Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 29 Sep 1899, p. 5

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jf i ONTARIO BANK REST i MoOIUi BRANCH iA General Banking Business TRANSACTED Unto rest Allowed oh Deposits at DRAFTS l At H Sterling and Notes Discounted prompt attended to bought rind ME Dp fllfpcd Oinooof flrnt of Pont frier to am G JUL lately occupied by Dr opposllo Christian Church Main St to a in I to and to Ornot 8pm J Near Church of JVlfs Simpson Main St Fancy flf fl of and Violin Tuner of Pianos and all String instrument p Olivet Graduate of Conservatory of Ohio OP PIANO and 81 to Loan At per cent on farm security also loans on policies Davidson Commissioner affidavits J Conveyancer and Ileal Estate- Agent j Agent for too following rclJaljlo Companloa and Union Standard Mutual Hopkins Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At per cent on Farm Security by David Commissioner for taking Affidavit Real Agent Conveyancer Marriage Licensee Etc Also Agent for tho following iFio Queen of London iand Liverpool England Citizens Montreal District Mutual in also for Confederation Life Association To ronto Old Registry Office Corner of Main and Lot Streets Newmarket FOR THE Red Bird Call see Samples at Widdifields Carriage Repository Also a few secondhand wheels in Block THE PRICE AND rtTOCK IS JUST RIGHT International School Joy In Gods House 122 I was glad when fcbey said unto mo Let go into iiouso of Lord This psalm was probably solcoted as a fitting introduction to restora tion of thopeoploofchoir country and form subject of bur for tho quarter This Psalm applies to many modern occasions and of under many circumstances house of God is as real to us as to the and Jorusalom and aro household words in their spiritual moaning religion in its nature is joyful Religion is socialit wants one to of the good things Every revival of religion is a revival of living We will pray for that which wo most LONGEVITY ftEV Oft ON HOW TO ERROR OF- RELIGIOUS FRIENDS Simply Wonderful A the faults of Dp Von Pineapple in of the No now endure tor tures of indigestion and dyspepsia Within reach of all is an unfailing which enables a person to get full benefit of food eaten The pineapple yields a component known as vegctablo pepsin a only second to the human digestive seorotions in its power of digesting food Intro duced into human system it is simply incomparable as a natural aid to tho digestive apparatus Dry Von Stans Pineapple Tablets mainly composed of the grand fruit juice cure indigestion and dyspepsia positively aro eaten as and give instant relief Box of CO Tablets cents Interesting poets aro languages A contains acres wore first used in wero invented in A barrel of ricowoighs lbs A barrel of flour weighs lbs A barrel of pork weighs lbs A firkin of buttor weighs lbs The first steel pen was made in A span is 10 J inches A hand horse measure is inches Watches first constructed in 1470 A storm 86 miles per hour moves miles per hour The first iron steamship was built in 1880 Tho first luoifer match was made in 1829 Gold was discovered in California in Also agent for Manufacturers r wen Life The best Inducement to Manitoba Flour BEST Pa ent FIELD of all Timothy Clover Mangel Carrot and Turnip of the BEST VARIETIES AND Portland J Cor Main and Huron fits and Day The busiest and mightiest thing that ever was made is Dr Kings Now Life Pills Every pill is a sugar- coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength in to energy brainfag into montal pow er Theyre in building up the health Only per box Sold by Lehman Druggist John Wall a Island fish erman caught a sturgeon weicjhinf 175 pounds It cost a Lindsay citizen for riding on the sidewalk in that town A Sons office at Lan caster has again been robbed the safe being blown open and fifteen thousand dollars in notes carried off A lad named Dean about fourteen years old was killed at the Fair by the pole which supports he falling on his head and splitting his skull A bylaw granting bo nus to the Lake Erie Port Railway for an extension of the road from Tilsonburg to Ingersoll was carried by the ratepayers of In- Carpet Weaving wishes to Inform public tliat ho moved House on and that he still has that Celebrated Iowa Co Loom wllb all the late Improvement to date and that he la prepared to do Work In Hag Carpet Call and see Send your raw In Fairly my Despaif FREE t t4 IF No Money ttilred ttr etut LINEN CO BOX Chiefly Whan la OlorJou VltulltyTh Tend to Shorten ilf Hot Dr today from IS With long will him Ho wild Through of Itffrlondi has boon with and to many with who cannot pronounce word without hearing In It clipping of tombstone outtor It high time thing changed and that Instead of being a to carry out dead should be as a chariot In which the living triumph bo far from vitality a glorious addition It la It good for good for the ears good for the spleen good for digestion good for nerves good for the When David In another part of the psalm that religion may be dominant he does not of It as a mild sickness or an emaciation or an attack of moral and spiritual He speaks of It as the saving health of all nations God In the promises longevity to the pious saying With long life will I satisfy Mm fact Is that at too soon It is high time that joined tho hand of medical set- in attempting to improve human Adam years lived years late in the his tory of world as there worn at time In his empire people 136 years eld- Bo far down as six teenth century at of ago I do not w that religion will ever to loogovlty but I do say the length of llfo will bo It is In Isaiah The oblld die a hundred years old If to tho child Is to bo a hundred years old may not and reach to and The fact Is we aro mere dwarfs and skeletons compart with of the gentrations hat are to come the African race hnvo hern under for centuries Give them 4 and they develop a or a And if tho white shall be brought from under tho serfdom of sin what shall be body what shall be soul has only Just touched our world Give It full for a centuries and who can tell what will be the fitieugth of man and the beauty of wo men longevity of all My design Is to show that practical religion Is the friend of long llfo I It first from fact that it makes of our health a positive Chris tian duty Whether wo shall keep early or lata hours whether shall take food digestible or Indigestible whether there shall be thorough or Incomplete mastica tion questions very deferred to tho realm of whimsicality But tbo Christian man lifts ibis whole problem of health into the accountable and the He says God has given me body he has called it temple of the Holy Ghost and to deface Its altars or mar Its walla or crumble Its pillars la a God defying He sees Gods In every page anatomical and physiological He says God has given me a wonderful body for noble purposes that arm with wield ed by carious muscles and all under the brains telegraphy pounds of blood rushing through the heart every hour tbe heart In hours beating 100- times during the hours lungs taking In hogsheads of air and all this not more mighty than delicate and easily disturbed and demol ished The Christian man to him self If I hurt my nerves if I hurt brain if I hurt any of my physical facul ties I ins alt God and for dire retri bution Why did God tell the not to offer to him la animals Imperfect and diseased He meant to tell us In all the ages that we are to offer to God our very best physical condition and a man who through irregular or glutton ous eating ruins bis health Is not offer ing to God such a sacrifice Why did Paul write for his oloak at Why should a great man as Paul be anx ious about a thing so Insignificant as an overcoat It was because he knew that with pneumonia and rheumatism he would not be worth half as to God and the church as respiration easy and foot free An Intelligent Christian man would consider It an absurdity to kneel down at night and pray and ask Gods protec tion while at tbe same time he kept the windows of bis bedroom tight shut against fresh air He would Just toon think of going out on the bridge between New York and Brooklyn leaping off and then praying to God to keep him from getting hurt Just as long as you refer tills Whole subject of physical health to tho realm of or to the pas- try cook or to the to baker or to apothecary or to the you are not acting like a Christian Take care of all your physical forces nervous bone brain tissue for all you must brought to judg ment your system into fidgets burning out the coating of your stomach With wine log wooded and walking with thin shoes to moke your feet look delicate pinched at the waist until you are nigh out In two and neither part worth anything groan- about sick headache and palpitation of heart whloh you think came from when they came from your own folly What right hM any man or woman to deface the temple of tho Holy What Is the It the whispering gallery of the soul What is oyer It Is the observatory God construct Us telescope sweeping the heavens What is An Instrument so wonderful when the Karl of be queathed In his will for treatise to be written on the wisdom goodness of God Charlea Dell the KngJIab anatomist and surgeon Illustration in of human hi attribute after different parte of it his omnipotence It Is Gods arm the a of midnight It Is the work of Gods bis giving Is breath of Almighty Is dominion the government shall be upon Ma shoulder A body so divinely honored and so divinely constructed lot be careful not to it When It a Chris tian duty to tako care of our health not tho wholo tendency toward longevity If I to my about and drop It on tho pavement and wind It up tlmo of day or night I happen to he m i i says bo and half a dozen printing establishments attack him and bo I In great state of and worry and and cannot sleep not religion come to him arid says Man God on your side take caro of your reputation If God be for you who can be against you How much should man worry about bis Not muoh If that broker who some year ago In Wall street after be had lost money sat down and wrote a farewell letter to his wife before he blew his brains out if Instead of taking out of bis pocket a pistol be had taken out a New would have one less suicide any or day or think of and often let It run down while you are careful with your 6 and people of and never It and wind It up Just world try this almighty sedativol You Will live years longer under its sooth- j at same hour night and pat It In wbcro It will not suffer from tbo violent changes of whloh watoh will last the longer Common answer Now the human body Is Goda You tho hands of tho watch you see the face of tho watch but the boating of the heart Is tho tick ing of the watch careful and do not lot it run down Again I remark tbat practical religion la a friend of longevity In the fact that It Is a protest against dissipations Injure and health Bad men and women live a short life Their slna kllltkera I know hundreds of good old men but I do not know half a dozen bad old men Why do not got old Lord Byron dlod at at years of age himself own bis unbridled passions the horse him Into the A Poo at Daltltnoro at of age The block raven alighted on the bust above his door was delirium mons Only this and nothing more Napoleon only jond midlife then died at Helena and one of his doctors said that his was Induced by excessive snuffing The hero of man who by one step of his foot In the center of shook tho earth killed by a snuff box I How many people wo have known who have not lived out half their days of tholr dissipations and indulg ences Now practical religion is a protest against all dissipation of any kind I3ut you say professors of religion have fallen professors of religion got drunk professor of religion have misappropriated trust funds professors of religion have absconded Yes but threw away their religion they old their morality If a man on a White Star Line steamer for Liverpool in midAtlantic jumps Over- board and Is drowned la that anything against the While Star Linos capacity to take the man the ocean And If a man jumps over gunwale bis and goes down never to rise Is that any for your that religion bus no capacity to take the man clear through In the one case If ho had kept to steamer bis body would been In the other caio If he had kept to his religion his morals would hove been saved There are aged people who would have been years ago but for the de fenses and of religion You have no more natural resistance than hundreds of peopio who He In the ceme teries slain by their own vices The doctors made their as kind and as they could and It was called congestion of the brain or something else but the snakes and blueflles that teemed to over the pillow In the sight of tbe delirious patient showed what was matter him You the aged Christian man walked along by unhappy until came to tho golden pillar a Christian life You went to the right be went to left That Is all the difference between you If religion 1 a protest against all forms of dissipation then it is an illus trious friend of longevity With long life will satisfy him Again religion Is a friend of longevity in the fact that It takes the ry out of our temporalities It Is act work that kills men It Is worry a lean be come a genuine Christian he makes oven to God not only bis affections but his business bis reputation his body his mind his soul everything Industrious he will be but never worry ing because managing his affairs How can he worry about business when In answer to hi prayer God tells him when to and when to sell And he gain that Is beef and if be lose Is best you had a supernatural neigh bor who came In and said Sir I want you to call on me In every exigency I am your fast friend I could all back on I can foresee a ten year I hold the controlling stock in 80 of the best monetary Institutions of New York Whenever you are In trouble call on me and I will help you You can have my money and you can have my Influenoe Here Is hand In pledge for It How would you worry about business Why you would say Ill do the best I can and then Ill depend on my friend generosity for the rest Now more than that Is promised to Christian business man God ear to him I own New York and and Petersburg and Peking and Australia and California are mine I can foresee a a hundred years I have all the resources of universe and I am your fast friend When you get In business trouble or any other trouble call on me and I will help Here is my hard in pledge of omnipotent delivers anoe How should that man worry Not much What Hon will dare to put bis paw on that Daniel Is there not rejt In tbls Is there not an eternal forever my affections say capacity to enjoy or suffer for- La Grippe and Nervous Prostration Had Brought near to South American Nervine was Life Saver- I was ailing for nearly four years with nervous prostration I tried many and was by physicians without permanent A year ago I took la grippe which greatly aggravated my trouble My friends despaired of my recovery was induced to try South American Nervine and was rejoiced to al most instant relief I have used four bottles feel myself completely cured I believe its the best remedy known for the nerves and blood Win Newcastle Sold by W Lehman s J Newmarket Ate that God vacation In this Oh you say here la a man who asked God for a blessing In a certain enterprise and be lost in It that I Will- Yonder Is ft factory and one going north and other wheel Is going south and one wheel plays laterally and the other plays verti cally I go to the manufacturer and I sy O manufacturer your machinery Is a a trad lotion Why do you not make all the wheels go oneway Well be says I mad them to go In opposite di rections on purpose and they produce the right You go and examine the carpets we turning out la this establishment and you win see I go down on the other floor and I see the carpets and I am obliged to confess that tbe wheel in that factory pa In opposite Directions they turn out a beautiful result and while I am stand ing there looking at the exqaislt fabric an Scripture passage comes Into my mind All thing work together for good to them who love God Is there not a In Is tbera not longev ity that Suppose a man Is time worried about his One be m According to a paper recently com municated to- the AoademU des Sciences Paris has found that some kinds of mushrooms afford a vaccine against of snakes The of the mushroom renders a person against vipers for a month or two A custom to Buddhists is that of wandering about the country with hammer and obi sal and carving holy symbols irpdp by the wavskle IS rh a log powor It Is not you want or morphine that you wont It Is the gospel of Jesus Christ With long life will I satisfy him Again practical religion Is a friend of longevity in the faot tbat it removes all I corroding care about a existence Every man wants to know what is to be- come of him If you get on board a rail train you want to know at what depot It Is going to stop If you get on board a ship you want to know into what har bor It Is going to run And If you should tell me yon have no Interest In what is to bo your future destiny would In as polite a way as I know how toll you I did not believe you Before had tbls matter settled with reference to fu ture existonco the question almost wor ried me into health The anxieties men have upon this subject put to gether would make a martyrdom This Is a state of awful There are people who fret themselves to death for fear of dying I want to take the strain off your nerves and the depression your soul and I make two or three experiments first When you go out of this world It does not make difference whether you have been good or bod whether you believed truth or error you will go straight to glory you say My common fiense as well as my religion teaches that bad and tbe good cannot live together forever Yon give me no comfort In tbat experiment Experiment the When you leave this world you will bo Into an intermediate state where yon can get converted and prepared for Impossible you say At etb so mast It He and I cannot postpono to an Intermediate state reformation which ought to have been effected In this state Experiment the Is no future a man dies tbat Is the last of him Do not worry about what you are to do In another of being You will not do Im possible you fiay There is something that tlls me death is not appen dix but the preface to life There Is something that tells me on side of the grave only get started and that I shall go on forever My power to think says ever over Well you defeat me In my three ex periments I have only one more to make and If you defeat me In that I am exhausted A nighty One on a knoll book of Jerusalem one day the skies piled with forked lightnings and the earth filled with disturbances turned bis pale and agonized face toward heavens and said X take the sins and orrows of ages Into my own heart I am the expiation Witness earth and heaven and bell I am the expia tion And the hammer struck biro and the spears punctured and heaven tbundored The wages of sin Is death Tbo sinnetb it shall die I will by no means clear tbe guilty Then there was silence for half an hour and lightnings were drawn back Into the scabbard of the sky and earth coated to quiver and all the colors of the sky began to shift Into a rainbow woven out of the falling tears of Jeans and there was red as of the and there was bias a of bruising and there was green as of the heavenly foliage and there was orange as of tbo day dawn and along line of the blue I saw words Tbe blood of Jesus from all sin and along line of tbe green I saw tbe worde The leaves of the Tree of Life for healing of nations and along the line of the orange I taw the words The day spring from on high hath vis ited us and then I th stormwas over and rainbow rose higher and higher until It seemed retreating to an other heaven and planting one column of Its colors on one side the eternal hill and planting other column of it col ors on the other aide the eternal hill it upward and upward and behold there was a rainbow about the throne Accept that sacrifice and worrying Take the the inspiration the longevity of tbls Religion Is sun shine that is health Religion It- air and pur water they are healthy Ask all the doctors and they Will tell you that a quiet conscience and pleasant anticipations are hygienic I offer you perfect peace now and hereafter What do you want In future world Tell me and you shall have it Orchards Thore the trees with twelve manner of fruits yielding every month Water Tbero is the river of Life from under throne of God clear as crystal and the sea of glass mingled with flra Do you want There Is the oratorio of Cre ation led on by Adam and oratorio of Red Sea led on by Motes and the oratorio of the Messiah led on by St Paul while the archangel with swinging baton control the who make up the orchestra Do you want reunion There are your children waiting to kits you waiting to embrace you watting to twist garlands In yoar hair You have been accustomed to open the door on this side the I open door on the other side the You have been accustomed to in the wet on the top of tbe grave I show you underside of the grave bottom has fallen out and ropes with which the pallbearers let down your dead Jet them clear- through Into beaten Glory be to God for this robust healthy religion I It will have a tendency to make you live long In this world and In the world to you will have eternal life With long life I satisfy htm is for Infant Children harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Soothing Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor oilier substance It Is Pleasant Its guarantee Is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms ami allays cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowel of Infants and Children healthy and natural sleep Castoria is the Children Panacea The Mothers Friend Castorla Is on excellent medicine for children Mothers have repeatedly me of Its good effect upon their Children Dr G- C Mats Castorla Is to well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any de scription known to me A THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE Or APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER IMC TV If WANT Our Tailoring Department is in full swing and no wonder we are very busy We are selling NOBBY ALLWOOL TWEED SUITS eft The Stock in other Departments is Complete The Leading House Sharon By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn out BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on band Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT Proprietor I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for their patronage and a continuance of their favors Albert Additional regiments are being sent to South Africa and arrange ment are being made for a naval bri gade Ho Right to Ugliness The woman who is lovely face form and temper will always have friends but one would be attract ive must keep her health If is weak sickly and run down she will be nervous and irritable If she has constipation or kidney trouble her im pure blood will causa pimples blotches akin eruptions and a wretched com plexion Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach liver and kidneys and to purify blood It gives strong nerves bright eyes smooth velvety skin rich complexion It will make a charming woman of a rundown invalid Only cents at Hoods fits are ibe family Klondike Sun reports finding on claim of of the biggest yet recorded for Iho Klondike It weighs ounces grains is worth William Pollock formerly of and now of whilst a belt on a pulley on Tuesday his arm torn off Ho only survived an hour You May Bend the Sapling but Not 1 the Tree Wben become chronic nod seated It is often difficult to euro it That the reason why Is best to when disease first shows itself in pimpled headaches indi gestion or other troubles which tells of blood weak tomaob or disordered lifer or kidneys whole It never dep- I Lehman Drug Store

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