Boxes Slate Pencils Pencil Sharpeners Slates plain or bound Arrow Pen Holders Pon and Pencil all in one Blue and Red Check ing best Black and Blue Black Inks all aires Beautifully litho graphed Covers A lanre variety and very attractive SGRIBBUHRS All sizes beat quality paper ruled or attractive in every way Starrs Grocery Fruit Store Crown Brand Fruit Jars Jelly Scalers Quarts Pints and Hal Gallons Best Stone Butte all Sizes are this now for they will bo no cheaper PEACHES And they See them PLUMS All the best varieties and this will be the last chance to your preserving plums Dont TOMATOES For Chilli Sauce and Catsup Homo grown and vou get them fresh Cabbage and Red Peppers Oranged Lemons Bananas Grapes- small or by lb Confectionery Creams Caramels and Fruit Cordials The best in the land Try them Jersey Cream every day Sugars and Spices for Preservinj Another Supply this Week Central Telephone N STARR

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