fy i Weeks WHAT OK IK ABOUT TOWN fit Spooled Day am find pm On account of fall Id upon regular night of the mooting will bo hold on Tuesday log Deo when the of officer for taken Mr Elgin of Town In Buff Wyandotte at the Hamilton Poultry Show last week and won with Nobody could do better The Ministerial Association met in MothodiBl Church parlor Monday after- noon whin A an excellent piper on Dr Strong book Now City loaohoa upon social questions of day King It wae reported in preoa on Wed nesday that a motion would bo at Hall yesterday to quash a bylaw of Ktn Township giving a to proposed and Aur6ra clootrio railway of Up to hour of go- log to press last wo had not result A meeting of workers in town and vicinity is to takoplaco in the Friends Room on Friday evening Deo at eight oclock to Normal Study Mr A Davidson will review Leeson No Tho Christ after which the dates of meetings will bo and other arrangomonta completed direction of Mr Hopkins Normal Sec retary for North York Fancy and Butte China kinds to from at ranging in prico from to par Rink decided to accept the Band and engagement for Friday night during tho season They will also build a special for their comfort On account of extra outlay and the proposal to charge So to on Band Nights not being popular It been decided to do away with extras issue Season at following prices Gents Fam ily of three Family of four Family of five Children under years Tlckota will bo ready for sale afternoon Christmas Gifts The presenting of Christmas presents haa its origin in the visit of the three wise men to Bethlehem where bowing before the Babe in the manger they placed Him presents of myrrh and gold example the example that you follow today years after the Magi made obeisance to the Child and when you place presents the little ones who are made in the image of the Divine you are doing what done by the kings but remember that to carry out their example to the full the babes in the mangers the little ones In the hovels must not be forgotten Nice t With plenty of berries at Lehmans Drug 2w47 What About It The Toronto makes observa tion If the nine young who wore caught in a gambling house on on Saturday night after oclock had been kept at work by their employers till that hour bow would have kicked I Yet the strain upon their nerves playing the royal game of poker with a very small and Christmas at door was equally as great as their ordinary This scene belongs to Toronto but what about the whisperings on the streets of Newmar ket The suspicions lately aroused have many a heartache These things are sometimes covered op under the of respectability bat it is like playing with tire Christian Church Christmas by pastor next Sunday morning and special by choir On Sunday the choir propose to a Cantata entitled The Story of On next a Tree and Christmas will bo provided for pupils of Sunday The Fuel Bill This fa soeon of the year oo Light Station All week tho dynamo starts at In tho and In motion till or next morning weather dull last Tuesday that it was 11 when was shut down light for about out of Four more cava of are being delivered at tho Water- Worku this week Mr J Is wired for ten more lights A motor was put In at St Johns on Wednesday la waiting for aupplios to finish throe Jobs Mr rcaldonoo Mr Roches and and shipping department at the Special Works of Ontario Hockey Association mot In Toronto laatFrlday and arranged play for approaching ton clubs divided Into four sections are sobcdalod in tho senior series and Slabs aleo divided Into four sections will play in Intermediate Thoolobs will moot on of tho first named club and on a not later than scheduled one Tho schedule Section A is as follows Jan A v Jan VBdrrte Jan Or i I ha v Midland Jan Midland v Barrio Jan Winners of A v Jan 16 Newmarket v Toronto University Toronto University v New- markot Jan 30 Winner of v Died in California A copy of the printed in On tario and dated has reach ed us in whioh wo notice death of a young man It says What a shadow over the heart la Hung When the requiem of loved and I Frank son of was born in Newmarket Ontario Canada July 10 Ho with hie parents to Ontario California Deo and un til four ego he was in constant em ployment At that time he had to give up his oc cupation in Los Angeles and returned homo whore be was under medical treat ment for three months but not receiving any benefit he returned in February to Los Angeles and entered the Good Bam- Hospital where he underwent an operation for tubercle of the shoulder bone The operation was a success but the disease had entered the lungs and ultimate ly was the cause of hie death operation be remained four months in the hospital after which he re turned home and was under medical treat ment until his death December 1 1899 He had many friends whose heartfelt sympathy he had in lingering illness and who will his genial presence from among Co Just opened up ft of High French omery and ToHvt Soaps ranges from to and Soaps to cake What nicer for a present for a lady I Institute An Meeting was In market last Saturday it was arrang ed to hold two regular winter meetings of as follows Aurora Thursday Jan Albert Friday Jan Supplementary meetings will alto bo hold as follows Friday Fdb 23 Sutton Saturday 2 Monday spoakors and list of subjoots wore all arranged and will bo aunounped later Clubbing Weekly Globe for 81C0 Era and Montreal Witness for Era Globe and Common vola Era and Weekly Mali Era and Montreal Star including pictures Farmers Era and Daily World v ft Journal Toronto 40 Era and Toronto Star Balance of to new subscribers 1 Sabbath a high day at this pastor is to be congratulated on having a famed personage aa Prof McLaren to hie pulpit quite appropriate for occasion Under figure of a tho reverend gentleman ably pictured the symmetrical and chris tian as ropreeoutod by Ieter in his epistle And first chapter Faith is the root manlinesss and knowledge inter woven form the stom while the other which may bo called the repre sent our duty to ourselves our God end our follow men After morning service a solemn an ordaining the four Elder was by the pas tor after which Dr spoke to tho elect and the congregation setting forth their duties and toono another Tho choir a beautiful anthem at morning service In the evening Dr preached one of fineet sermons that one would wieb to listen to Although an elderly flentleman yet he possesses great of thought and power of delivery Should the Dr over come back to Newmarket he will be greeted with the church crowded to the doors Mrs of Toronto sang a solo which was well rendered There will bo a special collection taken up next Sunday in aid of the poor of congregation This will be a golden op portunity for those who have plenty to help those who ore In straightened circumstan ces and make a Merry Chrletmae both to the givers and the receivora The praotioine speolal music for next Sunday On Thursday evening of this week the Annual Tea and Entertainment of the Sunday School will be held Church Last Sunday the pastor exchanged pulpits with Rev Mr Sparling of north of Bradford in response to very urgent request Mr Sparling gave evidence of improvement both of de livery and depth of thought since he sup plied here some three or four years ago or one of our pastors Miss MoNabb of To ronto a very strong soprano assisted the in the morning service and yery kind ly rendered an appropriate solo Friday afternoon and evening the of the Sunday be enter tained at Tea the Room Par ents will please tee that baskets are sent before three oclock if possible Last Sun- day there were In attendance Special Christmas Music by the at both services next Sunday and Christmas sermon in the by the pastor Also a similar theme In the evening The Sunday School has decided that its Fund shall be divided as follows per cent for debt and percent for support of Mr Norman In Japan Tha first quarterly Installment Is to be taken up on Sunday Closing The having completed their exams last Friday was the dosing day of Miss engagement as teacher in the Senior Department of the Model School and it was signalized by a musical end literary hour Tbe other Divisions were dismissed at thus giving the teachers and pupils an opportunity to hear the program Russell acted as chairmen and various numbers were executed In a manner which showed care ful training and ability on behalf of the teacher was specially so in regard to the two part by the pupils in the Fa system showing that they bad made great progress in this line The recitation in unison entitled Jolly Cooks by about a dozen boya in costume was quite unique and captivating At the of the program Ethel stopped to the front and read the following address Kilty Dear Teach We feel that we can not allow you to your connection with us without trying to express in some meaaure our appreciation of uniform kindness toward us and your efforts for our intellectual advancement So we ask you to accept this book hoping that you may read it with pleasure and may serve to remind you of your pupils In Division of the Newmarket Model School Wiihing you a Very Merry Christmas and ft Happy New Year During the reading Irvine Ross made the presentation of a handsome bound vol ume entitled it translation of a Persian poet Miss Kelty was completely surprised but made an exceedingly unique reply Brief speeches followed by Messrs J A and L and program closed by all joining in the National Anthsm There was attendance of visiters and she room was specially decorated for the The children evidently en Joyed what Jhey we assigned to do and occasion will be a green apot to them Id memory of school daj A horrible occurred in this Saturday night by Mrs Rogers lost her life She was on way home in an open livery At the intersec tion of Church and tho was by a trolley and lira thrown but but picked up on the from which she was thrown under oar Death ensued the injured body was ox- from under the oar A occupied by Mr Herring Park was burned to the ground Sunday night No knows how fire originated as Mr and Mrs Herring were out or a drive when it broke out The many friends of Mr E Morris one of the of the Ontario Bank were shocked on 8unday last to hear of his death from heart failure on that day Deceased was years of ago and well known throughout On tario A successful raid was made at down liquor last Saturday night and no less than ten men most of thorn unknown to the police as being gamblers were marched to quod but bailed out by a sympathetic before daylight Both cards and money were captured by the con- stables when making the arrest Sunday last Century Fund day in Metropolitan Methodist Church and the subscriptions and collections amounted to 60805 The Church promised to raise and there is every prospect that the whole amount will be raised The military concert at Hall last Saturday night waa a great success Captain Orillia Captain Marsh and Captain Camp bell in Saturday talking over business with Dick district passenger on foot to establish fou hotels on Lake two on Big Bay Point on Strawberry Island I Mrs at her residence on Wednesday of last week The Coroners jury at the inquest in case of Mrs Rogers who was killed laafc Saturday returned a verdict to the effect that the Street Railway management is answerable for the accident but that there was also contributory negligence on the part of the driver of the sleigh Six hundred people were present at the annual At Home of Knox Col- lego Literary and Theological Society last Tuesday evening DRY Shirting factory Cotton Heavy Double Breasted Shirts Shirts and Drawers Mens Gloves lined regular for Black Beaver Cloth Winter Vests from Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for HO RY Having Urge purchases of both Ladies and Childrens Hosiery before advance in price we can still quote you prices as low as ever pounds Bright Sugar Iargo Pickles Tapioca per lb t Dome Black Lead 1 lb Jar Mustard with Comfort Soap Kclipso Soap Surprise Soap Sardines Round Tin Finnan WW Hemp and Canary Seed WW Epsom Salts Ground Alum Icing Sugar By trading with us you save on every dollar you A- Xmas Cash Market Thursday Dec CORNER on rT3 A X El AND Is what you will have if you buy your AND SH MEWS AND CLOTHING FROM U Brief lota We our thousands of a Merry Merry I The merry sleigh bells ringing Friday and Saturday but the enow has all disappeared egain Dont leave your Christmas shopping until the last minute Give the shop keepers a Thick clouds almopt prevented at the eclipse of the moon last Saturday night Many shoppers are acting on the excel lent that buyer gets the of the holiday goods From every point of early baying is the beet Dont forget to read oar Christmas Page No This is nomination day for municipal officers Electors of Newmarket meet in the Town Hall to night The children are feasting upon the Christmas novelties shown in the shop windows had a great time skating on the pond last Saturday afternoon Most of our are aware t their subscriptions to the expires on the last of this month and a good many are already renewing for whioh we are ex ceedingly thankful There are bargains In a Town store job t as well as in the Metropolitan establish ment Business is business and a live business men will tell you through the newspaper what he has to offer Head advertisements always A family jar In St Patricks Ward was the sensation on Saturday night the Era to some distant relative or friend for a Christmas present You not spend a dollar to better advantage be sides your kindness would be appreciated- fiftytwo times in the year would not be forgotten in a fortnight The stores will be open till 10 oclock to- night for holiday buyers dont send personal cheques to pay for the unless you add for bank all did well at the final exam and ft Is quite likely all will pass They sll highly of Mr For- bans ability and attention The Metropolitan Office here is In charge of Mr good fire in the waiting room The number of the trolley la constantly in creating of Jan for the big Con cert in Hall See po3tors next vrck 7 This Divine Talks Sense New York Deo 18 Dr J Savage of the of the Messiah preached strongly yesterday in favour of the English side of the Transvaal controversy Among other things he Baid 1 believe friends that a dis aster to England would be the great est calamity thatjould be conceived next to the destruction of our own Re public I believe if worst comes to the and there was a war be tween Russia and England in the east for the two world ideals which they represent I believe America would owe it as the highest duty to God to place every ship every gun every dol lar she possessed at the and be side England Every person in the congregation applauded Ladies Fine Boots all kinds all prices Ladies Strong Boots all kinds all prices Mens Hockey Boots all kinds all prices Boys Hockey Boots all kinds all prices Ladies and Misses Skating Boots all prices Ladies and Misies Cardigan Overshoes all sizes very cheap Mens Heavy Rubbers all kinds all prices Mens and Boys Moccasins 65c and 100 Ladies Felt Boots Laced or Cong very cheap Mens and Boys Underwear all kinds all prices Mens Wool Socks and per pair Mens Fine Shirts all kinds all prices We have the Only NeckWear in Town You can get aGood Tweed Suit from us for 500 You can get a Good Beaver Overcoat Blue or Black from us for 4 You can get a Nice Black Suit from us worth 13 for 9 All the WellDressed Young Men in Town get their Furnishings from us The Estate To the Editor of the Era Dear Sib contained a feeble and pointless criticism of me from my brother In reply I will say that aa a matter of fact tha Estate amount to much more than he states it will that it was at one time valued at a approxi mating my estimate and every one in this community who ban had anything to do with it know that its real management fallen very largely upon me very truly J A Atkins on National Company has I begun the work of moving the mach inery from the Indiana bicycle plant in Indianapolis to Hamilton H M Winter of Berlin Out who waa found guilty of attempting to defraud his creditors has been sen tenced to eleven months in the Cen tral Prison and fined Ho ia said to have lost by gambling Ont Deo house barn and drive house of Abe aid seven miles from here with all their contents were totally destroyed by fire last night also seven horses and some cows Said to bo all insur ed Walter P and one of best known engineers in America died Deo at the Law rence Hall Montreal he made his home for a great many years Al though years of age Mr about up to a few days ago when he became afflicted with extreme weakness and although splendid intellect was bright to end he kept getting weaker until three morning when he peace fully away remains taken to London for interment CHRISTMAS JEWELLERY THE l buyers will find this a place to spend a dollar and buyer will find variety equally in both costly and inex pensive goods In RINGS STICK PINS COKF SILVER STATIONERY BETS EBONY EBONY BRUSHES PURSES CLOCKS COME AND SEE Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Store NEWMARKET ood JUST OPENED Rag Weaving kundy wished to Inform the public that he moved fiaxtoni on and that he Co Loom with all the late improvements to date and that ho la Spared to do Beet Work in Carpet CaUand ee Send your rasa in WANTED-SEVERAJiPE8fiONSFORDI3- irlct in county to represent mo in their own and oouotlea to pay yearly payable employment opportunities Reference exchanged Bool mo telfaddrcccod envelope fl A Park Building All the best makes in the following lines CARVERS IN CASES AND SETS PEN AND POCKET KNIVES SCI8SOR8 ALL KINDS AND Also a Fine line of TABLE KNIVES FORKS AND SPOONS We handle a Special Line of Razors which to bo FinkClan See oar CRUMB AND BRUSHES BREAD BOARDS AND A splendid lot In for Trade THE CELEBRATED BEARING CARPET SWEEPER a Nice Christmas Present We are celling for Co Toronto a line of Fur Goats and Robes Paid for Raw Fur J A ALLAN CO