Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 Jan 1900, p. 6

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human J f J Monday Everybody j mora tvesii- gates lift become jiiwol of iinN Oft I r ten from another women on loving tobacco using a man no for A of medical mid of Kay last week and it was decided to have an operation Dr of Toronto waiticilt for ami on even- ft war per- forramf A very largo absccjn was Patient in doing well As gravo a all owl as a- a paper Judge as My a Defective as fleer and an jolly a Joker If all those Mould down lo they Rot up something good Generally caking owl are to foretell changes of weather This Owl has acquired local reputa tion as a weather prophet though occasionally ho flics in the of Old prognostication Tin weather accounts for a good many of A pretty name for a girl baby VVhon next you buy a wee call John of Michigan an old North ii over on a pet fox which he ha1 for four escaped from durance recenly and now tho air of owl made a terrible commotion Tommy which were roostiog hi He at night Never mind butter luck next time The name marriage do not among all nations Amongst the the of the groom select the bride whom lie in not per mitted to sec till the happy day Among nations and Indiana the aspirants for the dusky maidens hand and in athletic games Amongst the of the lovers the ex pectant bride all mounted on horse back the who the maid being the lucky man a very simple though good ami whole some It aim ply consists of and onions sliced into water and thoroughly cooked fry some Good postal vices It requires at least a day and a for a letter to pass from Baldwin to six miles A letter dropped in New York at will reach Baldwin at pm the next day Proved A quotation Woman swallow at a mouthful a flattering lie while she drinks drop by drop the bitter truth Women as a general thing are not adepts at Mattery they lay it on too thick Occasionally they tell the Owl that the are all they to read But thats all in eye and Biddy Martin I a rat An illiterate individual once in formed us that be had had informa tion in digestion of the liver etc He survived all those ills and now is an honored member of council Butter has risen to such a high figure that only the wealthy can afford to he extravagant Spread spread spread with care spread the bread with the good is ringing in our ears as Punch punch care punch rang What it swell Yorker to dine out A lady friend told us of an evening at the Metro politan Opera and a quiet little dinner at A party of four took in the Opera and lunched at the restaurant The bill of costs was the trifling sum of seventyjive dollars Not My opinion and Betsy Bob- but iust as good as if it were and notSiinit4o with pending oWiyiMtiotO the marrtago of Archie have an Idea so forgot many of our friends tiirtt beg to say it is not so quite a know but very few of my friends but we gave her use of our homo for wed ding and while wo were glad to meet so many pleasant faces although strangers I can assure you glad to meet some of our own friends that we never knew wero he pres ent We would have been morn than glad tohave find all of them but we considered it impossible also we thought it best to not ask any Thanking you for the in your I remain Mas ticket of the in the conductors so Words from a town icr e lowI tell you what marriage is a huge lottery with mighty few prizes and hosts of blanks Oh me fiom a womans Its like a doubleedged sword piercing asun der whosoever it Like of the wine a mocker at last it like a sclent and stingcth like an adder Mr and Mrs of South Dakota are spending a few days with relatives here And do you know Mis thinks it would be a good scheme to import an Owl into that country For the women To removo cap of a sealer Turn the- can upside down into a pan of warm water let it few momenta and no odds how tight you can easily remove cover Our quiet little village is feeling the throb of prosperity that is going over the land and waking up to some importance On Tuesday evening last Dairy Association wait launched and we are actually have a new industry The elected are as VicePres Jacob Smith Secretary- J Treasurer John I lOlhom John Hamilton Michael and Tbos Glover Hoard has leased half an acre on the corner of the con and Town Line which is a very favorable location and preparations for building will go on at once The new Butter Factory will be H feet with a leanto for tho boiler room and opera tions will commence as soon as the spring opens I am pleased to see such a good long list of items from my friend from There seems to be a great qncrry who is the correspondent there and everyone who writes from that burg thinks it necessary to make some explanation why he is taking the place of the regular correspondent I have come to the conclusion Mr that it is the same person all the time and he need not be ashamed of his writings either Judging from his production last week he is a good Oho It is an old Baying that War is very destructive to a Nation this is true in sense of the word but in tho present war in South Africa where ho very many of the of British Army are being killed and wounded and where our fair Cana dians are in the midst of the fight there are more effects than one aris ing In the 111 place Canada is cer tainly becoming prominent throughout the World for her prompt action in defending the Mother country in a time of trouble then large orders for canned goods are being received daily at Ottawa for the troops in South Africa The very beat possible goods arc obtained and shipped with the least possible delay the system of cold storage is being used to great ad vantage and as a result a market for the various products of Canada will he opened up in and it is hoped that the contract for supplying Navy will be given to Canada But this not all a demand is made in South Africa for horses suitable for Cavalry the War cable to Can ada and fts a result an order for of our best horses is given and steps ate at once taken to procure them The future for Canada at the present moment is very promising one and the era of good times is here The prices of food products must advance and the markets of the world will be ask ing for Canadian products To the ordinary and unconcerned onlooker the excitement caused by the South African war may Iks some what abating by the announcements of the Canadian Contingents move ments But when we call attention to fact that tho contingent that leaves for the seat of war on the is to bo the best equipped over sent to battle we may feel proud of the patriotism that exists in this Canada of ours We will watch the movement of these men and we feel sure that they will do credit to our country action taken by the Canadian Government is attract ing the Attention of the whole world and from every quarter tho people are loud in their comments in terest should not bo allowed to abate and wo in closer touch with movements of the British Army and activity at Cape Town- wo would be more enthused than are I would respectfully my friend tho Owl if ho read the Satur day last and how ho agreed with the decision of that Journal on the century ou est ion Die OB It Grand Trunk Railway have each to National Fund J Mb found Mm hiding for t Tho promises to bo tew3nglylf fe3 P of next and Mr A Day fefrvetary P0V at in jjveningV Tho anniversary will be- held on Monday evening Addressee from the Sunday preachers and others while local talent will bo ably as sisted by Mr of Newmarket in vocal and violin nobs Dont miss it FRANKLIN A very pretty find fashionable wed ding took place on at the residence of Air James when his only daughter Kathleen was married to Mr John Look of cere mony won- wit by guests Rev ville officiating bride wore a fawn colored cloth trimmed with down and carried a bunch of cream roues Ella Terry assist ed the bride and carried a of cream roses The presents and principally silver After the ceremony and congratu lations were over tho guests were called to order when Mrs presented bride with a beautiful clock and Tea Hot of ruby set in silver as from the mem bora of franklin Christian Church for services rendered as organist The Rev Pastor of the read following To Mrs huh member of the Franklin desire to our apprecia tion the you have to one church in your constant ant and wo to accept these tokens not for their intrinaio value but that they show to Korno extent our your faithful nctiBi on behalf of the Church MtiB AC A sumptuous dinner was then served About four oclock the happy couple left for Newmarket amid a shower of rice en route to Niagara for their honeymoon after they will re turn and take up their residence in listed of tho North of Tuesday In the Concert is to bo tv- of the Order taieht in North York iz to by of Toronto in music patriotic and humorous duets There Hoy and J of -litJvjid- is only a nnd pro- hid of tempcrarjeo work in trick We expect to fiCO the hall crowded to the door P elect is to take the chair at To so n connection frith tee Aleknws wu lea of Mm thanks of myself aa ether Convention Thursday and a grand success two session crowded to ex cess The annual district meeting of King District LOI was held in the Orange Hall hero on Tuesday Jan The meeting well attended and very enthusiastic The following were elected dintrict master j Johnson deputy district master He v J Hand chaplain Joseph lecordin ec- retary j John financial Robert White treasurer Marks direofor of ceremonies Well ington Dove lecturer William Joseph auditors The next be held in Orange Hall North view on the se cond Saturday in Farmers will meet the TOWN HALL AURORA OS Thursday January At the folio win k will nn introduced by trend em en named or the jioyinif for Milk of rat It contains Mr John Place of Trade Major JhOC3 lo restore and Boll Fer tility Mr Win liuor Air tor Home Major Jbuh3 If not already tried our which are up to tholr old standard Insist oil procuring a small package for trial Every using them Is Will be one lbs for at lb We have the Leading Canned freshly packed We are spiling for We The Best Salmon Two Cans for Cents Tfdjij alcove to the ST SOUTH J A HOPKINS INVITED It Sttrtifiry At Half op Less DA to bo t lb jV ON jOOo The annual of King Reform is take place hero on Friday the A time is expected as Hon and Hon J Davis are to deliver patriotic features are to bo introduced- invited 1 The people of ibis section are de lighted to see the beautiful SilQW that even while the is made white the sun so their must he done while there consequently everybody is on the move Among the visitors this week we have noticed the following Miss Millard of St at Mr and Elliot at Iter parental home Mrs is spending a few days this week visiting friends in the city Miss of Newmarket is spending a few day visiting friends in this vicinity election of officers of the I here took place at their last regular meeting For a correct list of otticeis see last weeks Kha The annual meeting of the Com missioners for the village of wok place on Wednesday evening of last week when the following wero elected for the coming year Messrs cock and It was also in view of the fact that some persons owning property in the vil lage and not being disposed to remove from the walk in front of said property that commissioners are to enquire as to necessity of work being done and act accordingly They further decided to stop all cattle or other stock from running at large on the streets put up posters to that effect They will also plant out shade trees in spring So your readers may see that Kettloby is striv ing to got out of that rut it has been run in for past years They dont about an plant yet for lighting but no doubt they would had electricity from the Railroad and bonus been little Iws shocking The Services in the Chris tian Church being eon- tinned with increased interest The following officers installed at Enterprise Division No of by of Aurora on Friday evening P Henry Newton Ones Chap Mrs Dyke Mrs A Wood Alfred Dyke Con Ed A Wood Organist Miss E Last Friday evening Rio Davis District Worthy Patriarch J Walton and Holland of Aurora tho After the business of wan gone through each gave excel lent Refreshments served fcy loosing Hide Mr Reuben Powell and flistsr from the North West are visiting at Mr Feed Phillips and other relatives for people would like to know when is going to build a waiting room at locks corners And why the fare the same from station to Aurora and other places as Newmarket What is going to happen when the quilting frames are carried Who cut black ash for bass wood Mr W Phillips horses got frightened at the enowplow last Fri day load of milk and tho sleigh will be held AT January program if 111 about an above the of Mr It PHILLIPS tertiary In -ror- Surrogate Court of THE OK In of on Bale this week at creditor mid others Laving or the 14 who on or about of rew arc on or The day of Feliruary 1900 to prepaid or deliver Pearaon of their and and and full the of of The held by iheo And further take hat after the tald mentioned the proceed lo distribute the of the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the of which they shall then have that Executors ivlli not liable for the or ftoy part hereof to Roy person or of whoso claims notice not hare been re by At the of the dfitrU fiTKPHEN PEARSON PO of Jowl LLOYD solicitor for ExECutor TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Wanted n fee of cents is El A dynamite factory in near i being charged at an execution in Turin exploded build- Texas to be polka off this by tfae uodcrettiicd so mm or the position of CaretaVcr of the Church Pariicuiar aa o j th lotct or tender il not necetiarilj ficctptcd op the of Ft to Soil Boat ing Ten bodies have been found in the ruins week The money is to the widow of the condemned man ICO crfc3 on the Town Line of belt from depot soaring of Good Apply ff Jan fflwo Suctt near the oM Woollen Factory For Terms Apply K JACKSON J at LA ler of the ion Disease Catarrh Is a Menace to the Race The Precur sor of Suffering the Forerunner of Incurable Throat and Lung Troubles Children fop CASTOR A But Remedy CatarrM Catarrhal Powder is a for catarrh It gives filmed tdiih Cind instant relief not only in the standing under its WOm the will break up a cold fa the in almost time than it tabes to tell it It Is pleasant pow erful and potent protection against of catarrh the almost constant changes to in winch tb world abject ppritioao publicly Pi Catarrhal Powdor Jo r faSy Incident to Ho yet for the permanent and perpet ual exterminator of this moat insid ious and common of humanity generally If you a sufferer take counsel of thousand to it has been balm beacon to the way to health and the haven of health Mrs J of Church street Toronto in telling of her in and euro by wonderful remedy says I too highly of Dr Catarrhal Powder For years I suffered intensely and constant ly from catarrh in its worst form I took everything I could purchase that promised me a cure without any per manent until I tried Dr Powder first application of it and its so simple to Rave me relief I per- not the slightest of the mal ady remaining and I am thankful to be able to give this testimonyfor so worlhy a remedy after trying so many so- called catarrh only to add to disappointment Have- you a cough Is the voico husky the breath you losing flesh Do you ache all over Do you take cold easily Is the nose stopped up Does the nose discharge Do crusts form in nose Do you cough until you gag Is there pain in tho back of head Is chore a pain across the eyes Is there a tickling in the throat Is your sense of smell leaving you you losing the of taste la thero a dropping in the throat Is there a burning pain in the throat Any and all of these symptoms indicate presence of catarrh and while some of them may seem but trivial cannot afford to treat light ly for dire consequences may result from for all vic tims of throat lung troubles have been subject to catarrh puts out th firo from distressing skin troubles such as Salt Rheum Scald Head Tetter and will euro Piles from to nights Dr Cure for Heart gives from violent spasms in heart diseases in minutes It Dr liver Pills Bold by Lehman leyo a- iiBi iA J i

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