around the flat COR- tfflPOiDENTB0 fe V Mr took hie departure yes- for Toronto whore ho intends to for Iho future Simpson clothesline inspected Tuesday night and the V 4M A gloom again been cast over this by death of Mr Btephon Rogers which ooouxred on Wednesday morning last after hut a domnariivo short illness from Mr Rogers family have Empathy of neighborhood and particular go from fact that four gone and one daughter are living in to A Ihcul he very as vial wd thorn past summer Ho was years of ago and will bo in- tarred at Kotlloby on Friday Mooting at home at j pm from to cemetery It Is gratifying to report Mr P Bo- is considerable bettor Mr Prod Cook of Toronto is visiting pi Williams Mr John Smith and daughter of calling on frionds day last week Mr is an old of this village and is looking hale vices arc conduct ed this week by Roys Farrier and Robinson latter of At a shooting match on pm l at Mr J Curtis somo very good shooting was done ended with a chase over tbo fields for a tur key The boys enjoyed it OAK RIDGES Tho mogul locomotive of Me tropolitan By Co camo through last a trial and truly iteeomod to proclaim to street residents that tho high way was now a regular railroad and off of street If wo would avoid which is a powerful af fair Worked perfectly HOLLAND LANDING The weather continues mild and the farmers keep on plowing Misses MoConnell entertained of invited guests on Monday all report a good time Mr Johnston and mother spont a of days in our villago laet week y- Stanley Sheppard left on Monday for Brampton ho intends learn ing trade Miss May Shields is homo on a visit Mr Joseph Andrews of Bond Head was the guest of Miss Morning Sunday lash ELBOW CORNERS Every in our burg aro still plow ing away mild lasts Mr Editor although you do not hear from Elbow Corners fre quently things lively hero thing wo can boast of and that tho ladies Wo have of the finest girls you will find north of Toronto Did you over hoar story of two out in country They walking they came in view of a church somo or miles distant fcliko says to Pat Do you see that fly crawling up tho Pat says no but you can hear him walking Next Mr Millard met with an a few days ago He was working in a atone quarry and in some way ho lost his balance and foil between and feet among tho below suataining bad bruises and injuring his loft hand We are glad to hoar ho is improving and will soon be all again Mr Goo has a snug stablo now under barn Mr Graham was visiting friends here on Sunday Fur is quite plentiful in this dis- at present If the Joker has any intention of taking a load to the again it would pay him to come around Hay Seed AURORA Two dwellings belonging to tho Andrews have been purohased by Mr of King Tho receipts at tho High School ontcrtainment reached nearly Mr Riohard Wells brought home two deer Rev Dr Parker of Toronto Junc tion gave tbo address at Bible Society mooting on Wednesday even ing- The committee appointed to funds for prizos at the Christmas mar ket has met with good success and is already in hand Messrs J Flourye Sons aro mak ing an addition to tho plow depart ment of thoir largo factory Mr John Miller has purchased tho small dwelling owned by William Toronto Junction for 850 fa ROACHS POINT Mr lost a valuable cow last week owing to a straw stack fall ing on it Tho comfort of tho Lawrence House has been greatly added to by tho ad dition of a furnace The wildoat has been seen again at Morton Park by three of our local sportsmen Hurry up boys and shoot before the campers come next summer Wo notice that several of our young men attend church at Keswick every Sunday evening Mr Alex Boyd took a load of farm produce down to the last week Our minister favored one of his par- ishionors with a call last Sunday after church We hear that Squire wants to sell his farm We trust he is not thinking of leaving the neigh borhood as he will be greatly missed The Seer and his friends went to the Fowl Supper at Keswick oh Tues day evening Particulars later The Mr Latch of Uuirin Street returned from last week where he had been a few day5 Dr hie down and heart wo sorry to learn not improving having bad three to him The case Is Flo Glover of is suffering with a very bad felon on the of her Mr A ovor in moving a barn and build ing two long connected stono underneath two barns in form of right angle ono department for cattle other for horses It iu an excellent pieoe of work Mr Young of Union St has a stono pigpen underneath one of his barns built on modern improved methods Tho pen is whole size of the buildmg and the pons are ar ranged on side of centre alloy contains an enclosed scale where pigs can be driven in and weigh ed at any time and thus estimate the gain per week of each pig and count ing cost of feed calculate the profits On cash side of the build ing is a row of windows hinged so as to for free ventilation Mr Young of model farm- era of be township and Mrs Young one of best buttermakers He is also an earnest worker in the Church and School Minor hack from the Northwest and at his old job helping John Darius York and wife guests at Ben Von Mr sold a fine maw to Storey of somo ago and has a beauty from Samuel We read a great deal of rot in the journals about loyalty Loyalty does not altogether in a riflo and going to the front and shooting down his who have never did iota to him truly loyal citizens who laws of his Rev requested Rev Minor to preach for him last Friday Such interobanges of courtesies do to promote true Christian fellowship- pyrotechnio display promised for last Tuesday didnt amount to much A good clip on the head with a shilelala would I guarantee make a fellow see more stars than obser vable that night Thanks to scribe for the which was K Buttons market as compared to Baldwins Is as a tater bug to a baby elephant Monday at Baldwin was a record breaker Sovenbuycrsinctud- several now The Owl Council For Bra The On TUB BONOS TAX Dont Fail to Consider Tho ratepayers in the bonus district of King Township who object to tho imposition this year of the rail- road- bonus tax by- the Township Council have organized and submitted their case to one of the best lawyers in the city of To ronto who upholds their contention and aces the levy is illegal The bonus district covers polling sub division No and Formal no tice has been served on the collector that any attempt to for the railroad bonus tax will bo followed by a personal against him and al so against the municipality for dam ages The collector refuses to take any taxes unless all is paid The rate payers tendered all except the bonus tax so the issue will be forced when he makes a seizure The ratepayers are confident and will fight the matter out In the meantime the taxes are not being paid in by those who are standing up for their rights The meets on Saturday when no doubt the collector will get his instruc tions and this will bring the matter to an issue The Davison Gash Grocery Mr Anderson has started re building tho hotel sheds and stables The Methodist Church sheds were overhauled and repaired last week Mr Frank Embury is homo again Mr Chas Lewis is sexton of the Motbodiat Mr is caretaker of tho school and J W Lewis is caretaker of the cemetery in Mr Frank Dunhams place Miss Brown of Toronto is visit ing at Dr Pearsons Miss of Newmarket was visiting with Misses MoCaus- line a days this week Tho was stolen from the fair grounds on Oct was found on Saturday last Mr James Cunninghams lot Swiss Bell Ringers here on Wednesday last I wonder those wedding bolls going The weigh scales were overhauled last week and the people need not bo afraid to get anything weighed now Tho Salvation Array wero holding a service in the Methodipt Church on Tuesday night This is the selfdenial week The Senior League held an Entertainment last Monday even ing a very sociable time was enjoyed by all present Judge S Revival services commenced at church last Tuesday evening A yery cordial invitation is extended to all ft The services here last Sunday jV conducted by Rev Mr Brown who delivered an eloquent sermon Mr Thos has Icon hunting for some time ha re turned home and says he feels much better after hie trip as he had been poorly before he went Miss Minnie was visiting friends city last week Mr James Duncan was the guest Mr Anson of Mount Albert last Sunday We understand Mr Walter Hamil ton intends clerking in Mr Hoods A number of young folks spent a very enjoyable time at Mr Johnnie last Saturday evening Wo are pleased to see the smiling face of Mr Goo Rood again in our Mies Stella and Miss Philips of Sutton calling on frienda here this week Our little village ia to be quite a atirring place Messrs Barker and Wilder have finished their build ing they intend to use for the purpose of crushing grain Quite a number from around here took in the Hot Fowl Supper at Kes wick and report a good time Being on the same night as tho social at Mr Hamilton that accounts for there not being so large a crowd Whose fault is it that our young attend Zephyr church COLLEGE CORNERS fa around here wore dis appointed in not seeing the meteor dis play White trout fishing seems to bo pretty good as a good many lights are seen The truly modern residence of Mr Morton of Keswick is nearly completed Its tasty design reflects much credit to the ability of the archi tect and the contractors Mr stono brick and plaster work Mr Cattle assisting Mr Jos frame work and Mr JosMur- the artietio painter of Newmarket is putting on tho tasty touches both inside and out Its appearance goes to show that for a village residence it is beyond the ordinary Mr Wm Ferry talks of going to the shanties Mr Miobael new farm house is completed and its appear ance adds much to the vicinity The skilled contractors were Mr John stone and brickwork Mr of Newmarket plaster work Mr wood work and Mr wound up by putting touches inside and out a fine farm resi dence Mr J B and wife cer tainly had to hustle on Wednesday of last week to attend to two Weddings one at other near Newmarket The donations presented were unique The Joker was very during his toil at Keswick promoting the progress of tho new residence Indian Summer still lingers giving ample time to store away the many implements that adorn the fields ft Mrs Catharine was run over by a train at Chatham and fatally injured BALDWIN BREEZES Mr is improving Mr Kay likewise Mr has a new miller and Who do you reckon it is Why its Jas back again the best miller father ever bad He is a trustworthy hard worker and keeps the Mill as tidy as a ladys boudoir Some interesting times at the revival meetings here On Sunday week the minister in the evening service asked if there were any who wished to unite with that churchy Chapman signified her wish so to do After through tbe usual ceremonies professing christians of whatsoever denomination to come up and give the right hand of fellowship to which Methodist Christian Presbyterian etc responded A few were so as to remain in their seats Now as Mr against whom the slightest breath of suspicion can not be inmputed always foremost in works of Christian benevolence such a slight was uncalled for A joyous meeting was witnessed at our little cross roads station on Satur day were all the Tomilson family were there to welcome Charlie home As he proudly stepped from the parlor car first ma went for him then pa Geo took a turn at hand shaking then sister and brother whirled in and kissed and shook bands and when he got home there was dear old grand mamma and two lovely young ladies Miss Ida Tomilson and Miss Nellie Cedar dale waiting to welcome him Oh I tell you it was glorious The Prodigals return was nowhere compared with this All of shows how exceedingly popular Charlie well what about him Juetthis He- disturbed the service Friday eve by walking up to the pas tor grasping him by the arm and de manded Say can a man live without sin and are a persons sins all for given at once to whioh the pastor man responded of no and yes respect ively I cant believe you replied I know the scriptures as well aa you The pastor was amazed but this was only one of Whitchurch Council met at Hills Hall on Nov Bills wore presented by Toronto General Hospital treatment of Irwin 87 Hart stationery Rops to bridges Con 4 Lemon 149 yds gravel Reddit yds gravel 14 J A cedar for roads W Musselman cedar for roads Reynolds reps to bridge 1 IGOyds gravel making bridge Baker yds gravel 18 J iron for bridge J Brooks spikes for bridge 90 Claims for damages sheep by dogs was made by Jas Brothers 1 lamb billed damage 00 J Clubino sheep killed damage lambs killed damaged Lloyd lambs killed 1 damaged 10 00 Wm Dougherty Geo Wasley and J Buckle each paid for killing dogs caught by them in the aot of worrying sheep The Treasurer was ordered to pay the bills presented to the Council and two thirds the for damage done to sheep by dogs Councillor Clark was instructed to dispose of certain timber standing on side line between lots and Con Councillor Clark was instructed to have underbrush out on con line opposite lots 29 and Councillor Powell was instructed to make repairs on con line opposite lot also to repair railing on con line opposite lot The Reeve was instructed to repair hill on 8th con line opposite lot 18 also repair water course on 8th con line opposite lots 17 and Councillor Baker was authorized to provide relief to Mrs and family they being left in destitute circumstances The Clerk was instructed to notify the Metropolitan Railway Co that the crossing over their track on side line between lots- and con 1 is not in a proper condition and to repair same forthwith A bylaw was passed instructing the Clerk to hold the Municipal Nom ination at Hills Hall on Friday Dec at oclock also appointing the following Deputy Re turning Officers White Rose P Henry Smith P John Burk- P Simeon Town P J E difield Pine Orchard P May Vivian P Divi MoOormaok adjourned to meet at Hills Hall Deo There is a great demand for men for tho lumber camps per month was offered on Saturday for good men and not enough found to fill all the vacancies Parry Sound Can adian In appreciation of your liberal patronage and as a special inducement to encourage you to concentrate your future purchases in our lines with us we propose to give each customer a handsome pieco of Silverware free of charge for Cash purchases at our store V We give each customer with their Cash Purchase at our Grocery a coupon to value of ten per cent of the amount of each purchase whether it is ton cents or ten dollars Lists are provided at our store of the articles as prizes and the amount in coupons required to obtain each article Hero is an opportunity to save 10 per cent on all and at same time to secure this elegant Silverware Call at our atoro and see these beautiful presents New Raisins New Currants Crosse Blackwells Peels New Figs Dates Davisons Baking Powder 1 lb tins A Cash Bargain lbs- Fresh Gum Drop regular price lb Wo will sell the lot long as they last at lb Work Without Labor Easy Washing Compound in and 10c packages You can prepare breakfast do your morning work read the paper while is the washing DAVISON CO the I MAIN ST NEWMARKET On Nov a large parcel found on Button Owner to pay charges and take it away JOHN A 8IIBPPABD Bel haven Two Cans of Milk DAIUY DOM Address A ADAMS Farm Dairy Widmer St Toronto LOSS or stolen from lot la the 3rd of Whitchurch on or about Oct ftStb SPRING CALVES About old One was a rod heifer calf and a black and white bull calf Information to recovery will be rewarded by leaving word at Boa Office Any person detaining them after this notice will bo prosecuted lothin Boots DEBT FORSYTH Newmarket Card of What would make a nicer pres ent for a friend than a photo of yourself or family We can supply you with anything in the photographic line at half the price you would have to pay for the same quality of work in To- ronto PICTURE OP ALL KINDS Metropolitan Station Although mere words can only feebly gratitude yet we deelre to extend our most thanks to aU our kind neighbors and who so freely came to our assistance at tbe time of our recent se vere trial SHIS DAUGHTERS LEHMAN J Smiths cement floor the with any oth weekly for Lome news Mr Squire and Mr Daniel have nearly completed Mr Nevertheless the congregation think he was in the wrong As there were a great many Free Methodists there it was to Bay least very made the amende honorable Wat flews London Nov Gen force has crossed the Orange River and is advancing to Kimberley The Boers are conoerated on the line of march and are expected to offer a stout resistance Boer forces estimated at strong hold a position on the Mooi River on a line from to Durban They are confronted by British for ces and have already exchanged artil lery fire A fierce battle expected hero South of the are raiding and looting and have succeed ed In capturing stud horses valued at Perhaps you are in despair about the smoky mica in the doors Blip it oat and put it to soak in a dish of vin egar for a few hours then remove and polish with a soft dry cloth Yon will find it as bright as ever Specials Humphreys Specifics Camphor Ice White Pine Cough Syrup 20 Saxa Fruit for the treat ment of Constipation Dyspepsia Tablets something new good 50 Witch Hazel Cream Dr Carsons Bitters 50 CopcoSoap PERFUMES COMBS BRUSHES AT SPECIAL PRICES Miss It How the time to get your taken I am giving a great reduction of price on Photos for remainder of 1609 CO Cabinets 1 I ICO All having claims Estate of late Hunter requested to send In their accounts to the undersigned without delay and Indebted to the Estate are hereby notified to pay the amount of their account as tbe Es tate la to be finally wound up J ROBERTSON Solicitor for Executors Dated Nov Newmarket Tenders for Supplies All kinds of enlarged portraits in Crayon Water Color Air Brush or India Ink at half the regular price I will guarantee to give you the best work that can be in Town or refund your money Graham JONES OLD STAND The undersigned will receive tenders for supplies up to noon on DEC for the of meat butter dairy and creamery giving the price of each flour oat meal potatoes etc for the following the At the Asylum for the Insane In To ronto London Kingston Hamilton Brock vllle and theCentrat Prison and Mercer Reformatory Toronto the Re formatory tor Boys the Institutions for Deaf and Dumb Belleville and the at Brentford Two sufficient sureties will be required for theduefulfilmentof contract and forms of tender can only by makng application to the bursars of the re spective Institutions Tenders are cot required for sup ply of to thp asylums in Toronto Lon don Kingston Hamilton and nor to the Central Prison and Mercer Reformatory Toronto The lowest or any tender not advertisement authority from the department will not be paid for It Newspapers inserting this ill SITUATIONS In Business Field are constant opening to who are qualified to fill them I CHRISTIE CHAMBERLAIN Inspectors of Prisons and Public Parliament Buildings Toronto Nov a CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE School No East to next January Vale or romale Send toattmooJala and state up fni J HUNTLEY this A good strong TopBuggy would bang for good dry wood Enquire at or apply to St Toronto Oat received help within Three days from Oct Brad- Agency Lady Red Estate young men clerk and apher King stenographer Kent A Co bookkeep er King young man Ode students seooro places soon as they for them It will pay to prepare for them Invited L Dont Press Your Suit ssc your tliinsr on youll tetter to oke awing Bring them in today my Wo make clothing to and to wear you d to the and life of your otheeiy seeing that they aro kept prcatJ