Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1899, p. 7

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i rf I NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT so L CHINA HALL OCT off High In Town Hall on Oct New and Seasonable Goods Just to Hand Indies and Gents and Box Calf Fitting Good Wearing Correct Styles coat in than for inferior and you get COMFORT AND GOOD WEAR Our Box Calf and Shoo Dressing is beat for pre Leather and gives an Elegant Polish Rubbers Aro tho Best Quality WE KEEP THEM Hermann Orchestra of Ten Instruments Quartette Stern old Land Misses Oliver Messrs Oliver and Presentation of Certificates and Diplomas to last years successful candidates by Dr Registrar of Educational Council for Ontario Piano Solo Selected Miss Mabel Cane Chemical and Physical Experiments Miss J Starr Cornet Solo Barber of Mr Geo McDonald Drill with Orchestra Twelve Young Toadies of School Waltzes Daughter of Bonnet Orchestra Good Night Rossini Quartette China Novelties Wo always have Something Now and Handsome A job lot of Majolica and Now Valencies just arrived Now Cod Fish finest quality just received Comb Honey at 13 and Section GRAPE NUTS a very nutritious and wholesome Breakfast Food Excelsior is tho Finest Blend of Coffee Our Japan Tea at is sure to please PART 11 10 Piano Solo Die Carl Jessie I Explanations of Difficult Passages from by Author Himself 12 Selection Martha Orchestra III Act First Merchant of Shakespeare 14 Overture Wedding Bolls Orchestra 15 Scone I Act Fourth Merchant of Venice Shakespeare Cast of of Venice Her Antonio Merchant of Venice Robs his Friend J another Friend Wm Chapman a Robertson Portia a rich Heiress Mine Emma fiyam Maid a Clerk of the Court Attendants A Leslie Jackson Clarence Grandy Fred Tom Howard -xox- Fighting Reported in Africa London When army that martial law will bo pro- corps South Africa the British troops will number over men Many weeks will elapse how ever before this large force is at the front as not only the but vast quantities of stores must he conveyed aoross sea and then over a hundred The Orange Free troops have cut telegraph wires and destroyed tho railway track at Nervals Point just across the State southern border Ottawa Oct 1C Government The Reliable Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts The Laws Of the Land Do not protect yon from Quack Spectacle- Vendors Protect by consulting only resident and qualified Opticians Our optical department is At Your Service Wo make Change for testing Your Eyes miles into a country will be I has bedn advised that Post A Better Than Ever Are the advantages offered by the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE generally speaking of necessaries of life It is estimated that Boers are now in the field but little reliance can bo placed on these figures as there are said to bo now within dors of Natal The Boers of the Transvaal and Orange State prob ably number Beginning next Friday six trans ports will leave Southampton daily This means the despatch of over 000 troops in six days It would be beyond the power of any other Euro pean country for the troops will carry with them everything necessary for a lengthy campaign The war is expected to last until April and it is expected that it will cost Government will ask Parliament to vote immed iately a for or London Oct 16 War Office issued tho following note thin afternoon with respect to the situation in South Africa The despatches received do not point to any material change in tbe military situation Small bodies of Boers are reported to have crossed the Natal frontier at various points and entrenchments are said to been thrown up at Van Pass The Gape Town correspondent of the Morning Leader telegraphing Sunday night says is reported that fighting began at Kimberley this morning The railway has been cut at Belmont The Boers who occupied New Cas tle after its abandonment by the Brit ish consist of Transvaal and Free State troops and Hollanders Cape Town Oct A despatch from Dundee Natal says that a Boer estimated at men with 6 field guns has reached northeast of Dundee with the probable intention of surrounding Dun dee and cutting off the garrison from be ready to sail from Quebeo with the contingent for South Africa on the It is likely that the contingent on the 28th London Oct are sensa tional reports of trouble at Kimberley where Rhodes has stationed him- self instancing the courage which he displayed during the rebel ion Wires between Kimberley and Do Aar Junction have been out and the stationmaster at River just south of the town has heard fir ing and the Boers are said to be ad vancing southward seeking to capture Cecil Rhodes Another report says that is being besieged by a big Boer force The Boers have cut the railway at Belmont south of Kimberley having seized the Spytsfontien railway Strong British forces are at Bridge and Orang River Bridge Wires being cut near it is not known whether Col Baden- Powell has been reinforced or not If not he has men against Boers The Boers of the Transvaal and Orange Free probably number Twelve thousand Boers have crossed the Free border into Natal Gen Koch wires from the Natal border that his command occupied Bo- Pass and also captured rail way station Following is the strength and dis position of the British troops in Natal At Ladysmith batteries guns infantry at Estcourt vol unteers at volunteers These with the force at Pietermaritz- make a total of 15000 men in Natal Very heavy rains and snows are re ported which hamper Boer move ments and they are finding that they began too late even to easily obtain the initial success counted upon- They evidently find he advance upon Lady- of Orange and of the Transvaal maintain direct connection Tho Atlantic Transport Line has the steamer Mam to Gov- eminent for use as a hospital ship dur ing- tho war in South Africa It understood that tho offer has been ac cepted company charges noth ing for steamer Admiralty has been cautioned against allowing shipowners provid ing transports to engage crews at Rot terdam or Antwerp as these ports swarm with Boer spies and sympathiz ers Jonkor van dorHoovon tho secre tary of the Legation in Transvaal at Berlin when ho announced that a stato of war existed in his country against England said thai the Boers look upon war as a sacred war and will fight with religious enthus iasm going to battle like the warriors chanting psalms and full of religious faith in tho justice their cause Tho Prince and Princess of Wales each to the Mansion House Fond for the relief of South Afncn Fifty thousand pounds of Lord Mayor of Londons fund for relief of Transvaal refugees have already been sent to Sir Alfred for dis tribution Ottawa Oct following cablegram was received from Mr Chamberlain Hor Majestys Gov ernment received with much pleasure your tolegrnrn of tho of October convoying generous offer of a thousand troops which they gratefully accept London Oct 17 Tho Boers early yesterday pushed far down tongue of Natal advancing straight along tho railway to a eleven miles from Junction Later however they fell back about twelve miles to Ingagane a stream crossed by a railway bridge Transport difficulties are said to caused this move which to indicate that an immediate attack on General White is unlikely Gen Jouherts force is said to number 000 Gen Whito must about The silence is broken Native rumors assert thai sharp fighting has occurred around Kimberley but nothing definite is known Railway communication with Rho desia is now definitely cut off Capo Colony volunteers have been called out local forces in South Africa will he augmented to 12500 WITH THE Oct An armored train while near engaged Boers killing five and wounding seven British had no losses Spytfontein is a few miles south of Kimberley on the border be tween Cape Colony and Orange Free State and on tho main line from Capo Town to running the borders of both hostile re publics Cape Town Oct 17 It is reported here that the Boers have had an with another armored train from Rhodesia FIGHTING NEAR 14 Delayed in transmission Heavy fighting took place this morning north of An armored train sent to repair the line opened fire on the Boer commando One burgher was killed and two wounded A second en- easement followed in which nine British were wounded Then while General troops were near the broken railway bridge nine miles north of an approaching train loaded with dynamite was fired upon and blown up There were no casualties on the Transvaal side Lorenzo Oct 17 Two refugees who have arrived here from the Transvaal report that the Boers have attacked on western border of Transvaal but have been repulsed with heavy losses by the gallant Colonel BadenPowell and his force from and attacked tho Boers who were investing town After fierco fighting British carried the day Kimiibrlky Oct An armored train while near fontein engaged the Boors killing five and wounding seven tish had no losses Town Oct 17 It is re ported hero that tho Boers have had an engagement with another armored train from Rhodesia London Oct North a town in Capo Colony situated right on southern border of Orange State is reported to bo the hands of burghers The London Daily Telegraph cor respondent at Ladysmith says that tho risen against tho Orango Free This if confirmed is of great importance as tho a powerful fighting tribe and it lias been Great Britains policy to restrain the natives from taking part in war British engineers said to have succeeded in blowing up bridge crossing tho Orange River at Hope Town THE FIGHT LoxnoK Oct skirmish near Spytfontein nays a special spatch from Cape Town was lively armored train with a de tachment of unmolested until within ranie when the Boers opened fire maxims were instantly sot to work end did great execution among burghers Tho latter also used artillery but in effectively The armored train re turned to unharmed Tho crow of the armoured train say the Boers fired thirteen shells but their aim waa wretched and not a shot struck tho train which then mode bold to approach nearer and open fire with the maxims Tho replied with heavy rifles again shooting wildly Only three or four bullets struck the train Subse quently the crew learned that five Boers and two Boer horses were killed while several Boers and horses wero wounded Not a member of the British force was so much as touched Ottawa Oct When the Gov ernment gave out its official announce ment on Friday last in regard to the Canadian contingent it was stated therein that the arrangement by the Imperial authorities wero not altogeth er satisfactory as Canada would like to be represented by a regiment of its own with a Canadian officer in command The government has been since then in communication with the Colonial Office and has made some progress in that direction It is only after an urgent appeal that the War Office has now consented to Canada sending a contingent to bo regarded as a Canadian brigade Cold Weather Talk Is In Season We have just added our large stock t Comprising every size and variety 6t the best makes in Canada for both coal and wood These goods were bought before the rise in iron and intending purchasers should examine tbem before selecting elsewhere COMPLETE WINTER STOCK OF SHELF HARDWARE Everything you want for house bam or stable Reliable UptoDate Goods- J A ALLAN GO Book NEW DINNER WARE a consignment of Dinner Sets comprising Handsome Patterns in Brown Blue and Green Gilded and Plain prices in keeping with the quality on sale for and upward TOILET WAR An excellent variety in Brown Pink and Green Patterns Gilded or Plain Prices Low communication with and8raUd7fliouIt7ithVr It is supposed that this west force ib commanded by Viljoens and The Boers have seized seven horses Corner Toronto Nine regular teachers No Presidents on figure heads typewriting machines Enlarged Premises Every facility for good results Enter any time Write for Circulars comprises the Gorman gunners Gen Joubert is believed to bo at Nek which he is fortifying belonging to the police patrol near on the Buffalo River about 10 miles southeast of Dundee Natal Fifteen refugees from is not known what has become of sir aw Principal reaohed Ladysmith Among them is the guard of the Natal train which was by the Orange Free State Ho says tfiat the English driver and fireman were detained to work the train whioh is used in carry ing Free troops to Van Reenans Pass where earthworks have been thrown up and two guns have been placed in position As tho refugees in Capo Town threaten to become troublesome and hooted and mobbed a number of leading Dutchmen is some ex the riders but it in supposed that they were captured Kennedy Dickson who accom panies Gen Buller to take moving pictures of the battles is praised by the papers as a hero and they say he is doing people a great service in showing just how the troops act under fire The Australian Government has so- cured the White Star Lino steamer Medic now at Melbourne to convey Australian contingent to South Africa MORE BURGHERS KILLED Pretoria Oct Delayed in transmission Further despatches re ceived by the Government that righting continues north of The British after the second engage ment retired in the of the town but they resumed the aUaok shortly afterwards two burghers being killed and three wounded Pretoria Oct Delayed in transmission Heavy fighting took place this morning north of Mafeking An armored train sent to repair the railway line opened fire 011 the Boer commando One was killed and two were wounded A second engagement followed in which nine British were wounded Lorenzo Oct Two refugees who have just arrived hero from Transvaal report that Boer been repulsed at sustaining heavy losses LosnoN Oct 17 A special de spatch from Cape Town that three hundred Boors and eighteen British have boon killed in a battle at I Colonel made a sortie fllatacto Uit Apei to Colni In that dried up Oriental near China von know of counterfeit In and counterfeit ers of matt bo most proficient for we hear that It the hardest thing In the World to bad from good money The are often deceived and frequently attest rata they could employ were deceived too for bad money was such a wonderful imitation that the closest often failed to find the difference between good and a bad piece In dllomma tome called to help come one who was always not to smart as a man a monkey And largo apes of Slam proved a at their new avocation that of employ ing them for tho of bad money has become unlvereaL The ape cashier of Slam holds bis situation without a rival He has a peculiar method of testing Every piece Is banded to and he picks up- each bit of money one at a time and meditatively puts it Into month tasting it with grave deliberation If good he fact plainly He takes it from his mouth and places it In Its proper receptacle beside He has pronounced judg ment and every one Is satisfied judgment Is correct But if the coin Is bad cashier makes known bio verdict In an equally unmistakable manner Ho throws it violently from his mouth to the floor shaking his head with as inuoh disgust at the merchant himself might ftel at being imposed upon With loud and angry ho makes known bis displeasure at being presented a bad piece of money The merchant himself could not express it bettor Now how does a monkey know what a man Ah that Is his secret He never reveals it Perhaps be Is afraid If he should make known all the mys teries of bis profession might be gone and people would more prefer men for cashiers in place of the extraordinary apes employed by of Slam Independent Are now on sale in Fine China Plates Cups and Saucers Tea Pot Stands Etc WALL PAPER The Usual Large Stock with some new designs for fall on Eale for per roll and upwards Note Paper and Envelopes A goodly variety of Plain and Fancy Note Paper with envelopes to match Papeterie3 in Latest Tints Central Office STARR The EMULSION The D EMULSION II most preparation The Do EMULSION Is prescribed the leading of Caxudi The D EMULSION lift marvellous flh producer and will S1 per Bottle DAVIS genuine CO Limited When in need of a Suit OR AN Overcoat October 19 call and see us as we will give you what want We carry the Largest Stock of Tailoring In Town both in Domestic and Im ported Woolens WE GDARRTRE EVERYTHING ft or money refunded Call and Inspect the goods that arrived this week as their equal caonot be beat In quality- and price McLaughlin Tailor molt unique as si cue operations has been carried out at Perugia whore an eminent pro testor operated for a upon a Hon lug to a Loudon paper would have interested that famous Rota Eon- who made a study thorn A lloiui actually died In her arms And the was greatly trie animal In last moments licked hand with Its tongue Era with any other weekly for homo news smiTH Photograph Gallery Will be open all day on above date Come in moraine and avoid raeb Gallery Two doors South of House WANTED All kinds of Teaming done on Short and on Undersigned will be prepared to DRAFT and Draught weighing from to ltOO Iba I Those horses must bo Bound Good Con dition and from to 9 old Win at the following plaoea Franklin House Wednesday Oct Mansion House StoutTyille Thursday Oct Hotel Albeit Friday Oct Royal Hotel Newmarket Saturday A Montreal PRIVATE SCHOOIi I DAVID Cor Mala A- Ontario English French and Music A Pupils primary Instruction Vet here have stood

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