Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , December 29, 1899, p. 5

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OWTABIO capital REST BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL market AND KUSOTKI ACCLAMATION and flicrllnit nd American 1 old Farmers Discounted promptly attended to ICQSB Manager MEDICAL Dp Mow market to JO lately occupied by Campbell Church tit Newmarket Oman llOUI8 to a J to 3 and to ft in DENTAL Dr R I Dentist Post Block Church Vitalised Air for Porter Dentist of Dr WJ Porter Brad ford ovary Monday LICENSES Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Private tr Papers issued at private if desired INSURANCE J A for lro to at Current Hates At tho R Ramsay Insurance Agent Low Farm Risks and Isolated Town Property Or Hodges Tin Shop NowmarKQt in Main St Druggists Sundries and Fancy Poods fflp of and Violin of Plan and all String Instruments p Olivet Gradoato of Conservatory of Music fiter Ohio OP PIANO and THEORY Residence Queen St Honey to At per cent on alio loans effected on Commissioner for taking amdavjts Conveyancer and Real KsUto Agent Agent for the following Companies and and Norwich Union Standard Mutual y OfficeHopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan per on Commissioner for taking Affidavits Real for the Confederation Registry Office of Wain lnd Lot Streets WJ and any iveoUon promptly receive our opinion free concerting sent upon IhrouKh advertised for sale at out through us without charge In fc and widely ttajutttd and simple copy VICTOR J CO Between fitxty and Town Hall Fri day in connection with the municipal nominations Lloyd presided and following nomina tions duly made For Mayor and Jackson K Councillors J Timothy jr J Martin Giant A Smith John and J Hughes For School It J MoKay and Manning hour for nominations having expired Mr Lloyd announced following had withdrawn Jackson Martin Grant On motion Air Jackson was to take chair aa tho desired to retire Mr Cane Mayor elect was then introduced and with applause Ho thanked tho electors for honor conferred upon him Should ho consult his own feelings ho said ho should retire having 19 years in tho Council hut on account of tho unfinished matters in connec tion ln0 Specialty Co and Metropolitan tty Co lie had been pre vailed upon by his friends to stand an other year Ho felt quite sure that all would agreo with him that bonus to the Specialty Co was a good thing for tho town and wo al ready see tho fruits of it trie Railway Co lias given tho Coun cil that toad will bo ex tended the north end as soon as possible in spring It has been a of gratification that oil last year was able to reduce tho rate of taxation on the and can look forward to fur ther reductions in near In tho Town Hall and Market Debenture will expire which has ne cessitated an annual tax of In 1902 Improvement Debenture with annually will expire In Bonus Debenture to tho Cane Mfg Co of annually will expire Those will make a dif ference of in the tax levy within the next years Tho bonus to the Specialty Co is an in crease of annually less ront of flats Reference was then made to Electric Light plant which started with and now has between and 1500 It has grown to such proportions that the coming Council will to consider the question of duplicating engine Ixnlor and dynamo While the rates for light are very moderate compared with other places still lie thought there would be suffi cient revenue to do this without in creasing the taxes He was strongly of the opinion that the meter rate was fairest way for both producer and consumer as the producer has no con trol over flat rate users and al though meter rate was reduced per cent on the let of Oct ho thought a further reduction could be made if meters were in general use Chairman asked if it was true that users of electric light were paying between 500 and a year for tho lighting streets The Mayor said he would leave that question for the chairman of finance to Mr T J Robertson that there were not more electors present He thought it was a pretty ood evi dence that they satisfied with action of the Council during the past year- The Electric was past the experimental and the question streetlighting may well be considered by the coming Council plant is a success and there is no reason why the burden of streetlight ing should bo carried by the consum- era At present machinery is fair ly well loaded increasing liability to accident and the largo number of people depending upon tho service de mands a duplicate plant He vas in favor of maintaining present rates and laying by surplus revenue for im provement purposes He had been a member of Town Council for years and warmly thanked the rate payers for backing up the various the council considered to be for the best interests of the Town He sincerely thanked the citizens for electing him without ask ing an individual for his vote or any- thing in nature personal can- vass and if again will take pleasure in to the best of Ilia The chairman if the Metro politan Bill is to go before the Ontarios Legislature again as there were some things ho opposed Mr Robertson replied in affirm ative arid stated that ho opposed from first the perpetual Franchise Clause The chairman said that he would go with him to oppose that point in the Bill There was no what the conditions or this Town would bo or years hence and ho did not sanction gift ol over Mr- thanked confidence in him in the past and if again would try to do his duty Mr It A Smith was not anxious for office electors what he has and if they not satis fied let them pub in someone Mr Lehman appeared on municipal platform for first time If thanked the electors for honor and felt sure that an election would bo avoided Mr remarked that although ho had been for two olHcos ho was not disposed to bo a cundiduto for either In all probability there will be no election People wore pretty well satisfied with past Council Ho was pleas ed to see Mayor reelected by acclamation and paid him a high com pliment Newmarket had much to thank him for and for business and en terprise it will compare favorably with any town of its size in the province chairman was pleased to observe that Council had a clean sheet of the School Trustees being present tho mooting brought to a close by three cheers for tho Queen Since tho mooting Mr has resigned leaving followiug cil elected by acclamation Mayor S Councillors Robertson Smith Hughes Trustees Manning and McKay WITH BEST WEAPON IN ill by Gain and Hun Powerful flan In One the surprises in the South African war boon the of Bolt artillery fighting it appears that havo been using artillery with effect and that they have plenty that the side All mil UNITE Tb rs A Iliad in attention the world iff now paying to tho Transvaal and its should not be overlooked Tho coun try Is a vast tableland about a above the level of an area variously computed at from to miles inhabitants Orange State arc very like the of tho Transvaal They noted for their severe They religious and Inclined to the be- Is oh For the Balance of You will Find ana nave I 7 V good guns As a matter of fact their side An infusion of Huguenot field guns possessed by- the Boers probably best in world I They not only good guns but plenty of them It Is true however that until a few years ago the had no big guns and know little or nothing about handling them Hut the Jams- son raid taught President a lesson Ho learned something about tho effectiveness of modern Held ar tillery Ho determined to equip Transvaal forces with weapons In market step was to erect forts at Johannesburg Pretoria The former now roposes under tho brow of strong fortifications There six forts altogether and com mand a broad expanse of country In these ho has placed long rang rifled guns of French and German patterns and quick firing guns He has filled four warehouses witharmaand secret preparations which long tunnels underneath the gold- fields so that the town of Johannes burg can ho destroyed by one train of powder for motto or Boers Is a Ruined Country Than No Country Pretoria Is guarded four forts Vvlfl r Greatest lIof Kidney American Mrs Cameron St Toronto was troubled with severe pains in the small of back which doctors was by kidney trouble and which produced Intense suffering at times used many remedies without any lasting benefit until she tried the South American Kidney Cure A few doses proved a wonderful benefit and after taking three bottles all traces of the trouble were gone Sold by Lehman Bent- Pharmacy During the past week the War London England placed an order for three thousand tons of hay from Canada for use in South Africa FROM ALL OVER CANADA corao letters telling us of the benefits derived from it no me of Menthol Plas ters in cases of neuralgia rheu matism lame hack etc Davis Lawrence Co Ltd manufac turers council paid a mutton bill of at its last meeting TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure Groves signature Is on each box A lot of brick unloaded at Sand wich caused the collapse of the town dock and brick fell into the river H An Old Theory Exploded The theory of tearing down was entirely changed by the advent of Dr A Copses Verve Food which cures by creating new rich blood and nerve tissue Through the medium of the siren- littlon and the nervous system they strengths and invigorate every organ the human body A Minna thatthe Minneapolis Bridge Company has been with to build the national bridge On for the Arthur Ontario A ern Railway now between Port Arthur and Winnipe Grasp All and Lose AU ONE OF TUB one at each of the four corners of town Heavy guns of thu are Installed fieri under the direction of Carman Dutch and Men have been drill ed to train these guns effectively and the town is supplied with pro visions to withstand a siege Then turned his attention to field artillery He sent agents to France and They bought latest and most improved firing field guns Not only did they buy the guns but hired German and French officers to go to tho Transvaal and teach young Boers how to handle the weapons About years ago the Transvaal purchased eight batteries or guns of latest and best quick type from the French firm of These guns not delivered until a short time ago but are supposed to have reached Pretoria just in time for use In the present war The gun fires a 13- pound shell In practice- against targets composed of six wooden frumes each with an area of square feet six of theco guns fired each six rounds throwing each shell at an average of seconds inter val and making numerous hits An ordinary field gun In the same time would have fired only one or at the most two rounds The wea pons therefore fire three to six times as fast as tho ordinary gun with which most batteries of artil lery are armed Among their now heavy artillery guns the Boers have several big guns These are of French manufacture also and it is doubtful If have anything better at their command There are two types of quick firing guns used in the British army first is which was used by the troops under Lord Kitchener in the Soudan The other Is an adaptation of the ordinary OK COUNCIL CHAMBER AT blood makes them independent and have both lime and inclination for fighting whenever excuse Is offered The educational system of the Government is broad and liberal and the result is shown in the superior intelligence of the youth of the nation The department of education Is under a superintend ent who has under him a large and efficient corps of Instructors There about 80 fine Government schools with a staff of ISO teachers Government schools arc of three kinds town ward and peripa tetic schools To teach them the in structors divided into first sec ond and third class according to grade of their certificates from board of state examiners This board can grant certificates of pro ficiency in law land surveying and In science literature gemrally The only higher education schools supported by the slate ore institute and Grey College both of which are at In these Institutions the students are pre pared for matriculation at the Cape university in Cape Colony or Vic toria college at hike the Boers of the Transvaal people of the Orange Free State depend largely upon nature for their supplies there Is no such thing as starving them out- The principal lands best to stock raising and arc utilized solely for such purposes There is however a strip of land from 0 to miles wide along the border which Is extremely fertile and do- voted to raising grain The chief legislative body of the Orange Free Slate is called the which holds its sessiins In the or Council Chamber in the city of FOR Winter Dry Goods OR Clothing Without first examining our new stock and prices We have some good bargains Just arrived Fresh Good Cheap The Leading House Sharon Victor of THE QUEENS GRANDSON of CfcrfMM Christian Victor of wlgHolstein who accompanies Sir Bedvers Cullers expedition to South Africa is the eldest son of Prince Christian of and Princess Helena This is the first experience of the young prince In active serviceexperience that rare for royolty When British the erratic King of this royal sprig was with them in the field and was a credit to all through the campaign Many people are so intent on grasping alt that they lone strength of nerves appetite health Fortunately an adaptation me however these may be restored field gun which fa converted to a by taking Hoods quick firer by a carriage designed by which has put a business man on the road to success by him good digestion strong It does the same thing for weak and tired women HOODS PILLS cure head ache In A large number of school children were the ice on the River Lye near Belgium when the ice broke and forty of the children were drowned CROUPS COUGHS AND COLDS all quickly cured by It lessens the cough almost instantly and cures read ily the obstinate cold Man ufactured by the proprietors or Davis Wells Stevens bending factory at London Onts was wrecked by the explosion Only one man Mr Joseph Ho was severely scalded CHASES OR WTWRHGUBEAU to by Improved Blower Heals the LieutenantColonel Sir Clarke This gun It Is said has been found of considerable utility but is cer tainly not equal to the quick flrers in the possession of the Boors Some time the Transvaal Gov ernment purchased three of the most guns in existence These were also mode by the firm TWO ate of calibre and one of 12inch The lat ter weighs CO tons fires a shell weighing half a ton through four feet of steel Tho two smaller guns fire a shell weighing three hundred weight- These guns wore bought when tho Transvaal Government ex pected to get Bay They are now mounted outside of Johannes burg Nothing would be appreciated more by man as a Christmas Gift than one of the Shannon pile Cabinets manufactured by The Office Specialty Mfg Co limited Factory Newmarket and Bay St Toronto Notre Dame liUIU I TO EVERY ONE M m la it- LAlATTttpcttit Yea CHRISTIAN VICTOR He I a product of Wellington School and Magdalen College Oxford and in his university days was most approached tuft in the scnool His humor Is irrepressible but his hardy work as an athlete together with his Teuton blood inclines to a life of just such activity as he can find at the scene of war The prince s mother is the second daughter and the fourth child of Que hence Christian is Her Majesty grandson He was years old on April last Ho was With despatches the other day to maritzlmrg from Just be fore its investment by Boers New York Dec 19 Seven lives were lost in two big tenement houses which were destroyed by in the early to day The Improved Blower Given Pies with box of Dr Calirrh Curt It the ap pliance sevltfid to reach the of disease TWO LOTS On Situated near the old Sale on Terms Real Rotate A Bent ftiop In and h rtjkff- fir A cures Blower sea iiuil And Ho Old A pompous traveller put up for the night at a small provincial ho tel and before retiring left explicit instructions to be called in time for an early train Early in the morn ing guest Was disturbed by a lively tattoo upon the door Well ha demanded sleepily Whats the matter Ive got an important message for you replied boy outside The guest was up in an In stant opened door and received from the boy a large envelope He tore it hastily open and found in side a slip of paper on which Written words Why dont you cat up did Tho heliographers at and have unable to dis tinguish each others letters owing to the haze Col says the Cordons fought go grandly at Klamlslnagta that whenever ho sees a Gordon he feels inclined to lift his hat Only three words were to the cablegram Sir George White Sent after the disas ter at but the Boers firing at train which left with French on board a shell passed trough compartment that la Which general was t Farm to Soli or 100 acres on the Line of a JiUnj- half from dtpol orchard or tret Good farm Apply Newmarket Every person who has ever doc- for catarrh knows that the great trouble is to get the remedy to desired spot where it can the ulcers and eradicate the from the system difficulty Is overcome by means of a most blower which is to be found in box of Catarrh Cure By this blower the preparation Is sent direct to the diseased parts Us the the ulcers ana lively cuees catarrh Dr Chases Catarrh Curt Is prompt and effective- in action It clears the air makes breathing free and easy re lieves the pressure which causes and deafness stops the In the cars and droppings the throat sod counter- acts foul breath thoroughly and per- J the system apply to a box blower free all dealers or Co FOR BALE J One Carriage or Saddle ALSO A Pair of Nice Drivers SHERMAN Point Tamarac Wood For Sale Either by tho cord or by the acre Apply to FOR SALS 00d or would for good dry wood tuqwlro at S

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