Go Pearl A Complete took gtftrt N Life- J J Davie Pollock Metropolitan Electric By Co Toronto to market Ji8 Cars Each A ijcerrifo of Ontario tomtftVow the date for In Esei Booth Ontario ami Brant probability bo It fa has that bo hold the of Deo in all four will bo held oa day Dominion authorities Imperial Government hue contracts for deliveries of hay for South Africa Department of Agriculture baa also loomed that it la desire of British Government to for Canadians an opportune of In supply served meats floor oats Closer relations all round to bo of day i TIME TABLE Now market nm am CO pm IB pm pm y Return Fare either way v Site to Worth Toronto 7 so am 11 am pm V0 pm to UP I AND but WITH EACH ISSUE The Printed I FRIDAY NOV I r NOTES sudden death of Police Magistrate of London Ont on Monday morn last a vacanoy of importance been Rosa to make a nom ination Deceased passed away without lying down on a In It Is announced that tho of an of representative of that con- by holding a massmeeting and at Town Hall on proximo princely towards of education in Canada baa recently boon by McDonald of Montreal it is announced Ufa Id of an arrangement to bear com for of an effort to establish manual training In In of eight provinces of Ion arrangement prompted by Robert Dominion agrJoulturM corn- mlBalonor vbo takes a keen torcst In tho technical A not la now vooant in On- tarlo and in Con- to occupy a on loft of Mr On Tuesday last tho Court of Appeal banded out in tho Elgin caao Anting of trial judges and declaring Mr A unaeatcd mon againet whom corrupt proven and Taylor who provided for betting rendered we failed to discover any yearning on part of or gans for of mon who compacted Mr overthrow boot appeara to bo on other foot In 6ttfigpobpiooa AlbexiCojLin with lire In the oily ft few ago J A Wllia formerly of town with relatives for after an of flvo and J P District of R of in Aurora last Friday of Baldwin and Mrs Cameron of were at Wr A Terrys oyer Monday night J A Hunter of Dallas In Town again week In connec tion with Edwin oitato Mr of tho of Whit- church spent over Sunday in his mother returned homo with to remain for winter nilborn a young man from Kot a couple of Angers nicked with a saw at factory last week and bo was laid off a of days Mrs Irwin and daughter returned last week from Warriors Mark Pa after a visit of two months accompanied by Dr Walter Irwins girl and a of lady friends from Richmond Sill called on Mrs on Tuesday afternoon and took In Fowl in evening Mr John got a on Saturday night informing him that his atopmothor was dead Ho loft for on Monday to attend the funeral Mr J of High addressed Young Men Christian Aneoclation Sunday taking for aubjeot Mr was up from on Wednesday yleltlng bis farm In Whit- accompanied by artillery moo from down from tbo on City has decided to Hon of Marino and to a training ship on Bay Toronto reaches out for everything In Bight and what sua dont flee not to follow tbo placarded about departmental stores ask for I Latest advices from Toronto that no has been arrived at by the trial Judges to conditions under reported for daring the paat months shall bo tried for their offence Tho point most difficult to do- terrains because of the- statoof law is whether the summonses shall bo and the oases tried by one or two Judges If It finally decided that two are necessary the cases cannot bo brought to trial this year January being ear- date at two Judges can bo spar ed fromthe assize work for the required time If one Judge may bear the oases the prosecution will be forth with The crown puts the cases into Mr charge with a free baud and ho reported to have thai politics will in the prosecution life in England has undergone quite an evolution since days when Charles Dickons gave to the world an In sight as to the treatment of half a ago Indeed manifest and has been the ohango that thoughtful people having to do with the ad ministration of law are beginning to ex press the that the other extreme is reached and ono writer A month in an English prison will soon boas elevating as a course of university exten sion lectures We also notice that the committee of the Howard Association hopes that the of the author ities to deliver lectures to prisoners on the subject of health may lead a regular and general encouragement of simitar lec tures temperance kindness to animals and a variety of interesting topics It seems to us that this effort to make prison life a pionio will not inspire that wholesome dread of these cor- Institutions which have upon those who make no pretentions to re- the and liberties of lawabid ing and selfrespecting of Monday coils upon the city authorities to enforce its rights as against the Metropolitan Co in very omphalic terms It says Seldom been a more seed attempt on the part of a to fllch from a it rights over its own streets that made by the Metropolitan Company in connection with the application for per mission to with the at crossing and some of our county authorities are aiding the although York North Toronto and the all are antagonistic to granting the freight facilities the trie Co re making a big fight to obtain The calls attention to the fact that or the use of the streets company pay although Us presence upon that part of the street is a direct detriment to the properly in that vicinity No doubt the city will make the Metropolitan it terms agreement enables the City Council to order the discontinuance of and to return to In twenty foarhouxe after nolle This will be enforced the Electric Co takes a backseat Hon p j On Tuesday laefc South Renfrew en dorsed the new Ross Government by the of Hon of Works for Ontario by the handsome majority of At the last general thero was a three cornered fight and hence comparison with the result on that occasion is misleading but at the last straight party fight previous to last Tuesday the Liberals woo by a majority of Both the Premier and the new Minister are to be con gratulated on the increased majority the party rolled up for the latter and there was no business about the campaign either As usual Mr J P Whitneys prophecies failed Mr Will Eves eon of Mr Eves of Queen fit East who to Manitoba on Harvest Excursion Rot last He was so well pleased with his experience that he talks of going back next year A number of friends called on Mrs Bayly on and congratulated her on reaching another birthday in health of body and mind except being troubled with swollen foot Several also cent tokens of remembrance day previous Mr Edgar Miss Edith Miss Bertha and Miss Ethel of Toronto camo up Tuesday night to attend Mr wed- ding noxt day Miss Ethel will remain a few days with her aunt Mrs Word from this week Mr Wright does not Improve much Fall apples are a barrel and winter apples Butter dressed chickens and geese lb mut ton lb pork and lb Weather beautiful Wo regret to learn that Mr J Meads oxPresident of the League is likely to leave town for good He has ac cepted a situation at Organ Factory at an advance in salary All our young people will wish sacoesa He is offering residence here for sale Enttrpriu Chop- pio was In town on Sat urday winding up his business affairs Mr has located at Newmarket where Is every prospect for a professional career His removal how ever will he generally regretted in Coiling wood as he is a good lawyer and an all round good fellow with the Boors to quarter that the was That the force was thus the Boers is a to the brilliancy of their leader and value of training in Iron tier warfare which our men to beat enemy at own style of warfare Such a success not of course bo obtained for nothing and six of Powells force killed and nine wore wounded Again this engagement Boors to take the offen sive again and for days did noth ing On Oct however their having they dosed in again towards town and having dostroyed the railway two miles north probably with tho of preventing the arrival of expected reinforcements from that direction their bombardment with no greater effect than at first Following this a deter- mined effort was made on October by Boors to southeast to town by storm Colonel Baden- Powell deeoribes tho attack as a most formidable one and indicates that tho advanced bravely a tre mendous fire from the South African police only tor heavy losses English losses were killer and and 14 wounded Up to Oot the British losses killed wounded or missing over 2800 LONDON Nov 15 bombard ment of is now continued daily Tho Boer guns are doing little damage and tho garrison is cheerful London Nov details regarding the bombardment of a of weeks ago at hand Boers used eight guns but their shells wore They had dug trenches within range of the town and Col BadenPowell to worry them in their work sent out a party cover of darkness under and a magnificent bay onet chargo on enemy in tho trenches In this move British killed but losses given at was mong the wounded British could not hold the trenches androturn- to under fire Another violent attack was made by the enemy but when Boers got within rang were forced to retire with heavy losses Since Friday last men and nearly 1 horses and mules arrived in South Africa to reinforce Imperial army Newmarkets A Can you find another store in this part of York can equal the values quoted below a 4 Can you find a store in Toronto that can beat our prices Read this list carefully and then us a trial to of if Mens all Wool Tweed Suits extra well made good Italian Lining in Coats prices were 675 to 790 all sizes to clear at 500 Mens Good Beaver Cloth Overcoats well made well lined and with velvet collars special at There is not a 1500 coat made by any tailor that can beat our special line of fine Beaver Overcoats at 1000 A bargain in our Mens Heavy Ulsters at 500 See our Mens Fine Tweed Suits Single or Double Breasted Sack Style at J Boot 5 Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots special at 100 Ladies Fine Kid Button or Lace Boots J Kings make at 1195 Mens Fine Box Calf Lace Boots J D Kings make 300 Boots our price Mens Fine Lace Boots a good wearing shoe at f25 Ladies Fine Rubbers Mens Fine Rubbers Misses Fine Rubbers Boys Fine Rubbers 55c rf Nov 18 Webster an farmer was killed when on way to town with fl load of hay this morning The unfortunate man fell between the hay and the horses when going down a hill and was kick ed to death Ho was married and leaves a family We have been appointed special sole agents for Liptons Famous Teas These goods are by far the best package Teas on the market and have the largest sale of any in the world Black or mixed in pound or half pound packages at and 50c per lb H Oar Society PERSONAL POINTS PLEASANTLY Mr Jack was borne flupday Mr has gone to Acton on a visit Mr Norman spent Sunday Toronto Mr and Mrs J A At Home last Friday night Miss Greenwood Is visiting at Brace- bridge with Mrs Ashworth Mr and Mrs were At Home on Thursday night of last week Mr Thompson of Chatham was the sneak of Mr Hoover over Sunday Rev Amos of Aurora was calling on a few friends in town Tuesday Mayor Cane was at Ottawa week on business in connection with the factory Rev father Morris visited Father Mo- on Monday on his way from the city Mr Geo of Alt Albert is visiting with Mr Simon for a few days Dr entertained a large company of friends at bis residence one evening last week Mr and Mrs Stokes and baby of Albert were visiting at The Cedars last Mr and Mrs Queens ville spent over Sunday in town with their daughters Mr accepted a sit uation as traveller for a London whole- of Southampton spent over Sunday with her sister Miss Smith at The Cedars Natal Nov 9 Heavy firing has been heard in the direbtion of since daybreak Borne officers say it is heavier than any of the previous engagements It is be lieved that this is because the heavy British natal guns are at last working locality of the town was nothing but a huge of smoke A was observed for several minutes hovering over the Boer posi tion in the mountains It was pre sumably a British from Lady- smith The natives here are undertaking safe delivery of despatches inside Cape Town Nov News receiv ed from undated says that Monday the Boers shelled the town One Boer gun it is said was tot out of and the Boors retired were reinforced attacked again and were repulsed Tuesday they shelled the kopje with little damage Wednesday there was a general attack under cover of artil lery but it was repulsed by the Max im and guns The Boer loss was killed The British loss was slight Thursday shelling by heavy gun was renewed and the Boers massed with the intention of making an attack but this was prevented by a thunderstorm Friday was de sultory rifle firing and occasional shell bat there was little lbsa of life due to the excellence of tbe shelter in the trenches The health and spirits of the troops are good Natal Nov The trans- with General and about a thousand men of tho second brigade arrived here to- London Nov The position of affairs around is made much clearer by a batch of official despatch- Beer per morning It appears that per it donPowell who on Oct 25th was Chickens per pair being shelled by Commandant force with not much success followed The Alto t Boyd At the Baptist parson- age by Rev P Cameron Mr Alfred Markham to Miss Hassle Boyd of SiONniRs At the residence of Mr Samuel con Whit- church on Wednesday Nov by Rev I Bowles Alfred of to Saunders of In on the by Elder at his residence on Si Mr of to Miss of the Township of Pickering At Toronto on the by Rev Amoa Miss Ida of Aurora to Mr Henry Kitchen of King City At the residence of the brides parents on the Inst by Rev assisted by Rev Robinson of East son of Mr John to Miss Clara Agoew daughter of Dr of At the home of the bride on the Rev Weeks Mr Robert son of late Calvin of East to Miss Phtebe Howard daughter of Mr Stephen Howard of the earns township An old bachelor the average womans mouth is so small that it doesnt hold her tongue Nov The fast time that is being made by the Sardinian to South Africa is a surprise The distance from Quebec to Capo Town is computed to be about miles The Sardinian has run miles of her long journey There remains miles to cover or miles more than half the distance The Sardin ian was out just thirteen days at oclock yesterday This would make a daily speed of 265 miles or knots The ship will complete the journey in another thirteen or fourteen days reaching Cape Town on the 26th or A man never adds many inches to his height by standing on his dig nity raaS T to The TiYtOR At Button on the 3rd Inst Mr and Mrs Jas Taylor a eon In Brandon Man on Nov 1st to Mr and Mrs Bert a daugh ter stillborn Tomb OlBau On the con of Whitchurch on Nov Edith Oldham daughter of Mr Abraham Oldham in her year Deceased was troubled with goitre more commonly called thick neck and died very suddenly in fact before medical assistance could be obtained The re mains were interred at Aurora The fam ily have the sympathy of the neighborhood in their bereavement In Aurora on the 13th Thomas steamboat engineer Deceased resided here about 7 or ago and the remains were Interred at St Johns Cemetery on Wednesday after noon Cuerev At Orillla on Saturday Nov Mary wife of John Carrey and relict of the late John Sissons of Ed gar years FOR COUGHS and COLDS The for all THROAT LUHG Large Bottles cents DAVIS A LAWRENCE CO Limited Prop Perry Dim IN- Extension Tables AND- Parlor Suites DURING THIS MONTH NOV IBM i VIourpebarrel CO White per bushel RedWhcatperbuhel Goose wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel per bushel bushel per Bushel per Butter roll per lb Potatoes per Apples per f Wool per lb Hay per ton i Whites plan at though eheiU per ton 0S3 DM a CI W a 023 a a a a a a a a a a a a 15 a a a a a DM ft Main St Worth KJ- Orders wlU receive Careful and Prompt Attention WHY GO TO THE Q By buying your Suits Early at Tailor A full stock of Black and Blue A tor your photos if you can get them as cheap at home and your trouble toe of Having purchased a large the beat Photo- graphic goods lam no pre pared to turn out photos at city prices and In city style I am also prepared to do all kinds or Portrait Enlarging and copying at the low est possible prices If you want to save money call on Call and See Prices Graham WW S WTTTftnD Opposite Royal Hotel a JONES OLD STAND Abo a Choioe Lot of Fine Tweeds for OVERCOATS and PANTS LUNDY wJf Town Carting All kinds of Teaming done on Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms DAVID Cor Main Ontario Newmarket a ln that he has fela to larger Jobbing All of Boots Shoes I made to order and all Repairing Neatly and Promptly attended to All our work is I continuance of your tatcemed