Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Dec 1899, p. 8

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i rtv the WHAT FIND LAKE SHORE Wo lire living in hope that forXma Mr rurnorH of a wedding on Luke soon Mien Edith and Mia of Mich spent last week with Chan Mrs Chan was kept busy entertaining guests your friend a present of the Who went to Sutton and bought a load of coal then lost it coming home Mrs Eli is visiting Monde iu the of Wo deeply regret to of Mrs Win Homer of 4th con who wo informed had attack of hut ia some bettor Mr Jos and Mr J M Walton 10 Grand Division last week J Walton hav ing been elected Grand The fiesaiotia were held at St Catharines Mr Simeon Lemon has a sale of on Mr aud family have just turned from visiting friend the Annual School mooting of Methodists on Wednesday even ing also of King Christian School of No Con engaged services of Mr Gib- eon now tcaohing in North bury for ensuing year Miss Long is training the Mission Children for an entertain ment soon What about Children training Toll the not to so when a fellow dont tell doings week A few things the people would like to Railway Bonus hoisted Lano fence rcotified on A good fat turkey for for A big for their horses ELBOW CORNERS Our School been the now the renwm is they intend having- a Bay did you hear about tho fox captured on last Its a bird I Ho baa 5pen a gum for It It tips aoates at lbs any one beat it If so Jets hear from them Medical debility thtcc Of SHARON r Wo looking for largp Rations at Methodist Sunday Mr Hewitt has tho papor- and and is doing job church is going to look vory cozy Both of and L Hill of Toronto were vory popular pastors hero and every body in this vicinity will want to hear thorn preach on Sunday Tea- Meeting on Monday will no doubt bo attended al so Tea will he served in the big Meeting from to ttO and entertainment in tho com mencing at sharp pro gram provided Quar tette Mrs Connoli Mrs Miss Phillips Hill and Rev Koam Come and a good time ALLEGE CORNERS The Joker at liberty again basking in pure light and advice of Sun shine I know was a person of that stamp in surrounding sub urbs of Ravonshoe and wondered why scribes light was hid under a Now let us all improve our time discussing of interest and not live on Grumble street or Es tranged ayonuo One day good host of Keswiok dressed in crash apron and literally covered with white spota was accosted by a friond who says What aro you doing now Oh I Im improving my inn plastering the coiling and so ho was Hes had extensive improvements building a new part on back end and a now cbimnoy thereon Mr Torry also has a now chimney on his blacksmith shop Mr Sandy Munroe Keswicks tailor a reliable expert at The debility of KM been completely cured David town of Tones County there lie writes i I Dr Place duration I the time ln my became re fifteen pound In weight lo every ay It month too the medicine I When a man rundown it is hard work to run him up again unless the whole condition of his system is first changed That is what Hie Golden Medical Discovery docs for him It begins by re- from his digestive system all poisonous matter It fives tone to his stomach activity to his cleanliness to his bowels While this work is going on the Discovery also manifests its potency through the blood and nerves It fills the blood with rich red corpuscles and sends them vig orously circulating all over the body soothe and nourish the tired abused screeching nerves When a man has nervous prostration it isnt his nerves that arc wrong his blood Bad blood comes from bad digestion bad stomach bad liver bad kidneys Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery will put alt these organs in good order Golden Medical Discov ery contains no alcohol in any form It is entirely free from opium other narcotics and contains neither sugar nor syrup which are injurious to some stom achs Without any of these ingredients it retains its pleasant taste and qualities in any climate and under all conditions Dont let a careless or dishonest medi cine seller cheat you out of your health by giving you a substitute BALDWIN BREEZES 5v garters for those now Mr has moved lately pKrohasodi Electric lights to run Skating Rink Another partner to carry wood into the Hall Sidewalk from to Tory Corners and smaller men to walk it They aro too big they shove the over KESWICK By request of of Keswick Rows and reached Temperance from their respective pulpits last Sunday morning The Choirs had prepared music for the occasion Both sermons aro well spoken of At the regular Review of Keswick Tent M following were elected for the ensuing year Commander Van Albert ii Knight Keeper John VanNorman Chaplain D Physician Dr Greenwood Dr Law Sir Knight Sergeant Master at Arms 1st of Guards Terry 2nd John Marritt Sentinel Wm STerry Picket ii Past Commander W The new comer at M is a boy Day School preparing for an entertainment to bo given in Hall on Friday eye before Christmas W The WCTU have a lino array of talent for their Gospel Temper ance Meeting which will be held on Monday evening Dec following will take part Miss Earl will give a recitation Mr Sherman Smith an Miss Vera a story Mrs Mrs V and Mrs Walker givj selections of music The ad dress of the evening will be given by by County of Purity in Literature and Press work Subject work among Lumbermen We Had the pleas ure of hearing part of this address at one of our regular WCTU Meetings and it promises to be very interesting Those failing to hear it will a treat The collection of the evening will be in aid of that department of work The Band of Hope will meet Mon day afternoon in Temperance Press Cob The has commenced v- removing buoys sad closing lighthouses on the Lake and the navigation ea- setting hen out upon a hill which cannot be hid I couldnt guarantee it any safer from hawks and savages as he has auch a fine selection of poultry of different vari eties This week Mr J Murray will start graining in Mr E Mortons resi dence which will add considerable beauty to its appearance Mr Mor ton his gas machine in the new cellar and extra pipes connecting it with the store department Mr of Newmarket put in the fur nace and Mr built a partition wall separating the gas machine from furnace to keep them from con flicting as the gas might possibly es cape and coming in contact with the fire cause an explosion Mr Groves put the combination locks on the doors of Mr Mortons residence which are burglar proof As there is considerable thieving a- College Corners we would like to have put similar locks on the hen houses f Mij Draper is digging a new well on his premises Mr Stephen is improving road fence to keep the breephy cattle from jnmping into his garden so tie said Times are looking up and they bo stir ones feeling to act Mr David Cowieson took time by the forelock in getting his wood for cut up The rest of his neighbors are following suit Mr J moved into Keswick on the sly and didnt have to take the oath of allegiance either although ho left a good little village Several of our local sports are train ing their dogs to scent the foot prints of game If that jackknife is not soon forth coming the covetous person may get ten days in the wood shed Its pretty cool now Mr Winter with his white face we hone will set in by Xmas time Good sleighing and lots of roast will be appreciated bettor than a green Miss Hester Morton of Newmarket is paying friends and relatives a grand visit hero Hope theyll get the creamery erect ed at but I dont think they can beat our present butter mak ers Our friend Henry is back again in our midst looking hale and hearty He has had a long pull this season and a pile of tin to show for his tabors Mr Jas we are sorry to learn hag broken hie leg He slipped and fell violently on the ground Master Cunningham serious ly hurt leg Latest accounts think it fractured ORCHARD The Entertainment to come off last Monday night was postponed forawceon account of very unfa weather Mr Richard of East imbury formerly of is moving into week and will occupy the house Mr has been occupying Ho is engaging as engineer in tho Company and will no doubt give tho Company good satisfaction as Richard is trusty and reliable Mr Fred of Newmarket had a birthday party last Sunday and a couple of guests from Mr and Mrs Geo wore present Mr Richard Pollock of was down to the one day last week also Mr Lewis on Monday The Newmarket Era Is One of the most reliable papers in Canada Its editorials arc concise and its pages pure and whole- some its correspondence covers a wide area of interest and portence may be found in its pages It merits a largo patronage is was Mr Bert Milne of visiting at Mr Milnes Mr Morton of Medicine Hat W was visiting in tho village this week Mr Morton lived here a number of years ago with his father Mr Morton The rink sprinkled last Satur day night but the change of weather Sunday spoiled it Some of our publicans had some queer bets on the election this week Mr H has built a new shod on his premises The Mount Pleasant- Y P E visited P SO on Tuesday night last The hotel sheds are nearly finished and the cellar is being cleaned out this week Miss A and Miss E were visiting in Newmarket on Sunday Mr Harry of Zephyr hereon Sunday Mr and Mrs Thos Cunningham of Holt were visiting at Mr Jas Cun ninghams last week Our sidewalk snow Inspector has not had a very good season Mr Hill has had an old shop removed from the front of his premises Ho intends building a new implement house Mr is going to be caretaker of tho Rink this season Jim is a good hand and we all think ho will give satisfaction Mr was in on Wednesday selling the hotel buildings and lot the estate of the late Samuel King Mr J has on exhibi tion an old muakot manufactured in 1776 It is a rare specimen of the old flint lock with a bayonet on the end Mias of Mount Albert visiting her cousin Miss Stridor of this place A terrific wind storm swept through here on Tuesday last levelling fences uprooting trees and committing general JUPOK Miss Lena of was found dead on the line near It is supposed alio stepped off a moving train in the dark A old gentleman who seemed to use profanity when ho annoyed to express his exclaiming Bother tho boys been for the late severe weather our town hall and market building would have been completed Bother weather Jack is King now out boys are enjoying ice sports Its rather risky though The husband Be ye not yoked together ad monishes the and tis a most terrible state of affairs when a couple are so yoked one pulling this way the other that I know of a couple a dozen for that matter who lead this cat and dog mode of existence Uncle Pat must be lonely I see ho has lost hie last daughter The flower of the flock Harry Shaw captured nor Lucky Harry I thats all Ive to about it A tall yam from Uncle Sam When our wishes to blow they should do so after the American style Down in Col Bryans state wherever that may happen to be I they corn feet in tall So says an American journal One of our most popular young men hereabout is now convalescent after a severe typo of matrimonial fever So severe was it that a day was appointed for the administering of the last rites matrimony of the church Should a relapse occur his case would be hope less indeed An Owltownite has composed a chuck full of stirring patriotic feel ing which ho purp03oa firing at our laddie when they return from the Transvaal Ho dont purpose sell ing copies and getting drunk on the proceeds as some do The sons K A most vivacious city cousin was visiting Crittenden last week Owl has a considerable gift of the gab but tbisum set his head in a whirl Jingoism in Sutton With an energy born of despair the citizens of our sister village have taken desperate measures to establish a market It is reported that a large number of citi zens have chipped in to make a break and raised a fund to bribe the independent citizens to sell on their market At last Tuesdays market there twenty cents was paid for pound roll butter and eggs per dozen Away above Toronto prices Further comment I deem unnecessary They want ft market they must have one and by Jingos they will Thats the case precisely It somebodys trying gohCad village Some time ago were made for the purchase of an acre of land for a siding Price pretty steep Interested parties it said offered extra if they would not sell Conse quently havent any aiding I could tell of shabby tricks but space forbids Baldwiti a market a moderately fafrprlzeJist is offered Markharri Lacrosse Club so see is jubilant at the champion ship Look what Salty and I did seems to be their song Had it not been for the Doyle boys I presume their song Would have been con sider consider that the cow died on Come come this wont do the Newmarket lads must organize next year and lower colors Charlie is building a Lllli- skiff only 12 ft Joe Miller is going to winter in Ontarios Hub Work is scanty enough here and wages ditto Some of our Fee Meth lassies took us to task recently for loving songs bo much I should sing something bet ter they thought Now kind reader I leave it to you Is it any worse for those young lassies to ride a bike Music I just dote on it It Mils my whole soul and being For good music I would desert even a plum pudding or roast goose any day Books and music are my chief delight Wet weather on Monday Market small but brisk The Owl is pi easing to put- forth by various villages and the descriptions of local events are sometime very amusing I would to throw out a suggestion to the several scribes As is usual wo all enjoy something extra for Christmas now if would promise to fur nish double the amount of news next week and have it forwarded in due time to the editor we havo a 16 Christmas Number of the the beat you can friends and assist a deserving enterprise After the great amount of displayed on the part of the press in reference to the disloyalty of the French Canadians of this country is it not true that first man of the Canadian contingent to see death was a French Canadian a young lawyer from the City of Ottawa It came as a thunderbolt from a clear sky the downfall of Green- way Government the Conser- press in Manitoba expected a Government majority If can support three newspaper reporters and occupy a col umn every week there are a great many more villages that should be represented We seldom hear from Bethel Corners or Shorn- berg Oh what can the matter It is to think that the oream of the British Army are being cut down by the Boers Even our own Canadian Contingent contain some of the best young men who bo- long to moat wealthy families and up good situationB friends home and society to fight for their country Some of our sensational newspapers constantly writing that this Con may be in the thick of tho fight This keeps the friends and rel atives in anxiety the whole time THE GROOVE Our stock is now complete with New Valencia Raisins Choice V03 Currants also Seeded Raisins and Cleaned Currants this New Dates and Figs Citron and Orange Peels Cranberries quart New California Oranges dozen Fresh Boneless Cod Fish lb Large Salt Herrings dozen Fresh Herrings dozen Selected Finnan lb Largo Spanish Onions lb Davisons Pure Flavoring Ex tracts Pure Extract Fluid Beef bottle Davisons Baking Powder lib tin Choice Currants 7c lb Choice Raisins lb Our Beat Mocha and Java j pound I At Wholesale Prices WOOD WANTED Just arrived a large consignment of Fancy and We are going to sell it as fast possible to make room for more goods to- arrive for Come early and make your selections Pay Cash and get your Coupons Handsome HandPainted Souvenir Cups and Saucers to sell at regular cost price Gents Cups and Saucers to at 25c Fancy Cups and Saucers to sell at and Fancy China Bread Plates 10c each Fancy China Pitchers Fancy China Salad Bowls Bohemian Glass Dishes and Cake Plates Richly Cake Plates Gold Gilded Berry Sew or Dishes separately Venetian Glass Pin Trays Jewel Cases and Toilet Boxes 10c and 20c Fancy Colored Glass Water Seta with Trays from 125 to These goods will sell at sight to delay means disappointment DAVISON the MAIN NEWMARKET tenders wilt be received tho Deo to supply the with cords of Green AH must bo sound body wood sawed at least onehair Maple and tho rest Beech to be delivered by J Inspector Newmarket MILL have been photographed by opening their Studio market thirteen ago Bed New CORN bushels American Yellow Corn direct from Chicago This consignment was bought on the- prices recent break in Opposite Metropolitan Station Newmarket Market December Chid How pleased wo were to see the en largement of last weeks iasue of the Eka With a large amount of war news and the monthly reports from schools some would say it is easy but there must be amount of enterprise and skill on the part of the editor to arrange and classify several items of interest in order to make them Usually the weekly papers are at a great dis advantage in giving war news as the dailies contain the events as they hap pen and these cannot be reported weekly very satisfactorily In the present Bouth African war however it is different General Bullet is not allowing movements to be report and the daily papers have a very matter to obtain sufficient information to make interesting while the weeklies in the course of a veekmay secure a number of interesting In the face of fact that Canada is present passing through one of the most prosperous periods since Con federation it is surprising to note the great number of burglaries both large and small that are being perpetrated the country Perfumes Toilet Articles Gold Rimmed Speefcaeles Eye Glasses with well fitted lenses make a useful present No charge or testing eight Drag fa West SHORTS Pounds all fresh ground SALT Bbls Rices Pure Salt bought before the ad vance and will be sold at regular price 115 per bbl All above must be sold within next two weeks to make room for further purchases AUCTION la Newmarket log Bag Owner can have the tame by on John Manning at the Blackamlth and paying for notice OF w Comfortable airy rooms good board lw St New marl THE VERY LATEST AND BEST Pursuant to the will of Toole there- will be offered for Sale by Public Auction at the North American Hotel Newmarket on Saturday at oclock In the forenoon Park Lot No on the North side of Street part of lot In of Whitchurch- containing about a very eligible building alto and is situated Immediately West Mrs A property Terms Ten percent at time or sale In days thereafter The Drooertr will be out to a re scire Christmas Comfort Bray with he order from us The Patron of an example of comfort la apparel and to comfort wo elegance and giving you the of excel lence Wo guarantee you with the we make for you Get ready fortheClirlatma4 Fair Deo Stat my She Grata and Seed and Grader a very high clasa and Grain and Seed Cleaner Gradeh Thla mill has more capacity and better facilities for fast and perfect cleaning and grading than any mill made It en tirely different in motion and construction to the ordinary Fanning which enables it to do superior work we claim for It Our representative will call upon you shortly with one of these machines when you will have an opportunity to see It work in your barn We would advise anyone who desires such a grain and seed cleaner to procure one from our agent while with you as he will make more than one visit In year Dont buy any other mill until our agent sails upon you which will be shortly Our la low for such a superior article The Toronto Grain 8eed Cleaner Grader Co Limited to Toronto irlct in this county to represent me In to weekly own ami counties Willing to pay yearly employment with unusual opportunities exchange close addrOi5l A will be put up subject to id For further apply to Vendors Solicitor Dated Nov J Newmarket BALE OF At oclock Sharp ON Saturday December 1899 On in About Two Acre Lots on lot 1st Con of East Hills Auction at the Office over lbs lb to

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