Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 15 Dec 1899, p. 4

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v I 1 in Seven Dies of Consumption And Begins a Cold Bo by Dr of linked will Turpentine That one In every seven dies of consumption Is proven by government mid when la remembered that It la man end young woman succumb to the effects of terribly fatal disease ravages of conJ sumption fully realised Consumption always begins with cold and how dreadful must bo flu misery of every mother whoso dear ones fail prey to this monster as a result of mothers neglect to euro cold It id rarely that consumption Is over cured but It can always bo by a timely use of Or Chaws of and Turpentine most popular end remedy for throat lung diseases Dr Chasea Syrup of and pontine composed of best Ingredients over used for coughs and colds It Is pleasant to take prompt in its action and a positive cure for croup bronchitis whoop log cough throat hoarseness asthma and and colds of description a largo bottle at fllldealcre or Co Toronto i THE DUVAL FOB BEAUTY i or all Teeth by MHWflf who la Willi FREE SAMPLES to to nil lady Inquire which can by evading to Limited Manuvactoiuno OUT ftfiiSv wva Q o o o o THE PRAIRIE CHRISTMAS A Beaton of and Giving ante CHARLES ft o o cams about ft larger ban and the farmers felt easier dally than Jo the long of preceding The have reported a better solo of the varieties year and fast In a They have too re- more cash Cot them and lean on the than f the satin peri od- This tells the story better thou any amount of could and the best la the of the west While the Is still to buy practical is a that vl the west as as the cant In the selection of Indeed farmer Is the one wbo on the plalna car- I j- ii- J Manitoba BEST I 1 Patent FlEliD all kind Timothy Mangel Carrot and Turnip Beads of the DEBT VAIUKTIKB Mm Portland Ontario J Cor Main and Huron BO TftADC Designs CoPVfllQHTS C Sketch nifty optnloD free whether a tenubie ConuaODlc book on Oldest ftgeacy for Scientific American A fir- of any Term a retfjformoutbjfL Bold by all iiitr flu on p a FREE lAdt ft Km yi BOX far from the Wg glowing fireplaces out of the sound of the pines the son where not a leaf breaks the per fect line of the horizon the prairie Christ mas la a very different thing from that of cast In the cabins on the wind swept prairie the holiday time brings tht- keenest memories of he old days In childhoods home of family gatherings and of big tables heaped high with ths richness of orchard and field The dwell ers on plains have llttlo opportunity for such reunions have come one by In the bulging covered prairie schooners across the level miles of sod to their new home The next door neigh bor may have come from another or even another country History In a prairie community begins with day be fore yesterday and no questions asked The differences of nativity forgot ten when holiday arrives If not In the school on the Friday hero re the great day then In the same school- house under auspices of the Sunday school will be held a neighborhood re union In which all will join heartily and the gentle art of producing happiness will be practiced In these gath erings are at times pathetic For In stance out on the prairies one day the committee on tree met at the nod talked the matter over I wish I had of the evergreens that on my farm In Vermont re marked one Or the ones we bad In Wisconsin put In another WhmV the use Miking about them ft Is HO ml lex to given tree now and what are to doV was the com ment of a third The children want a tree Nothing else would do No we have promised that they shall have a tree and such It must be So they studied the mutter and In end came to a plan When the Christ mas eve gathering came on the little rostrum of the selioolhouse was a tree To bo sure Its branches seemed a little stiff and In strained positions but It was a tree The committee had taken a Cottonwood sapling gaunt and bare and wound the branches with green paper making the whole Into the semblance of an evergreen and such was the bearer holiday gifts that season Christmas Is a time of matrimony the plains Even more than In the cities the young people hold this season sacred to the god of Love The probate judge Is busy issuing licenses and performing ceremonies and the weddings In the lit tle cabins ore the events of the year Of course there is a chari vari to follow The western couple that that fortunate With shotguns and tin pens the boys and girls too sometimes gather and serenade the happy couple until the party Is In vited In to a treat If It takes all night The holidays are always times of sport but of a kind which the cities and the east know nothing of Tor Instance there Is the neighborhood hunt when all the young men form sides nod agree on a scale of points for each animal likely to be found at large Then after a day of bunting they bring In the game and have It measured by a committee which de cides who has won The losers are com pelled to pay for a for nil and after that Is Inevitable dance when jollity reigns or the remainder of the night Surprise ore yet In vogue and every must be prepared to have a party of drive up to the house at any time ready for an even ing of pleasure As the visitors bring their own eatables there Is less embar rassment than would at first appear With such amusements and with the good things of the market and of land for the Christmas dinner there Is little likelihood that plains dwellers will fall to enjoy tbe season Present giving among the settlers of the plains is likely to be confined largely to practical things There Is too much effort Involved In raising corn and wheat to spend any considerable portion of the crop In for the ornamentation of home or person During the days pre ceding the holiday the sleighs of the fattest and has best bank account these and be docs not care who knows It The present year will see very merry Christmas on the plains cud with good reason for It has been earned CHRISTMAS IN SCOTLAND THERE LB KIND OF OH ACHE THAT HOT RE- LOOKOUT IMITATIONS GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE MAMS PERSY Sag the public House on 1 Inform that bo to and that bo tint Celebrated Iowa Co with at to and bo Is rpari to do Work in Carpet CaJlaad ec fiend your la to Inform the puhllc he moved his ShooiMakJug to larger opposite thcToronto Jobbing AH kinds of Boots Shoe to all and attend to All our work or your A VfBDDTNO CTIAniVAUL farmers are seen starting home loaded with chairs dishes couches and other useful things- Rugbies and organs art among the larger presents and article of dress are very common in the Block ings Indeed there Is a tendency to that the time for the wardrobe and making a virtue of Being token In the spirit In which they are of fered these gifts are as much appreciat ed as are those of less useful figure In other But the west Is getting out of that rap- In tie two year has South Unci Fresh Unadulterated on hand to be a spot to wait for cars also for young making appointments with their Iodic whore they find to pallet Cheap foi Cakes Iced Ornamented at per lb and upwards Ladies wishing their own cakes iced and ornamented should leave their orders at once w HomeMade and Vienna always on hand Leave word and wo will be pleased to call orr you A of the Festival Dcaan at A Recent Date John and the Iconoclasts that led the reformation movement In Scotland were determined when they sep arated from the Roman Catholic church to diverge from It us widely as possible This divergence went much further I huh a difference In and church ritual It aimed at the destruction of everything which would tend tit keep the mem ory of the old religion or foster a lore for Its ornate ceremonies and beautiful architecture There were no trimmers among those harsh Calvinism They did not approve of half measures so they demolished most of the cathe drals In Scotland and the less preten tious religious were of those aids to devotion deemed so In Catholic churches To make the work of reform complete they saints days and holiday day alone preserved In the general proscription Since those times excepting among Scottish and Cath olics tbe celebration of Christmas fell Into desuetude and until quite recent years was no more regarded by the great bulk of the people of Scotland than any other secular day In the year The oh servance of New Years day was still continued hut the celebration of It bad scarcely any religious significance and was almost solely festive In character But a change has been taking place in Scottish sentiment regarding Christmas for some years past This Is probably due In part to greater liberality In sphere of rsllglous thought but mostly I imagine to the Influence of English Ideas and to the fact that such an ob servance Is fashionable Establish ed Church the National Presbyterian Church of Scotland for soma time has been assimilating to the Church of Eng land in ceremonial part of Its wor ship A form of ritual Is frequently used and in some of the fashionable Scottish churches vestments are worn by the min isters which not so long ago would hove provoked some Jenny to hurl a stool at the bead of tbe wearer more general observance of Christmas followed as a matter of course and Seottlsh people generally took more kind ly to It than they did either to the ritual or clerical vestments When I was In Edinburgh a few years ago service held on In many of Presbyterian churches the Scottish capital Gifts were given Christmas greetings exchanged and the day generally regarded as a holiday Its celebration however fell far short of Now Years day which Is still holi day par excellence of Scotland It la difficult to conceive how Christ mas can ever become In Scotland what It Is In England Germany acd many oth er countries In these lands earliest and most pleasant recollection of a life time center around the day and even In years mysterious lights and shadows are from It upon mind There is really no sentiment this kind In Scotland I do not think that Santa much as he Is regarded by American and other children Is much thought of In Scotland He is decidedly A foreigner there end would be consider ed much less real than the gliosis and fairies that more gemmae to the soil Scottish children do not expect him to pay them a visit on Christmas and dispense gifts with bands They do not hang up stocking to filled by this genial kind hearted old gen tleman and Christmas trees are decided exotics unless with a few here there In the urge cities Of course the story of the Nativity with It message of on earth and good to men could not be without the highest possible significance among a people so profoundly religious as those of Scotland are Christ the Hah di not to die Presbyterian tin- It does to thai of Roman Catholic and Episcopalians To children of the former In some countries the is a familiar sight from the year and appeals to the childs consciousness more vividly where sense of vision doe not Imagination Art not thus aid boys and in giving a reality to the Infant Christ and though story of his birth I a familiar one It does not affect their mind In the same way Among some of the Scottish Jlmnan Catholics in the more remote highland districts Christmas is celebrated on the of January according to die old Style of reckoning time As among rhe the Gregorian bus not been adopted by those belonging to the church and both Christ and New Years are kepi day later the dare or events USING THE HELIOGRAPH IN NATAL A London Black and White sends his paper this sketch of Boers messages from one commando to another In Natal The heliograph an up to date war device consisting of a movable mirror which sends flashes of light corresponding to the and dashes of the Morse telegraphic alphabet Messages are thus cent many miles The Hospital for Sick Children A Charitable Coring for pled Child fro All Parts of Province of Ontario Six From a photograph With another years work to And Its axe to twentytwo years of its existence children parents Hospital for Sick Children Tor- email fee charged None axe re onto has out report of admission For this Hospital wan good that it bis dona In years founded in 1875 by greathearted moa iho Hospital baa nursed and treated and women who saw the need of tho 3 children which is necessary for sick truly a great record Last year over and friendless children ones who children were treated in in- through misfortune disease and end departments- The could not help themselves though fame of the Hospital has travelled far today fame has spread and many Indeed for the little patients axe of the Hospital patient come from brought to its doors from all parts of stately homes as well as humble dwell province Some marvellous cure What charity ha so great a have effected by its skilful claim on tie sympathies of men wo- while many a little crippled cien and children child has recovered the uie of deform- The Hospital one of largest Umbo under the care of its aurgoua institution of its kind in tha No is spared in any world In it there accommodation for coxa when is least bone of children Today are expenditure proving beneficial than patient in the babies better bo procure the appliances boy and girls needed in curing deformities of cloaa affiliation with the Hospital many Hospital The Home for yea added thA convalescent wham important department to tha Hospi tal A building adjoining large Hospital on College street was pur chased and in it ware placed the mach inery and material needed for the all the who can be moved am taken to spend the warm months The Lakeolde Home a gift of a Toronto gentleman to the Hospi tal It is looated on southwest of of appliances need- comer of Toronto Island and in afferent cases of surgery An is a and one expert workman has been from great charity is supported by the voluntary contributions of the New York to superintend making of these to the exact meas urements and designs submitted by the surgeons attending case people of Ontario The ordinary e lust year was Yet thanks to the generosity of ths the expense has been greatly reduced and savings will bo effected l J the come I a bank overdraft of J5000 from homes where every dollar need- I tt for every day needs and whore the friend of the Hospital axe just a little could not possibly afford to that hugs in- supply braces supports and dehtodness will be lifted and piic apparatus let alono secure the attendance of eminent surgeons who their services to the Hospital Picture the Improvement that must a crippled child piteoualy buffering from some sad spinal disease lying porbnptin a dark corner a hard bed and attended lovingly but Intermittently by a hardworking mother Picture the Improvement in that childs of recovery when taken into the bright atmosphere of a hospital ward where it will be care fully tenderly nursed and where care of modern surgical and science will be given it It would make ones heart to see the surroundings of whore some of these little lives have been ebbing away until word of Hospital mercies baa brought a to the child and the pleasures of hope to the parents Wo take fit telling our read- era this noble institution for who known but of the little onea with in this district may even now have net- of Eta Services I The desire us to announce doors of Hos pital are thrown wide open to receive any sick coder it years of age who be benefited by Its pital for Sick Children will swing into the century free from debt The are making a special Christmas appeal for money to dis charge this debt They know they have the kindly sympathy of one for a mother charity which stands erect with arms outstretched ready to gather Into Its the and ailing creatures who are en titled to health the first great to a fair start on Ufas journey They will be to eend report or any require particulars to any reader paper All they ask Is a dollar romf each kind heart or more If you you can spars It A donation of will support a cot In Hospital for one year A donation of will cot for nil time And Is an appreciable gift For dollars will follow yours He who quickly gives twice Through the columns of the Toronto Evening Telegram each donation aill he acknowledged as well as in the Annual Report J Ross Robertson Trust Toron to to whom donations sent will send written acknowledgment of any soon as a oot We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ot Printing done see what work and terms vou can get at the Ei a Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial car book Invent ore Help and How you are swindled Bead us a rough sketch or mod your or Improvement we will tell you free our opinion as to whether it Is probably patentable make a specially of applications rejected In other erenow furnished ft Sicbtlwj In reii lieu Iaw XagicJ Water Worat Can DC 0a opBuggy or would ox- For Sale at a Bargain Span of Shetland Ponies Cart Gutter Hobo Harness Saddle in good condition Will ponies separately if so de sired JACKSON Town Carting All kinds of Teaming Short Notice and on DAVID MILLARD Car r

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