I- r 1 Weeks I Oil HI ABOUT The Hex Child- Mooting will bo hold tmto ff ibo invited ilter up tow short iddresefta bo will moot at oclock Inatead J Mr put In now for Ironing and flotebiDK and onto It heated by and excel- putting a on tho goods to any Toronto By bino Mr will not only lit but give bolter free Ride To Party meeting exporting bWwn 100 and ICO end their Yearly will on foot and continue In till evening of 3rd minlaiort have intention -i- Count of Revision At Council on Monday evening Town Revision pitted work and roll The only that of fliovGua on Huron which whs dropped following Added to iho roll Geo Billing Michael Alex Dong lata A J Harm and Ed J off pot a Fish W iliut Mr A Q formerly or tins Town Is The Journal of Tuesday any Meredith and whilst canoeing on at- a up creek hat empties into above Point and were much whilst within gunshot the Partlamant to esc a beautiful Canadian rod deer nimbly across the aircam only a hot diatauoc from tho Hag Broken many friends of Mr H Johnson of formerly of will regret to learn that he met with a very- aooideot on afternoon of Iiappearfl that while intending work on adjoining tho town a log rolled on left leg fracturing bone a few Inches above ankle He brought to town and taken to hie home on where the fraoture was set by Muoh sympathy for Mr Johnson who la now neat years of age- learn that Mr Jobneon la along nicely Cheap Wheel Wheel in only A- The meeting a week ago Sunday by the league Roy and gays a tddrfeaa organist Mr Lee lie aang a J quartette by the fiiohardson and by Skinner Mies Minnie Sanday the Royal Template pro- Tided the program Mr Green In the chair by Mr in the devotional organist Hits and Lily Lush tang a duett and the T Choir gave two reading by Mr recitation by Lena Atkinson and ad- by Mr together with from the t The provide the program nut For Days Only Twin cheaper than ever at A I next the Post Office The Triple Pledge that the Pledge introduced the Sunday of Worth York at Easter an entirely new departure and dealing with social parity as well as the of It was remarkably received following la the Hat re ported to the County Secretary Newmarket Meuoofllta Methodist a Methodist h Con King Methodist Wesley Whitchuroh Methodist Piagah I Holland Lamonyille v Bethel King Township i Christian fichomberg BO W King fiohooia reported out of a total of la because it rant more feet than other Bee and leave order with A of favored with their Garden Party evening and it very The of were admirably adapted for theoeoMion being and very convenient and made a attractive display The by the Band was en- Joyed and everything was served in tiptop Hot a bedding One of the in Town was of Mr Andrew at Met hod fat Church took on Tuesday at homo of Port Per- bride le daughter Mr Henry Parsons The marriage took at only the immediate of being present All his here join In giving a to Nowrnarkot and wishing every in journey Spend the At tbo Garden tonight This afternoon will play err laudato Combination at Exhibition Park The home team in splendid and after their game today they should make a good showing on Tuesday the Sura of Catharines at St Catharines It will bo their first game in the York District Anyone a trip Ontario accompany the boys on Tuesday They will hero by Metropolitan Railway at am order to make coimeotione with the boat of Lakeside Navigation Co Club Colors Red and White Ontario Bank Tha annual meeting of Bank held in Toronto on and a very satisfactory statement was presented to the shareholder Tho statement that during the year after deducting exponeea of management interest accrued on deposits and making provision for had and doubtful amounted to The sum waa brought forward from May Two dividends of per cent have been paid added to rest re served for officers guaranteed fond which with taxes to Provincial Govern ments and granted to the Patriotic fund leaves a balance of carried forward of 1768727 authorized a bylaw to the capital Block of the bank to and the following strong wae appointed president Donald McKay vicepresident Hon J Atkins A Irving Perry and m I I U I a County Drifting straws way the wind blows We clip the following from last Fridays Toronto Wrw Warden of the County of York states that the county will probability never oc cupy the offices intended for It in the new City the terms suggested by the city are nothing of an alternative Mr it is probable that the County will sell the old Court they own and will erect new buildings at Newmar ket or some other point in the county Pending decisive they will in on- the large down town offices they are determined not to remain in the old Court Buildings satisfaction with the citys action Mr declares fa general throughout the county The Warden hits the nail the head The ratepayers of North would not have over the present Tarea if Newmarket was the County seat Pauls Keen Guaranteed to kill For sale at A Inns Garden Tonights The ladies are making great efforts to have the Garden Party on Mr It- wins Lawn evening a brilliant It only remains for the weather dark to give them a nice warm evening to make go off pleasantly A hue wilt run every half boor from the church to the lawn pm and will also bring people home The ticket of the holder to strawberries and refroeh- Cream etc will be extra Besides the music by Newmarket Band whlob is always appreciated will be a program of etc Miw Ada has Mr new patriotic song which was rendered so effectively at tho school concert on Empire Miss McKay and others are ahjo expected The grounds will be bevy young ladies arid gentlemen will cater to wants of all- miss the garden party of the It weather able for out doors it will bo held in the Skating Rink The Onr pets to next Saturday auctioneer Another change of time on the QTR wept into effect last Sunday is the midday train JRisope going North gets here at and one going See new time able The ALauisrD Service wai to be hold the A Barracks on Thursday night of this week The Ensign alto ft very special service Friday at eight oclock All are cordially Invited The appointed to revise the Ontario Jjawo met in Toronto last week and arranged the districts The In district have fall power to arrange their own schedule In with the semifinal and final rounds a tournament will- be held in To ronto during Exhibition week for the On- championships District No Is of kot Aurora Bradford be spared make the Garden Party next evening un der the auspices the Presbyterian a grand sucoeaa It will take place at Mr Biles Armltagesou St and free boa will take people from the all way for desiring a moo at roll- Town Band in attendance and good program the of If Oliver only to grounds including omenta Strawberries and ice extra A good time promiaod earn At the Garden Party tonight at Bonds Itake The Sunday had a an time at their week av Everybody was delighted with the accommodation of room plenty of shade hoi and cold water free of alx row boats care were placed in various places wbioh made very resting places A base ball match took place and various races for the children The special cars return ed about oclock and the occasion proved to be one of the most delightful ever held by the school Pact We hold up both to the follow log from an exchange Every line in a newspaper costs something it is toe an individual it paid lor If the grocer were to groceries to abundantly able to pay for them he would The proprietor eta news paper pay for free it the not and hardest to be learned by many that a newspaper baa apace in rent To give away for anything leas living rates woofd be certainly fatal- for a landlord to rent free jiot Big of Hammocks Ice Cream Freezers Screen Windows Wire Etc Cheapest at A BinnB Board A special meeting of the Board took place yesterday morning to investigate several One was that scarlet fever existed in the family of Mr and that he while attending to trade Another report that there no diseee but this used an tor not allowing the owner to enter premises The report of both the medical health officer and attendant verified the fact that scarlet fever existed and the Health Inspector to aee that he regulations regarding isolation striotly enforced The report that Mr the house was not true he went to the premises to but did not enter them and boards elsewhere A very pretty house wedding took place last evening at the residence of the bride a Gladstone street when Mr Job e and Miss Maud were united in matrimony The ceremony weeper formed by Mr of Church in the presence of a number of in timate friends and relatives The bride was in a neat dress of white with lace and trimmings Mies Jen- hie Baker slater of the groom was brides maid and also attired white with satin end lace trimmings Little Helen niece of the groom made a pretty maid of honor in whiteeilk- Mr Gibson ftssisted Mr Baker and was given away- by bar brother Mr The reoelved many -handsome- and presents They will take op their residence on Boyle street The above paragraph is clipped from the Jnoe groom Is ton of Mr Frank Baker former ly and his- here wish htm every success on the W High School Exams begin Wed nesday The people to have the from their their property violating law and their a very King toUrjcll oh v A week from Saturday is the last have well cleaned this year according iq Sidewalk Jein evidence in various parti of fto Town is paying the front- shop painted- The are to play here The Citizens Band fipotB drum a new Grand The announced for Dominion Bay at Newmarket offer a day of ex ceptional interest and should draw the biggest crowd ever assembled here on a similar occasion The baseball match will probably be Hie mmi scientific ever played on Newmarket grounds it is between the St Michaels of Toronto and the nine The lacrosse match will exciting from start to finish The Junction Shamrocks who arc to play against the had their first Associa tion match at Hill a few days ago and the home team a score of to The Libera says The hardest game of lacrosse ever played herolook place on the park last Saturday when the Toronto Junction Shamrocks met the home team in the opening- match of the District The Hill scored the 1st 2nd and goals the Junc tion taking the 3rd and The superior weight Junction told on our boys towards the end which with the un fairness of the referee in sending two Hill players to the fence when the score was a tie being able to see the repeated fouls of the Sham rocks cost the Hill the game The Talagoos are putting in some good practice and will work hard for the laurels Besides the ordinary athletic sports for good prizes there will Speed ing in the for purses of and for those delight in such sport Other attractions will also be pro vided and altogether it will be a day of Make up your mind to spend Dominion Day in New market Methodist Church Last week the trees on the lawn were trimmed by- Mr who has made a splendid job and the base ment was by care taker The pastor at Conference Mr A Coombs took charge of the last week and gave a very profitable address On Sunday Rev Mr Spencer of formerly on the Circuit preached two very acceptable sermons Miss Spring the vio linist who played with so much ac ceptance at the Masonic Concert in Sharon last week remained over Sun day at- Mr Lundys Upon the invitation of Mr she played two beautiful solos at evening service in Methodist Church the first being a Prelude by Massenet the other an Andante by In each of these Miss Spring showed what wonderful mastery she possesses over her instrument Her technique is perfect while site produces a most beautiful full sweet tone To watch her ever changing expression how sad then cheerful then sad again hut always full of enthusiasm following closely the feelings the Composer is the delight of her audi ence It falls to the lot of very few violinists indeed to convey in so mark ed a degree thru the medium of that instrument the feelings the author when he wrote the music The accom paniments were played upon the splen did pipe organ in most excellent taste and by Miss the church organist We hope to have Miss Spring with us again eer long At the regular prayer service last night it- was announced that the So ciety Representatives- to the Quarterly Board would be elected Next Sunday being Review Day in the Sabbath School the session will be held in the main body of the church A very interesting and profitable pro gram is arranged and patents are particularly invited to go and hear it at 230 p as follows Hymn Prayer Pastor Lords Prayer by School Hymn Names of the Apostles and their Creed Collection Music by Orchestra Hymn Picture Roll Lessons- and I Topic Prayer of Faith- Hymn Picture RollLesson and Duett Never AtoneV Picture Roll and Hymn Picture RollLesson RecitationPreach Gospel- picture RollLesson l Topic Mothers Influence Picture RollLesson I for- Hymn Hymn The Junior gave an interest ing literary program at their meeting last Sunday The regular meeting of the Womans Missionary Society will We held at residence of Mrs Jack on Thursday June at oclock 40inch Goods regular for I2c Fancy French regular for 10 Fancy Pique regular loo for White Lawn regular Vests 15c Muslins ton patterns per yard Linen Duck for Skirtg Crash Organdie lovely patterns Half Price Canned Kippers Herring JO Pork and Beans Sardines Smoke Beef Salmon Tomatoes or Slight drop in Sugar We advise you to buy now A Success always attends use of Baking Powder The York- County Departmental Store Departments THE CHEAP STORE yards in from to yard ends Regular prices would be from to 10c yard jtAttS i I Pieces plain and fancy plaid and stripe in silk and wool Lustres Bedford Cord Cashmeres c were and yard Special to clear yd Fancy Silk Grenadine colorings The regular price was 300 per yard special price while it lasts 150 yard SPECIAL VALUE in pieces Summer Dress Goods were to a yard Special a yard SPECIAL VALUE in Silk and plain and fancy Dress Goods colorings Special was Black Ground with Colored Stripe inches wide guaranteed silk Six Woodyatt High Wheel Lawn Mowers 3 Magic Axle Grease lb tins Light or Dark Patent Creamery Cans Iron Clad Milk Cans Screen Doors Complete Window Screens from up Get Our Prices for Paris Green Hay Forks Scythes Snaths Hay Rakes Hoes Hammocks IceCream Freezers c i l