Weeks fS WHAT ON ABOUT TOWN Sundays and J got from on day brought wjth them door Two Tory flno nooks with ahilora weighed J i coming In this Qoarteidy Tea Ladles Aid of ft will next Quarterly Tea at of Mrs on Wednesday from lo pm floolul will bo provided Invilcd ihouvontng Proceeds for the fond bodies Hid Sole Tim normal Ladles Ho- of will bo hold on December And llih in storo at the corner of Main and Timothy A of all kinds of has boon by tho ladies now end fresh Their annual sales always capital to purchase Christmas at a small coat and this year will bo no ox- caption Football Last Friday afternoon our flohool Football Team wont down to Richmond Hill and had a friendly with boys of that tor min utes each way the match was declared a draw neither scoring Darkness prevented play Everything very friendly anil no rooghnoes was exhib ited At the of tho match boys wore invited to the and en- tortained to tea by the Hill team for homo Police of vs Shields sot for a further hearing on Tuesday lest in of absence of of Justices boforo whom enquiry Is hold was further enlarged till Monday next at oclock pm In this ease defend ant is charged with substituting a bill for ft after haying paid tho same with other bills to complainant In liquidation of a of hand- Defendant of course denies charge You Can Buy A fifteen dollar Jacket for nine dollars on Saturday morning at Following for the ensuing terra President Vice 2nd Vice Ford Vice Frank Organist J Organist new picture of recently taken by Bros from the tower Is present attraction In front Gallery It a viry pretty view and takes in from Mr real- on Eagle it to Mr on St near Factory Tho is and shows territory very distinctly Is It- Oak Nickel Walnut Enamelled Iron and at A Watsons rfolnn Brooch ton Is kept on the- The following now for have been made this Room fi Mr with Office Co between and meter The A Wok a on Is being built a week in of the now horsepower fa now ready for use The engine Is being changed in Its position and the shafting will bo ready- in the pew building A oar load of boating arrived week and Is being pot Into po sition In new building It will be two or wilt Although the Co have an light plant of their own they have given orders for tbo Installation of from to 20 lights In office and supply rooms to be run by motor by tho town Club met on Wednesday at Mrs Heights when ft very pleasant and profitable evening was spent Mr gave a concise history of Homo In connec tion with play Julius first scenoof play was also discofiscd The mooting of tho will boon Tuesday evening at oclock at Mrs when the reading of Julius will bo continued Kindly bo on time Clubbing Era jind Weekly lor Era and Montreal Era and Common vole- Era and Weekly Mall Era and Montreal Star Including pictures Era and Era and Daily World 2 Era and Ladles Journal Toronto 40 Era and Toronto Evening Star of freo to new subscribers R Changes A of time will go into on the Sunday the With reapeot to Northern Division and long wait at Junction to pas sengers for Parry Bound Mr Tiffin the Superintendent that commencing with Monday last the morning train Parry Bound will with No and a special train in connection with No from to make connection with the train from Parry sound which will mean that passengers and mail leav ing Toronto at am will go through to Parry Bound attempt to Wreck the Trolley A dastardly and determined attempt to wreck the electric car duo at Newmarket at last night we bo Bonds Lake and Aurora and it was a great wonder that a did not occur At Bonds Lake road a series of hills terminate In the pin- the divide of watershed of Lakes Ontario and Just about a mile Booth of the street rune along a ridge in fact the road Is an em bankment there with a drop forty feet on each side and two ponds at the bottom At this point acme miscreants laid four gates taken from someones enclosure the track And when the car bound for Newmarket along It struok them Fortunately they were not solid to resist the impact and the heavy machine crashed through or went over them and kept the traob Had the car left the track an awful tragedy would have resulted as seat was taken and nothing could have prevented the descent to the bottom of the On one of the gates which the car had gone over a whole row of picket ends had been neatly out off by the The track was but on the return trip a similar obstruction was found the gates and rails having been replaced The attempt one of the moat cold blooded and deliberate affairs known to the police The fact that obstructions were there on both trips shows that retch placed things on the rail waited in the vicinity to see the result of their villainy When it failed they ob tained more material and again repeated their attempt The police are working on the ease and it the are caught it means a penitentiary sentence for them The attempt has significance owing- to the difference between railway and some of the county people over the run ning of freight cars into cause of the death of John pjarlton who was killed by a Metro politan car at Bedford Park on Friday night wae held at tbe Bedford Park Hotel by Coroner and a enquiry occupied six and the verdict rendered by the was That the death of the John Charlton was from injuries sustained in with a Metropolitan oar that no evidence was given to show that the motor did not do all in bis power to avert accident and the motorman and are therefore exonerated from all blame The By Committee of the Privy on Wednesday ordered that Metro By be allowed to with the P It Another lot of hi Ha ghee this week the place to get good value ISLeanly a Smash Some joker nearly caused a serious runaway at tho Central Hotel yard on Thursday night of last week He changed the lines on the bit of a horse whioh was left in the shed white the owner was away and when the started out of course he turned the horse in the wrong direction The animal wae becoming when several persons in the hotel hearing quite a noise rushed out to see what was the matter just in time to prevent a run away There is no in this kind of joko and the proprietor of Central will make it interesting for anybody fooling with rigs under the shed in future Handsome Jackets Saturday morning Fine Bampto Coats go on at from 9160 to shown you Coats those for less than last week Is now Hockey On Tuesday oven the Newmarket Hookey Club reorganised for the season following Hon President F President Lloyd 1st Vice J 2nd ViooC Montgomery Manager Allan Roily The Executive Committee be com posed of omcors of club Tho has decided to wear now uni forms in all probability rod and black al though ft Is not yet decided The will the Ontario Hookey Association and likely be grouped In the Intermediate Seriea This M Hughes have a new lot of stamp goods See the stamped Calendar for R Grand The of Christian are to bo congratulated on their Entertainment last Tuesday night Their reputation In connection with the Fowl Supper was ably sustained in faot the tables were never so prettily laid and the waitors were all attention Over were served to a substantial meal and it was nine oclock the program was commenced The Sherlock Quartette Toronto filled the bill completely As a quartette they an success end were repeated ly recalled Remember now Thy Crea tor was probably the beat selection of the wholo evening The individual as well as duets end trio were well render ed And pleasingly Accompanied by Mr A Oliver on the piano Mr Sherlock is a beautiful singer Mr is quite at homo as a reader and though partial to J Rileys compositions he did the author justice and himself muoh It was about eleven oclock when the pro gram was concluded and the large audi ence felt well repaid for the outlay Pro expenses 850 Trolley Thoro was but one for disoaa- at the County meeting Tuesday was proposed of Metropoli tan Railway Company with P Hi at Toronto Deputations wore municipality War ren and Mr Walter solicitor were In attendance to guard the Inter- of tho Metropolitan Railway Com pany Mr Robertson of favor ed the connection Jbeing made and ex pressed an opinion that the town which be represented had made con three before the machinery to tho railway company whtoh 111 be in running order W Although it was a stormy morning last Saturday there was a big market There was not change in prices Butter sold from to and eggs at and Quite a lot of dressed poultry was offered Chickens sold at ducks and geese and per lb and turkeys from to 10c Abundance of live chickens from 26 to a pair Potatoes were plentiful and sold from SO to per bag Fine winter apples at per barret Celery and cabbage per dozen Onions per peck Sage and summer per bunch Lots of fresh meat Pork from to per Lamb and 80 per lb by the quarter And mutton at 6 and Beef 86 per for fore quar ters Large congregations last Sunday and ex cellent by the pastor Full choir both morning and evening Edna carried the solo in a difficult an them at evening service moat beauti fully There were In attendance at the Bun- day School At a meeting of the officers and one evening last week it was to give tbo a the Friday evening before Christmas in- ot getting up an entertainment At the Quarterly Board on Monday even ing the following were elected as Stewards for the ensuing year Messrs Cane J J Rollings- bead J Millard Jackson and J Btephensop Mr Jackson was elected Recording Mrs George Hughes and J Carrey were elected as representatives the Sunday School Exeoutlve The following were ap pointed the Envelope Committee Messrs Hughes J Laurence Cane George Charles McCautey J Green and Dr Richard eon The Board heartily endorsed the suggestion of the pastor to hold special ser vices for tore or four weeks at the be ginning of new year fln Important In a real issued last week by A Davidson School Inspector the attention of parents trustees and teaohers in York is called to a mat ter of Importance to the children Among many benefits whioh the public school is fitted to confer upon a child none are greater than a taste for good read ing Such a taste and disposition will en sure that the pupil shall be a reader all his or her life and thereby receive all the men tal discipline information and pleasure which good books are fitted to Impart Books contain all that Is best most and most inspiring in the life of man kind To bring yoang lives into Hying and loving sympathy with all that no blest and best is to place them under the moat powerful formative influences for good that ere within yoar reach It Is the high privilege of the to lead children into this happy relation to the best English language can furn ish to put them Into right dispositions of mind and right habits of Hying in every relation and every It is the duty of parents and trustees to provide the with the means of doing so It is a melancholy faot that instead of the giving the happy initia tion into habits of selfimprovement that shall continue throughout life it more fre quently gives them a distaste for all the means which have been employed in school tor their mental improvement In order to awaken a relish for and a light in good and also to render their reading history and geography les sons more interesting and valuable the In spector strongly recommends a smell li brary of supplementary reading By the judicious use of this educational Instrument the ohildreo would become more intelligent better readers fonder of books end be influenced in tamper and by their contents would bo more pleasant and popular and some of the spare time of the pupils would be better employed than it now at and at home History geography literature and solen- matter are in the shape of story books in cheap form and If acme those recommended by were introduced in the public schools we feel certain that the result would be so that every school would soon have a similar library been understood that freight was to bo carried He contended that it would bo a benefit to Newmarket the towns between Toronto and there to the eurrounding country if the com pany wore allowed to run freight trains The nature of tho country through road passed would running of trains of more than two or three cars Mr also of Newmarket heartily approved of what Mr son said- Mr of Aurora and Council lor Hill of Richmond Hill also sup ported the proposal Mr Ellis who appeared be fore the Railway Committee a week ago was the chief for North Toronto He repeated his ob jections offered to tbe committee and members of the County Council paid more attention to the Metropolitan railway than they did to people thoy represented After some further discussion Coun cillor moved following reso lution was seconded by Coun cilor Hall and carried with three op posing That this Council support the plication Metropolitan Railway Committee of the Privy Council to grant permission to them to their rails with those of the P at street near St and that Mr Evans chairman of the railway Committee of this Council proceed to Ottawa to present this re solution and to defend the this county wherever possible subject such restrictions as committee may impose The following are the restrictions that Mr Evans will Railway Committee to irapor- That only three oars and a motor bo drawn That the rate of speed be six miles per hour in the incorporated villages the villago of and that part of street south of North Toronto That the rate of speed on other parts of the road be miles per hour That the motive power used be electricity Mr Evans left on tbe nine oclock train Mr Warren was served with a no tice from the authorities instruct ing him that within hours he must cease to run electric cars on that part of Yonge street within the city limits leader in Price and Quality Pure Sulphur and Epsom Salts per lb Washing Soda Whiting per lb ic Icing Sugar per lb 6c Canned Peas lbs Bright Sugar for 1 Round Tins Finnan Sardines New Red Salmon toe Large Bottle Mixed Pickles 9c Choice Prunes per lb 5c Potted Ham 5c Potted Tongue 5c Canned Tomatoes DRY GOODS Heavy Twill Grey Flannel I Flannelette 5c Crash Towelling 325 Blankets for J Black Beaver Cloth 59c Heavy Canadian Tweed Pure Wool Dress Serge Ladies Winter Vests Ladies Black Cashmere Gloves Ladies Black Woollen Hose Mens Wool Socks Mens Wool Shirts Drawers 25c Mens Heavy HomeMade Mitts t j Bottle Tomato Catsup 20c Nearly every line of Goods is advancing These prices cannot last much longer UNTON Once use Bruntons Baking Powder and you will no other when you call we Boots and I always buy every thing I wear at and it always gives satisfaction You will find have more Clothing and Hens Furnishings than any two houses in Newmarket Our friend here will tell you how he has found it Call on us before buying THE CHEAP STORE Americans Smelling Poind Again Manila Nov The 33rd Infan try in one of the sharpest twohour engagements of the war with an equal force of insurgents five miles from Ban Fabian on Saturday lost one cer and six men killed and had one officer and twelve men wounded The Americans twentynine Fili pinos and a hundred rifles and found insurgent dead lying in the trenches and rice fields Many more Filipinos doubtless were killed or wounded The troops encountered the worst roads ever found on the island of Lu zon There was a succession of creeks whoso bridges the Americans had to stop and repair and miry and at certain places men and horses strug gled waist deep in quagmires A hun dred soldiers had to drag the gun part of the way the horses being useless A AjA AiAiAiA t aa Ladle Up Stairs Adjoining- Millinery Sept a Nov The US Charleston which has been patrolling the northern coast of Luzon was wrecked on a reef off the northwest coast on Tuesday Nov All on board were saved The was launched at San in 1888 and coat over She had lately been re modelled and was considered one of tbe finest vessels in the service Her numbered alt told She was feet inches in length feet inches in beam and 21 feet 8 inches in draft She was of steel having two propellers one funnel and two masts with military tops armament Two una six sixinch guns four two three- pounders six onepounders two machine guns and one light gun with four tubes the generally patron ized fall opening to be Been these days is that of the coal hole Children Ladies Jackets Ladies Capes and Cloaks Ladies Costumes skirt and jacket Ladies Dress Skirts Ladies Underskirts Ladies Blouses Ladies Wrappers Ladies Flannelette Underwear Ladies White Underwear Ladies Shawls Ladies Waterproofs Ladies Fur Goods Special this Week Ladies English TailorMade Costumes Skirts and Jackets Mens Ladi Here are particulars of some Clearing lines at Bargain Prices Dark FawnvLadies Cloth Silk Lined now 1250 now 1325 19 now 14 950 now 7 Light Fawn fancy stitch trimmed 1475 now Navy Serge silk lined 2250 now 1650 Marine Blue Melton not lined 8 now Brown Rough Serge silk lined now 475 do braid trimmed 695 now 5 Cadet Blue silk lined now 1 Goats Had we left off ordering until now For like Hardware these Our orders for these goods were placed last June we would have had to pay from to per cent more steadily advancing in price We strongly advise buying now In Mens Fur Coats we have Lynx Coon Wombat Wallaby and Dog ranging in price from 12 to In Ladies we have Astrichan Bocharin and Electric Seal ranging in price from to 50 Special in Ladies Shoes Crockery and Glassware Womans Glove Grain Lace Boots worth r for 95c Free Tea Coffee Samples fc We have different lines Ask for a sample of the price and kind that you used to use and we will give you a sample as good or better for less money Toilet Sets 125 White Ironstone China No goods Tea Cups and Saucers No goods Iron stone China dozen 97piece Colored Dinner Sets 44piece Tea Sefs 7inch Fancy Jardinieres 45c NEWMARKET