Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Mar 1900, p. 8

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY MARCH the Hull FIND TO JlhCl Thorn a hundred children being trained in Miss Longs Kinder garten clans at Aurora year and will a concert in the Hall on Monday eve March The program will of glees drills dialogues and recitations by the chil dren by by Mies Fetch and Mrs Aurora Mr Deweys or- will provide instrumental mu sic This is fourth concert Mies Long has given at Aurora will organize a class at Newmarket the bo- fihining of April Much intcrcil is manifested by largo congregations who at tho Church on addresses Sabbath School Scholars next Sunday at of snow and men aro good of it Edward has a now at forge Mr Waterloo was visit ing at Mr John over Sun day Win Hicks m at present visiting but intends returning homo next month of our young ladies appears to ho quite an experienced hand at paint- Mis Jennie and Miss Mary Curtis were visiting in New market Inst week Mis Bella Hamilton was visiting at Bradford last week Walt and David Bong are down to city on jury Wedding holla are ringing this week Tin Horns SHARON death of Job Hughes al though not unexpected prayed a great shock to many friends was a sufferer from consumption for about six years and was about house al most to the last She leaves a hue- hand and little girl who hays the sympathy of the whole neighborhood Mr Thomas has returned to Detroit after a couple of months stay with his parents Miss has been visiting Mies Mildred Phillips the past week- On account of the drifted roads Mount Albert baker did not reach us until last week I beg to correct a mistake made by the Joker referring to Mr A Rose be ing agent for views A few weeks ago a young man put up at the hotel his name was said to bo agent for scops and He stayed for about a week and then took his departure leaving his views behind him which Mr Hose claims until his board is paid when the owner will receive his goods Mies May and Master Fred spent last week visiting friends in West willi Miss Mercy is visiting her sister at button Miss Sylvester of Toronto a guest at Mrs A Mrs Norman Williams is visiting her parents at A Irwin met with an acci dent on Saturday which we hope will not prove serious KESWICK The Social at Mr Frank Mortons was postponed on account of the viva I Meetings and the bad weather hot will he held on Tuesday evening March Toe ladles are putting forth extra efforts- to make it a success end a treat is promised Mr Morton has every convenience to make both people and horses comfortable Every body come Miss Long the Kindergarten teach going to organize a class here as soon as spring opens Law is moving this week into the rooms above store Mr Henry Winch of Newmarket is moving into bis own house the one lately occupied by Dr Law The Services are closed and now may look for the resurrection of the Endeavor Society which sus pended operations during the meet ings ORCHARD Mr and Mrs of Ottawa a few days last week with Mr and Mrs and as far as on their way home 1 Miss of Holland Land ing is for a few weeks with aunt Mrs Shank but wo aro fcoiry to say her health is not much improved since her hut here Wo pleased to see Mrs out to church on Sunday for first since long illness Mr and Mrs Edward Lundy -cole- their fortyfifth wedding votary week Mr and Mrs spoilt Sunday at Mr Miss Cora Conner loft here Inst week to a resident of Toronto Several from hero attended the Whitney meeting at Newmarket on Monday but arguments brought forth were not convincing enough to ensure support for either of the Op position candidates SUTTON RICHMOND HIM A grand Patriotic Concert is to bo Riven here on Friday evening March There no less that stars on program besides two Military Tableaux Special oar will Now 7 and returning leave the Hill at The round faro only MOUNT ALBERT Quito a remarkable occurrence is reported this week Mr Edward McQuillan of has a race horse and two weeks ago last Monday it hi tolled up to go for a drive but slipped off without driver Ed wont after it but it wont out of and after searching some days he it up Tuesday Mr found the horse in his bush still hitched to the jumper and nothing broken nor scratched animal had stripped hark off all the trees within reach and was out in all the eovoro weather of the two weeks pro vioua was very thin weak but is doing well and will likely bo all right again shortly Mr Charles Miller has returned West glad to his happy face The recent enow storm is quite a convenience for tho wood haulers Mr Ralph Draper a for the heat aura of and while de livering at it was amazed at seeing flags flapping and the reports of guns News of the relief of had been received A small of young folks gather at a certain bouse on Queen Street to playgames Several loams including Bros hauling ice for Bummer purposes Miss Maggie and Mr also Key Mr Minor attended Quarterly meeting last Sunday at Armadale Mr M Grant was married to Miss Margaret of on Wednesday March The m OCERS The freshness of these luxuries add so to a craving appetite and we procure our supplies from the only reliable source and handled direct to fa rumored that a of our prominent men will leave hero this spring Wo sorry to hear that Mrs has been on sick list the past two weeks Rumor says that Atkinson will return homo in May ico harvest is booming here Lots of snow and business is looking tip Mrs Atkinson was at homo to a number of young friends last Fri day evening and report an enjoyable time Quite a number atterded danc ing school on Tuesday of last week it being last of the season Mr and Miss Mary to be married on tho Wednesday of this week Bros will move to their new quarters Mr Cuttles old stand about the 1st of April The choir social at Mr ways on Tuesday evening was a success Now keep lent if you know what that means Miss Flo celebrated her twentieth birthday last Saturday Mr will return to Win nipeg next week after a months visit with his parents Pansy Gookois rushinig business since late fall of enow He has about teams drawing logs to tho mill yard every day Mitchells house find a very nar row escape from burnt down last Saturday morn Tho fir was caused by a defective chimney but was eventually extinguished without any particular damage Our now jeweller is a rushing business Dame rumor has it that we to hove another wedding Numerous visits of a certain young man to the tailor shop must mean something Wo think J our tailor might a hint John and Charlie Sawdon of Sharon arc visiting at Mr Wards and family spent a fow days last week at Port Perry Mr of Sutton Has been holding auction sales in the hall lately Joseph Mitchell is talking of hero for the next week Wo wish him success r The W Gospel Temper- ancefMeetmgs have also been suspend ed but they intend holding their next on the evening of the wt Social parties our young people are almost as prevalent as the measles have in this vicinity Wo understand that no leas than three this week on the con at Messrs Manns John and Stephen Drapers The many friends of Mr Terry will lo to hear that he has Wen under the care this week Mrs Ewing has also been having a attack of and Weddings are numerous this week matrimonial has again broken out Tho Baldwin Breezes has blown the Imir off poor old Owls head Rutherford Dominion of C T gave an excellent address in the Hall here last Monday veiling Her attentive listeners were highly pleased will lot the Press Correspondent give a fuller account Mr Howard Morton was at Kes wick last week assisting Mr J Cou ncil taking stock Mr has purchased the stock of Morton Howard Morton left for Little Britain to remain a few weeks Nomination Day here last Saturday requiring the nomination for Council lor caused by the death of Mr J Willoughby Three nominations were received 1 Gilpin Stephen Winch and Isaac Mr Gil pin resigned There seemed to be a god outlook for a big fight but since Nomination wo understand Mr Winch has resigned leaving Mr Councillor for the balance of the year The meeting in Hall on Monday evening one long to be remember ed by every white ribbon voman The Dominion President Mrs Ruth from Toronto was with us and gave a most excellent and address It was intended to reach and instruct all- I am sure very member can truly say they feel strong er and more like battling with the liquor traffic after listening to her encouraging words Every mother very voter and very public scliool teacher tho county would have been benefitted had they this privilege of listening to such an able speaker Mrs A Winch president of pur occupied the chair Mrs president of Sutton Union in a few words expressed her pleasure with the evenings pro ceedings Duett Save the Boy Mrs Mrs Rogers Duett The Bonnie Woods of Mrs and Mrs Ton new members signed pledge Lot of snow just a little too much for tho mail trains and stag4river Ho was late very near last week and this also Mr J Simpson out implement agent is moving to Sharon and Andrew is moving to Mr Turn ers property air has turned up again after couple of weeks absence Mr and Mrs Charlie Lewis are go ing to the North West this week also Mr and Mrs Hill Mr J Stephens Mr J Mr and Mrs Hill jr and fam ily Mr Wright of formerly of Newmarket was here on Tuesday calling on old acquaintances We are sorry to hear that Mrs Turner of the North end met with a painful accident at the skating rink last Saturday evening Miss Patty has been led with a bad tooth for a couple of weeks Mr ft Emburys sister of Epsom Out is visiting here a number from this place at tended the Conservative meeting in Newmarket on Monday last- and cam home delighted UNION STREET rink seems to bo craze on this street turnout at Che carni val on Wednesday night A celestial creature without wings a dishwasher has come to gladden tho home of Mr John An drews Miss Maggie Watson entertains visitors League Miss Martha Arnold has returned homo after spending a days in Zephyr the time to break in colts Several are in that direction the last week or two This kind of weather will make David feel proud of the purchase made a short time ago a fur coat Mr Will was a delegate to the LiberalConservative convention at Newmarket on Monday Mr John Smith had a lawsuit with t Sons last week Suit post poned until next court Doctor was called to Mr Scotts this week Big time at the school these days wish I to school again Mr was stormstayed on St two or three days rwt week I Sir Walter Watson has purchased the McNeil property south of tho school Fresh Supplies a lb Fresh Trout daily so tasty 10c lb Salt Trout in brine lb Labrador Salt Herring nice and thick 10c lb Smoked Herring in boxes loo each Booths Largo Select Oysters quart 17c dozen Choice Bacon Nice Ham for slicing Strictly Fresh Eggs Choice Dairy Butter Fresh Buckwheat Flour Fresh Graham Flour Cow Brand Soda Extract Beef and bottle Apples Northern Spies peck Large Sound Potatoes peck Special quotation by the bag For Friday and Saturday One Pound DAVISON Twenty- Five Gent March So Black or Only Only tour of th fourteen Manito ba moose shipped to New Zealand man friend will bo to Lea- that BETHEL CORNERS I Mr Brace preached a very ex cellent sermon on Sunday and in spite of th cold weather and drifted roads there was a large congregation La Grippe is taking hold of- many our families Mr and Mrs The were At Home with a few friends on Wed nesday evening and they enjoyed a good feed of oysters Spring is drawing nigh and our young men are beginning to talk up the NorthWest and Dakota Mr Fred in company with sevetal others at preparing to go on the J also Miss Minnie Thompson We will miss her especially in the choir as Minnie if the principal so prano singer Mr T Huntley is going to the city on Jury large wedding on the base line this week Mary and Mr Glover of Con gratulations Hor weddings low Miss Lena Bennett is spending a few days in the city Miss McDonald of Toronto is visit ing with Mrs a few weeks smiling face of Joe is under parental roof before leaving for and sister in Hill I boasting jf ho fair and beautiful maidens of School OF MERIT FOR FEB JV Minnie Annie fir III Annie Cur tis Jr Ill Beatrice Denne Wesley Arthur Boy Watson Edna Salter Robert Trusty Pt Alfred Norman Cur- tie Rosa Curd- Harry Crusty I Dorothy Mary Trusty 9 NO fir IV George Greenwood Jr Bruce McDonald Kate Ill Leonard Smith Wilfrid Hodge Georgia McDonald Agnes Sweet Greenwood Flor ence MenoV Nellie Hodge Violet Mo- Douatd Smith Ada Smith Leslie Smith Martha Fred King David Sweet Jr II Fred Johnston Charley Smith Boy Fletcher Jr AValter Smith 1 Clarence Jr I Kerby Hodge Norman Hodge Present every day Green wood Charley Greenwood Violet file- Donald Florence Clarence Teacher Your Groceries will likely amount to over or 51000 this month Just up your mind to buy your supplies at When you have spent we present you with a Handsome Silver Pickle Fork or your choice various articles of Handsome Silverware DAVISON CO Main St Newmarket Average attendance for February Teacher FOE Bull old and Gray Pea JKO Lot Cod EG PO S Winnie Spalding Starr Jess Percy Dan Kenny Frank Oliver Glen Case- Al- Walter Brown Sr III Harry Spalding Beatrice Minnie John Jr Ill Delia Leslie Hannah w I in n above district will be fatfd on Wright Nellie Farm to Rent lot of Smiles it of Aurora and Is loan excellent stale of Good and dwelling on the place- It la well watered and baa seeded of I Wheat and of Bye The balance has all been fait ploughed Kent per to North License Distnri1 A itf Annual for Licences Saturday of April Walter Earl man Frank Rose tbelucpcctor6 Sharon at W a A J HUGHES Lehman Penrose Lewis Dews Jr Lehman Bertie Willie i Colin Nellie Penrose I Eunice Clara Millar j fncrehontfi Dewebury Fred P Ross Present every day Winnie log Frank Oliver Sam Harry Spalding Edna Spalding May Teacher Long Distance Licence Inspector All who do own Town Harry John Taylor 8r Ill Geneva Arthur Taylor Guy Taylor Jr 8ilaa Lucy Crittenden Sr Acnie Cryderman Ada Taylor Jr Monro Sadie Bur- Stanley Armstrong Maurice Alice Tay lor Mabel Stiles I No Ernest George ft I So I Elmer Lome Norman Taylor Teacher 8 IV John W Hirst Pearl Diamond Sr Ill- George John Jr McMillan Sara So- Dorothy Pollock George by Flossie Crittenden Thomp son Crittenden I Charles Bruce ifo Eli Maud II Willie Draper Arthur Smith Ella Willie Terry Willie A Telephone Equipment The dThtageemDy the for rale Great Work 1 this term in the Central Business College of Toronto where regular Teachers are employed and oyer students are in attendance This is a big school a popu lar school to tirms look for skilled help Eleven young people went direct from College to situations during one week ending Feb Write for prospectus You may enter any time vaca tion Principal Co The Ladies of Invited meet at Council Tuesday Host at pm for the purpose of a local branch of Bed Gross Society ibis work win accept notice CANE Mayor Fop Sale at a One new Cornell Imported Traction Engine P the beat made in Ontario about one day Also one secondhand Traction and eight Portables two Whites one Abel two Cornells two Turner Bums Some rebuilt Price from up several new and secondhand Portable your order for new I hove disposed of Jan lat beside several SawMills and EO THOMPSON Business Not so Low An to bare to deal off at Premiums with Scrubbing Braabea Black In g to in troduce my work but I turned out poor inferior work I would hate to deal It off Id tone way I would have make a But I people Very Beat Grade of Wot at City liuBlncjiailefidylncrlng Call and you and be better O Graham Jones Old Stand NEWMARKET- To Pari on A Cabin Passage to Paris tree I- a The Company win give free steam- ship ticket to Pans and return I to the writer best description of art ex perience with Tires All you have to do is to lend a postal card registering your name for cornptriition and ask- the Tire An nual which contains all much valuahli flata about Tires teit i

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