Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Oct 1899, p. 2

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ifi- a iVu rtSBl advertisements Well Bought Goods Warning A run ton Groceries and A Smith Starr While tor Sale Ed To or Runt Farm to Girl Wanted Mrs Haines Metropolitan Electric Toronto to ISteujmatfkefc Cars Each V 1 TIME Lea vo North Toronto am 30 IB pm 15 pm pm Return Fare either way 125 he t LETS UP I AND WITH EACH Pointed oil at FRIDAY OCT prevailing opinion In oat at Ottawa that Gibson for Lincoln and agara will bo the now Liberal Whip in to Hon James Sutherland who baft boon called to a sent in Federal Cabinet Tub Weil cam came the trial Judge Hall on Saturday Mr bo- enquiry podding tho a Mr on of Bod Mr stoutly fur ther delay motion of will bo further by court on Wednesday next the rumor Henri nomination at Canadian al High Commissioner to Ex position and of retirement from Ministry to by a to a In Is At Ottawa Should prove Is add ed that the portfolio of Inland will fall to Mr Mayor of Montreal In of conversation with a of this week referring to corrupt In recent ho that in duo will bo all Op- position props and desire It is within the range of possibility that Of election eeandala almply of prominent op of Hardy Government that question considered by Ontario towards the of last week when the fact waa rovealed that Initia tive In solely with the of University la at liberty to what clops it for tho residence It also transpired that Government was not disposed to ivo to promotora without funds bolng in sight bill was counterfeit It is understood that Government have of pereoua Implicated in awlndlo under and thai their number to ol odea of a wellknown of whom it seems has been for a similar offence committed be- A The has author ised prooetdiuga to be the who passengers ou board disabled Scotsman and has en gaged Mr O- Pierre to that nothing undone to bring the guilty to The Opposition press appear to have a return of the suffered some years ago when they joined in one grand that must no I But ho didnt all the tamo cry la now repeated that Hardy must go and a prominent print aye Liberal ad ministration la doomed It a But the end Is not yet and as the affaire of Province continue to be man aged better than in any of the other Prov inces of the Dominion It will be a good many moons before Ontario will bid the Hardy Government to step down and out A received on Saturday from Mr A Blue at the Bureau of Mines De partment in the Parliament Buildings To ronto He of his visit to Conflict Lake on the Port Arthur and Western Railway whore he flaw ex- deposits of iron ore The iron range on the American side crosses into Ontario at point and It looks It there was good mineral although It not been developed and not largely prospected In Minnesota or from border it is said that manganese and have been found with the iron Many of the eastern iron companies are going to the west Borne Amerioana are iron ore property at the head of Thunder Bay hot and cold at the time This is what the just now In Mondays some remarks respect ing the admission of the member for North Oxford to the Ottawa Cabinet is headed Another to the Old Liberals One paragraph in said article reads Mr Sutherland in a recent interview a high taxation advocate and is quite in line the new Liberal ism Turning now to that papers Ottawa correspondent In the same we find the following observations announcing Mr Sutherland a Cabinet Minister It implies that the Govern- Is afraid the rising tide of dissatis faction Ontario doe to broken political pledges and electoral corruption and to it by bringing into the Cab inet a man who is popular with the old- timers of his own party Rich isnt it In line with the new Llberaliem and at time a pledge to Another evidence of to catch votes The program for political gatherings In Ontario thus foreshadowed in a press despatch Much Interest has been taken in the announcement recently made that Sir Laurier woold address a few pub- lie meetings in the province of Ontario Owing to the various duties that devolve npon the Premier not only of a and Canadian character baton account of the exceeding important Imperial that are submitted to his he baa been to undertake meetings at aa earlier date The first meeting will be held in Bowmanville at two oclock in the afternoon of Monday Oat Two or three other meetings will be announced shortly but it is Impossible to accede to the request of all the friends who desire and urge to have the Premier flielr midst The Hon Mr W yielding Minister of Finance Hon A Blair Minister of Railways and Canals Hon Mr and ether members the government are iiktly to attend of the meetings Tub County Council of adjoining County of Ontario is about to an In- Home for poor town of Whitby and strong to have Institution located In or near their towns going onlwtwoon those two places Port Perry offered towards the erection of buildings and prize conditionally on the ratepayers approving of the necessary providing for requisite debentures A cablegram to Toronto Tilt- gram says The Alaskan boundary did- puto has been mado a subject tor conferences between British and Can adian representatives Canadas are being forth by Sir Louis Davis and to these the British authorities are paying considerable respect- proposi tion has been that Britain lease a stripe land abutting on the Lynn Canal and consideration is now being Kiven to this as a means reaching an agreement Tub announcement entrance of the member for North Oxford to a scat the Federal Cabinet is regard- by the junior Conservative organ at To ronto preeaginR a general election be fore the end of December We doubt It the fact that only week It given out that new voters lists would not be ready before Is stronger evi dence against a of parliament than mere speculation That the Govern ment would think going to country on the old lists is scarcely The World is not likely to be trusted with the mind the Cabinet along these the week nearly sixty gentlemen were appointed Queens for the Province of Ontario by Hie Honor over nor and he directs that the barristers do take pre cedence In the courts ot Ontario as be tween themselves In with the dates of their being respectively called to the bar but next after Her Majestys coon- learned In the taw for the Province of Ontario appointed by His Honor the Lieut- Governor on the 81st of Deo The total number appointed Queens Coun sel by the Ontario Government is 114 Of are on the out of practice or leaving the number In prac tice An effort is being made by the solicitors of the convict Robert who was jointly with Ponton on a charge rooblng Dominion Bank at to have the prisoner liberated acquittal of Ponton and the lenient sentences imposed on Pare and upon whose evidence was In the face the letters sworn testimony to the contrary it does look as it the sen tence imposed on stands in with the Imprisonment meted out to the above two culprits We certainly entertain the that Mackles case Is deserving of of the Royal in lessening his term of impris onment A despatch from Ottawa on Bator- day announced that Mr Sutherland for North Oxford been appointed to the Federal Cabinet as Minister witnout portfolio This nomination Is made to filla by the demise of the late Mr ot Montreal and therefore does not the number Cabinet Ministers Mr Sutherland has been In parliament about twenty years and ever since the of Sir Wilfrid Land er to power has been Government Whip in the Commons He is to be popu lar on both sides of the House preseone in the Government Is regarded favorably Liberal circles By this ap pointment Ontario will have another Mln- In the Cabinet Globe Ottawa correspondent on Friday last announced that the Domin ion police believe they are as last on the track of the men who have so successfully forged and off Dominion notes with which the country has been flooded bearing tbe picture of Lady Lana- It this partioular on the bill the which wot that called attention to the fact hat the Mr Lloyd of Toronto in town Mr Manning of Bond Head was in town last Mr Fred of Toronto wot homo Sunday Mies Edna loft for yeatorday to spend a week Mr and Mrs A W Evans took in excursion to J otto it last week Mr of Toronto the guest of last Sunday Mra Meads of Toronto mother of Mrs Martin hereon a visit Mr French representing Son Life has been spending a days in town Mra Goo Williams who had leg four weeks ago la doing Mra Stafford Toronto daughter of Mr J- Green homo over Sunday Mrs Wm Stephenson of Toronto wab visiting with sister Mrs W Mrs Millor left this wrek for Michigan to reside with boo Boy Ernest LI 1 1 lor Mrs Lewis is visiting her Aurora for a week Mra L visited her sister Harding at Bator- day Mr Taylor from Colling- wood to take a situation In Emburys laundry Mra of aunt of Mr W apent Sunday at Woe- Mr J Smith baa been off work for more than a week with Inflammation of Mies Winnie Belfry of Orillia visiting with Miss Hill last week Mr left for Quebec on Wednesday In connection with the of a patent right Miss Belfry and her mother Mrs Belfry loft for the on Saturday to spend win tor Mrs who baa passed her birthday very low at of her on Queen Hon J M for North York passed through town on Monday en route for the Sutton Fair Mr Albert Gain Pullman Car Con ductor on home Satur day night to see the folks Mr Fred of Toronto Police Force was hero on Monday to his mother who Is vary poorly Mrs A M Cane recovered suf ficiently from her recent to attend last Sunday morning Mrs J Hughes of North Dakota has been spending a days with her Bister Mrs A I Minnie of Toronto form erly of Newmarket week with Rogers DAroy Street The Robertson daughters of Robertson left last week for Hamilton to take a term at Ladies College Mr and Mra- Cody and Mr Lewis attended Yearly Meeting at and report an excellent meet ing Mra Thirak Albert ia spending a few daye with her mother who taken ill laat week with but la Improving Mra Taylor Park Ave got word Saturday that her eon who went to British Colombia Is down with typhoid fever No word Mr Fred and wife of Tills were visiting with bis father They also spent a few days in King with hie Bis ter Mra Wm Webster Mr Ambrey Davis of King and Mr Draper Toronto passed through town Saturday on their way to Kes wick to attend of Division Alderman and wife apent Sun day with his brother Mr Sam on the Lake shore He reports snow on the ground there and everything having a very bleak appearance Mr Geo Smith went to last Saturday to play with the villa against the Young the champions of tbe Toronto League The match was won by by a score of to Mr Geo Dawson of Toledo was visiting relatives and friends in neigh borhood during the present week Hois the son of the late John Dawson who resided on about forty years ago Oar Toronto A man with a of accent up before Beak the other day as a witness In of domestic infelicity and provariated Somewhat in giving testimony Whereupon the remarked I my man you dont under stand the an oath Dont oh queried Why a team of army mules for four months That settled it state that Mr and Mrs had towards the Century Fund to bo used in en dowing Victoria University It is stated that York Township decided this to ac tion against the Toronto com- the removal of its tracks on bino tho Company having taken possesion of said Avenue without municipal sanction County Board of Audit met at office of the Clerk of Peace and passed a lot of constables accounts Hon EJ Davis purchased last on the Toronto cattle market for feeding at his farm in King wellbred feeding stcora averaging lbs The of the city was com pleted on Saturday and shown a not of 2147807 The citys total assessment Is now The population has increased during tho pact yoar and the total population is now given at but tho authorities state that the real popula tion is about Provincial Secretary attended the North and Georgina Fair at Sutton this week and enjoyed tho privilege of renewing acquaint ances with large numbers of his con stituents Mondays City meeting wit nessed the most boisterous session of the year The chief cause of the trouble arose over the dismissal of Chief Graham of the fire brigade It is commonly reported that tho employers of the various shoo in this city arc getting ready for strike in case increase of wages is not conceded in accordance with a new of prices formed this week Toronto Methodist it is said will raise towards the Century Fund of a million dollars The reception to lion Blake on the 18th has been indefinitely postponed at his request Mr Blake pays that the unexpected meeting of of British Parliament will necessi tate his early return to England Newmarkets s We are having a wonderful fall business Trade is mously better than ever before We have prepared for a big turn over and ever day must show a large increase in sales We say with confidence that there is not a store in the a city of Toronto or of York where you get more for your money than you do right here at Newmarkets Leading Store Mens Boys Clothing In this department we lead every time Look over this list and then look over the goods Mens Strong Tweed Suits at 00 Pure Wool double- breasted Suits good value at 900 for 6 90 95 50 5 45 Pure Wool Black Suits at Boys threepiece Serg Suits at Boys Strong twopiece Suits at Mens Handsome Beaver Overcoats at Extra Fine Beaver Overcoats at Our 1000 Overcoats are equal to anything you can buy for See our range of Boys Overcoats They are stylish warm and cheap Special Bargains in Boots and pairs Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots per pair pairs Mens Fine Lace Boots 160 per pair 50 pairs Childrens Pebble Lace Boots sizes 7 to 2 Si per pair Dress Goods We are showing twice as large a stock of Dress Materials as we have done other years Handsome Suitings per yard 0 Broadcloth Suitings per yard 42 inch serges per yard Beautiful Plaids per yard Tweed Suitings per yard Fine Poplins all shades 50 Silk and Wool Plaids 50 The biggest range of Black Dress Goods in Newmarket prices from to Ladies Goats We are doing a big Coat trade Hdre are a few fine Sample Coats you get at about half price 00 1 Ladies Extra Fine Beaver at 3 Ladies Very Serviceable Frieze at New Blue Beaver 800 for 5 New Greens in Beaver and Freize 800 for Handsome Lined Curls reg 10 for 90 00 00 Sole The have a very extensive sale of Furniture and other Household well a and implements Terms Cash Sale at P The beautiful reaidenoe will also be offered by auction at same time and place Oot Mr Eli will have a sale of valuable household tar- and stable on the prom ises nearly opposite Newmarket School Teams Gash Bale at 11 prompt P Compare the with any other weekly for news A PHYSICIAN is not always at hftnd Guard yourself against sudden coughs and colds by keep ing a bottle of PainKiller In house Avoid substitutes there Is but one Davie and j Watt South Telegraph wires between Natal and Johannesburg have boon cut since day The Transvaal Government has authorized the Government Bank to close for a given time has closed the courts and has suppressed the news papers British Parliament has boon sum moned for Oct 17th and will be asked to vote to fight the Trans vaal Boers The war office has decided to send men to South Africa at once and big ocean liners have been charter ed The Boers decided to fight and war was to commence yesterday Wheat has greatly advanced on the London market croups COLDS are all quickly cured by It lessens the cough almost Instantly and cures read ily the most obstinate cold Man ufactured by tho proprietors of Perry Davis PainKiller Host Sharon Sops 1809 Meeting of KG Council held this day All members present Minutes of last Meeting read and confirmed Com from M Sheep claim David Sheep claim Geo Collec tor On motion A J Milne was allowed to move a culvert on Con eight rods south to a point opposite the line be tween and of Con Payments ordered as follows M 800 David 400 The greater portion of the day was devoted to and Bridge Commit tee adjourned to meet on Sat Oct at 10 at Sharon bad fire raged at Sunderland on Sunday The total Ai Falconer of Gait was found guilty before Judge at Berlin on the charge of theft pre by and sentenced to three months imprisonment He guilty on two other charges and was given concurrent sentences Oct 1 Snow fell yester day to a depth of two inches and to day the surrounding hills have a mid winter appearance AltQtf Monday at Baptist Mount by Rev J O Frederick J Jack to J Holder all of Mount Albert Cradle JiCKiOK In Town on the of Sept- to Mr and Edgar a eon Coombs In Town on the 2nd of to Mr and Mrs E Coomb High a daughter In Mount Albert on Friday to Mr and J Rosa a daughter On Bt Sept to Mr and A Armitage a eon SPECIAL SAL OF Joseph conductor on the Grand Trunk fell between the cars at Hamilton and was billed Mitchell Oct Thomas Skin ner a boy about sixteen years old em ployed by Compound En gine Co met with an accident this morning which resulted in the amputa tion of his hand and about half of his forearm He was working with a planer and had his hand drawn into the machine Oct This after noon Osborne a boy twelve years of age while feeding a sugar cane press a short diatanee north of the town had his fingers caught in the rollers and before the machine could bo stopped his left hand was ground to a pulp Dr amputated above the wrist THE EMUL8ION OF COD LIVER OIL may be taken with most beneficial results by those who are run down or suf fering from after effects of la grippe Made by Davis Law rence Co Ltd New York Now that the Dewey celebration is over experts have been estimating its cost Rail road officials agree that there were at least onemillion visitors in the city Estimates in keeping with these figures show that about was spent in connection with the demonstration The DVLrn EMULSION The EMULSION is best of Cod with The D EMULSION If the lea of EMULSION a fleih producer and vil appetite it I fore you get J DAVIS LAWRENCE CO Montreal EVERYDAY WILL BE- BARGAIN DAY DURING OCTOBER Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Blanehfofd Oar own make beat churn need here on Ele JOS That is thecret of our Success New J AND UPTODATE AT OUR STUDIO No Inferior Work allowed to leave our Gallery BROS Gallery Two doors South of House Newmarket ffowato Gall and Bee Prices Opposite Royal Hotel Newmarket a Tomb At on 8atnrday Joseph months days Suddenly Hotel Sutton on Oct Alex tailor of Zephyr about of age Bed Wheat per a Wheat 0S Wheat per bushel to OaU per per lb ft lit I t J OH 0 15 Olt CO pair All Order 00 per lb North Newmarket per biff J Apple per A Hay per ton Beef fore 31 in a ISM a CO a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

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