tfrt 1 til a Poor Substitute Jbi toward Worth of the kidneys liver and bowels is sure to corned Hoods Is promptly Tbie secures a fair and a consequent In the frame the tow of health on the cheek good digestion pure blood KtoUt I felt bettor till built ma up Litem A Bonn Old have neon troubled with biliousness and was teach run Tried Hoods and I If i It gave relief and me up t5 Street Toronto tint m jujggjgl 1 1 ho to Best Advertising Medium York County baths von PPAQI inched i 10 Indies QCM yu up Advertisement unaccompanied with writ ten Instruction inserted until forbid and charged accordingly Advertisements will wo each if deelrod For changes than each month composition must ho paid for at regular ratce Changes contract advertisements must bo In by noon on Wednesdays Special Low Kates for farms to Kant Article Lost and Found will bo free for any Crofi or Boclcty potters are SlBacdor when la taken fifty for auph a to tbla rule LEGAL Thos J Publlo o Main Street Newmarket to Loan on good Farm Solicitor for of King Honey to Division Court Newmar ket Ontario Solicitor Conveyancer etc with Cameron ice managed and collootlon- promptly made Money to loan at lowest rates Mock Main St Newmarket Barrister Convoyanoere o of Peat flee Newmarket Herbert ionnox Aurora will also be at Newmarket on Saturdays and Court is- Sollciiora for J Bon Co Banker and Ontario o Arcade King West Toronto to Block Money to Loan PAINTING Too leading Painter i and Paper Hanger experience In all branches of the v line of of latest designs In Wall Papers Ask to see them 2nd door North of the Primary School Church Street R Paper Done promptly neatly and In orde I am with a Car- Mage Painter and Sign Writer Orders bo left at or at tbe residence of Mr J Street West Newmarket Points of the Act I a law so framed thai in ptisan of Government have- no of voters lists by dxcroi60of viKHancO in- and groat of money or in given to olficors to load list names per sons not entitled to vote and to die- who supposed to bo unfavorable to Government This is a strong and wo have no intention of controverting the position by Star but wo this to say that had our contem porary during and coa- of Dominion Act which obtained for than a decade- previous to the advent to pow er of Administration boon as and fearless in ciem of that Act as is now manifested in denouncing Manitoba law would have loss for at its In point of fact extract quoted fairly describes junt state of affairs which existed all over this Dominion under Act Partisan tho manipulation of voters lists practically in own hands Primary lints wore shameless ly stuffed with names that should not been entered thereon while tho names of persons supposed to bo un favorable the Administration of day for potty excuses of one form or another were as ruthlessly disfranchised Liberals protested not only against partisan in- which law was administered but also again enormous tho revision emailed and selfsacrifice it imposed upon thorn while their opponents not only had re vising in favor but also patronage of the Government as well as financial support from manu facturers and contractors During all this time our Montreal professed independence but it seem ingly never discovered anything mon strous about the law till it was re pealed and its counterpart had found a in Manitoba Liberals in power The atmosphere of op position is enlarging and lib eralizing its political vision and it is not surprising that now it finds handicapped by the record of past If howover tho Manitoba law is ad ministered as described we have no hesitation in saying tho law ought to be repealed No Administration should bo dependent upon bogus votes or padded voters lists for place and power and wo have no desire to see a repetition of partizanship in any local province that prevailed under the old Federal Franchise Act which tho present Liberal Government at Ottawa has repealed It is satisfactory to note in this connection that the Liberals of Man itoba have already indicated that a change had been decided upon before the criticism of the Star was made public In last the platform of the party as adopted in Provincial Convention and on which tho ap proaching appeal to the electorate will be made contains this plank hood suffrage one man one vote witH a more simple and less sivo system of registration of voters From this declaration it is Greenway Government contem plate such changes as will remove the very objections to which exception is taken and the enactment of such a franchise law as will bo moro in har mony with tho spirit and genius of the liberal and progressive character of that growing province Mill But feuQci Consulted Four Doctors But Only they was Through Injections Hams Pink Htm to Health and BOTES near time to don the mania pal flgutlng for coming week from today nominations will be held for next yer Ax from Winnipeg elates that Hon J Martin is mentioned as a can in at Do minion elections an Independent Liberal I Of the Truro Mr Wright of Cob is now one of hardiest anil hardest working farmers in this section But Mr Wright was with health as a nmtter of fact some years ho was a martyr to what appear ed to bo an incurable trouble In conversation lately with a ro- Mr Wright I am in deed grateful that trouble which bothered mo for bo many years is gone and I am quite willing to give you particulars publication It is a good many years sbuce my first began slight at first hut in- pains in my back Usually the mo when working or lifting but often when not at work at all With every attack pains seemed to grow worse until finally I was confined to the house and there for fivoMong months was bedridden and much of this time could not movo without My wife required to stay with me con stantly and became nearly exhausted During the time J was suffering thus I was attended by four different Some of thorn pronounced my trouble lumbago others sciatica but they did not cure me nor did they mo any relief nave by the injec tion of morphine For I suf fered thus sometimes confined to bed at oilier times able to go about and work but always suffering from pain until about three years ago when I received a new lease of lie and a freedom from tho pains had so long tortured me It was at this time that Dr Williams Pink Pills for Palo People wore brought to my attention and I boxes The effect seem- marvellous and I got six boxes more and they wore all used I was again a healthy man and free from pain It is about three years since I was cured and during that time I have never had an attack of tho old trouble and I can therefore strongly testify to sterling qual ity of Dr Williams Pink Pills Since did such good work for me I have recommended them to people for various ailments and the pills always been successful Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by going to tho root of disease They renew and build up tho blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the system Avoid im itations by insisting that every box purchase is enclosed in a wrapper the full trad mark Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People Those who are prone to grumble should not fail to remember that there is great deal to be thankful for 4 individual that gets three meals a day and possesses the digestive apparatus that is competent to deal with them should remember that things might be a great deal worse I The Conservatives and nominated Mr of Catharines their candidate for the Commons at the next general election la Mr Charley He moat retired from political field as wo do not bis figuring In Niagara peninsula as yore THOUSANDS ARK week news was receive at Womans Missionary Toronto- of of now Canadian mission school at azabu Japan by A typhoon The building writes was ready to be roofed It was by typhoon which laid it flat not a beam being left Prompt mon frequently that Is differ In methods and remark will now apply to Wilfrid and Sir The latter recently re marked that success was aero for both tide and wind in his favor Sir Wilfrid terns the expression on his opponent I far that lbs tide la flowing in direction of Charles Topper If he tells mo the wind la with him I have my doubts hut If bo telle me the wind In him I have no doubt of it at all was called columns that counterfeit bills being circulated la the Lower Word hue since come from Halifax that three men are now Under arrest at on charges of passing counterfeit Canadian bills It is alleged that the priaonera are conneoted with a gang hive been travelling through that province distributing the money One of the men coder arrest saya the stuff s from Boston where about was to have boon struck from stolen plates Bolton Practical Painter PaperHftngerand Decorator sob Corner Church Street Millards Lane and AUCTIONEERS Release a Doable Com- pound in the Realm of Pain Tor- but South American Rheu matic dure Drives It out and Misses A few weeks ago while on a busi ness trip to North Bay I was seized with a severe attack of sciatic rheu matism Hearing of the wonderful cures affected by South American Rheumatic Cute I procured a bottle and inside of three all the pain had left me and when I had taken one bottle I was completely cured I think it the greatest of remedies and shall be pleased to com municate with any person wishing more particulars of my case Ont by Lehman Boiit- Pharmacy Newmarket A cauukobah from the Homo Govern ment to Lord towards the of last week that for the present another Canadian contingent was not re quired preparations which were go ing on quietly at the Militia Department Ottawa wore all called Off and firms to which orders had been cent were at once telegraphed not to harry with their contracts as the uniforms would not bo re quired at present orders were given for anything which will not be required by tbe militia In Canada so that the only to be sustained will be on account of tbe on hand for a while in ftd- ot Us requirement who have followed press patches respecting the Transvaal war will remomber that one of Boer generals has against use of lyddite by British Since then the question has been asked What is lyddite In an- ewer we may it is a powerful explosive compound invention of British The frightful execution by the shells charged with it what sent con- into the Boorish ranks In the neighborhood of Lyddite has been need by the British principally in mountain guns It need for bursting the and being about times as powerful as the burst Into thousands of frag ments and cover a considerable The sound of bursting charged with lyddite is much greater than in gunpowder and proves demoralizing to the enemys forces Thousands of people die in of rheumatism In the vast ma of cases carelessness ignoranco and medical skill the forers to tho grave It can and fearlessly as sorted that in nintynine cases out of hundred Celery Com- pound would die- ease and caved life The original of as of so many other is a lack of nerve force With the weakness of the system there is- a derange ment the digestive organs the food stays too- long in the stomach it turns sour and resulting acid on tore the blood then takeo cold and the acid canned be ex pelled from by ordinary moans Boon the joints and then there inflammation and great Buffering Celery Compound used promptly and regularly expels deadly acid from the body the pains are banished muscles and joints that have become contracted and stiff ened soon become limber and regain their power and tho patient walks with eomfort and ease No other can do such mar vellous work of those with rheumatism and sciatica Celery Compound is truly your friend and it the medicine re commended by the ablest physicians for the banishment and of ft dis ease that has such fatal resulta in the variable autumn months goner In n bat was In advance of firing d of a riUo heard in to yard of a to rushed the yard but not to time to prevent two more which zing in of An this moment I came to a in the hedge could it waft on A young about yards off tuirnlng this way and that like an anjlmal at bay thor- frightened had a rifle in I hie hand It turned out I that this rifle choked sol- were king down the high hedge- to get In Suddenly mad a fan life He got through ho In some way and across open field Three flhoU followed all of which took ef fect The- turned ran eldaways a lay down on ground and a second later was dead I got a good sight of the whole and so- naturally did Filipino himself ground and rest his head upon his arm that I thought ho was examination a minute proved that he- v dead between the manner in and tho American falls in- a heap and dies hard Filipino fitretehes hlmseOf out end- when- tfead Is always found In some easy his b tad on his arms die the way animal dies In just such a position one flndft a rfoer or an which one in the woods V I Bheumattea relieve and all pains two end care in a dtre At all a vial to Health and free Arch it and THERE KHtD OP ASHE OR EXTERNAL THAT COT RE LIEVE LOOK OUT FOR THE THE PERRY ir I MHW I yams wb On Qorham SrrcctDe3lrably Situated near the old Woollen For Hale on Easy Terms Apply to BJACKSON Real Estate Agent for Co of York told on Terms Farm Salt attended to A trlaleollclted Street l NEWMARKET MARBLE LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones Before Ordering Allan fl the do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr WW English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Wo al so warrant that four bottles will per manently cure most obstinate of Constipation Satisfaction pay Wills English Pills are used r Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Pharmacy Main Newmarket Throe of the best men of the Woolen Mills left their situations there to accept similar po sitions at Each of these three are married men with families and have been residents of that place for many years They were also tho bosses of different departments Ho Mistakes the Effect for the Cause That Is what person does who tries to euro rheumatism or any other disease by relieving tho symptoms Hoods attacks the of these die- eases It neutralizes the acid in the blood and thus permanently cures rheumatism It tones and strengthens the stomach re stores its natural digesting fluids and permanently cures HOODS PILLS euro constipa tion Price cent Tub terrible of modern artillery as factors stem arbitra ment of war demonstrating in of scien tific knowledge as compared to times of Wellington and fioonaparte A refer ence to new field now In nee by the forces In Africa can fire twelve aimed shots a minute each carrying ballets weighing to the pouod Is an example of present day artillery effectiveness We are told the lubes of these In which the ballets are has a time fuse attached to It which ignites the powder tbe thaa discharging it at the time for it been set- These ballets scatter over a of twentyfour yards The have a killing range of yards Every shot from one of the gans is equal In to a discharge from rifles if they are fired in volley Toe address of Sir Wilfrid to the Canadian contingent prior to Its em barkation fit Quebec is very warmly com mended the Mother Country London says In language could not be bettered by any English statesman It quotes the fol lowing from the Canadian Premiers speech It Is not so the God of battle as tbe God of justice we invoke It is inspiring to reflect that the cause for which you men of Canada are going to figbt is cause of justice of humanity of civil rights and religious liberty This war is no a war of con quest or subjugation It is not to oppress the race whose courage we admire but it is to put an end to the oppression imposed upon subjects of her Majesty In South Africa by a tyrannical people The object is not to rush out the Dutch population but to establish Id that land of which her Majesty suzerain British sovereign law to assure all men of that country an equal liberty An editor went to church other Sunday night and was asked to lead in prayer when he said Al mighty and kind Father who doth from Thy throne look down upon tho government of men and delinquent subscribers we most humbly beseech Thee to draw over near unto them and whisper a few things into their ears that the statutes forbid us to Thou our wants but sub scribers do not and seldom stop to enquire Lot it bo known to them that there large patches on the homestead of our pants and that wo hunger and he us not to sup with him Thou knowest Lord that our paper and ink co3t money but subscribers know it not and less Thou we are cold and tho subscribers not the wood promised and wo are shivering and shaking while be roasteth his shins before the red hot stove of his motherinlaw Tell him all these things Lord and if he and not the succuor banish him to the lower regions to dwell with the calamity howlers and snail be the praise throughout Amen Wilson Star Pineapple Essence In the Shape of Svans Pineapple Tab lets is of Kind The pineapple has a valuable con stituent know as a vegetable pepsin a wonderful digester of food Test this by mixing equal parts of pineapple and beef and agitating at a temperature of Fahrenheit when in due time the meat will be entirely digested This rare juice is the principal in gredient Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablets and at any time you can enjoy the healing virtues of ripe fruit by their use You eat them like candy They are very palatable harmless as pure milk They afford instant relief in all cases of indigestion and dyspep sia Their right use will cure all stomach troubles and establish sound health Box of Tablets cents Sold by Lehman Bent leys Pharmacy Newmarket At Williams Lake near Owen Bound Robert Shea a fell under a car and lost his right arm Dont mind what ladies wear but get a good warm pair of boots with thick soles and keep your feet warm this cold weather It is well also to see that the childrens feet kept warm and dry Many a cold might bo prevented this way EVERY DRUGGIST In tho land sella The best lini ment for sprains and bruises The best remedy for cramps and colic Avoid substitutes theres but Perry Davis and With the enters year The beet authors and artists cQntince their contriintlons to tie the little people for in struction amusement and their beat endeavors put forth Borne of the good things in NEW 8EKIAL A Little Prince and Princes of Egypt a long TimeAgo Story by Oliver The Adyentares by Kate Clark AKTICBB Playthings That Are Alive in parts by Judith Cohen Borne by Cora SHORT STORIES More than the number of short written by men and women who know how and there are very many pictures to illus trate these THE are entertained every wish dainty and pretty by Margaret CRADLE OF MANY NATIONS tell in twelve pvrts bow wee babies of other are sung to sleep night And there are various simp1occtt which suggest to tbe mother ways and means to keep active little fingers busy AN ALTOGETHER CHARMIKG MAG AZINE and the subscription price astonishingly low a PREMIUMS The publishers offer many valuable articles as that are needed by every boy and girl man and with refined and as the getting of subscrip tions at the low of is easy every one who is ambitions can and should obtain articles without coat except a little time Send for cample copy list free PEARSONS Wo offer Little Men and Women withPeueons for one year for Pear- eons is the of the poller and should be in evtry home Subscribe at once LITTLE MEN AND WOMEN CO Troy N 2nd Con of cleared well wtfoied and good buildings Zephyr to Soli or Soat acres the Town Line of East half Arau from Newmarket depot Young bearing orchard of Good market to or of the off For Fur- apply to Farm to Bent Oacree being lot eon of North Well watered good buildings good orchard and wheat Sutton West PO Manitoba fleer Hungarian FIELD of all kinds Timothy Clover Carrot and Turnip of the BE8T VARIETIES mum as Portland and Ontario J Cor Main Huron William Shaw walked into the flywheel of the Brandon Eleotrio Light Works and was seriously injur ed Bonkers and GEO Go- Exchange Broadway New York Staggers Heres of Intense Heart Suffering and Weakness That Made Life Long Dreadful Nightmare Dr Cure for the Heart was the Saving Agent Mr Cooke Johnston St Kingston writes this of himself and how Dr Cure for Heart helped him I have used in ail six bottles of this great heart remedy and it has completely cured me of heart weakness from which I suffered se verely for Prior to using it slightest exertion or excitement would produce severe palpitation and depression Today I am as strong as ever and without one symp tom of Heart disease Sold by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket A good and pleasant euro for hoarseness is to roast a lemon until it is soft all through do not allow it to While still hot cut a piece from tho end and fill the lemon with as much granulated sugar as it will hold then eat it hot THE D EMULSION OP COD LIVER OIL may be taken with most beneficial results by those who run down or suf fering from after effects of la grippe Made by Davis Law rence Co Ltd Can bo made through speculation nlth de posit Of thirty dollar upward 3 per cent margin upward on the Stock Exchange The greatest fortune have been made through In Stocks Wheat or Cotton you interested to know how are conducted notify and we will you market letter free of charge charged for executing orders and bonds quotations on application for purchase exchange Watch 5 act Witch tt4vtUut a ttrttsj nich BOX BR0B and all kinds of Butnmer Drinks of the Picnics and attended to highest Order for Picnics and promptly attended Factory comer Main and Street prompt lain ant NEWMARKET Write for oar books Invent Help ana How you are swindled Send us a or of your Invention or Improvement and wo will tell you our opinion as to whether It is probably patentable Wo make a of rejected In other ft fiOZJOITOaS A School or ittnerlnv Applied science Ltvat taw Vwki P or f Wfrcrs s 17