TO i l ft Harvest is a thing of pant Mra has returned from Jhoi visit in Brawnier spent last in the and Mrs Waits and daughter Jfcavo left for their home in Mrs hod son are visiting friends in city- Mrs J Graham Mrs Mo- Arthur also Mrs Thorps spent at the Exhibition Mrs Win is with us again spending summer at We that one of our leading fanners after paying a visit to Orchard Beach was so with the beauties of place that he to retire and spend the there Mrs A in homo after spending the summer at Orchard Beach Mies Annie Pearson Toronto visiting aunt Mrs The who have taken so at Point are beginning to fly There him lHn a larger than in any previous year speaking Strongly of growing popularity of Sutton summer resort A very sad occurrence shook Hie whole country Hide in the death of Mrs Milne of Toronto who has summering at the Points be reaved ones have the fullest sympathy of all in fast coming to its all round and on all hands are reporting big returns but perhaps none can the recent of M Silvers apple crop purchased by White Co for and they do all the work nave draw ing to the station Button celebrated its Civic Holiday last Thursday by arranging an excur sion to Everyone seemed to greatly enjoy the trip Fred Brooks distinguished him self in recent at Murk ham High School and wife of Cal umet Mich have been visiting at Brae Mr is a distinguished Attorney The of Aug seems to go out of way to show strong sym pathy with the liquor side of the big Liquor Case No one with a touch of human sympathy would ridicule a the paper does a person who chores to count the age of a deceased child by months when that age was only 13 months When liquor sympathy en- it seems that tenderhearted ness us well as veracity make their exit STREET SOUTH AVENr The boat and dry weather caused the past all d up the rise in price of butter Messrs Stephen Much and have North on a trip Miss Williams of Newmarket is visiting with Mr Williams r John A- Morton Intends leav ing this part of country soon for a change of work Frank Morton at last has began his work on his house It will soon be built now as Mr Warriner has five men job Mrs John is at present visiting with Wm Newborn Mr J through here from for Toronto fc C DEPARTMENT annual mooting in connection with our Union will be held on Wednesday Sept in Hall The of different depart ments are requested to bring in their reports for the past year BETHEL CORNERS The threshing machines are hum ming in every direction these days Grain is yielding well School has begun and the are happy Miss Jessie is on a visit to frionds at Sharon Richmond Bill and Toronto M r Morton has sold his pro perty at Orchard Beach and has re turned tolas farm here Rev Jenkins passed this way on Tuesday for his new home in the East Mr ha and his sister of were visiting Sunday at their uncles Mr J- A The campmeeting in Mrs Manns Grove held by Rev Sol Pressor is well attended ami quite a deep interest manifested On Sunday next we understand a union meeting will take place Rev Jenkins gave a beautiful address on Monday wilt speak or J evenings this week and others are to assist Mr in his weeks campaign here Misses Irene and Maud have returned from a two weeks visit with their Grandma and friends up and a- round Inspector Davidson was on his duties here on Tuesday and re ports everything satisfactory Bethel Newmarket in their regret at the Jos of the head of their educational institutions of their town Mr Dickson lives in the memories of many pupils hereabout And why not include the editor of the among the likely ones to be given the honors of West Ontario If a clean journal has any indications of a clean political life hes the man I vote for him v- feeni- yon rig men mostl J from Sunday at Manns boarding ho beginning to look de serted this By Saturday of this all the will be gone except remain MI cold weather drives oat We hear that Morton Park has had a very aoason There have been an average of over a week at the Boarding House includ ing a number of American visitors The Park closes on Tuesday Mr Thompson of Aurora hit for home on Wednesday having caught five more lunge this week which makes a record of for the season Not many large ftah have been caught this season Mr Rose of Kes wick got a lunge last week that weighed over lbs 7T XbViUejioi miles from His wife about add were unable to get out- and were burned to- Jobeavllle from was one the farmers The deceased lady was Ontv Aug the son- of Conductor Arthur of the met with a serious accident on Friday last Ho was driving a staple into a board and the staple flew op striking him on eye A doctor was called and found the optic so badly injured that it had to be removed The roads are verv dusty there is much need of rain The late crops are drying up and apples are scarce and very wormy Threshing machines are kept busy and we bear their whistles early and late Farmers are about through on this St There is a man on this St yes two of them that have cows and horses and they are frequently getting into the neighbors grain which they destroy by tramping it down be sides breaking the rails and doing other The owners bad bet ter take care of them as we bear that a man down south was bunting up the law last week Since has opened we hear the welcome voices of the children on their way to and fro We notice quite a few new scholars among them while others are kept account of Miss Mary arrived at her destination Niagara Falls in safety She intends remaining for a while Miss Bertha Sterling is visiting friends in Toronto Miss Edner is spending a few weeks with her grandpa Mr George Wesley has returned from Forks We understand Mr Smith intends working his fared next year Bert has passed the entrance and is going to attend the Newmar ket High Out Vet was called to attend a Mr Walter Eves last week Our young wheelman took a spin to Holland Landing plains and reports the crop fco be good this v year r Wo So wish our would jjfel those boulders off bill Three of our Case The harvest in this section will be almost completed this week excepting some late oats The exceedingly dry weather has not improved the root crop while apple crop is certainly below the average Plums are also scarce many are lamenting too that the thimble- berries have not ma tured properly Quite a number have taken advant age of the Manitoba Excursions among whom we have intelligence are Messrs Earnest Rogers Frank Lloyd Norman Curtis and Eli Mrs Henry Curtis and Jan Rogers were calling on old friends on Mon day Miss has just re turned from camping at Wilcox Lake Lira Stewart of Linton and Mies Mr junior pastor of tho circuit preached in the morning here and Rev A Brown in the evening both delivering thoughtful wellstudied sermons to appreciative audiences Work has begun in out the of the old hotel preparatory to rebuilding after many rumors pro and con We hear that an outsider is providing funds for rebuilding hotel instead of the Foresters Mrs John Henry has returned home from private hospital in the city where has been under treat ment for last six Mrs Storm daughter of Mrs A- has been visiting her mother in Sharon for tho last few weeks but returns to her home in Wauhaushene this week Mrs A of Sharon widow of the late John Fenton who lived north of on a farm this side of Robert Roses place past which the old gravel road ran has a group of photos similar to which we venture to say there are few in the County In one frame are placed the photos of five generations who were all living about a year ago They were as follows Mrs tons mother whose photo is that of an old woman standing resting upon a cane her frame bowed with the weight of years next is Mrs who looks to bo but is only this summer next her daughter next her daughters daughter next her daughters daught ers child If there is any other such recora of photos we should like to hear of it Can any of the Courts of civilized nations surpass the French Court in its attempts to find Dreyfus guilty in his second trial Truly the French are fantastical There passed away from the village one of those rare and ripened Chris tian women whose life makes this world purer and when translated makes the heavens the stronger Mrs Greenwood from the line in her 79th year passed over from life to perfect life and from peace to per fect peace on Thursday evening- years of quiet sweet married life end ed in her much loved cottage home She was originally a member of the Christian Church but more became identified with the Presbyterian Church The funeral services on at the home and in the graveyard were largely attend ed Rev- conduct ed them The sympathy of the whole neighborhood is with her husband who fortunately is able to realize in his loneliness that the Father is present with him The of the Presbyterian Church held a pleasant social gather ing on Tuesday evening Peaches and cream and many other tempting dishes were upon the tables Painty fingers had decorated the Hall Cornwall Ont Aug While harvesting a few weeks ago John Kenneth McDonald of the ninth con of Lancaster township got a of barley beard in his throat He con sulted a Montreal surgeon but was advised to follow some home treat ment Tbe case took a very serious turn and despite a delicate operation he passed away on Friday landing Daly who bag been Se riously ill is JriipjfOving nicely Miss Rosa who has been visiting ailiometHoVpasl month to the city on Ml as Wood of Bradford has been with her sister Mrs Morton Mrs David left for the city on Monday fox a- few weeks Mr and Mrs Lloyd returned on Monday spending a week with friends in Barrio and James Bell left for the General Bos- on Wednesday to tinder- go an operation The A intend a Social in Taylors Hall on Monday Sept lltbj come The funeral of Mrs Morris largely attended on Monday Rev Mr of Bradford officiating on ac count of the absence of Rev Mr Fara- who is visiting at Newcastle Mr Morris returned home to on Monday evening Mrs Wilson of Hamilton is visiting at fathers Mr W West Threshing is the order of the day of the farmers in this vicinity are through harvest Mrs Captain Burke and son of To also Mrsi Moore and daughter of Detroit have been visiting with their mother Mrs Willoughby the past week Mrs Beverly of Bradford was calling on friends on Wednesday Quite a number of our citizens in tend to the Industrial Miss Brown of Richmond Hill is visiting with Mis Chapman CulbLVn tor a few days PANSY or at office A Winner From the Start Oar Older Vine a sopsrtor duality Us atreogtb Is for pickling purposes a aloe flavor sad da- for it la not ao cat ting to the palate try it per gallon In Beat fiaddia Meat package A Good Variety Fresh Fancy The Choicest Fruits Canada At the Right Prices for Friday and Saturday just What You Want Good Fruit Jars Oar Jar are all excellent quality of heavy All in Win and Imperial measure Fresh Whole and Ground Spices White frine Vinegar a gallon The Beat give T labor Try oar Whole Cod lb loo Mixed for Oar Pars Clonamoo Co per economy gfiu Farm Wanted To to next Ad dress Bra Office Newmarket LOMBABD GREEN GAGE PLUGS TOMATOES PEACHES APPLES MUSK MELONS BANANAS DAVISON CO getu Ring Lost either on ibe Market between there and office a Solid Gold Chased with small chain at tached for It return to office LOST On Mb ind Heavy Overcoat with a pair or iiltie lo pocket Tbe Under Jennie of Toronto were the and elocutionary and musical exarch guests of Mr John Rogers on Sab bath last Frank Butler of Toronto has been rusticating with relatives here the past ten days Mr CarBon has returned from rus ticating at Wilcox Lake Mr Hugh- reports that work is him very much Rev Ferrier preached a Temperance Bcrmod here on Sabbath last of the members of Kettle by was a little below the average yet quite a number from Aurora and helped to swell the number and it is needless to say they listened to a thorough temperance sermon The King Township Voters List is being circulated for but it re flects a lack of precision the part of parties to whom the work was entrusted though we presume it is no grave offence On evening last young men coping into our village bom the Bast were tossed out of cart and one Mr was somewhat injured but able to drive home Our down town merchant reports On Tuesday evening Messrs J Eade and Mitchell having just quit work were home from the east they were the rail road track as the express was coming in Mr Eades horse which is a pretty risky animal was to the rig and wae moving quite rapidly The occupants which also included Mr Truman Forsyth were engaged in talking about the previous accident and did not the train coming until people ai the station hollered to them and they were now within a few feet of the track Mr who was driving put forth strenuous efforts to stop his horse before track but was un able to so slacked bis lines and let the horse go which fairly went in bounds some distance the town line The engineer slowed up as as he could and when the buggy was on the track the engine was within five feet of it Before reaching the track and in to save their lives Messrs Forsyth and Mitchell themselves of buggy into the ditch Both were badly shaken op and Mr Forsyth bad his shoulder bad ly dislocated This was a narrow es cape and was a heartrending scene for those on the street and the station who seen it enjoys the unique ex perience of having three market houses in use or way The corner stone of the largest of these known as Mammoth Fair Company was laid Friday afternoon in the presence of a very large audience of towns people and the farmers of the country thereabouts It bad been arranged that Dr one of the city Con trollers was to perform the ceremony He failed however in attendance and Mr who hap pened to be on the spot as a truest discharged the duty Before the cer emony Mr Maclean made a short speech He paid a warm tribute to the late member of West Ontario Sir James David Edgar He congratulat ed on its progress on the wealth of the country thereabout wished every success to both markets and incidentally worked in the merits of a home market He also congrat ulated Mr merchant who is the chief spirit in the enter prise Mr William and J also addressed the meet ing Lawyer James was chairman After the ceremony Mr Stray and Lamb Came upon lot W in 2nd or Whitchurch about the of August A EWE AND LAMB Owner requested to prove properly and pay LLOYD Newmarket PO MRS BAYLYS PRIVATE SCHOOL WILL Tuesday Sept English French and Music When want HARNESS to wear Ji years go to When want ft neat and go to If It la teem farm h amain you that Lost Twenty Tears you will get tbero from If you work that will keep you buying and repairing go somewhere else as dont keep them But the The Track of Time I Largest Stock of No Harness receiving primary instruction here have stood blgbostln after examinations Farm to Rent acres being lot In the con of East cleared and In a state of cultivation barn underground stabling frame residence good orchard and fences Id fine condition fallow and 12 acres now good wells Will lease for good tenant the premises or to acres summer Three or ID rears to a to Samuel on light and heavy Trunk Va lises Whips Curry Combs Brushes Fly Nets Col sad Harvest Mitts to be found In any harness shop In the County of York Neats Foot Harness aiwayi on band A H WINANS yea Our irjodatf art- the or Id anil desirably you a and The work- the the price Id a one Made to wear to give my tqiIop High A DIAMOND FOR A Offer Will Last forTn DajbOdIj QEND1NE have worldwide reputation It la almost evening one of beauty and enjoyment from the beginning to the end A good sum of money came from it into the Societys treasury Rev E preached on from the Story without an end Text We have been informed and are glad to hear that one of the graduates of our Public School who has been at- In caught the- biggest at In tending Commercial College in To ronto last Spring has received an appointment in Robert Simp- eon Co Toronto Reed Lewis is an industrious worker and we have no doubt of his success It is labor that counts The weather is grand for the Mani toba harvest said to be the beat in history of the country but it is a little too hot and dry for Ontario The dust is so deep in the roads that rig will soon be in danger of being buried The grass dying and the root crops failing for want of rain Would thai brainy Yan kee would kindly cannonade the heavens and bring down a copious of rain Mr and Mrs J left town on Tuesday of this Week The carpenters are rushing along Mr Turners new dwelling bouse- v It pays to In Ebv slbleUrdletlngulb from genuine dia monds coUDg hundreds of dollars are worn by the best people We Sight Restored Sdencc points out the way to the restoration of sight forward a mount ed in a heavy ring Din or stud to any address upon receipt ol price each Barrings screws or drops per pair Ring settings are made of one continuous piece of thick shelled gold and are warranted not to tarnish Special combination oner for ten days Ring and stud to any address upon Bend for catalogue In order- ring give give finger measurement by using a of string also full particulars plainly THE POMONA CO Broadway New Auction Sale OF Household and Business Property IN OF The fiigb School reoped for the term On Tuesday Sept All subjects on the Curriculum up to and Junior Leaving Standi be faithfully taught by competent ling will teachers For Term Sept Dec For Easter Term Jan April For Summer Term Apr June Payable In advance If your vision is defective we can by scientific methods measure the defect and supply the necessary glasses to restore it L Atklnsbri GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Store NEWMARKET Auction Sale Ernest Coombs J HolUngsnead Mathematics Miss Starr Science MORRIS Co of Board TJ new addition to store at some GOO guests ware seated Among others present were Dr A Mr William Bro3io Dr White Dr Dales Rev A Bedford Brooker Rev Mr Mowbray Mr Mr Barclay Button John Baker Reeve Stark Mr Jewell The excellent band of the Battalion under the leadership of Mr furnished music new will have three floors is built of and besides furnishing a market hall will contain three and offices and Mr J of Ring wood is the builder Tbvee while walking on the track of the Canadian Railway about six by lightning and instantly There will be offered for by Public Auction on Saturday at the Foreythe House thefoHowlng valuable properties Newmarket- occupied by a brick Si storey fn repair and has ten rooms with bath room and and la throughout with and heated with hot air Splendid cemented under tho whole bouse The oc cupy about three acres and hare beautiful lawns and capital kitchen garden will furnish an opportunity to purchase on of the finest in County yt- That valuable Property on Main Newmarket known asHoSertaona Bakery Tfcia ha always been the leading Bakery and ox Newmarket and affords a grand to any to SO Into Inrest lag in a property good rental Saleatid Terms and made known on sale or on application to Our Motto QUALITY FIRST PRieE SECOND You want Drugs We want Good Customers Cant we deal together Special TKis Week VALUABLE HOUSE and ACHES of LAND Adjoining the Town of Voder Instructions from Administrator there will be offered Ur by public On Saturday Sept the residence of the late Edward on Eagle adjoining the Town of New market The house Is a commodious two story rough cast building In first class repair The land very nest and is nicely planted with fruit trees full bearing and small fruit bushes This will furnish an opportunity for pur chasing an Idea home with alt tfaeadrantagee of a Town Sale on the premise at 3 p id Properly will be offered for sale to a bid Terms of payment per cent down at day of to make per cent within days and balance can be to suit purchaser For terms conditio to ions LLOYD Solicitor for Administrator Aug 3118 none per ousci Bed bushel- Goose Wheat per i SPONGES sea COMBS Astonishing Flour per barrel 3 Wheat per bushel 0 Barley per bushel per bushel A 0 3 per bushel pet Boihei Egg per do IS Butter roll 19 Potatoes 0TS Apples per Wool per lb Pork per Beef per yes per Chickens per pair Ducks per Turkeys per lb dressed olsoo- Shorts per top leoo a 06S 063 0 13 160 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 001 a a a J I