Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Nov 1899, p. 6

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7 COR worthy to ftficoiti- I- Frank Jordan slipped foil off a bo at on He sustained injuries and l V doctors care KESWICK is ROACHS POINT I i A of the Auxiliary Has organized how moot V- at WBao damaged Ibroo of his ribs by coming in contact with ft stump of tree ffhilo homo at night Our gonial tea one of bis MrGeorgo to To- Rumor to bo a wedding in Jon day will never Point as lonR an we Dads Army to V Mr Marchs hi getting bard Bettor throw out Mrl Fred ho saw a wildcat in Morton lost week He fired at it but it managed to make Was it a wildcat BALDWIN AlCo Parlor will bo hold at Mrs on Tuesday evening Nov Mrs I sorry to say is very bettor Mr Henry Kay is very bad with in- ho way to undergo an operation A consultation was on his Friday last tSo far as I can learn Judge Morgan has no vor given his decision in Pressor Certainly would like to know all ins and outs that affair roviyal at Christian Church attracting largo Mr scorns to bo a man of and origiuality Alarming of- matrimonial foyer in Gum It certainly must bo contagious as those ft it seems to bo spreading amongst tho young flymen Harry and several others are slightly affected If Harry gets it what a time therell bo Won der if its ravages could not bo by Our hunters with foil com piemen of deer Pringle shot a big buck an bid whaler the largest ever brought into these parts and won his spurs by downing two fawns Bo his baby bunting will warm all right beautiful Indian summer of last week mado the lazy man hustle to finish up his fall work as it is said to done with his lazy red in former days Late statute labor was done on last week An unfortunate pig visited the premises of one of our townspeople day last week and it took six men and to drive it away it not boon for so many places of re fuge somebody might of been oaten Our popular was behind the fence with both hands full of while was in open engineering dogs PO agent was on with a rail and of our prom- morohants was keening up his end of the fray from a collar window Billy courageous a with a bar of iron when Mr Pig to him a place of and pig walked off unmolested would suppose wore very scarce hero by observing many dressmaker had after sorvico last Sunday Oabsrvkr and MitwE Mar- ritt returned from the City where spent a very pleasant tlmit Mia Ida is visiting in Egypt this wcok Am a big turn out to Ringers next Welding bolls will soon bo chiming Miss is visiting Mrs illbe i Church next Sunday Topic by Mr Colo Mr Colpitis of Toronto preach- a very interesting in Methodist Church last Sunday morn ing Subject Temptations of Christ Mr Richard Morton who has stayed in for past months has returned homo Wo hope to see everybody and their friends at tho Fowl next Tues day night intend organizing a Panel of on Monday Nov to bo conducted by Mrs Dr Law of juvenile work who will be assisted by Mrs of narcotics flip children will meet in Temper ance Hall at half past oclock Tho Temperance meeting will lie on the of Nov Mr will give an ad dress A good program is promised by following Miss Rose Gibson Miss Council Miss Vera Mrs Van VanNorman Miss Terry Mrs Mrs will take the Chair young men were put out of hotel and were bo far with liquor that laid all night in an outbuilding Too bad Henderson is to give a lecture in Methodist Church next Tues day evening Boven cows killed in tho rail way track north of on Bat- Mr Nixon from was on J Constable Steeper went to tho city on Friday anal brought back J W Morrison who loft his wife and fain- V SHARON Hughes in week willbe in Moth- Tho ladies in with Methodist Churoh making on effort to organize a Aid Mies Wiilson was At Homo with a number of her frionds on day evening it being anniversary of her birthday Miss Edith has returned homo after spending a week with tho Misses Mrs W Fletcher of Toronto was visiting her siater Mrs J Wesley for a days this week Mrs 0 of Potorboro part of last week with her Mrs Terry Holy Communion will be adminis tered in James next Bun- day at am OAK RIDGES A good deal has boon said about the placed on rail way and some oven gone so far as to insinuate who guilty parties may bo and as affair took place in our immediate neighborhood wo bog to say a few words in defence of those on whom tho blame was partly attaoh- It was remarked that some of the boys who were at on this night had been playing pranks but this remark altogether out of as tho whole thing happen ed during the interval of absence of the boys We that aro no per sons in this vicinity ho hold malice towards the Railway Co and trust peo ple will be careful in their remarks about things of this kind It is to bo hoped the guilty parties will bo appre hended and an example made of them Well well I I failed to write this last two weeks but I was how could I Whore Oh whore is our harness- maker gone That now blacksmith that came this week is going to stay Ho is at A Quite a number from around hero attended tho Fowl Supper in the Land ing last Monday evening and report a good time Mr P spent a couple of James Bmith Esq of Jersey is days in Toronto last week of those good boasted souls who is J always doing good own quiet stylo goodness prin of James constitution Indeed I dont believe he could be bad if he tried James and the Owl been lifelong friends and for sake of Lang he sent over a basket of most luscious desert apples just exactly what wo were wanting How did Jaa know The fairies have told him f A citizen female was carrying off a tick full of straw from the straw- stack when the Owl took after her with a rope She made tracks Did she fear Jeff Davis fate i to be rV hanged o a sour apple tree The civil war of the Confederate states and Union 18G1 rise to some of the grandest songs ever composed In ransacking in memorys storehouse fragments of several came to light blue viz The faded coat of Just before the battle mother Would some kind friend forward mo words of those songs There is a great depth of feeling in their composition The root crop around here was a tremendous yield Everybody has good reports David Graham Esq Button West had had bad turn of sickness but up and around on his pins again Buttons darling scheme of busting our market isnt a go On the flimsy pretext that Monday didnt suit farmers they have changed to Tues day Monday suits the farmers at this market and so do prices Folks are just in including many of Buttons suburban residents Mondays crowd surpasses all previous ones The Owls wood yard the of much interest to who failed to lay in a stock last winter Not cords left to sell now Mr Frank Dunham has moved to Geo Wights farm north of the village and Mr Hazard goes to Keswick Mr Graham returned from the north last Sunday morning and brought a young fawn with him He reports an excellent time John Lewis has start ed to dig the well down at the Palace I guess we are going to a rink after all Judok Mr Wright has been Bpoken of as caretaker of the Cemetery till the meet ing of the Board owing to remov al of Mr Frank Dunham Mr James Bain has been appoint ed caretaker of the Public School of Holland Land ing was visiting at Mr Geo Foggs last week but has returned borne and to a tumor beneath her eye taken out this week by two doctors in Newmarket Quito a number have left the village who were residents here last year viz to the North West Messrs George Wiley and family and Harry Fogg Frank Morton Jo Toronto J Pol lock and wife to Newmarket Zephyr Geo Misses Pearson Alma and Marjorie Wight to High School The last week had a couple of stanzas in his correapondenco said to been written on the tomb of Lord It was instead of Lord Wellesley that the Englishman first stanza on and the Yankee the second underneath as follows Jr Mr Dales and wife just re turned from a visit with friends in Mrs M J of New York State is visiting friends and relatives in this section Mrs Matthews of Toronto spent Sabbath with friends also call ing on Mr Proctor her brotherinlaw Patriotic Night in Division hero on Saturday evening was it is said very interesting We deeply regret to record the illness which befell Mr Ferdinand on Wednesday morning last being taken with symptoms of a- stroke Medical aid was speedily summoned and- grave fears are entertained that his trouble may prove serious Mr Fox who joined with the deer hunters in Northern has we are informed shot his share of deer and is expected home Satur day What might have proved a serious mishap occurred last week While threshing on the lino Mr Wel lington in his haste to meet the do- the feeder bands cut his finger The Comedy Company will give an entertainment in the Temperance Hall here on the under tho auspices of the Ladies Guild of Christ Church Proctors Saw Mill on the line has recently been christened Yu kon Dr Toronto ft At Andrews Church Toronto Armstrong Black the pastor preached at powerful to tho Dr Black spoke from vl to especially clause 1 verse For wo wrestle not against flesh and blood Dr Black referred to writer who was then a poor decrepit harmless- looking man but who had been a groat soldier They were then in garb of war In an hour of It was hard to realize that sound war was in the air hut all had great battles to fight in their own natures battles for which was their eternal happiness to Transvaal ho said nut Jon of which they formed a port might have made mis takes In striking when they not and In withholding when should haw struck but It could truly bo said that her flag never fluttered in war breeze unices liberty wan at stake Britains ruli had over been a most One and no reasonable man could deny that it would bo good time for all if prevailed in Trans vaal No government at head which was such a peaceloving Queen would ask what was or unjust of any nation nor demand What could bo attained by peaceful measures He believed God hud seen some great wrong that had to be righted which was worth of blood There was no cure for some national evils other than war and that was why ho prayed for tho success of British arms There would surely come a timo when ho who had no should sell his garment and buy one At time with all nations armed they were and with In Itre la so interwoven who know how a fire any spark might kindle They must have sol diers and patriots at heart might their efforts be Inspired by unselfish ness In the hour of victory might thoy be conspicuous in humil ity All Acting under from Washington wo close at oclock at night after this and any one kicking on the door alter that hour will to his chances of what may Heretofore we have been rout ed out at all hours of tho night and on occasions been gross ly Insulted by late callers One kick on door after oclock will awaken Two kicks will turn us out of bed Three kicks will cause tho gun to bo poked out of the win- down and a fourth kick followed by threats of death if dont open door will start the shooting If the Intruder cares to have the bullets dug out of him he will find a doctor on the block below King the bell twice and wipe your feet on the mat good strong or would ex- for good wood Enquire at A office- or apply to 8 fit House for Bale Corner of John and Timothy fits cellar domestic water Apply on premise or to Newmarket Our Annual November Sale Will Interest household cook It will pay you to watch this HONESTY THE Best of Policy And are of the aaino opinion In making a for suitor over coat you will find out wo carry finest fabric io Our alula for tbo of the public and what wo mean Call and examine before buy- log your garments and be satisfied of statement Workmanship guaranteed in all branches A by a Mista lb tin Davisons Baking Powder Fresh Roll Bacon lb for lie Fresh Cranberries 10c A mistake in printing on our label Nice Rich Cheese lb gives us an opportunity of selling Choice apples for coking 20c peck 129 tins of Davisons Baking Powder Largo Potatoes peck l to clear out at lie per 1 tins Now Raisins and Its fresh its good all right Fresh Butter Salt Bacon lb our price lb DAVISON I Jas McLaughlin SEW I PI I ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its 74th year The following figures testify to its Stability Liber- Popularity How to get rid of smoke that fills the long European tunnels through to trains per day has long beon a serious problem With engineering professor has solved by filling large steel cylinders long by feet wide with air at pounds pressure car ried In a locomotive tender On en tering the tunnel the air is allowed to escape and the smoke driven out Accumulated Funds about Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared 29200000 Claims Paid During year 1896 Polices were issued for 10016101 STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to over Four teen Millions of Dollars BONUS Exports figure out that a telephone line the Atlantic even if it could ho built would not pay patrons were charged a gem Caretaker Wanted I Wholesale Retail to ism sm Two North Furniture- Store Main Children for c Bony was a great man A aoldier bravo and true But Wellington did lick him On field of Waterloo But still greater far And tougher than shoeleather Was Washington a man who could Have whipped them both together With apologies to tho Owl for correction London 15Tho Hamburg- American steamer which left Now York Nov for Hamburg is on fi near All the passengers were rescued and have arrived at Do ver If smoke is burned on a lamp chimney wash it as clean as possible and while wet scour off the stains with dry salt Nov Bed Wheat per bushel a CO White Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per bushel a a Oats per bushel a Peas per bushel a per bushel CO a W a 0 a a 60 a a a Hay per ton a CO a CO a a per pair a a a DJD For Newmarket Skating Kink Tenders salary for tno season- will be received up to Nov to Secretary Newmarket A f Ac Oil Hand Painted Portrait of painted from the Queens Jubilee Portrait will be given away to the purchaser of a fiftycent volume Lorenzo and other by J Pollock bo each numbered and a drawing will be made from corresponding coupons soon as books are sold date or which will be given In ERA Portrait size Inches framed In heavy inch antique hard wood can bo seen at Starrs Book store where also a copy of can be bad or from J POLLOCK Cor Timothy Main Newmarket WANTED A good general servant with goo refer ences Apply to CANE Newmarket Assure now and a share of the profits GEO MHUNT District Inspector J A Agent THE BRITISH ABE ADYANOfeftl Bo are Smith Bros Their photographs are finer than ever- Call ceo their work before going else where for your photos Picture Frames of all kinds Enlarging and Copying done STUDIO Opposite Metropolitan Station Newmarket Dont Press Your Suit until wo press thing thoa have a hotter to win We make Clothing to fit and Co wear you will add to the appearance and life of your that clothe by Bring them In today they are kept A Fresh Supply a Week of Park Coa Famous Lard do The beat and Cared Meats on the Market today A trial will con- you Flour Rolled Corn Meal Batter Eggs Potatoes 8aH Canned Corn Tomatoes Pickled Feet Bologna Ham and Honey Soap c Orders filled on shortest notice my Tailor Notice to Creditors la matter of the t Late of tho Town of Newmarket In the Coun ty of York Hitler Deceased Notice la hereby given pursuant to statute that all persons having claims against estate of tb who died on or about the day of Augustj are required on or t said Vincent deceased 1st Say of January to send to Miller rjt the of the estate of the said particular of their claims and statement of their accounts and the nature oftheaecurltiea If any held by them duly verified And take notice that after the said January next executors will proceed with the distribution of the as seta said deceased the parties Entitled thereto only to those of which they shall then have received J V Kiccutora A DBNKE J Dated at Newmarket 16th Nov All parties Indebted to said estate are notified to pay amount of their to tho understood at once If V M OF If you want Rubber Goods Atomizers Fountain Syringes Bulb Syringes Hot Water Bottle or Combination Fountain Syringe Go to Lehmans Store If you want a Good or Chamois At a Low Price Go to Lehmans Store If you want a Patent Medicine that has its virtue still retained Go to Lehmans Store If you want anything in Perfume or Toilet Articles you can bo sure of Best at Lehmans Drug Store If you have a Prescription to be filled have it filled by using Drugs Lehman always has Pure Drugs If it is a Comb or Brush you are looking for Lehman the Druggist has a Good Assortment For Sale at a Bargain- Span of Shetland Ponies Cart Cutter Robe Harness Complete Outfit in good coodition Will sell ponies separately if so de sired G JACKSON Teacher Lands Woods and Branch Toronto lit NOTICE Is hereby given that under author ity of Order in Council Berths as hereunder mentioned In the and DISTRICTS viz the Townahlpa of For and part of the District of of part Berth No Davis snd the north part of the Town ship of la the District of and areas In the District of be offered for by Auction at the Department of Crown Lands- at the hour of ONE oclock pio on WEDNESDAY the TWEN TIETH day of DECEMBER Sfe containing and terms of Bale with Information as to Areas Lots and Concessions comprised In each Berth will be on application personally or by letter to the Department of Crown Lands or to the Crown limber Offices at Ottawa and Rat J DA VIS Land NBNo of this will be paid for Girl For general work per Home For sale at the Office its For Section East to commence next January Male or female toDeeTth J Secretary ow Pig Lost mm lot ICO 1st con Frit about 1st of Sept A BLACK AND WHITE SOW to recovery will be Information leading suitably rewarded JOHN PROCTOR PO Lamb Astray Came upon the premises of the undersigned aram lainbLeceIster Owner Is requested prove property pay charge and take It away JOHN TAYLOR Baldwin sm Came upon the premises of about latter part of Oct a Young Pig property pay charges and take It away MRS OOOLD North End Newmarket If you Buggy than anybody has a or or the la the country call on A or any kind of a I have somo big some cripples some fast quiet nice and very homely ones and they allfor sale

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