Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Oct 1899, p. 5

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a -yi- fc b i it Ari 5ci9 ONTARIO BANK General Manager CAPITA OFFICE president NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking Interest Allowed on Deposits AX HIGHEST RATK0 DRAFTS ISSUED I A Business International Sunday School Journey to 1800 Ezra AT AM merlin and American Drafts bought and old Fur promptly Attended to era Notes Discounted bought and Collections ROSS Dp Alfred Dr first door South of Post OrriOK to JO toaand6to8pm HI OrFiCK lately occupied by Dr opposite Church Main Co 10 am to and to p in THE DAY THEY DID NOT CELEBRATE Dp Jiocue Near Churoli of Now market fv j Simpson Main St and Fancy Goods of Culture and Violin Tuner of Pianos and all Instrument P Rvbhxit Olivei of Conservatory of Music OF PIANO and Queen to At per cent on farm security oiRo loans effected on policies by Davidson Commissioner for taking affidavits J Conveyancer and Ileal Estate Agent o Agent for following Insurance Companies Liverpool and London and Norwich Union Standard Mutual Office Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At per on Security by Commissioner for taking Affidavits Heal Es tate Agent Issuer of Marriage Licenses Also Agent for the following Companies Queen of London end Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual In also for the Confederation Association Golden Text hand of our is upon all thorn for good that seek him Between seventy and years and followers had returned from to Jerusalem Ezra of greatest men in history started on samo journey king who had petted had away and his son was on his throne Dur ing the seventy or eighty years of re storation great changes had been wrought in the deserted land of Judah than fifty thousand had its environments In thoir poverty but using gifts of tho Persian monarch these had a new temple But the first enthusiasm passed away people who bad to were off than those who had remained in Babylon where they all tho greater en deavor to bo faithful to their God It seems to boon a literary period to Babylon and tho known soribes to existence Ezra hav ing himself to the Hebrew law ambition arose in his heart to enforce it among his poople especial ly those in seems to ho a little question too that Jewish influence had boon very at the Persian capital Ezra had asked for the authority to take a band of fresh emigrants to but ho needod money also and kings de cree granting all that was asked is given to Ezra PRACTICAL SUGGESTION Let every bo prepared for some work of God Bring that which is of value into service of God house cannot be so religious that can afford to bo unbusinesslike God always keeps his promiso R Ceaseless Torment Gnawing and Irritation Have a Short Stay After Ap plication of Dr Olntmet It helps and Cures Quickly Howard Peaks Island Mo writes Enclosed find cents for which kindly send mo a box of Dr Agnows Ointment I been afflict ed for a long time with eczema and it has mo so much good I want to try another box Tho first appli cation gave mo more relief than any thing I over tried Its going to cure mo outright by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket l Registry Office Corner Of Main and Lot flOEJSLCY THE Bed Bird flea steamet CQuskoka Kingston Oct 13 Davis Shipbuilding Company have an order to build a palace steamer costing for lakes Throe large hotels will also be built in Muskoka before next summer The summer visitors to this year numbered more than last season An Apparent Fully Explained Call and at Carriage Repository Also a few secondhand wheels In stock THE PRICE AND IS JUST RIGHT Also for the Manufacturers Life In surance Co The best Inducement to young men ROBHRTSOW Manitoba BEST Hungarian Patent YIELD of all kinds Timothy Clover Carrot and Seeds of the BEST Portland and Ontario J Cor Main and Huron for pur books Invent ors and you are swindled Send us a or model of Invention or Improvement and we will tall you free our opinion as to it Is I probably patentable Wo wake a specialty of applcatlons rejected in other hands J MARIO PATEKX A of of tujinteMiij In il A4UfcUu Amcr4 Works Kiiylaivd r j7 There are thousands of people in Canada with very limited resources who are always well and neatly dress ed but never in debt for the costume cape jacket suit or overcoat The question with many is How can men and women dress well when small incomes are barely sufficient to pay rent and living expenses The explanation is simple but true nevertheless Wise economical women call to their aid the magical powers of Diamond Dyes when new are needed in wearing appar el for the mother daughter father or son The soiled or dingy dress or costume worn a year or two ago or it may be a faded and rusty cape jacket suit or overcoat that has done service in the past alt are made to look like new at a trifling cost by the use of Dyes The Diamond Dyes supply the new est most fashionable and most be coming colors for the different sea sons This is one of the great ad vantages that Diamond Dyes offer to the ladies of Canada No other pack age dyes areso strong fast and bril liant as- the Diamond and no others so easy to use All economical and thrifty women use the reliable Diamond Dyes Of all the numerous teachers Doing business here on earth Experience is the dearest ono you get your moneys worth If If you are Buffering from consequences of impure blood boils pimples or scrofula sores If your food docs not digest or you suffer from catarrh or rheumatism you are tho one who should Hoods It will fit your case exactly make your blood pure and cure salt rheum scrofula rheumatism dy spepsia catarrh and give you perfect health HOODS PILLS cure all liver Nonirritating Or did they celebrate It nil Well you boo save the Mas sachusetts The minister rolled out Gover nors Thanksgiving Proclamation Axneii I responded Deacon David Ills wife turned to him for brief moment pair of flashing eyes then pulled down her veil to hide the tears in which tho Indignation was drowned How could his heart in a whole Commonwealth gulp when In her own on that Sunday there was room for hut two mom here of that Commonwealth of which to toll was Deacon David himself the other only child David junior away In tho city of Boston If she hnd known of Iho existence of certain little David Sweet third I think to state It mildly her heart could have expanded enough to take him In too they hod heard only incidentally from David In Ave years since he left homo until tho day preceding this Sab- hath when a letter hud arrived from him which the deacon and had sat up very late to discuss though tho dis cussion was a most affair as you will allow Ill lam David began deacon hotly that ho cant play at fas with me I him when ho said he would go to city Tarn back on the old farm now tarn It fur good h all What I fur that boy deacon partly to justify him self partly to check his wife who was on the point of speaking I never see no uso In gettln n Ive got Jang without no father afore me look at this ere farm I ijiero aint uo puttier In hull county nor so good But David dead sot on an to knuckled ter him you and let him get it Proud on him 1 Wall yes I long fur a spell I lived through thorn ere days on tho Idee that David come settlo down with me call his out fur tho good of the farm but when I found that all his lifted him head neck heels above the ole came buck fur tor stay poor old deacons Voice grow husky his only safety was to explode In anew direction I bet that ere wife of is at the bot tom of this letter stopping it down on the old desk at which bo was seated His wife I Its simply that our David should ha out mong them heathen shopgals of took to a wife Why the very best In the county he might ha had fur Ills wife made no reply She also had had dreams about the daughter that David might some day bring home but in the depths of her heart she blessed this un known girl If through her Influence David had written at lost The mother knew that David did not his fathers life but the counterpart of that father he could not be Wall deacon she gently asked what the letter say It replied the deacon in another burst it in sum substance my wifo me come home and I sum substance n Im write David so No yo cant Her face flushed she opened her mouth to then closed It again with unaccustomed patience The deacon without further words began his struggle with the answer to Davids letter found it an easy matter to tell sum n substance to but a far harder thing to write it to David There must be a beginning what should It be My dear son Well let it goat that Then as to what should follow He scratched and blotted sighed and wiped his sweaty forehead wrote again and tore Into bits David orter to be here write ray letters fur me he muttered fretfully then he began once more finished it desperately and signed it Father at his wits end for a substitute For his father I be said he I cant git rid Don ye seat it up without me it deacon said his wife anxiously The deacon reluctantly passed it expecting a torrent of tears and expostu lations in consequence but Llzabeth held herself strangely In check My dear son Father she remarked at length Humph I its like a pie with a good top bottom crust but a measly fillin Then louder to her hus band Whilst youve got pen in ban deacon Jest ter bleege me take sheet of paper n write out what ud be my answer not obliged sen It you know The deacon amazed and relieved at this easy escape dipped his pen forefinger and thumb In the Ink and waited her dicta tion My dear son she said I cant im prove on it out Done said the deacon Go ahead Nor I cant better the she went on Co skip a line and write down Father N now she said looking over his shoulder Jes betwixt between write the one word come Theer deacon she concluded trem bling with earnestness let them tew let ters lay there locked up in fehershlp over the Sabbath Then come here Monday m out another hour volop an hacked n now Im bound to mail afore break- fan but afore I start tor it up Ill throw that letter In fir aside thruut the letter underneath and left the room And the mothers hopes died out with tho glow Its burning Pumpkins lent their gold cranberries their crimson spices their pun in a vain attempt to give zest to preparations hat went on in Sweets kitchen But for pity in it gravity with which the deacon bunded his wife limp fat fore ordained turkey would been irresist ibly comlcvl A feast minus thee means only a fast Thanksgiving to Elizabeth without David meant the same On tho afternoon before Thanksgiving restless and condemned under his wifes accusing eye the deacon shouldered his and set off for his nearest patch of woodland watched him with a sudden twinge of pity Pore father she said Id in my shoes than in his fur I dew tow one hes more miserable than me old clock rang Her work was done alio eat resting In bar cozy kitchen Fur mercy sakes I she exclaimed starting up suddenly Kf theer aint the very whistle cars would ha fetched em She bowed her head on tho table and cried as if her heart would break deacon homeward bound heard the whistle too and it brought to his mind thout Identical with his wifes His vigorous work In the woods hod par tially exorcised his evil spirit Ill go hum snld he Vcf so bo gut red of that look of up tell her Im sorry He wanted to see the train come round the curve The smoke belched from the engine dark and surly Ho never forgot how it trailed Its heavy length along the ground in that waning cheerless light The engine and one car passed over the little bridge that spanned the old river road He started Did he imagine that tho bridge was trembling the coaches tottering swaying the whole going pell- mell down to destruction It was not till the engine shrieked for help that ho woke from the spell that bound him The next Instant so it seemed he was down there axe In hand amid the moans of the wounded and a mass of wreckage But he was not long alone in a few moments every man In the village was on the spot Two of the three coaches had fallen one upon other but in these most fortunately were but a halfdozen passengers for the is not on the inafnline of travel being simply the ter minus of short brunch They pulled the first man out dead ho was not even bruised his lips were still purted In the smile they had worn as death took him The friend to whom that smile hod been given sprang out un harmed Just tWn a cry rang out Tho over turned stoves had sot the ruined cars on fire With terrific energy the men tug ged lifted and prised After that first cry of horror the work went on In silence Two more were though sadly maimed Theres three left said the conductor In despair A young couple with a baby God them theyre as good as dead Never shouted the deacon never I Now boys at It again I Thats right I Bless me well save the baby anyhow On bis knees he reached for the little one whom the mother held up to him above her head She shuddered at bis bloodstained arms yet gave the boy un falteringly Even in that extreme mo ment the deacon at the brave young The boy was passed along to Quick young woman said the cont Its yonr turn now held grandfather over In a shadowy corner The deacon bad been relegated to the little bedroom once Davids serosa the hall but shut out alone he could not sleep v J Twice during the night father open ed the door with cautious eagerness only to be softly but emphatically dismissed by his wife But watching his chance once towards morning he found the sentinel herself asleep softly stockingfooted crept to Davids side deacon passed his bond caressingly over his face David opened eyes and garoback for smile Then satisfied the deacon went out as quietly as he had entered and both slept peacefully till morning dawned And then it was Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day but no Thanksgiving feast All the day Elizabeth brooded and fluttered over the children as she called David and and brought them gruel in old silver porringer that David had loved as a child her face radi ant as she chose for Contents use the very that David had dented with his baby teeth The deacon had to forage for himself Little Davy ate bread and milk in blissful unconsciousness of what he longed to the day As for the deacons wife I do believe she breakfasted dined and supped on nothing but her happi ness Its so long I gut a good square meal of that she said when they urged her to eat that so Sho bad emphatically denounced the necessity of acquainting David with the mistake that had been made In the let- Our Tailoring Department is in full swing and ho wonder we are very busy We are v selling NOBBY ALLWOOL TWEED SUITS at The Stock in other Departments is Complete The Leading House Sharon J ten Deacon Sweet sho said youre an creature the Lord interfered n made the wrath of own heart tor praise Him very lenstest you can dew is to hold tongue the deacon was most happy to hold It Yet he moved about and sub dued Thanksgiving Day that had dawn ed In all its glory for the rest for him was dim with shadows of regret that even little David Sweet the third failed to Thats Contents work father naming the baby David junior told him Aud the letter too I never should have sent but for her When the deacon heard tttat he forgot his shyness and went over to the sofa where Content lay and put his hand on hers What he said to her David did not catch Content drew his white head down upon her breast that was her only answer And yet Thanksgiving joys in their full blessedness were not the deacons till on the evening when with humbly lagging steps he took his wonted place In the Friday night prayermeeting There among his friends and neighbors he robe to relieve his burdened soul Brethren said he Ive gut say to ye You all know how the Lord gin me cause for in fetch in home through wonderful way David my sou How wonderful them ways been I aint liberty tell ye But that wuznt Hes gone did thing beside Hes fetched me home tew Ive been thlukin all these years that I wuz safe Inbide my Fathers house its llk this Jam me that I stepped over the door sill I sposetbe Lord how a Sweet couldnt be drove fur lies coaxed home through ways so I gilt words tell ye theyll lay onto betwixt my Lord u me I how youve done to me through all these years hard cold with His words on my tongue but little of His love in my heart Brethren sisters forgive whats past and gone Dont lay me t By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out FIRSTGLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT I k Proprietor -oxo- I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for their patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Ajbebt Bogxbt The Buffalo AilSteel Disc Harrow le or sold In This Is the only Disc Harrow Canada having Independent adjustable spring discs pressure upon the inner ends of the allowing any amount of pressure to a uniform depth Examine this fully and compare with others thrown foot of flex bio worked to Machine mornin choose which ye shall sen the Lord shall show ye Now Im bed The deacon locked the desk pocketed the key and followed his wife All Sunday Elizabeth Sweet held her peace hut her heart when she heard the deacons vigorous Amen I Kur deary deary me she sighed tbewues he goes on bout David hum loud he hollers in meetlnV On Monday morning the deacons wife rose long the rain began her weeks washing The little kitchen was a very place of prayer not the less so that the one who prayed stood over her washtub the smoke of her Incense steam from the boiling clothes She heard the deacon fumbling with Ms keys at the old desk She longed to go to him yet feared to her cause While sho hesitated ho entered the kitchen Wall Its only fair let ye know what Ive Im ter what I writ David myself night Ive tho en- But the baby barely left her before she was down again in the stifling heat and smoke clinging to her husband who firmly held by a mass of wood and iron could not move though It after ward was found that he had received no serious Injury The deacon tried In vain to disengage her hold No no she moaned let me die with David I hall never leave him David The gave fresh Inspi ration to the vigorous old man He let himself down there beside them The flames drew nearer nevertheless as the young man looked into the deacons face a smile Of joy Illumined Father he cried I thought youd come but you cant save me Take Con tent my wife away Make Look after her and the boy dear father Im so glad you wrote me to coma home The deacon stopped hit work for an in stant that he might comprehend this wonderful thing God then had caused Elizabeths letter to be sent But had David come only to die Insight of home A glow as bright the face of David wore spread over the fathers bat he was looking away from David What then did he see I The deacon Is far from being an Imag inative man yet he declares that In that dreadful place ho saw distinct fleeting and glorious as the lightnings nosh the visible promise of God that they should escape unharmed Strength superhuman came to the arms Just at the last moment David was freed And they took him home to his mother All that night bruised and sore David lay in his mothers bed that refuge to which when a little boy he had so often flown on pain or frlghtiulckened wings never had it seemed sweeter than now His sat near him happy and watchful noiselessly jogglug her chintz- covered rocker Content weak from the nervous shock lay passive in the the great comfortable unfa just where In the fires fitful gleaming he could see her white peaceful face Little Davy slept in the old cherry crib Gods help in the mean show ye I beseech ye fur with days come I that that His voice broke then utterly failed him hi down his face buried in his hands Many eyes grew dim Sophronla tenderhearted soul could not check her sobs The silence grew oppressive when suddenly Brother Lane back his bead and in a melodious voice started the old campmeeting strain My brother I wish you well caught it next ail tangled with her sobs the rest came to swell the second line My brother I wish you well Ere the last notes had died away the deacon bad turned his back on them and laftthe little room but not one misinter preted his action He went home to Elizabeth with a shin ing face Lizabetb be said weve a heavenly together the tonight ye she questioned In reply Wall me David Con tent weve a heavenly together tew Thank God He dont tie them sort thlus up place I rocked that ere Davy off sleep In my arms that cut a good slice of heaven ter start with then Content got up in the cbeex for a spell David we over on to the n then we gut Deacon youll me that ere Content shes never seen a Shes altera been born n brought up in she lost her father her mother so airly she dont even know their looks She me that shes moved about so much from pillar that she never sensed what a home wuz MIL she married her dear good David then David he broke In and he tells me how Content gloried up their little home till Its a teeny heaven on earth baby shes allers so cheery come bright days com days that hes gin her name a pri vate hearttwist n he calls her Sweet Content Its a name that she deserves deacon I uns so youd seen David he looked so tickled now deacon Ive the thin you me ken dew Is ter be con tent to let David make his home In city fur good boy that wife ex a creator over for the baby hes baby ever raved breath of life It Con ten the i that I ever spent In all days pasMn round bat but we live n the Lord spares us ter nee the light of nuiher well show her whats what Amen Deacon David Sweet i it The IB A MARVEL OP SUCCESS The only Culti vator made that both of teeth cut an even depth In the ground Examine it and you will see why The only Cultivator with a move able tooth set so that the angle of tbe teeth can be regulated to suit any condition of soil can be regulated to act differently on every sec tion requiring it The teeth are carried between the wheels instead of trailing behind as In other machines thus securing draft ma chine Is furnished with grain and grass seed box when required It has reversible diamond points for the teeth also extra wide thistlecut ting points can be furnished Examine It and you will buy no THE BEST DRILL MADE Needs No Introduction Over Drills and Seeders of our manufac ture In use Id Canada The only Drill made with lever for instant ana perfect regulation of depth of In all kinds of soil white lain motion Sows absolutely correct scale as every kernel Is deposited at a proper depth to grow- Purchase only the best and you will bo satisfied wo also manufacture Binders Reapers Mowers Rakes Cultivator and Pulpera as good as the best Send for Illustrated catalogue Limited Canada k I Tit fcJV IAJ ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT r- JJ NOT ANOTHER Just a Made in Styles 3 Sizes and Prices No Note No Letter No Cap There is not a business man using the Shannon File that would be without them after finding now convenient they are Lawyers and Ministers find them just as convenient The Ladies would not be without them if they knew handy they are to keep accounts find letters Every well regulated household should have them The Office Specialty Mfg Co Factory Newmarket and Bay St Toronto Notre Dame Montreal P Q you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of months a

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