Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 Mar 1900, p. 5

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THE NEWMARKET EiA FRIDAY MARCH moo ONTARIO President QcnorRlUnnnaoT NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking Business interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUE AT llfi ID ftii3 and promptly r Alfred I of ilia Into Dr Rogers door South of Post orgies am duds tod A I the Ion toed p Dentist nil bo at of Sir ford Monday Jackson Bauer or CARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Papers leaned at private residence If J J A Tor fir Life Money to Loan at Current Hates ft A Insurance Malta on Farm Risks and Isolated Town Properly Over Tin Shop Newmarket Simpson truKl8U and Goods of and Violin Iu iter of Plan and all String Instrument It you want a Nicer Buggy anybody else a Cutter or beat J tones the country call on of horsey I big crippled aome fast Home blow Borne very and arc all Sunday ponied Prepared for Era by March Mirk2M2 Text ho Son of man hath power on earth to IIKAIIT Vcio IThe cannot re main a hidden to the of word MiHery out en- dor helpful Vptro A faith may ho an faith through faith may oven of infinite Voto A great truth may ho do- in wrong Verse Jesuit to human opinion problems for Voreo The natural man craves material 1 over IxKiieH and minds in always a won der to thoughtful aoula and 2 supremo of is to God Want will discover a way to benefactor and in tho way to salvation Verses and Mental problems my oven bar the path of Jesus Voraos and There is a mysteri ous sympathy between human and Divine mind Verso ami Christ would all humors to Verse reflects glory on God Votses and Christgospel preached is magnetic It is uplifted Christ that at tracts John is tho declared Christ that con victs Acts It is tho proclaimed Christ that con verts Acta Vorsos The world needs a gospel for the entire man Mens bodies have been dragged down by sin Gen minds have been poisoned by sin Mens been ruined by sin a Verses There is vital connec tion between sin and disease Bin introduced pain into the world 3 161 Transgression often caused dis ease The sinless world is only pain less one Rev Verso 1 The power of God waits to bo helpful Cod waits to relieve burdened wearied souls Matt 1 God waits to Satisfy longing heart and life John God waits to feed and fellowship hungry Rev Verses Faith is the vital con dition of salvation Through faith men enter Gods fam ily John of faith limited Christs work Matt measure of blessing He made dependent on faith Mitt great Relief of Part Took to Surrender Marli War the with him Lord has received the following despatch Roberts is with the splendid from Duller of Canadians and says that Jen with Nate gallant plucky charge forced tho Carbineers and a composite of last Canadian losses country here and is of the enemy A am moving on reports that on hearing had ho a force to occupy Junction and rode into where ho received an enthusiastic wel come Ho secured a certain amount of ammunition arrested several rebels and returned to He reported the railway lino clear and working to siding Ho will report tomorrow as to tho which have been blown up and June- Money to At flritolswi security on insurance by Davidson J Agent reliable Liverpool and London and Norwich Union Standard Mutual Block Mount Albert Money to Loan per cent on Security by David liibyd for taking vilfl Heal Conveyancer Lyner Marriage Kie Also for the following InsuruQCO Companies Queen of London and Liverpool England Montreal Wore District Mutual in for the Confederation Association To ronto Office Corner of Main ind A QUICK CUBE FOR COUGHS COLDS for 11 THROAT w LUNQ AFFECTIONS nli DAVIS CO Killer York Tommy During hie period of a Brit ish soldier is entitled to of a pound of fresh meat and one pound of bread daily and when on ser vice the ineat is increased to one pound and a free ration of groceries and vegetables is also The average bullock when slaugh tered and up by the army will yield pounds of meat and bullocks must die to provide troops with one days rations Sup- poBing that the operations in the field occupy six months and the army fed fresh meat twice a- week then in round numbers bullocks must bo butchered The fresh meat must be eked out with no less than pounds of salted or preserved and wo get the grand total of pounds or tons of The army oats up pounds of bread daily and bread contains a quar ter of its weight in flour In twenty- six weeks it will require lbs of flour or of wheat Supposing the beef averages a pound all round rather under than over the mark we ha an outlay of 325000 to that for the British Armys daily bread at Is per stone of pounds and a 212 for vegetables and groceries at the rate of a day per man and a single army corps will eat up 660000 in six months Bona of Temperance made their return visit to Nobleton Division on Wednesday evening and report having a very pleasant time WANTH Honest or to tiuueu IfHAOKltJOCaXton WdfiT vith position per Children co lion arc hold by our troops March When news of relief of be came generally known London liter ally wont joy and through out England scjenes witnessed no parallel in memories of this pentup jubila tion at relief of Kimborloy and tho defeat of could no longer bo controlled and with todays crown ing triumph national trait of self- restraint was thrown to the winds Mayor of London immedi ately telegraphed his congratulations to Gens White and Duller and when tueen received news at Wind sor the bells on Curfew tower of castle wore rung in honor of the over it The strain that for days hod kept the nation in anxiety was The Lord Mayor showed himself at a window out of which hung a huge city Imperial volunteer flag and the crowd strained for a louder yell magnates grabbed flaring from newsboys and brandished LacivAmtth to the roaring throng All thought of business was forgot ten Nothing could be done on the Stock except to sing God the Queen and to cheer Bus iness closed at- oclock No one wanted to trade on a day as this Tho stores put shutters up and gave their employees a holiday Orange Free Feb by courier to Feb Yesterday was a glorious day for tho Canadian soldiers here By their gallant conduct they have earn ed the admiration of whole army and the commendation of Lord Rob- himself name Canadian is now a synonym for bravery dash and courage For days column thirty thousand strong has been drawing the lines closer around laager of army The advance wan made by sapping along hanks of The brigade commanded by in which were the Canadians occupied positions on tho west bank of tho The trenches of the Canadians extended four hund red yards on river hank to the- east facing those of the enemy and six hundred yards in advance of Gordon- Highlanders in trenches on the left flank while the were on the left front facing the enemys laager This was the position of affairs last when the Cana dians wore ordered to advance and build new trenches closer to the Boer lines and 1 accord ingly advanced at three oclock this morning the two lines extending along four hundred yards in front of the enemys laager Tho first line had fixed bayonets while the second line carried shovels and picks Company was held in reserve with and Companies as supports The line advanced within fifty yards of the enemys trenches in dead silence when they met a tremendouB from most ad mirable discipline prevailed The obeying their instructions fell on their faces to avoid tho fire and remained silent Not a shot was fired until the left flank pour volleys Into the enemy The Cana dians then retired to the trenches they had occupied on the previous day and remained there until daylight having checked the Boers advance The companies mentioned in foregoing cable as being engaged were located in Canada as follows Com pany of Toronto Company of and Ottawa Company of Montreal Company of Company of Loudon Company of St John Company of Halifax At six oclock and army surrendered unconditionally and Boor general is now in Lord J Roberts camp with wife who were ten killed and thirty Loudon March 1 According to despatches received from front Boer prisoners declare that tho furious courage of Canadians was a Intion to thorn Anothor report says the gallantry of the Canadians was simply superb From Lands to John the Canadians have been praised Match 1 War posts a despatch from dated Wednesday in which ho reports that count of Boer prison ers has lecn com pleted and they number Fob It appears that an action was about to begin with the Boer reinforcements at the of surrender but Lord Roberts forbade it until prisoner should ho in safe keeping Lord addressed Cana dians afterward expressing- in the strongest terms his pleasure and ap preciation of their work and He attributed to them the greatest in Boer surrender London March A despatch from General was received at tho War Office this morning announc ing that loads of supplies were entering Ladysrnith the first cloven wagons containing hospital comforts severe privations of tho garri son began January when rations were reduced and thirty horses and mules killed daily for sausages and soup The presence of a largo of cavalry for which lie military authorities have been censured by nearly all the military writers was really tho safeguard against starva tion for tho homes helped to keep soldiers alive A tabulation of British losses consequent on one hundred and eighteen days of the Beige of Lady- smith shows Whites loss killed and wounded in battle captured deaths from 500 Total loss killed and wounded captured Total Total loss White and At roll call after the unsuccessful attempt at the storming of Railway Hill on Friday only officer and forty men of the Inniskillings report ed out of six hundred By daybreak IN THE The and Product tons of maple sugar are made for moot part Id Now York and Vermont there are probably many people living on farms throughout the United States who have no more clear Idea of bow maple sugar Is made than have of the production of Ity says a writer In Farm and Fire side from whose description of the process the following Hems and Illus trations are reproduced The sugar maple Is so called ac count of the contained la the The person with no experience can hardly tell the difference between It and water as it Is clear and spar kling and has hut a faint taste of sug ar There Just about enough sugar to make It a little slcklsli In fall the greater part of the sap goes from the trunk and branches into the roots where burled deep In the however more turned up and casualties are estimated at Camp Feb The Boers lost heavily during yesterdays righting The lyddite wrought fear- havoc in the trenches Many of tho wounded were yellow from the effects of the fumes Over a hundred prisoners were taken many of them Hollanders and a few were gen uine Considerable ammunition for rifles fell into the hands of British as well as a damaged Maxim gun Boers of sixteen years were among the wounded The prisoners had not hoard of the surrender of Gen and discredited it The majority seemed to be glad to le captured They admit heavy losses women remained with the Boers in the trenches until three hours be fore the British charged Two wo men were found dead and the other fatally wounded She has since died She said her husband would not let her leave the trenches as she was such a good shot The woman was only years old An idea of the intensity of the shell can be gathered from the fact of the guns in action the Battery alone fired rounds firing every ten seconds British casu alties were about The War Office has received tho following despatch from ler March pm I find tho defeat of the Boers more complete than 1 had dared to antici pate This whole district is complete ly clear Except at the top of Van Pass where several waggons are vis ible I can find no trace of them Their last train left Modder Spruit station about oclock yesterday arid they then blew up the bridge They packed their wagons six days ago moving them to north of Lady smith so that had chance of intercepting them but they loft vast quantities of ammunition of all aorta herds grots camp and individ ual They got away with all guns two Times methods op collbctikq bap ground It will not be chilled la the spring beginning In the part of February or first of March according the season forward or backward the nap begins to ascend body of the tire Hie greater part the outer layers of the Securing this sap as 1 ascends and boiling It down con stitutes ihe work of maple mak ing The first thing is to get the sap Id the early before the bit and brace an oblique notch was cut Into the tree near tho ground and from this wound the sap would of course flow Then un der the lower corner of this wound a curved hole wide from one side of the tree to tbe other but narrow up and down was made with a gouge Into this was driven a short wooden spout of the same shape which caught the as dropped from the cut and thus carried It to short wooden troughs made by digging out blocks After the bit and brace came Into a bole was bored into the tree and a round spout made from a piece of su mac from which the had been burned out was driven into the hole to convey sap to the trough Next the wooden bucket came use By driving a nail Into the tree un der the spout the bucket could be hung anywhere on the tree in days of boiling In kettles color was last thing aimed at In mak ing maple sugar which a dull black when finished Sweetness was the main consideration and there was no Incentive to keep out the dirt and cinders for black was just as sweet and sugar lighter than chocolate was looked upon as having been adul terated The next Improvement was the large pan placed upon an arch made of stone or brick About the same time On buckets came Into use A Kittle later the metallic spout was Invented This is now of such shape that It fills but a- small portion of the hole bored In the tree but Is held so firmly that the buck et Is supported by it It allows sap to flow from the outer layers of the tree where there the greatest amount of sap and that which makes the whitest sugar A few sugar makers have their plant so arranged that the sap or sirup does not touch wood after the sap leaves the tree At the present time color is an Important factor in the value of sugar and as wood tends to color It wooden utensils of all kinds have been discarded as far as possible The maple sugar now made Is of a light straw color Any darker than Vfndk j am f V i ft the and Bowels of Imams that ran FAGSIM ILK neither nor Mineral Hot Narcotic Remedy for Constipa tion Sour Worms Convulsions Feverish- end Loss of Sleep facsimile Signature of HEW OF i IS OWTTER op OS copy or pit la litUi not In talk U Kiltft tilt I jest will FO R Winter Dry Goods OR Without first examining our new stock and prices We have good bargains Every Week or two The Leading House Sharon Universal Harrow The only Harrow thlt pressure feature valuable on bard or adjustable fi it iti ix it toon a Cultivator and arJ aowlaj alto thistle it ordered The beat working operated cultivator The teelb work direct under within the wheel line See the Hew Lift CELEBRATED finorHocaaa ind NoxonDrills Our AVERAGE Or that will not command highest price and if lighter adulteration with refined la suspected nap Is gathered In a tank about barrels placed on a low Med with wide runners Roads made through the hush bo the gathering tonic can he driven near all the trees The has been very trou blesome for several years some sec tions It cats the foliage giving a white appearance to the leaves and stopping growth with oil soap one pound to eight of water has proved effective la log If applied and are to and known that they apcza for There are now over D03lnuaoarooqg the farmers country invite the closest Inppectton of Farm and machinery are for the coming season In sddition to the above we call sitentloo to our New and Oxford Clipper Mower lo our patent Spring d Tooth Barrows and friction and Batons Damp will jmpjy PV su to see oar before placing their orders for our ew THE Co DAISY AIR RIFLE toiwcivuipfcijfiwi If you are not a to the kkz Send a tyjal

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