Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Jun 1900, p. 6

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the mm junk is 1900 ORCHARD If to lor in Kit at place I- Mia Thompson of Toronto wife of our in spending a viniting Even Mr a on Tues day Imuling from Aurora for his ho fa preparing to brick- Mr dud Mia at on Sun flay Mr and jog at St Mies I Hopper baa to to spend A attendod at baron on Friday lBtatid report it very Rood ROACHS POINT of Mr barn took plaoo on Saturday un der the management of Mr John and went all right Nearly hundred down to tables bowred of After sup per the engaged in a very interesting Next was one the married and sip- adieu Needless to say Ibu mar ried ladies won the day Mr John of Newton IS rook by hie nephew among week The Excursion took from points hero last Wednesday to in Barrio wasfairty well attended Miss has invested in a now wire fence A bright daughter has to gladden home Mr and Mrs Last week wo meetings the school bat the attendance was very Canon of the- pulpit in the English Church on Sunday as Rev is attending in Toronto Mrs Woods who has been dangerously ill is slowly recovering We notice our has made a decided improvement on the hill by Mr Fords Just what it has long needed During the storm passed over this vicinity on Wednesday evening of last the lightning- the homo of Mr Walter setting fire to roof Fortunately all were at homo and succeeded in extinguish- it before spreading CORNERS The forming produce is thriving well and promises a bountiful harvest Mr J A Ross and Rose took in the Convention down at Mark- ham last week Miss Kollar from Mount Albert is spending a short Mr One of the Jokers rivals sent a flaming report announcing his War Book was a fraud which I suppose was due to nearly ail bis Now to lose my dignity in running down my rival friends but will any theyre both good books and I will let the public give the as to the reason the Joker sells under nose Wednesday is memorial day up this way as Rev Father Morris has been making pastoral visits looking after welfare of bis If other ministers would do likewise how better it would be Morris purchased a fine driver from Mr for the round sum of 120 Mr Grant and bis wife were home last Sunday Parliament has been paying her friends visit in Woodyille and other sections Since Mrs Ponton has been visiting in section she fell heir to a fortune a pound baby boy for company Its as smart as a cricket and smiles when you stroke those fleshy dimples Its attrac tion of all Mr A Monroe and Jady friend of Keswick Sunday at Zephyr homo Mr and Miss took tbooiroui at Barrio last week And report a fine time Mr A of spent Bun day with his broths Mr Dixon of ia our now photographer Ho rushing business from here attended barnraising at Mr Grahams on Saturday afternoon was a general half holiday all the be ing closed Nearly all our townsmen attorided Mr and Mrs A Sun day at Lake J is great re ductions in his ordered for next days Call and bo con- Ha also offers great bargains in bioydes- 1 Mr Albert has sold farm here to Mr Horner for in cash instead of to Mr Atchison of county KESWICK Jho Aid of hero Intend holding a slraw berry festival on Juno fc The is in a flourishing They have sola the May butter and the patrons realized cents per pound all expenses had been taken out All the milk haulers received their cheeks for Mays work and were joyfully satisfied but one poor fellow kicked cause be didnt get any pay for this months work The event that was prophesied has to light at What do yon think It Another little King has joined the Royal family at Mr obn uptodate industrious v men ace now kept busy fighting their neighbors neglected pests apple worms is discouraging Tim The at destroyed by Mr spending a few weeks in Mr Joe spent Sat urday and Sunday at bis former homo hero fishing Mr Dan McMillan is spending a few days in Toronto Draper is visiting with her Mr Win of To ronto Since the school picnic everything very quiet and tbo small boy is looking forward to summer vaca tion Mrs Alfred Morris of Newmarket was visiting her sister Miss last Mrs John srW returned homo Wednesday after two weeks visit in and Toronto A party of young people mat at Mr last Tuesday evening and had a very pleasant time playing croquet Mr Or Smith from Toronto is visit ing at Mr J last week Mr is in Toronto on Miss attended the Conference at last week A wedding party passed thru village morning MissV was visiting with at Mount Pleasant last week The Annual Excursion of the Kes wick and Sutton West Methodist Schools is to take place this year on the of July per steamer Enter prise to and Excursion has been run now annually for a number of years and has always been a popular one Wo expect to see a good crowd as usual Fare only cents All Sunday School child ren free Bay View Villa the summer resi dence of Mr has re ceived a fresh coat of paint- and looks lovely Mr A Mann did the job and it is certainly a credit to htm The Annual Sermon to the Knights the Maccabees is to bo preached a week from Sunday the of July Bey Mr is to be the preach er The service is to bo held at oclock in the afternoon The Tent has a membership of about There will no doubt be a crowd out Two travelling Mormon Missiona ries struck our village last week but as they did not receive a warm re ception they did not stop long They were not allowed to hold a public meeting Dr Young occupied the of the Methodist Church last Sunday morning to the great delight of the congregation His sermon was an ex cellent one Rev Mr is to preach his farewell sermon next Sun day morning A fair turn out at Gospel Tem perance on Monday evening Mr Gil pin of delivered his maiden temperance speech It was well re ceived Miss A Stephens of- Pleasant assisted in the musical part of the program The fl of T Division here is looking up One initiation last Saturday evening Some of the young treated to Ice Cream which was ap preciated by the members A turn out at the Meet ing last Sunday evening Dr Law is to take the subject next Sunday of the farmers commenc ed cutting their red clover this week Crops generally are looking splendid in this neighborhood The many friends Mrs bo pleased to hear that she has improved considerably in health during the past week I Mr J tells us that ho has to complete a barn every week from now until harvest time Friday today Is going to bo a quiet day in QuconevDlo Every por tion Is totboS picnio Par- next week Mr Geo Fogg was in Toronto on Monday attending tbo Convention Mr Wright a couple of days In Toronto week Mr Link hag painted his adding greatly to Its appear- unco Mr having some re pairs done to occupied by MoNoiJ Mr Turner is our sidewalks not before it was needed A daring attempt was made to buc- Wights storeon Wed nesday morning last by three men of bur village viz and Wight The two former mentioned being anxious that Earnest should not have a bob- day they opened a window at the rear of store and let him in so ho ready for the days trade- Mr Wight went away morning tak ing hay of the store with him of Mrs M Mies daughter of of con took place hero on Sunday last sermon was preached by Rev A Brown in the Methodist hero The sympathy of all is extended to the sorrowing husband and parents in their sad bereavement Miss Mary Ross of Aurora was vis iting her sister Mrs J on Sunday last Quite a number from around attended the concert in Sharon on Friday evening last and report an ex cellent time The at Garden Party held on Mr lawn which was nicely decor ated for the occasion The by There to a short of wo the Inst few Everyone Is buoy working at their hay and now Mr Proprietor of Grand Central Hotel has greatly improved his homo by a coat of paint Ho further add to the ap pearance by building a verandah MrJD Rogers and family spent Sunday in Mr Howard Morton attended the Christian Conference at on Sunday last Messrs Sutherland and Carol Toronto visited some friends here this week and spent a day or two fishing mason a commenced at Mr Perry Mortons barn The Carpenters finished Mr Walter barn It Adds sfderably 10 the appearance- of the farm the orchestra appreciated m BUTTON wag Mr Agent for the at Button and is authorised to receive collect etc for all kinds of printing promptly attended to An of the AngloAmerican Circulating Library Company in ffhort J Lino Was defeated in at Ottawa the village obtaining with the of establishing a branch in Sutton Marsh of steamer Enter prise has started the regular Saturday trips to Barrio The regular Saturday afternoon train for the accommodation of tour ists commenced running last Saturday There was an excursion from Brad ford to Jacksons Point last Tuesday Miss Lily Cameron of was visiting with brother Mr John Cameron and also other friends Mr Alexander is conducting the cheese factory at Mt Albert took a run up to Button on his wheel last Saturday Canon of con ducted the services in Anglican Churches here lost Sunday Ho ex changed pulpits with A Rutherford who is attending at Toronto Mr Geo Kay has received the de gree of from the Toronto Uni versity In making record of passing events often falls the lot of a correspon dent to to matters that are neither to his taste or desire still it be wrong to pass them by A scene of that charac ter took place on our streets last week that should bring pity and shame to the check of everyone but I venture it will be far otherwise with those who guarded the cause of it with such scrupulous and paternal care The Union Sunday Schools of the Methodist Churches of Keswick and button will have tbeir annual and to the Town of on the of July Good and a good time expected Mr Cuttle of paid a short visit to his parents He came on Friday and returned on Mon day Mr Brace is attending the Conference an Toronto at present In bis absence Sunday Mrs teacher on Georgia Island filled his appointment Bummer visitors are now flocking to Jacksons Point It is expected there will bo a lively time at Point on July 2nd The law with regard to fast and furious driving on the and crossing bridges being persistently violated apparently without let or hindrance from those in authority Mrs Gal breath and her little boy of Toronto arc visiting with their aunt Miss Loo of Sutton Mr is home from Now Ontario is not fill satis fied with that country and intends to remain here for tbe future On the Ins at two a quiet place at resi dence of Mr hue when youngest daughter Gladys Irena was united in marriage to Mr George II of Bridge core was performed by Rev Mr Brown of the the bride being assisted by sister Mies Ida Speck and by Mr Barker The bride was dressed in a grey travelling suit and hat to match the ceremony was per formed dinner was served The happy couple then for Roachs Point took boat for to Barrio and Bridge with best wishes from their many friends Severn Bridge will be future home The bride received a number of very useful presents The ladies of the dfsfc church intend holding a straw berry festival on the beautiful lawn of Mr on Tuesday even Juno A good program will be provided consisting of recitations and music Come and en joy a pleasant evening Mr and Mrs Barker spent over Sunday in the city Miss Vera of Keswick spent with Miss Annie Mr and Mrs Frank Bain of Brad ford spent Sunday at Mr Mrs Mitchell of is visit ing friends and relatives here Mr Hicks of Millbank Dakota ig his hi Rose Visiting hie daughter Mrs Martin The funeral of Mrs was very largely- attended The family the sympathy of the neighbor hood in tber sad bereavement KETTLES The fanners of this section have be gun cutting their first crop of bay and report a good crop Mr Armstrong raised a large barn last week Excitement ran very high in the evening between the chosen sides winding up with a sumptuous repast at p Mr John Cook is remodeling his house- Mr and Mrs John have just returned from Mr was a delegate from the King Christian Church Next Saturday promises to be a gala day with the Temperance Order here Their annual TeaParty will be held in Mrs beautiful grove Mr Caswell City Solicitor has kindly to give an address Also Rev Mr of Keswick arid others Band will be in at tendance Snowball football team stopped at our village restaurant on Saturday evening- Well that was alright but as a word of warning they had bet ter come back and pay for the extras they deliberately took Herbert Edwards met with a very narrow escape on Sabbath even ing last caused by a cyclist The animal he was driving became throwing the occupants out and running away Mr Edwards was severely cut about the face loosing considerable blood and requiring aid of a physician to- dress the wounds Mr also had a nar row escape on Saturday afternoon a spirited young horse taking fright at a ladys parasol It did some des perate plunging and demolished the cross bar of shafts One week from next Saturday the teacher pupils and friends of School Section No wilt at Wilcoxs Lake health and weather permitting Mr Foster and Miss Georgia of Newmarket are spending a few days with friends and relatives here The Victors Football Team are locking for a- big match next Saturday at toe Tea- Party with the Snowball A public decoration day has been set apart by the Directors the Kettle- by Cemetery Company for Wednesday June Those interested will govern themselves accordingly I John of Toronto was placed in tbe lookup ft Port to una was found dead iu cell The reputation of thie hamlet musical people was well Friday night when the old meeting was packed to doors with an- attentive and appreciative audience The masons went to a lot of trouble decorating the place and certainly de serve t praise program was simply excellent Every performer ably sustained their reputation Everybody was delighted Wo did not learn proceeds but were taken in at door besides all re served feats ibat oro previous ly sold Wat Jane Lord ports that over arms been given up at Pretoria since of the capital These will be utilized by the released British prisoners of whom there officers and men Of form twelve and of the j in total of the British losses June says Lord Roberts rtmounted to men killed and jne officer and men wounded refKirts the first train through tunnel Monday June lb and proceed ed to first of sick wounded arrived at hospital at Boer are retiring on followed by British nod artillery occasionally shells the rear guards Boers are destroying the bridges and burning the veldt behind them carry ing off ions and and leav ing the country barren Jane According to a Cape Town despatch Gen Kitchener himself bad a narrow from in the engagement at Spruit on June He was sleeping in repair train when the latter was attacked and many of the engin eers captured Gen Kitchenera sleep ing ear was at Kopjes Station when the Boers under Gen Wet ly opened rifle fire at a Kitch ener managed to reach his horse and galloped to two distant The Boers numbered men with three guns They burned the culvert which had just been re built and derailed train London June War Office has received the following despatch from Lord Roberts Hunters advance column occupied without opposition June who was escorting a large convoy to yesterday routed a force under Christian Wet who endeavored to prevent him from entering the little town bad casualties BadenPowell left on his return to The country is quieting down in this direction This satisfactory state of affairs will be ma terially assisted by the capture between here June of two guns by Buttons mounted infantry form a body of the enemy under Commandant Railway and telegraph with Caps Town is now completely restored All is and at Johannes- bury The are open and the market is daily becoming more crowd- en and businesslike WW no ft AT C3 Berries arriving Fresh every morning Orders are coming in fast Dont delay Street DAVISON ft GO House and Lot for Corner Lot on Second near 100- HI be cheap easy terms Tenders for Building will be received by lb to tlv of July for the erection of an addition to the feera at Water Work per plana which may he the Clerics loirect or tender not We Want Your Trade order of Couucil DAVID LLOYD Town Cleric We Cant Do It what Others do But We Can Do Better rroric which Is more import flDt to the lift of your Shirts Cuffs are lengthened by our luhdryiog It our work your pleases Jell If Dot FIREWORKS Is the most effect and latest achieve- tnent You may have your display made up of a large dumber of those floe pieces for your Party at a low agate A F found guilty hi Stratford of baying anil dies for making them in his pos session was sentenced to two years and six The now is will come out ahead in the racethe man the weed or the worm This month wilt in a threat measure- decide tbe question for a garden in Jane will be liberally rewarded for labors garden wilt be a continual feast yielding vegetables of many kinds Sowers of various forms and delicious fruits BEES 0E Apply to Street Tenders Wanted by up to for of BRICK WOODSHED Church at the the aocepted Or Order A BARE all those who order July a regular of about lid pieces tot only sod In addition to his 1 fine Illuminated balloon giving a novel and new display from basket when nearly feet In mid air Now Is the to show that you are British to the Core Order for the above be received previous to ftccotopajiled charge for giving dleplay no express guaranteed For particulars t COX FOR SALE BY TENDER Eight Wear Our work fcbowa quality It the wear It the can piece because Aim to raaWe each separate right If you Jlkd of fintflb fine materials you to leave your order with Tailor Greys FOR NEWMARKET mounts They and too them SMITH BRO Apply tt caci to Parcel Ho brick known as the Vincent property with and outbuildings alt which are a good tare repair fine fawn comprised of fortyfour acres and eligibly Parcel Brick Mill of Newmarket and Beaver Mills property equipped all modern Qaehloery soObble Frame mill door and beet situated mills in Ontario Wo half of lot in the Sod coo of Township- King New Parcel er more or lew Opposite Newmarket Cemetery Parcel on St tad south of Murrays shop with front age of feet depth IBS feet Tenders Befiflived up to July The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted For apply to Box Newmarket to signed and Tender for and Hirer Man win received at this office Monday tbe day of July for the coo- of Ixk and Andrews Red Produce of plana and can be seen atibeofficwol Mr Zepn Winnipeg Mr fl A Gray rosldcnt Toronto Mr Clerk of Works J Mr Clerk of fforke Quebec Forms of tender can also be at mentioned tendering are notified that be uaUes made j printed forms supplied and wttn actual The contractor wilt be to CO to reflations to be made by Qoneral In Council respecting treatment and tootlon Of employed en toe work tender must be accompanied ty bank cheque made payable to he or t ha Honourable the Minister of Works equal to tea per of the Jggjg of the tender which will be the party to into a or work contracted for J lender bo not accepted wi 5UoBfcP3rtniCDtdotdOOtbud Itself to ac cept or ttoy tender no tut of Public of Canada

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