Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Nov 1899, p. 5

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I mm CAPITAL BEST OKAS General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Business i Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED I A ALL Sterling and American Draft bought and Collection promptly attended to BOSS Manager International Sunday pending of Nov Golden text The care of all peo ple were attentive unto book of law MEDICAL first doorGouth of Post 1 Io3nnd0to8pin W lately occupied by Dr Main OrnaR to 10am 1 to and to dp and Hear Church Of England Now market A I Dentist Post Offloo Mock Methodist Vital iced Air Satisfaction A P Dentist Orillla bo at of Dr Porter Brad ford very Monday MARRIAGE G Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At Bra Ofilce Office Private Papers Issued at private If desired INTRODUCTION In the face of difficulties apparently insurmountable hie purpose The ruler then called people to listen to the reading of Gods law They came not within but from villages near and far The priest read a portion in the ancient Hebrew tongue and than paused while the on side gave the explanation For six hours service was continued for people to their sacred books Its first was to the con science and loud arose as listeners realized how unfaithful they and their fathers had been to an- oiont covenant But the LevUes quieted their sorrow by tolling them that this was a day of rejoicing and not of grief when Gods word was to them On that day began a now era in the history of an era of Bible study ana of renewed loy alty to tho faith of fathers PRACTICAL reading and hearing the tures read should be accompanied by a devotional spirit are intended to ho understood Persons should study them so as to road distinctly and give the sense Protestantism especially may well lessons in reverence from old Jews The Bible should be read by all the people old and young for all need its golden precepts and all will be helped by them It should be read with careful study and explanation to give the sense and not to interject a meaning into it TO LAW WORLD NOT IN WAY REINS HELD BY DIVINE RULE j INSURANCE J fl Agent for and dire Companies Honey to Loan interest at Current Bates At Post R R Ramsay Agent Low on Form and Isolated Property Hodge Tin op SE MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Sundries and Fancy Goods of Violin Tuner of and ell String instrument 1 The Claim is a False One Crude Con Work claim is made by the manufac turers of crudely prepared dyes and dyes composed of soap grease mixed with a small amount of color ing matter that these dyes will color cotton and wool with the dye Such a claim is and do Animal and vegetable fibres such as wool and cotton Must each have a special coloring agent In order to moot this difficulty the manufacturers of Diamond Dyes have prepared spe cial for all wool goods and special dyes for all cotton and wool or mixed materials Each of these Diamond Dyes gives handsome and artistic colors suitable tor the various sea sons Diamond Dyes are the only dyes in the world that fully meet the demands of home dyeing They color all kinds of materials and give colors and shades to those produced by European professional dyers and in the majority of cases Diamond Dyes are faster and more lasting Chemical experts who have made re peated teats are of opinion that one package of Diamond Dyes will equal in coloring power three of any other make Avoid imitation package dyes and soap grease mixtures they ruin good materials and are dangerous to handle Olivet of Conservatory of Music Woo- Ohio TEACHER PIANO AN and Residence Queen St Koaoy to Loan At M per cent on flratelaa farm security alec leans effected on Life Insurance policies fiavidson Commissioner for taking affidavit J Conveyancer and Real Estate Agent Agent for the following reliable Insurance Companies London and Globe Norwich Union 8andar4 Mutual Office Hopkins Mount Albert Money to Loan At per on Farm Security by David taking Heal Conveyancer Marriage Also Agent for the following Queen of London Montreal fli also Association To- and streets To fiwrf dm may be by Address THE RECORO Edmonton Nov 10 Frank Oliver P has notified the Minister of Militia at Ottawa that the Northwest will send one thousand men to the Transvaal if the British Government should require them They would be composed of exmem bers from the Mounted Police and others who are all experienced and ex pert horsemen FROM AM OVER CANADA come letters tolling of the great benefits derived from the use of L Menthol Plas ters In cases of neuralgia rheu matism lame back etc Lawrence Co Ltd manufac turers A A Wright business block at Renfrew was destroyed by fire on Friday Adam Bison was killed by a wall falling on him TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tablets druggists refund the money if It falls to euro Groves signature Is on each box man named employed at- Smiths Falls was fatal- injured by the bursting of wheel Fire broke out in a Grand Trunk ear shunted at and four horses to the Paper Company were burned to death CROUPS COUGHS AND COLDS arc all quickly cured by Pectoral It lessens the cough almost Instantly and cures read ily most cold Man ufactured by the proprietors of i Davis Dr of tin In Ulsn- trolling Fur Washington Nov Idea that things In this world arc at unci going at haphazard Is in this by text la 0 Forever thy word Is settled in heaven This has been In process of cimngo over nflico ft watt created mountains born mountains dying and have both cradle and Once this was all fluid and no being such as you or I have ever seen Could lived on it a minute Our hemisphere turiiH lis face to and then turns Its hack axis of earths revolution has hi fled earths center of grav ity in changed flowers grow In arctic and there was snow In tropic There has a redis tribution of land and sea the land crumbling into the sea tho sea swallowing and fire AavQ fought for tho possession of this planet chemical composition of it is different now from what once was Volcanoes once Terribly are dead not one throb of pulse not one breath of vapor tho ocean changing its amount of saline qualities The Internal fires of tho earth are gradually outing their way to the surfaces upheaval and subsi dence of vast realms of continent Moravians in Greenland re moved their boat poles because tho sea submerged them records that in years a great stone was feet nearer water than when he wrote Forests have been burled by the Sea and land that was cultured by farmers boo can touched only by sailors an chor Loch Nevis of Scotland mid Dingle Hay of Ireland and the fiords of Norway where pleasure boats now float were once valleys and glens Many of the Islands of the sea are the tops of sunken mountains Six thousand miles of the Ocean arc sinking The diameter of the earth lo scientific an- is- miles less than It was Tho entire con of the earth Is altered Hills arc de nuded of their forests The frosts and waters and the air bom bard the earth till ft surrenders to the assault The socalled everlast ing hills do not lust Many rail road companies cease to build iron bridges because the iron has a life of Us not a vegetable life or an animal life but a metallic life and when dies the bridge goes down Oxidation of minerals Is only another term for describing their death Mosses and seaweeds help de stroy the rocks they decorate The changes of Inanimate earth only the moral changes Society ever becomes different for better or wqtsu Boundary linen be tween nations are settled until the next war unsettles them Uncertainty strikes through laws and customs and legislation The characteristic of this world Is that nothing in it is settled At a time when we hoped that the arbitration planned last slimmer at The Hague Holland would forever sheathe the sword the gun and dismantle the fortress tho world has on hand two wars which arc digging graves for the flower of English and American soldiery From presence of such geological and social and national and International unrest we turn With thanksgiving and exultation to lily text and And that there arc- things forever settled but in higher latitudes than we ever trod Forever O Lord thy word is set tled in heaven High up in the palace of the sun at least five things settled that nations which go continuously and persistently wrong perish that hap piness is the result of spiritual con dition and not of earthly environ ment that this world is a school- house for splendid or disgraceful graduation that with or without us world is to be made over into a scene of and purity that all who are adjoined to tho un paralleled One of arid and Golgotha will be the subjects of a supernal felicity with out any taking off Ho you doubt my first proposition that nations which go wrong per ish We have In this American na tion all the of permanence and destruction We need not bor row from others any trowels for u- or torches for demolition Elements of ruin nihilism infidelity agnosticism Subbath desecration sensuality extravagance fraud they are all here Elements of safety worshiping men and women by the scores of millions honesty benevolence truthfulness self sacrifice Industry sobriety and more religion than has characterized nation that has ever existed they are all here The only question is us to which of the forces will gain donilnancy the one class ascendant and this United States Government I think will continue long as the world exists- the other class ascend ant and the United States goes into such small pieces that other govern ments would hardly think them worth picking Walk on in cemetery of nations and the long lines of tombs Thebes and Tyre Egypt and Babylon and and Mace donian and Roman and great nations small nations that lived years Our own nation will be fudged by moral laws by which all other nations been judged judgment day tor individual probably come far on In the future Judgment day for nations is ovary day every day weighed every day approved or every day In the of this country bits the American nation been more surely In balances It is this minute Do right and wo go up DO wrong and wo go Another thing decided In the same high place that happiness is tho result of spiritual condition and not of earthly environment If wo Who piny have a thousand dol lars to Invest- find ft such a know what to do with it and soon after find that we invested it whew principal interest have gone down through roguery or panic what must bo of those having millions to Invest and whoso losses correspond in magnitude with their resources People who their thrco or four dollars a day- wages Just as happy as those wl have an income of a year Sometimes happiness Is seated on a footstool and sometimes misery oh a All the gold of earth In one chunk caiinot purchase five minutes of complete satisfaction Worldly success is an atmosphere that breeds the maggots of envy and Jealousy and There those who will never forgive you If you more emoluments or honor or case than they have To you down is the dominant wish of most Of those who are not as high as you arc They will spend hours and days and tears to entrap you They will hover around offices to get mean line printed depreciat ing you Your heaven Is their hell A dying president of the United said many years ago In re gard to his lifetime experience It doesnt pay The leading statesmen of America In letters of advice warn young men to keep out of politics Many of tho most suc cessful tried In vain to drown their trouble In strong drink On the other bund there arc millions of people who on departing this will have nothing to leave but a good name a life Insurance whoso illumined faces are indices of illumined souls They wish every body well When tho fire bell rings they do not go to the window at midnight to see if it is their store that it on fire for they never owned a store and when the September Is abroad they do not worry lest their ships founder in a gale for they never owned a ship and when the nominations made for high political office they are not fear ful that their name will he over looked for they never applied for There is so much heartiness and freedom from cure in their laughter that when you hear It you are compelled to in sympathy although you know not what they are laughing about When the children of that family assemble in tho sitting room of the old homestead to hear the fathers will read they are not fearful of be ing off with a million and a hull dollars for the old man never owned anything more than the farm of seventyfive acres Which yielded only enough plainly to support the household They have more happiness In one month than many in a whole lifetime Would to Cod hud the capacity to explain to you on how little a man can be happy and- on how much he may be wretched Get your heart right and all is right Keep your heart wrong and all is wrong That is settled in heaven Some have wondered why gradua tion day in college is called com mencement day when it is the last day of college exercises but gradua tion days properly called com mencement day To all the gradu ated it is the commencement of act- ivo life and our graduation day from earth will be to us commencement of our chief life our larger life our tremendous life our eternal life But what a day commencement day on earth is student never sees any day it At any rate I never did Old Theatre In Now comes back to me The gowned and tassel hatted professors behind us and our kindred and friends before and above us and the air redolent with garlands to bo thrown to us What a commence ment day it was for all of us about to graduate But mightier day will It be when we graduate from this world Will it be hisses of condem nation or of approval Will there be flung to us nettles or wreaths Will it be a resounding or a JDe- part Another thing decided in the high places of the universe is that this world with or without us will be made over into a scene of and purity Do not think that such a consummation depends upon our personal fidelity It will be done anyhow cause does not go If all the soldiers of Jesus Christ now should be come deserters and go over to the enemy that would not defeat the cause A large part of the is taken up with telling us what tho world will be There is a largo army human and angelic now in the field but Gods reserve forces are more numerous and more mighty than those now at front and if he could in Gideons time rout the with a crush of crockery and If he could in tme overcome a host with an ox goad and if in Samsons time be could de feat an army with a bleached jaw bone and if the walls of Jericho went down under a blast of perfor ated rams horn and if In Christs day blind eyes were cured by oint ment of spittle then Van do anything ho says bo will do As yet he has taken only sword out of a whole armory of weapons Do not get nervous as if the were go ing to bo defeated Oh that coming day of the worlds perfection The earth will be so changed that the will be changed There will be no more calls to repentance for all will repented no more gathering of alms for the poor for poor will have been enriched no hospital Sunday for disjointed bones will have been set and the wounds all healed and the incurable diseases of other times will have been overcome by a mater- la medico and a pharmacy and a den tistry and a therapeutics that have conquered everything that afflicted nerve or lung or tooth or eye or limb- heal complete and uni versal The poultice and wsiu 3tt4tS4h TW the panacea and the and knife and dentists forceps and the ray will have fulfilled their mis sion The social of the world will bo perfected In that millennial ago I imagine ourselves standing in front of a lighted for levee Wo among groups filled with gladness and talking good senso and each other la pleasantries and In every possible way forward ing good neighborhood ho askance no whispered no strut of pretension no oblivion of some presence because you do not want to know him each ono happy determined on making some one else happy Words of honest ap preciation Instead of hollow flattery genialities Instead of Inflations and pomposities and upholstery and sculpture and painting paid for two hours of men tal and moral Improvement all the guests able to walk as steadily down the steps of that mansion as when they ascended them no awak ing next with aching head and bloodshot eye and incompetent for tho days duties the social life as refinement and common sense and and prosperity and religion can make it the earth belter than it was at the start and all through gospelizlng Influences di rectly or indirectly Another thing decided in that high place Is that all who are adjoined to unparalleled One of Bethlehem and and Golgotha will bo subjects of a supernal felicity without any taking off The old says that beggars must not be choosers and the human In depleted state had better not bo critical of mode by which God would all of us I could easily think of a plan compli mentary to our fallen humanity than that which Is called the plan of sal vation If God had allowed us to do part of the work of recovery and he do the rest If we could do threc- of It and he do the last quarter If we could accomplish most of It and he Just put on the finishing touches many could look with more complacency upon the projected rein statement of the No no We must have our pride sub jugated our stubborn will made flex ible and a supernatural power de monstrated In us at every step A pretty plan of salvation that would be of human drafting and manufact uring It would he a sung to ourselves God must have all the glory not one step of our heavenly throne made by earthly car pentry not one string could we twist of the harp of our eternal re joicing Accept all us an unmerited donation from the skies or we will never have it at all Now says some one if Christ is only way what about the heathen who have never heard of him But you are not heathen and why divert us fom the question of our personal salvation Satan Is al ways introducing something irrele vant He wants to take it out of a personality into an abstraction Oct our own salvation settled and then we will discuss the salvation of other people But says- some what percentage of the human race will bo saved What will be the com parative number saved and lost There thrusts in the mathema tics of redemption He suggests that you find out the mathematical pro portion of the redeemed But be not deceived am now discussing eternal welfare of only two persons yourself and myself Get ourselves right we bother about getting others right Christ come hither and master our case Here are our sins pardon them our wounds heal them our lift them our sorrows comfort them We want the Christ of to open our blind eyes the Christ of Martha to help us in our domestic cares the Christ of Olivet to help us preach our sermons the Christ of Lake Gall- lee to still our tempests the Christ of to raise our dead Not too tired is he to come though he has on his whipped shoulders so long carried the worlds woe and on his lacerated feet walked this way to ac cept our salutation By the bloody throes of moun tain on which Jesus died and by his body was Inclosed In darkened crypt and by Olivet from which he arose while astonished disciples clutched for his robes to detain him in their companionship and by the radiant and omnipotent throne on which he sits waiting for the coming of all those whose redemption was settled In heaven I implore you bow your head in immediate and final sub mission Once exercise sorrow for what you have done and exercise trust in for what ho Is willing to do and all Is well for both worlds Then you can swing out de fiance to all opposition human and diabolic In conquering his foes he conquered yours- And havo you no ticed that passage In Colosslans that represent him having despoiled prin cipalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing so bringing before us that over whelming spectacle of a Roman triumph But oh the difference In those triumphs I The Roman triumph represented arrogance cruelty op pression and wrong but Christs triumph meant emancipation and holiness and Joy- former was a procession of groans accompanied by a clank of chains the other a proces sion of by millions set for ever free The only shackled ones of Christs triumph will be and his cohorts tied to our Lords char iot wheel with all the abominations of all the earth bound for an eternal captivity Then wll come a feast in which the chalices will be filled with the new wine of the kingdom Under arches commemorative of all tho battles In which the bannered armies of the church militant through thousands years have at last won the day Jesus will ride Conqueror of earth and hell and heaven Those armies dis banded will take palace and And they shall come from ho east and the west and the north and the south and sit down In the of God And mity you and the pardoning and sancti fy fag grace of Christ be Quests at that royal I to VOLUNTEERS i The young man who has enrolled himself a member of this Business College has put himself in fighting trim for the businessof greater- battle than that of the Transvaal Here he learns from expert teachers Book- keeping Steno- Typewriting Penmanship Business Practice and Advertising Handsome Calendar Free BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE M C A Cor Sts Toronto DAVID HOSKIttS Chartered Accountant Principal T YOU WANT Our Tailoring Department is in full swing and no wonder we are very busy We are selling NOBBY ALLWOOL TWEED SUITS at SffiSSS6J The Stock in other Departments is Complete- The House Sharon J By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT BOGART -oxo- I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance their The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow ThlBUtbeooly Harrow made or In Canada having independent adjustable upon Inner aodB or dltc allowing any amount or to do thrown upon the inner ends of the gangs by the foot of- the operator By this means a perfectly flexible action la can bo worked to a uniform depth Examine Machine care fully and with others The Cultivator IS A OF The only Culti vator that both linos of teeth will cut an even depth In ground Examine it and yon will see why The only Cultivator with a move able tooth so that the of the teeth can bo regulated to suit any condition of soil Pressure can be regulated to ace differently on every sec tion requiring It teeth are carried between the wheels Instead of trailing behind in other machines thus securing lighter draft This ma chine Is furnished with gram and grass seed box when required It has reversible diamond points for the teeth extra wide thbnio-cnt- buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE Needs No Introduction Over Drills and Seeders of out manufao- ture In use in Canada The only Drill made instant and perfect regulation of of hoe team lain absolutely correct to scale a every kernel It deposited at a proper depth to Purchase only beat and you will bo satisfied manufacture Binder Reapers Mower Rake Cultivators and as good as the- beat Send for catalogue Miff Co Limited Ont Canada i ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET QHf If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of months

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