-TCr- Weeks Local flews OH It ft ABOUT I Football After afternoon School bud with and stood 8 to at In favor former Stolen got a on night that a stolen at and thief waa heading for Ho to any ot men or rig In vicinity town While doing wiring Factory thf week Mr Jos made a ohort circuit not knowing thai cur rent on had a coons bnrrlt pretty badly It throw off pork for two or daya Money As tcHj as mooting Is Bat- afternoon will bo pre pared to pay the prizes awarded at the Nowmarkot Fair and to state ho would bo delighted if titled thoroto would call and It out ot his Cant do Better Many farmore finding out that New market of boat grain mark eta in as shown day by number of teams that are soon on our streets that adyertleo also keep food etooksund sell at prices Burglary The wines In tho dollar of disturbed on Friday night by burglars thieves secured an to a wing of tho house by cutting away a and opening window caretaker in of the residence was not aroused by While Travelling town this our noticed that Wlnena bad largest and best assorted stock of Horse Clothing over in Ho has all of blankets Dutch Kerseys all plaids In fact overcoats of all warm and cut in latest fashion has also big lot ot Mens Moose also all wool covered with cordovan and all wool covered with calfskin ho are than any place in town Hose House Mr contractor for now Hose Reel House and Polling Booth on cor- the Model School Grounds Prospect Ave has building well under way there will not be to do to it on Pat night A six foot eloping platform in front of tho building will with an foot to the street and the fence will be moved in line with the North of the building A firemens meeting was to bo held last night to reorganize the Hose Companies so that persons livinp on tho East side of the Town or working at the Specialty tory would man the reel on Ave Dont Forgot r The belong to Mr Saturday morning Bee Mr Frank will conduct the fate Gospel Good Sunday and very Interesting program Cody In the chair and Miss Lush organist Mrs gave a reading recitation Palmer a solo end read Inge by and Mrs Cone will program next Sunday Wrong There no In suspicion that Mr Willie skipped out of Town to got rid of any financial obligation faota of the case Mr ro word from his brother in Phila delphia to go at as a situation was for him but could not bo held Mr Moffatt immediately accommoda tion to his and left on the car noxt morning for Pennsylvania Willie has boon honorable In all his busi ness dealings hero and wo to hear a good account him in Quaker olty a i Incandescent Applications coming in for more light Mr E baa dcoldcd to put In bis aa soon as his fix- arrive There will bo two as as and rope Mr Morgan who works in the Office Spe cialty baa ronted of tho tone Eagle St and will fam ily from Toronto Ho baa an order for live lights Several mora have ordered additional lights and with of lino to Homo the has hie hands full Shooting The opens Ontario on fnat kind of game la very In not ox much trouble from Act if j Curling meeting f A meeting of the Newmarket Curling hold at Boom Friday evening All are requested to attend and other moo would to Join will bo come Produce was a big market last Saturday and prices had an upward Bat- tor high 20o though 18 and was tho price paid went up to at a bag and largo quantity sold at CO and per pair chick- ens from SO to pair from to pair tnrkoya Apples from to por barrel and by basket Snow Crab apples a basket Cabbage and 8 for pcok or Lamb and by quarter Pork So by quarter R Word to the Wise Complaints have been about crowds who hang around In the evenings especially on Saturdays Homo- times the crowd done that It Is with tho utmost difficulty a customer can pot through it and tho and must be very annoying to ladles The of merchants Is also more or inter with Wo would suggest that those who wish to eland on ho and talk would that not obstructing the of those who wish to or the then there would be no harm done The Big Jacket Sale Saturday was quire that tho best values are at C Hughes R hong Off The scheduled rates adopted in for Incandescent lights ip by the managers to bo cheaper than sur rounding towns In looking over their rates we they for to lights cents per mouth Take a dwelling with ten the price being uniform for or 16 lamps the cost would be per month In Newmarket thereto now charged Is just one- half Id this Town however the plant belongs to the Corporation it ran by a company this makes the differ ence The price paid In Newmarket not only the working expenses lights the streets free far as the taxes are concerned R Financial Success last week a meeting wae held in Aurora to up finances in connection with the to Niagara Falls a couple of months ago total number ot passengers carried on excursion wero adults and children gross receipts total amount paid for transportation etc leaving a balance in tho of the Union Treasurer of which was equally divided between tho two after the local ex- ponsos Collision On Saturday evening was a tioal on Eagle of that drivers have elwaye con tended since the system of street lighting was introduced There la a laro of light in the of the person driving towards it that it is almost an impossibility to see anybody approach On tho night In question Mr Silas of Street was driving to Town in a buggy accompanied by hie wife and daughter Mr George Williamson was driving out of Town and neither party saw thu other till too late to aycrt a col Tho wheels of tho two rigs looked with other and all occupants jumped out Nobody hurt and horses behaved admirably Mr had a wheel smashed to plocea and bar broken Mr Williamson bad tbo whfOletree broken and eome of bis harness Mr got home from Ottawa on Sunday He report that about worth now goods en route between Montreal and Ottawa Were destroyed by firo It is to have been by shipment of In wiihoontente consumed We hear that the Co will make good lose j Court On Monday morning Wood- engaged bearing a from Landing was charged with to theft of from Wednesday John of the Landing op and J com- plaint of charging him Boyeral witnesses were examined and the adjourned till Saturday to hoar other witnesses admits taken the boat but to bo part owner denies that any ownership and eaye the boat is hie own property On thia point tho hinges WTtY T7J mm IS Buy your Winter Outfit now Manufacturers prices are advancing rapidly and will have to pay per cent more For your goods late Our Prices at Present are as Low on as Our trade in Dress Goods this season has more than doubled owing to special prices quality and variety A few of the New Goods carried by no other house are Sedan Cloth inches wide Imperial Twill Figured J ace Covert Cloth 1 j FECIAL PRI Heavy Crash Towelling Grey Twill Flannel soft lofty finish toe Plaid Wrapperetts for Baldwins 4ply Beehive yarn Butter Towels for Black Cashmere Gloves in Stoves 1 Parlor Cook small Parlor Cook wood Upright Heater wood fancy coat Upright Heater round drum shape 1 Selffeeder coal medium size in Box Stove used year 1 No Cook coal or wood with tank No Cook Square Original Cook Stove tank If you want any of above stoves dont they go Mr J McKay Is moving into the Allan residence opposite the Foundry on Timothy street The family have the Low property on street and moving this week Mrs Dyke has purohaeed the property on Andrew and expects to move this week Mr Harry has moved into the house on the corner of and etreets Mr has moved into the Hosier house street Mr Rogers of Holland Landing hat purohaeed the Bean property five acres on Huron street and to move back to Newmarket at once and make some improvements to the premises Fleecy Sheeting Large Blankets Strong Yarns Ladies and Childrens Gloves and Double Wool Vests Ac a full stock at Hughes On Monday evening a number of tho members of met at Tarry the resideuce of Mr and Lehman to bid farewell to one of their members Mies Minnie who had been invited there to tea and who is with her filster Miss Lode about to leave Town for North Toronto After partaking of the following address was read by the President and a copy of the Holy Bible presented by Mies Minnie Lepard To Mits Minnie It seems but a short time we were called to gether as we are this evening to spend a farewell hour with one of our but we trust thM in case the separa tion may not be for long We not permit you to leave us without expressing our appreciation of your faithful service in our and our desire for your welfare will be following sorely missed among us but we trust this change in surroundings is all for the best and pray that in your new sphere our Heavenly Father will abundantly bless and make you a blessing It Is with pleasure we unite in present you with this copy of tores and would encourage you to ful fil a part of our Christian Endeavor pledge May the first fruits of the day be to the perusal of its pages and as yon take time to hide word in your heart you shall be kept from against Him In bonds of Christian love Signed on behalf of the Society of Friends Newmarket Lehman President Newmarket It a Miss with feeling in a few worde made a very suitable reply Later on the same evening Miss invited to home of Holler where her in the Chris tian Sunday Sohool and pre sented her with a very neat Manicure Set in on ornamental as a mark of rateem Again on Tuesday afternoon the getting on the car to leave for the Lehman presented Miss with a very pretty Dressing Oats on behalf of the and of the Christian Sunday The young ladles will be greatly missed Waldon who was a zealous worker and frleude wish them every success in their new home Refunded Is not as represented by tailor Fine cloth for solts and overcoats just in this week cant be boat for quality and price York The prompt action of Lloyd of Newmarket commander of the in offering on behalf of the officers the of the regiment to aid the Im perial Government the Transvaal has brought tho York Into each prom inence In military that tho of the City corps are mad enough to kick themselves to think that they were so stow Wo understand that the in Command has not only acknowledged the receipt of the offer but expreeees satis faction at the patriotic feelings shown by LtCol Lloyd and those under his com mand The application been forward ed to England and in tho meantime Col Lloyd has been requested to give the names of the and the num ber of men who are prepared to volunteer for service It is said that every officer of the has faigiiftied bis willingness to go into active service and that each company of the battalion would have no difficulty in meo The York Rangers did noble for Canada in the NorthWest Rebellion of 1885 and should be called to South Africa we have no doubt but that they would give a good of themselves At a special meeting of the Canadian Military Institute In Toronto last Saturday a resolution was passed endorsing the principle that it the duty of all British possessions td show their willingness to contribute to the common defense in of need and view of impending hostilities in Sooth Africa the Government of Can ada should promptly offer a contingent of Militia to assist in supporting the interests of our Empire in that country also the Something Good In heating See the Triple Hcator heaters for the price of one and sample at Blnns Hardware New market ii Report for Sept Names order of merit Sr Cora Know- lee Lundy and Frank OBrien equal Maggie West Emma Holmes Stork Lulu Eva Osborne Violet Walto worth Laura Frank Jr Martin Leslie Albert Holmes Ross Edward Tab Ethel John Mo Mary Smith Roy Smith Lush Howard Lundy Ada Frank Phillips Potter RQiluiay The trolley continues to give us tight cara each way per day and as they ran closely on time tboy continue to be well patronized The Company baa purohaeed the and will fit it up immediately with telephone office waiting and baggage rooms We understand that the Co in- to continue the fall to the front of thefco premises and also pat up and maintain a Urge light on the street to the terminus of tho road The Co needs a switch here badly before do any freight business Mr Blue just completed the wires between Bonds Lake and Newmarket Ladies Wool Vests from Mens Wool Shirts and Drawers for Mantle Cloths in Great Variety and Very Low Prices at Once use Baking Powder and you will use on other a aa I Is due to the fact that we keep the Largest and Best Stock in the County of York- For the Fall Trade our Stock is the Most Complete Town And if you want an Overcoat Suit ol Clothes Waterproof Coat Pair of Boots Pair Rubbers a Good Suit of Underwear a New Felt Hat Gloves or Fresh Groceries you will do well by looking through our stock Look at of A These Prices r Fine Beaver Overcoat in or Black for Fine Pair Mens or Ladies Boot for Fine 8uit of Clothes well lined for Fine Fancy Fleeced lined for Men Dont forget to look at our Clothing the trade 00 Mens Heavy Wool Underwear Mens New Felt Hats at all prices Mens Lined Gloves Storeys make all prices Mens Black Waterproof Coat well made for 00 Our Groceries are Always Fresh We have the Newest and Garments Rtsotvtd that this meeting feels con fident that the Government will assume the foil expense of this contingent includ ing equipment transportation pay main tenance and if necessary pensions and in doing eo will reoeiye the support of a united Parliament and endorsed by a united peo ple This sounds big for patriotism but the war tai Is a of another color Notwithstanding the foregoing there much uncertainty In military about this Transvaal business A cable to the Militia Department at Ottawa from Lord Secretary War on Tuesday last states that Great Britain not re cruiting for in Africa Then again the Military which sup- posed to bo good authority makes the an nouncement that the Canadian contingent for the Transvaal If organized at all would bo commanded by Col Herbert that Col of Kingston be the head of the battery Col of Lon don of the Infantry end Forrester of Toronto of the Id this event the officers of the do not appear to be considered and must play way down the grade while the glory will go to others Hughes dont appear to be anywhere In the race Like the it la boas or noth ing flu rely the cant go back on the when they were the first in field A cablegram from London on Tuesday announces that the British Gov ernment gladly excepts Canadas loyal offer of for Africa Tbo in this Riding will have a holiday today while the Teachers hold their annual Convention in Newmarket High The program is a very inter esting one to the profession Thia evening a Literary and Musical Entertainment will be given in the Town Hall Rev Prof Clark of Trinity University Toronto a geotltman of high literary ability has been engaged to deliver his on a Water Those who have already id Prof Clark are anticipating a rare treat In addition to this A select band of under the leader ship of Mr Arthur Oliver will contrib ute to the pleasure of the evening and Class from an- der Mr Power will vary the program A ticket will admit a lady and gen tleman single tickets The Associa tion ie going to considerable expense to the people of Newmarket a worthy program and we hope our citizens will show their by their attendance Iiesson in Economies In giving a short economics the Qlobe of Saturday last had to say When a municipality undertakes the management any eery ice each as the supply of gaa or transportation it ia apt to become a means of taxation or ft cause of taxation When the price charg ed for the is greater than its cost the balance in exoesa is really a special im post on the of the eervioe who are made to contribute to the treasury that Amount in addition to their ordinary taxation Now it this be true and we are Inclined to believe it is the Council by retaining the present rates on users of lights are levy ing a special Impost upon them for the general advantage of the Town It fa un fair for the to exact from of Inoandesoent rates a price results in providing street lighting at their expense In connection we are pleated to that at the meeting of the Town last Monday evening A recommen dation of the Fire end Light Committee to reduce the meter rate from to per thousand watts was adopted to take effect on the let of October Councillor Smith wanted a in All raise bat Mayor Cane assured him that the Com bad duly considered the matter and was folly convinced thai the former meter with the flat rate was too high paying by meter pay fall price for All they bat the not control flat reto takers People by the flat rate will allow their light to barn when there Is no necessity These same people wilt barn ell night who would not think of doin it if were meter The flat rate in la lower than in or white fa the price that la charging by meter I THE CHEAP STORE F HAL We- apply this old saying more than ever to this business and we think JVU but see the force of the argument that in buying for three businesses Ottawa- and we are enabled to buy such large quantities that we get every advantage large buyers lor as you know the rule with manufacturers is that the more you buy the cheaper you can buy it Take for instance I Ladies and Misses Jackets Goats We venture to say that our purchases for our stores of these goods this season amounted to double all North York stocks put together We say the same of DRESS and other lines of Dry Goods We guarantee to give our customers full advantage of our close buying but proof sufficient that our customers know this is the big increase of business that we are doing Very pleasing indeed it is to us to state that our sales for the past month are 60 per cent ahead of the same month last year Mustard lb Cocoa lb Rolled Oats lbs lor Pure Blend Coffee lb All Teas 20c lb Hemp and Canary Seed 5c package Cheapest Grocery Store in Canada Compare these Prices with what you have been paying Washing Soda per lb Baking Soda lb Royal Yeast box Salt pounds for Sulphur lb Epsom Salts lb Baking Powder lb tins Canada Laundry Starch 6 lbs for Surprise Soap and Comfort Soap 4c Matches box Corn Starch pkg lbs Yellow Sugar or lbs Granulated Sugar for 1 Currants and Raisins 4c lb Rice lb Tapioca 5c lb Soda Biscuits lb XXX White Wine Vinegar gallon Pure Cloves and Cinnamon lb Pure Black Pepper 15c lb Pure Pickling Spice lb Heavy allwool Knitted Shirts and Drawers r 50c is the regular price all over the country our price Job lot Mens Linen Collars sizes to your choice 54 Mens pure Silk Umbrellas regular price ounprice 191 Mens Tweed Overcoats 250 anil up Boys Navy Serge Pants lined throughout pair Bales Graii Bags just arrived