Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Nov 1899, p. 7

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HALL NOV Weeks WHAT ON ft ABOUT TOWN J New and Seasonable Goods Just to Hand Ladies and Gents and Box Calf Easy Kitting Good Wearing Correct Stylos The cost is no than for inferior Boots and you Rot COMFORT AND GOOD WBAlt Our Box Calf and Don- Kola Shoo Dressing is the best for pre serving tho Leather and gives an Polish A Rubbers Are tho Best Quality WE KEEP THEM Interred Mr A got back from British Colombia on and brought with him body of Mr Walter Ow ing to ombalralng process friends permitted to look upon hi as if life which a great consolation to bereaved Roy A con ducted funeral service at Hoy I yesterday afternoon Interment at Kg Tidal John Moulds of East was charged Judge on Wed nesday with bis wife Ho pleaded not guilty and elected to bo tried by a jury Ho was remanded till Do comber Sessions or ball but tho re quest was trial of Freeman for Mr buffalo robe is also on next month Best of fill In theso days whoa of fuel Is and necessary outlay various in to cool from the and mako fact go further but of all aah sifters on market wo in saying that tiro one now being latroducod in this community by Mr it boat In least posslblo labor and al most without duet Anyone who trice it will no other China Novelties Wo always Something Now and Handsome A job lot of Majolica Jugs at and of Mr Hughes internal repairs A metal coiling Is being pat dining room Dr getting movo on this It wilt brickclad Mr Bailey who recently moved hero from near is putting up a now on Street back of Mr Partridges Mr on Cotter Street baa a now roof carpenters arc bustling on Mr J now addition Preparations for an underground Mr If property Convention prospects very yesterday afternoon for a splendid in Christian Church under auspices of tho North York Babbath School Association Delegates from all parts of tho Hiding and so far as tho know was no on printed program Last night Dr Workman of Toronto and Mr Alfred Pay of Pro Vinciil Association were tho principal will bo sosslous to day am and pm Roy John Noil of Toronto an workor will bo the prlnolpal spoaker to night and from imputation of Mr Noll wo arc tho will it a groat pleasure to hoar him Now Valencia just arrived New Cod the finest quality just received Comb Honey at 13 and 15c a Section GRAPE NUTS a very nutritious and wholesome Breakfast Food Excelsior is Finest Blond of Coffee Our Japan Tea at is to I Depot quantity of grain is being ship pod this week 18 cars tent direct to tho seaboard for being also oars of woodennare oars of sorap Iron car of car of mixed Block and or of general chandiee imports include or of lumber and ahfnglos oars of salt car Manitoba wheal for Mill car rower and oar of rosin for car of for Office Co oar of engines for Thompson and of mixed freight Whan la anything good on hand tne Era is to lot all Its readers know about it All lovers of good mnslo will make a note of Organ Recit al in Methodist on Monday evening Deo Prof Arthur of Toronto sorvicoa been at large expense a most ac complished organist aud his rendering of Tho Storm is said to bo worth the of admission Mies of Toronto is also a welcome vocalist here well as Miss Oliver of Newmarket Tho Church Choir under tbo leadership of Mr A will also contribute some beautiful selections Mies of Maple will vary program by several readings and altogether an evening of more than ordinary pleasure may be anticipated Watch out for programs in a few days Proceeds for the benefit of the Pipo Organ Fund Last Monday a new traction engine ar rived at tho depot for Mr Geo A Thomp son agent Mr Thomp son was so confident that tbo was all right that ho fired up at once and when steam was ready ho started It off Tho on- went like a thing of off car to the platform down tho to yard out to Huron street up Main street followed by a crowd of hoys up Water St and down On latter the wheels got into a and had quite a test but everything worked satisfactory all the way to Georgo was very proud of tbo new engine Another engine that on the same car for Mr Smith of was started on Tuesday and gavo beat of Hon Visible Thick clouds enveloped on Tuesday night and bright moonlight on Wednesday on neither occasion wan the display served by citizens Board baa mill monoy to spend on now book Any member knowing of a new book especially in that pleased to in library will confer a favor by leaving the title and author with tho librarian within fow days Gospel Good Program furoUhcd by tho Endeavor of tho Christian Church Mr in and organist Solo by Mabel readings by Miss and Miss recita tion by Coila Kooloy Royal Tem plars tbo program next Sunday- vr3iAr I The Reliable Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts The Laws Of the Land Do not you from Spectacle Vendors Protect yourself by consulting only resident and qualified Opticians Our optical department is At Your Service We make Change for testing Your Eyes This supposed to bo tho off season for rag but tells us he has or ahead of him yet Get your rags in if you want a carpet for Christ mas The boys at Canes Factory roasting the party that home without a taste of venison There was no quorum at tho mooting of fiohool Board on Tuosday night and Trustees will moot tonight Leslie foil off a ring in the High School Gym on Monday and hurt head Ho was flblo to go back to next day Mr Evans has added a neat com modious poultry house to the Royal Hotel premises An expert was hero yesterday assisting tho engineer to the Water Works pumping machine- Wedding Bells Ono of delightful occasions which eagerly and flllod with ox proasione of joy and happiness mingled with pleasant memories the homo of Mr Howard oo Wednesday whon his young est daaghtor became the of Mr was porformed by T Wocks of In the of about CO guests bridal party parlor while Mrs Weeks playod wedding Misa Bertha Weddol of Toronto was bridesmaid and groom was assisted by brother Mr Benjamin Howard wedding breakfast was in an elaborate manner and tables were sitting down at As It was to a day that Mr Stephen Howard settled on farm it was very appropriate that health of the should bo proposed which was very pleasantly responded to by Mr Weeks and in bis ho referred to the oldest married couple sitting at the festive board Mr and Mrs Joseph Millard of ket who have shared the joys and sorrows of for nearly CO years presents were numerous valuable and appropriate showing the esteem which the young couple aro held by their many friends The happy pair left by evening train for Toronto to spend honeymoon amid congratulations of their many friends On their return they will reside on Niagara Newmarket York County Council Christmas A meeting of the business people of New- market was on Wednesday evening when it was deoided to hold a Christmas Fair in on the Thursday before Christmas when magnificent sum of will bo offered in Cash Prizes Mr was requested to as SecretaryTreasurer Tbo List and full particulars will appear in the next week The following were appointed a commit tee to subscriptions Messrs J A Smith The following were appointed a commit tee to arrange List select Judges and attend to various other matters to ensure the success of the Fair Messrs A A E and Christmas Market hero foe many years has been a prominent feature of the noli day season but coming Fair will cause the market to all records both in quantity and quality for par ticulars ALL FLOW no on our last years attendance A daily of Thats where tho of competency has carried Into ibis and it the largest business school in Canada today The demand or the competent bookkeeper stenographer or tele grapher is steadily on the Increase We know it our experience proves it That demand will bo greater than ever in Will you join us and bo able to do something then A line to us will secure more infor mation Toronto SHAW piillionaifes Only a few people reading advertisements of bankers and brokers saying that money could be made through speculation realize that the richest men in America in a humble way and have mado tholr fortune through speculations Men like Jay Gould who worked as a dry goods In a town at Week up to his twentieth year and com menced to operate with bis small saying of in Wall Street left at death millions of dollars Russell Sago who worked as a grocery boy at per week and present wealth Is estimated at millions of dollars is still operating tb market although years of age and so are thousands of others who are enjoy ing all the luxuries life can offer which is due to their success In speculatlooa To shrewd speculator the same op portunities open today as to others in the past The smallest lot which can be bought and sold is shares on margin making 0 dollars Anybody interested as to how specula are can get Information and market letter free of charge upon ap plication to George A Co Bankers and Brokers Consolidated Ex change Broadway New St Johns Chut oh For some time Rev Father Morris has bad in view the better lighting of this acred edifice for evening and to that end has been- obtaining estimates as well as the opinion of persons competent to judge regarding the cost of such ohanges It has been customary for many years for this congregation to raise money for improvements to church property by means of a with its accompanying attrac tions but Father Morris although always very successful In that line is not in patby with procedure believing that the work of God should be carried on by the freewill offering of the people Tne gentleman is to be congratulated for the position and Is gratifying to know that the congregation are growing in sym pathy with the aspirations of their esteem spiritual adviser this year no pio- was held The matter of Improved light was mentioned to the and the gentleman intimated to them that if 9150 were provided he would un dertake the The special offering was taken up last Sunday and the was so gratifying that Father Morris felt warranted in pro ceeding with the The order was given to a Toronto house on Monday and the changes are to be made this week so as to have everything in read iness for next Sunday which will be a very special day to the congregation Father of Toronto has consented to preach a special sermon on Sunday morn ing on The real of our Lord at the Eucharist and may possibly preach again in the evening Large congregations are expected and special collections will be taken up to assist in defraying the expense of the improvements We might just mention that the changes include the following A magnificent electrolier for the centre of the A bracket fixture on either side of the chancel with opalescent shades A fixture under side of the gallery A 2light fixture over the Pendants in Vestry and Vestibule and also a handsome outdoor lamp Besides this a circle of red while and la to adorn wreath of the statuary placed in tbo church a short time ago It is quite that a meter will also be put in The members commenced the No vember session on Monday afternoon at Court House Warden Wood cook in his opening remarks spoke of necessity of formulating a policy for the maintenance of leading roads clerk has accumulated a number of documents from the municipalities in Ontario and United State the of road construction carried on by each with the estimated cost The warden referred in words of admiration to Col Lloyd and members of York Rangers who were among first of the Canadian volunteers to offer their services for enlistment on the Transvaal contin gent He hoped Council would express in a tangible manner its gratitude to her soldier boys who had gone to fight for the Motherland share of cose of run ning the City Hall and Court would be another topic A number of other matters wore also introduced by the Warden SECOND DAY Tuesday was spent discussing the Metropolitan connection with To ronto Report elsewhere THIHD DAY The Toronto Poultry Association were given the sum of towards the prize list for their annual exhibit ion A committee consisting of Council Ion Johnson Hall and Fisher was appointed he recom mend the form of gift bo presented to the York County survivors among the Canadian contingent on the re turn from the Transvaal The Council discussed the appointing auditors at the No vember session instead of at the Jan uary session so as to give them ample time to report The Industrial Home Committee re ported having sent Ronald Ratman to England at a cost of the pur chase of eight acres of swamp land with exclusive water rights from Graham at a cost of 600 and the erection of a tablet to the late Jane Porter who willed property to build the new east wing The crops this year were good About a telegram was received from Ottawa which was read to the Council by the Warden and ran as follows Railway Committee of the Privy Council have ordered that Metropolitan Railway Company be al lowed to make their connection- with the on the east side of street and that the City of Toronto must withdraw their prohibiting Metropolitan Railway Company from operating by electricity over that portion of street over which they hare the right of way Oar The pitiable of a man who at one time was the proprietor of the biggest clothing store in the counties appearing in the dock of a police court on a charge of vagrancy was in this city one morn ing this week Liquor is the alleged of the mans downfall Two youths and Harkin wore sent to the Central for five months for stealing overcoats from the Pythian Hall during a dance A bad bill nearly sent a waiter at one of the City hotels to quad He tried to pass it off on his landlady but during examination he proved hat he came by it fairly not knowing it was bogus City merchants are already begin ning to make their Christmas show Mr Andrew Rutherford manager of the Trust Co and well- known in banking oirdes died very suddenly on Monday morning He was at bis on Saturday Mr Wills manager of the Dawson Branch of Canadian Bank of Commerce arrived here on Monday He gives a favorable report of Yukon mining The gold output fop year will bo A girl to give her name but in possession was found a card which indicated that she was Miss Hall arrested in Eatons on a charge of appropriating a purse which a lady bad inadvertantly left be hind her John Varcoe who was shot dur ing a scuffle with burglars at his gro cery last week died the same morning but before dying identified the two men whom the police had arrested as being the two men who committed murderous deed One of the bur glars is also dead The body of care taker of Parliament street public school building who is supposed to have fallen into the water at the Yonge Bt slip and drowned was re covered during Thursday last Toronto Poultry Association annual show will bo held in Walker build ing King east from the to the of Deo Between the two political parties Judge Morgan has had appeals to settle before Toronto Junction roll was completed Mr Justice corrected a misapprehension of his remarks re specting searching of prisoners by constables after arrest His former remarks only to the particular instance then under consideration crook who tried pick a womans pooket at the late Markbara Fair was found guilty and sent to quad for three months If it had not been for his sickly condition the tice told it would have been a year Geo Brett who attempted rape and John for indecent asaualt on a tenyearold girl were sent down for seven years J Morris of Holt East who has been a resident of this city for some time Fridays Tele gram says was an unwilling pas senger out to Mount Albert that day He was arrested by County Constable Steeper on a of nonsupport ing his wife whose baby is only one week old During the past Hon hi Hardy moved hie belongings from the Parliament buildings to his home on St street The death of Mr D Gamble general manager of the Dominion Bank while at sea on his way home on the inst was announced by telegraph here on the evening of the inst Deceased went to London about two months ago to consult ex perts Ave crossing is a very dangerous one and at a hearing be fore the Privy Council Railway Com at Ottawa last week a decision was reached that there must be a sub- way or overhead crossing at this Ave But who is to pay the cost The Railway authorities want the City to be at the expense of the work the City considers the Railways ought to pay the shot because they created the danger by running their on a level crossing and public opinion thinks in this respect the city is right Word has been received by the mili tary authorities here that the thousand serge and khaki uniforms ordered with the idea that a second contin gent might be sent to South Africa will be issued to rural corps to be used in next summers camps 1 1 I Cold Weather Talk Is In Season We havo just added to our large stock A I J Comprising every size and variety of the beat makes in Canada for both coal and wood These goods were bought before the rise in iron and intending purchasers should examine them before selecting elsewhere COMPLETE WINTER STOCK OF SHELF HARDWARE Everything you want for barn or stable Reliable UptoDate Goods A ALLAN GO the Newmarket Book I News Depot i A TH Centpal Telephone Office Just came to- hand this week a large quantity of Package Tea which was held by a Toronto Bank and was not redeem ed We bought it at a big Sacrifice and will sell accordingly A Black Tea for A 40c Mixed Tea for A Black Tea for A 50c Mixed Tea for These are put up in lb Packets 25 lbs nice Yellow Sugar for Only chest left of that niceJapan lb STAR NOT ANOTHER it Just tj Made in 3 Styles 3 Sizes and Prices No No Letter Cap r There is not a business man using File that would be without them after finding now convenient they are Lawyers and Ministers find them just as convenient- The Ladies would not be without them if they knew how handy they are to keep accounts and letters Every well regulated household should have them The Office Specialty Mfg Co- Limited Factory Newmarket Ont and St Toronto Notre Dame St Montreal P Q From Richmond Hill comes a re port that a former vicar of the village named Gloss taking legal proceed ings against the estate of the late Walter to get redress for the loss of twenty sheep which he says were killed by two of Hakes dogs Nov The Cat Lake Indians received a sentence of four months at the Winnipeg Assizes for manslaughter Their chief went in sane and commanded them to shoot him which they did after much per suasion under impression he was a or possessed of an vil which would impel him to injure them Sag wishes to Inform the public that he has moved to House on and that he sUU that Celebrated Iowa Co Loom with all improvement to date and that is do Best Work In Hag- Carpet Call and see Send your race in Early Solid Gold 1285 Best Gold Gold Fill Best Glasses We guarantee perfect satisfaction GLOBE OPTICAL CO Yongo Street Toronto EXPERIENCE Anions diet sketch and Trade CormioHTtAo Oar Good Cook once per month A- Royal Newmarket Scientific American a

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