Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 Jan 1900, p. 5

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ONTARIO HEAD NEWMARKET- BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED at aIpI find Discounted Collection ROSS MfliinKcr THE ERA JAN Sunday Softool The Child Visits Jan 14tb Luke Text And increased in wisdom and and in favor with God and mag- PRACTICAL SUOORBTJONB We never can solve the- of bo incarnation but the temptations of Jesus were real and his youth was a growth in the of both God and man Our heavenly Fathers business J 5 Address by J Davis -oxo- Dp Alfred How market Office of the laic doorBoutli of to am a a OrrlOKllcaldetico lately occupied by Campbell opposite an Church to a in 1 too and to p in Dr The Convention called by York County Council for a discus sion of County question and held in the Council Chamber Toronto on December and was sue- cesaful beyond the anticipation of its promoters the attendance being largo and representative A of phases of tho road quoetion were discussed including should command our earliest and most control roads the active The duty of religious worship duty of seeking knowledge djity of filial obedience Oar Toronto better DENTAL A I Dentist Post Block opposite Methodist Church Air fa Satisfaction p Porter Dentist will tin of Dr Porter Brad ford every Monday MARRIAGE LICENSER Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Private Papers Issued at private residence If desired Tho Macsey Hall course of great and gonial concors will begin with on Toronto Kingston and Ottawa men for the 2nd contingent to South Africa expect to on Saturday for Hali fax Presbyterian Church will a pastor on 17th inst No doubt Rev Alex Laird of Port will bo The proportion of the proceeds of earnings of Railway for month of December last amounted to 069449 Country local councillors allow these companies franchises for all for nothing Engineer has requested the City Solicitors Department to defend him in aotion for manslaughter brought in connection with tho death Mrs Rogers Ho says of course ho is pcoscoutod as a city official and not is a private citizen for alleged corporation INSURANCE J Agent for lir ranee Money to Loan interest at Current Bates A A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on Farm and Isolated Low on Farm and Town Property Over nodices Tin Shop Newmarket Kicked His Physician Never Leave Bed Alive Bald Doctor South Rheumatic Miracle Mr Granville of Sparta sayB his father who iB a very old man was very low a sovere attack of rheumatism His physician assured family ho would never leave his bed alive A took a of South American Rheumatic Cure to him A few days later upon receiving a visit from the he ran the room and playfully ad ministered a hearty kick He is now up and as well ae over Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Representatives of all the powers have signed the acts of the Peace Con ference at The Hague Robert Kitchen of fell between the cars at Brighton and was killed The Ontario Government has contributed to the Red Cross fund for second contingent MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Main St Druggists and Fancy Goods of and Tuner of Pltns all String Olivet Graduate of Conservatory of Music Woo- ster Ohio TEACHER OP PrANO and Queen St to Loan At per centon farm security aleo loans effected on Life Insurance- policies for taking Conveyancer and Heal Agent for the following Insurance London and Qlobo Union SUndard Mutual Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Five per cent on Security by for taking Agent Conveyancer of Licensee Also Agent for tbo following ana Liverpool District Or Confederation Life Aseoolatlon Or Registry Office Corner of Main iQd Lot Streets ill i of any will receive our opinion free How to Obtain a tenant fiecured or a1c our wire us receive circulated 1 FREE Address VICTOR J CO VASHlllQTO townships of the Front of Leeds and Leeds County voted on a local option bylaw at the late municipal election and carried it by a majority of After May 1st there will be no licenses issued within bounds of the above townships The oyster supper at Hope on New Years day was a great success and netted A patriotic entitled Off to the Front ren dered by was greatly Miss Etnina of Maple was heartily encored for the se lections she gave Since the Bystander last- wrote to he has run through Sicily A lovely land Sicily is It is said to have six months of summer and six of spring valley of Palermo lay in the embrace of its umber hills an ex panse of dark preen orange groves laden with golden fruit will pity the Sicilians when they are told that in Sicily frost is unknown Keen eastern winds however are not unknown as the general wearing of cloaks ragged enough many of them betokens In southern Italy there is hardly such a thing as a fireplace or any way of heating a house Ottawa Jan There will be three going with the second contingent as far as Capetown Their continuance with the Canadians after that will bo a matter for the Imperial authorities to decide Canadas authority in this connection ceases when the men are landed in South Africa although it is probable that same chaplains will bo re tained There will be representatives of the Church of Englandj Methodist and Roman Catholic churches The Church of England chaplain will be the Rev J Cox of P I and Methodist the Rev Lane of The Tubman Catholic yet to bo appointed Mr Best of YMOA who seems to lie the nominee of that body will also be taken along Minister of Militia Km no definite as to whether the War Office favor the sending of nurses from this country along with the contingent possibility securing Provincial aid for their maintenance and the regula tion of the width of wagon tires encouraging was progress of the convention and information ob tained of art much value lo the dele gates that it was decidrd to merely adjourn until a day to bo decided upon in February noxt when it is expected that County Council will bo re presented Among the speakers were Messrs J Woodcock Warden of the County of York J A A Wood P who acted as Chair man and A Campbell Provincial Road Commissioner Hon J Davie Commissioner of Crown Lauds was also present and through the courtesy of the Convention Committee wo are enabled to print a vorbatim re port of his address as follows J Davis on being called upon said Chairman and I am extremely to be present bom this morning for a variety of reasons In first I desire to kindly words of my good friend Mr Chairman We had pleasure of being associat ed together as members of the Legis lature for some It is quite true wo did not always agree in our views on public questions Good men differ very often and each has a right to his own view but we always did agree to treat other as gentle men ought I am glad to ho bore also because this room it is not perhaps important to you brings back to my mind memories of past Nearly twenty yoare ago I had the honor of having for fust time a seat in the County Council A later members did me the too great honor of electing me Warden of County Borne gentlemen at that time who were fond of going buck through records said that I was the youngest man ever elected to that position in this County I have ways felt that I a great- deal to the County of York for the opportunity I had there of becoming familiar with the requirements of the people of a great Cot as itis I have often this information to be of great value to me in later years a a mem ber of the Legislature Gentlemen from other Counties will pardon me when I say that the County of York is the greatest County in Province and especially the northern part which is the greatest part of the greatest County Laughter and applause To bear out that statement your re cords wilt some indication of its truthfulness The present Warden of the County is from North York I see that he has taken a good of interest inaugurating this Convention The Clerk of the County who is act ing ae Secretary for this Convention is also fro North York and was one of my friends lor many years The tirst gentleman noticed this morning occupying an was ray good friend Mr also is one of the County Councillors from North York You are here from all pats of the Province for the purpose of a question which in the judgment of many men more competent to judge than is one the most matters we have before us in public affairs today the question of good roads It ia only what you are all familiar with and it ought to be repeated from the press and fought out and considered carefully by the ratepayers in the Province that transportation in all its forma is to day one of the great problems of the age The farmer in this Province must compete with the farmer in every part of the world and the far mer who is so situated that from bis barndoor to the marketo of the world he has the best and cheapest facilities for handling his products will cme out best in the competition of the day Millions of money are being spent in deepening and extending our canals and building railways perhaps finest in the world and while that is all necessary to reduce freight rates there is another feature and that is the oneinwhich you are specially in terested here today getting the roads from farmers doors to the local markets in as good snaps as possible to get yourproduots easily to market It is not only a question of good thore should he good roads throughout Province in order that the milk can lo taken readily and easily from doors to the factories wherever located Our butter factories just beginning They also will good roads for the object Our butter exports this year have grown very very much There are other things which will come up in the future in which we are very much interested In the United States the Post Department for the last ibveo or has been experiments see whether they could have a local postal delivery by wagons to farmers doors once or twice a day result has been wonderfully satisfactory so much po that each succeeding year they have the area over which this now postal delivery is inaugurated They find that they have boon able to give a local postal delivery to the farmers door for less money than it under the old system I that time is coming perhaps is not very far in the future when in our own land if our country roads improved and made good rnada year round the Department will bo able to no the for the farmers here These are only a few of the things which show us tho very important part which good roads will play in years to come Tho question is how are we to have these good roads what is best plan to lay down and carry out in order to get the fruit or results of the better system of roads If I were to tell you that I would spoil balance of your meeting because that is what meeting is called to decide Laughter I not tell you what the best plan is You will make re commendations in your resolutions showing your judgment your experi ence your knowledge on this question are two or three general features on which I might- say a word or two One is expenditure of money on roads Now I think that in any movennn that is inaugurated for the improvement of roads there should be a very careful and wise consideration as to the expenditure of money I do not believe the people speak ing now for the messes of the people- will be very much in love with a scheme which wiil mean largely in- creased taxation I believe it is pos that the Good Roads Commis sioner Mr Campbell could give you the figures can speak a word with reference to here without being considered political at all his is not political but for the good of alt the people of the Province I believe there are no differences of opinion as to the results which have been during the time he has acted in that capacity I was fortun ate enough to get him to visit several meetings in North York At the con clusion of every meeting there were resolutions moved and seconded ex pressing appreciation of his efforts of his advice and the suggestions he had made and the Conservatives and Liberals vied with each other in mak ing these resolutions Therefore I say without any political aspect whatever that Mr Campbells general principle upon that line it to me is a good one to follow in your in connection with this gathering which not an in expenditure of money but a careful use the money that is already expended Enormous suras of money are being expended each year on the road in this Province The Btatute labor and cash grants are That money and labor might be ex pended in better channels with more- permanent results and without in creasing expenditure we might have a very more effective sys consider the law of the situation and when you ask for legislation it will he of such a and prudent character that will have reasonable grounds for expecting the Legislature to grant it I have seen bills come into the Ontario Legislature from both sides of House which after being exam ined ten minutes by members of a Committee were unanimously thrown out because who originated had only looked at side In legislation if it is I hope you I will bear this in mind and I know j you will 1 say nothing further only thte on behalf of Premier of J Province who asked to come down and I came on my own accord We start our Sale with Spcci 1 a is well on behalf of the whole govern- of the Province I must express to yon our appreciation of the efforts you have put forth in the past many j of you in connection with good roads and your efforts now at this meeting and say that anything we can proper ly do in the of all the pie of the Province to aid you in this work we prepared to do I am glad to be with you Ibis inc You have a great work in hand a work which if successfully carried out much for the people of Province and hope you will success fully engineer your work and that results will be Buch that if you tbe municipalities or to the Local Legislature your plans will com mend themselves to tho men who have charge of bodies Ladies Heavy Wool Hose pair for cents yds Frieze Mantle Cloths Double Fold worth 150 yd for Ladies Felt Hats Worth 150 and 250 Choice for 50c each JOBBING HOI at Montreal on Wed nesday night The residence of Mr Jacob Wed- del on the Scott town line was des troyed by fire at an early hour on Wednesday morning The contents were also entirely consumed JT J he Twanging Pains of Rheumatism I The Grandest made inch an Will Not Occur unity To introduce tbo Highest Grade of it Are by Uric Acid Being Left the Blood by Diseased Kidneys In To suffer the most excruciating pains to lose tho use of limbs and to have joints swollen and disfigured the lot of the victim of rheumatism Uric acid In the blood is cause of rheumatism It the kidneys are active they remove the uric acid That is their special work If on the other hand the kidneys or deranged there is sure to be uric acid in the blood and rheumatic pains through the body No amount of liniment will ever cure rheumatism It sometimes relieves but cure can only be brought about by setting the kidneys right The most effective kid ney remedy known to man is Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills They cure rheumatism permanently by making the kidneys active In their work of removing the uric acid from blood Dr Chases KidneyLiver Pills positively care backache rheumatism and all disorders of the kidneys and liver One pill a dose a box at all dealers or Bates Co Toronto to or Sent Town Line of East bury halt a from Newmarket bearing or trees Good Wheel a limited number will be placed op the market at A Price Never Before Heard of This Offer Continues for hut DAYS Therefore Write at Onee All applications considered according to date of receipt Agents Wanted with whom moneymaking contracts will be made NO CAPITAL REQUIRED Address Wheel WINDSOR ONT takes the lead in furn ishing Good Bread and Delicious We have on hand a of Sodas Zephyr Cream Sultana Sweet Wine Tea and other varieties of Bis cuits as well as our own make of Cakes OUR CAKES have given the best of satisfaction Leave your order and it will receive prompt attention- ALBERT BOGART South End Newmarket OP WATERS and nil kinds of Summer Drinks or tor Picnics and promptly to Main and direct Facto Notice tern of roads than we now enjoy I think need not more than bint to the wise men who are gathered here today many of them members of municipal and County Councils tbat the minor municipalities guard and look upon their rights in connection with the roads throughout the municipality I think this should be borne in mind in connection with any scheme which ia proposed in con nection with the matter of our roads I am not here today to give a person al opinion but I might point out a general opinion I have noticed that some gentlemen who this meeting that they may come as a result of this meeting to the Legislature for certain legislation to enable the proposed sys tem or change the system to be car ried out I need not say to you that the successful man in own busi ness is the man who carefully exam ines the situation all around he is not the man who jumps too fast at first The of QUEENSVILLB CEMETERY CO will he held In Geo Wrights on st SO Geneml business a report outdoing Directors he pre sented snd Directors elected lor the year All are requested to be GEORGE A J MILNE J W iwraanHfrj FOR ft Winter Dry Goods OR A Ready-to- Wear Clothing Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Every Week or two Cheap The Leading House Sharon FROM roads for the general grain markets and has to fall back perhaps further but also mora and more a question than he Wis when he started to jump of good roads in connection with the man who gradually makes other industries in Province We progress is he who when ho moves take the cheese industry The pro- forward euro of his ground and duct of tbo factories in thin grown immensely The money brought in from old 1inrJ from the sale of cheese and among fanners and business men and others has largely increased from organization year to year It id very essential that not tell you holds it because he moving wisely judiciously with good judgement weighing nil the and surroundings- I think that that prin ciple means much in in private Kijeed that you will carefully January in each department of Central Business College TORONTO The largest and strongest In tells why Write for Ft I Principal BY TENDER I will be received by the to the day of for the purchase of the property known as the one acre Ian ODuiotBoMbconof TERMS SO percent of purchase money on or and In two ititrealier under dm accepted FREEIP if VkM fell tti Box Toronto Out mm bo by THE PATENT J ROBERTSON Solicitor for no No yj we pent Ifcttc LINEN TORONTO BOX OLD At Office per over lb Nfl county to W in own with unusual tifivcilDpo A Pull Chicago 1 i ft

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