Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Sep 1899, p. 4

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mfrMJli Day1 A- doctors examination might show that kidneys and stomach are normal but the doctor cannot ana false the blood upon which these organs depend And tho blood It you whon a bit oil or when disappoint Hoods Sir- has equal or rheumatism It has done toe wore than a I taken toennrr Brampton After long Illness I Was very weak and bad a bad cough I could not eat ox sicca Different remedies did not help me- Hoods fcoUt me op and I am now abla to attend to my work Jaquu Oat it other v Never Disappoints ftlU cars to taks sparing to Advertising Medium York County 10 lino for cents per line Insertion rod l I Inches 00 1200 tlUO Advertisements with ten Instructions inserted until forbid and Advertisements ill be changed once each month If desired For Hiwr Jbw the composition be paid for at regular rules Change for the by on flpoclal for Executors Notice firms Vaunt etc notice will tie whet fee or col lection Farm 1 A reading Churob or Sock poterure or tip an to this rule for iyob Thos Robertson Matn Newmarket to on good Executive West Ontario Literal a for a to be held at Daleys Hall on Wednesday Sept 13tb at p m for the purpose of nominitipg a candidate to contest tint Riding in the Reform interest to All vacancy created in the House of Commons by the unexpected and painful demise of tho late Sir J Edgar connection it also announ ced that a general meeting of the As sociation will take place at 1030 of the day in above named half for the purpose of electing Asso ciation and the transaction of certain rouline pre paratory to the coming As this call wide as tho liber alism of the constituency it in much to be that rally on the oc casion will bo such to give no un certain sound respecting the tone and temper of Ontario towards the Government of the day and the at tachment of the reform element of the constituency to the fundamental prin ciples of the Liberal party throughout the Dominion Rumors are already current that Opposition conscious of their own inability to successfully contest the Riding are looking about for some to play the role of an Inde pendent but thin sort of political tactics has already been tried with re sults so disastrous that no person at all acquainted with situation will not be anxious to repeat the experi ment Meanwhile it is understood that the local chairmen of the respective polling divisions of the constituency will see to it that primary meetings are called for the election of delegatus to the nominating Conven tion It is important that these prim aries Ik duly announced as provided by the constitution of the Association in order to avoid any misunderstand ing and let Liberals remember that vigilance is the price of liberty -u- by the to rumor Canada enter ed new for transAi lanlfo mail Deputy CbpUerJrt reply Wan Before expiry of of the to re new the Joint with the Allan and Dominion linos the ground the steamship of company were not furnishing an uptodate moat was made with the Dempster Company to aob mails as might be offered at Montreal and Liver pool the department mails by New line as sailings might arrangement now carried out BLOOD MARK THE STRONG AND Paiges Celery Compound All These Blessings death at atca has a caw of seldom hoard of outside domain of fiction Throe yean ago wont to that country peddling a few and too old and weary to proceed farther a farmer toot him in and oared for him until ho died To the family which ho told story of bis life reserv ing for the the apooLOo names of He stated that in he left a wile and five children In and first call for volunteers The fortunes of war were against Well developed muscles and strong and for months ho lay a in belong only to healthy and Barrister fiallclior etc Solicitor for Township of Klog Money Court Building Ontario p C Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer etc firtSoo- Estates and Money to loan at lowest Barristers Conveyancers e V Morgan doom South of Post Of floe Herbert Aurora will be at Newmarket on Saturdays and Court J Co bud Ontario Bank Aurora aUniung Arcade King St Toronto Jteformer Block AUCTIONEERS Frank Duncan Licensed Auctioneer for the Co of Sold on cotamlsaion Terms reason able- Farm attended to A trial solicited Newmarket IT lb by a of J up acuuIivo Mvrth lorit and oat Ontario making an to sour a public at of for On tario is receipt reports from who tuat the honey of Province be eon last pause of this is attributed to the fact that white was the season and in many aoctions the caterpillar ate up the linden Weak and Nervous TUB CONDITION OF A YOUNG LADY OF to Frequent Pale and Emaciated and Grow so IU Could Barely From iht Tribune Wetland Out Mine Hattio Archer of an estimable young lady whose acquaint ance extends among a large number of the citizens of the town has following to say regarding the virtues of Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People In the fall of was taken very ill I wu nervous weak and debilitated At this time the least caused great fatigue My appetite was poor and I was at tacked with frequent sick headaches I gradually grew worse until I was so weak I could barely walk through the house was very pale and emaciated and finully became entirely Various medicines were reported to but gave no relief Later I was treated by two of the physicians of the One said my was poor and watery I lowed his for borne time but did not improve Then the second doctor was called and he said he could not help but after thoroughly testing his medicines without benefit I gave it up and despaired of well My grandmother had reading at that time much Prison For reason he was led to bollove that- a certain batch of would soon be Among thorn wm a dying man thi two comrades names and military designations The soldier death was reported as of Leonard and is so recorded in War Department The real Bleaker was after a time his regiment and served until tbeoloso of the war without communicating with bis family Then he went book and bis wife married to another man He that but children Were well oared for and then left the without revealing his Through out bis lifo be guarded his secret and since coming to Kansas wts often urged to apply for a but stoutly refused death he would not the location of his former homo or permit anyone to com municate with his old He wav a man of more tbun ordinary education and the truth of his story or too posses sion of a noble purport in bis long sacri fice cannot be doubted men and women GODS IN BATTLE PaineB Celery Compound will the weak and full muscular power strong nerves pure blood and full digestive vigor It will more to counteract the oncoming of ill health sickness and disease than any other medicine in the world In an untold number of oases where other remedies have failed Celery Compound has brought about the wished for results making old and young happy and joyous in the Bion of sound health It is criminal for any intelligent man or woman to continue suffering from disease that Celery Compound is able to banish and able physicians and family druggists clergy men members of parliament and the beat people of Canada recommend Painea Celery Compound with pleas ure and satisfaction Queen Victoria the In world Her only fees tips the beam at pounds Her bust and hip and respec tively while her waist is Inches The tallest In the young of Holland She la only year old but height is no leu than feet inches lightly built with a weight of only pounds but has the bust measurement of a Juno Inches Her waist measures only inches and her hips J nobs Her Majesty Holland is In other words advised as to lace herself most The young sovereigns bust measurement despite youth Is sur passed by that of none of the queens except of Italy and our own A Is Don t it the titan of A tew doses of my Cold Core up form cold In a few boors cod grippe find pneumonia It be In every borne sod vert pocket a Ufa snee it ail a to Jltuo and Con- to fclr the written an Interesting article on speaking statues of He says the statues of some of the gods were made of Joined parts and were supposed to com with the faithful by speech signs other movements They were of wood pointed or gilded Their hands could be rnised and lowered and their heads moved but It Is not known whether their be put In motion When on it faithful asked for gui answered either by sign or long were roudu and at time the answer wo simply no inclination of the head had prlest4 whose spuotai duty it una to make communica tions The did not mys tery of tlif oaf In the ft was belli el too were I tiler Dr Williams Pink Pills and I and suaded me to try them That was MARRIAGE LICENSES layman of LICENSES At the ERA Office Newmarket Private Papers sued at private residence if a statement of Mr A Allan published in the Ottawa we of a vary improvement in the Yukon mail service Be makes the an- nounooment Hon Mr a fouryears with the Can adian Co and that trom Ottawa da a rumor sat afloat by the Ottawa to the effect tbat Mr J Hone- on of bad a permit to take gallons whiskey into la denied by of the Interior When to in to rumor Hon Clifford fljftoo stated there not a word of truth In the story The Federal Government has not given any sach permission Town Carting All aiHoeorTtamlOKdoneon Short Notice Terms DAVID MILLARD Main advices to friends at Ottawa from Sir Charles Tapper state that lie will sail for Canada on of this month He is afraid the Government wiU spring a general election 00 the before snow flies but be neednt worry there will be another of parlia ment and a rebuke given to Senate by for rejecting the redis tribution bill before appeal to be electorate A story by author of David bas reached us entitled The Teller An unusual for romance the hero a Bank Teller falls in with the daughter of one of the direc tors andthe plot deals with the difficulties and complications ensue In an in teresting and admirable manner Poole Printing Company Limited Toron to and is for sale by all newsdealers at the low price of centa about January From first the results wore really marvellous be ing far beyond my friends expecta tions After taking five boxes I can stand more fatigue than I could for two years I have gained weight splendidly can take my food with a delightful relish and again feel cheer ful healthy and strong I would further say that the change is wholly due to Dr Williams Pink Pills I hope that my testimony will prove beneficial to ooher girls similarly afflicted The experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a vitiated condition of the or shattered nerves that Dr Pink will riOfe promptly cure and those who are suffering from such troubles would avoid much misery and save money by promptly resorting to this treatment Get the genuine Pink Pills every time and do not be per suaded to take an imitation or some other remedy from a dealer who for the sake of extra profit to himself may say is just as good Dr Wil liams Pink Pills cure when other medicines fail and the had a verj idea of their Calling They flrmiy belhrd that thu sojls of In- ha the statu- ami they always approached with religious fear and revuiunoe Those priests would stand behind the statues and move their beads or hands or speak- for them never doubting chat at that moment movements and words Were inspired by divine spirit dwell ing In the statues statues were re garded as so very much alive that in war the shared the fata of those people whose deities they were They were taken pri soners condemned to death or in other words placed In the temples of the It they were returned to own temples they bore the testifying to defeat and Imprisonment Asphalted Street in the World Philadelphia can boast of the long est asphalted street in the world Broad street has tba unique distinc tion First as already stated it it the longest asphalted street in the world secondly it is the only street which is of even width for 1 miles and this width is the greatest at tained by any street for course of miles It is the street for from League Island to the county line it does not vary an inch except I where the great city buildings cause the street to turn around it Seven miles of the street are asphalted hut the remainder is provided with a road bed of fine macadam which is contin ued by the old York road which ex tends for about twenty mites farther on A carriage can drive on this street and road and make only one turn in thirtyone miles Broad Street The heaviest of Europe Mar of Italy The Pearl of She turns the scales at pounds but her height feet Inches enables to carry off her stoutness and to preserve the carriage of a flue woman Her waist measurement of Inches and bust of inches show her advancing years she still retains a queenly figure Her hips measure Her noble profile still gives denes of the she possessed as a A shade taller than Is the more willowy Queen of Spain feat 26 Inches In height with a weight pounds Her bast and hips Inches and inches respectively and her waist is inobss One of the most superb figures among European royalties Is that of Natalia Queen of She Is feet Inches high with a bust measure of inches and a waist measure of inches Bar hips are Inches round and she Weighs pounds Queen Sophia of Sweden and Queen Maria Henrietta of Belgium are each I feet 4 ID height and ftslr bust measure la 86 Queen weighs pounds and Queen Marie three pounds mora Swedish queen possesses on th whole however the mora stylish natural figure with a waist measure of and a hip measure of inches while Queen of Belgians measures Inches around waist and round Queen of Portugal and the Czarina of are closely paired In mat ter of sis Queen Amelia Is older and has a fuller and more matronly figure She had a bust measure of lnobe and a measure of but tome time ago she gave up wearing corsets and the Increase of waist measure ment has not recorded Czarina Is only around the bust and Inches around the waist Tbeir hip measures are or were the same Inches Is feet Inches tall weighs 120 pounds while Queen Amelia weighs pounds and is half an Inch taller According to the Ideals of the sculp tors wbloh differ from those of there la not In tba entire TWO TOWN On situated old Woollen For Hale on Terras Apply to Heal Estate Agent near Easy For Sale or To Seat Is in Con of cleared well watered and good buildings Zephyr Sale or To Beat Lot in rear of 3rd of contain In lOOnxrrea For Fur ther particular apply to KOWIE8 Newmarket To Rent Sell or Exchange FOR FARM PROPERTY W acres on St on Is situated a good Brick Dwelling House with hard and aoft water at the door Good Bare and underground tabling an excellent orchard consisting of apples ice Tbe above property can be rented for one year or a term of rears For farther ra apply to II 1 feet wide and feet group a beautiful figure from curb to curb and thirtyfive men can walk abreast on it in Kindness display and outlay Aa an M William Archer an I have known wme people men a well as women happily ingenious in ibe small services of life and house in which they live always a favorable aspect toward the snn In literary circles In this country on his return home The Youths Companion told some truths of hospitality which art wall worth FOR SALE Several Rebuilt ENGINES SEPARATORS guaranteed good as new for work Fonr of them can be seen at my place on St Newmarket Call and Bee Thera or leave your order for a NEW OUTFIT to be shipped with other machinery and save freight I will make it pay for If above Engines are not sold be let to run on fl THOMPSON FOR SALE Ottawa Aug It a photographer recently arrived from Ireland in the police station this morning He bad been drinking heavily Duly Feed Man and Steed Peed your nerves you would have them strong The blood feeder and of the whole system Men and women who are nervous are so their nerves are starved When tbey make blood rich and pure wilb Hoods their nervousness die appears beoause the nerves are properly fed 6ariaparHla never disappoints Hoods Pills cure constipation Price Mo AGENTS the and Achievements of Admiral Dewey ibo worlds greatest naval livru by Mural friend and of the nations Idol and beet book over Indies nearly pages IIIub Enormous Hip Outfit freer a life time Write Quick Dominion Company 3rd Floor Ca A Compare the Etu with any other weekly for newsy I It announced that Rev Dr fate Professor Viotdrl varsity To ronto has been the staff of VanderWU for the term of one year reported to be the in Southern It appear ore that the to certain thepeof tbeppotoh in have 1 taken to vievva of pro- is a to him in Uo above The Americanbuilt rail way bridge waa opened by Lord Kit on Saturday World A Magazine written plainly for the home showing how to prevent and cure diseases of the human frame No post- free has articles on how to be beauti ful how to cure rheumatism lumbago sciatica corpulence consumption diseases of men and women and head noises the hair St London lire Chris of Leamington committed suicide by drowning while insane- Working and Day The busiest arid mightiest little thing that over was made is Rings Jew Pill Every pill globule of health that chancres weakness into strength in to energy brainfag into pow er Theyre wonderful in up the health Only per box Sold by Lehman Druggist SENSATIONS OF A Victim in a Maw York Tails Bis Captain George Bookoven of tugboat died the other at the New York Hospital of acute hydrophobia Captain lathe man on whom both Pasteur and treatments were tried without During his Intervals be evinced an extraordinary fortitude under pain which accompanied she disease and at times he related hie feelings to the physicians At times he that lurid lights appeared before his and that there was a continual scintillation of bright As he approached death his Increased and he that most of the pain was centered in the brain and muscles of the face The the pains in the head and the flashing lights which the patient saw were evidences that the general center of the disease was In the brain and that was past possibility of cure Just before the man died ha the following note to his wife My Dear Wife I know that I have not more than a day to live I realize that moat die I understand well that I am suffering from hydrophobia dont grieve Yon and I have been happy many years Now talk mature over Yon are well provided for Our son will take good car of you But please dont cry 7 1 consideration of Americans They have their commission cordially reoogolxed the heartiness from duty They act in firm and Ret- and sincerity or bis but adds tied course Though their alms are l American hospitality is apt to be toe in secret are never in the dark should a tw entertain me en a seals for tbey shed a light of their own The They give little presents which have possibility of returning the an exaggerated attraction because la kind me poor consolation a are just what you want say the right word just what every one I say Only they ftay It at the three times mora than right time so that the apple of gold ha wants Nobody but the keeper of the beams in a basket of silver The is the gainer have ft promptness of manner which A TV In Boston New York and forestalls your comfort and helps you complained that ha bad seen It business insurance The Miohlgan Central freight sheds at were destroyed by fire Monday- Geo fell from and sustained a fractured skull years of age was thrown from a horse at Indian Head while raping and kilted Blais a fifteen year old lad whose parents live in Hull was drown ed Sunday afternoon in the Ottawa Tils boy was a fair swimmer but he did not reappear after a dive Board of Trade has prom ised in cash towards securing the Oddfellows home beside each voted by Geneva and Georgian Bay lodges At gaiitio county fine vftnt of the Grey Nuns was totally by fir The loss at without any burdensome reminder that help is given Watching genial and attractive people I have often fallen into deep despair about myself for all this seems a natural gift like poetry But I have reason to think that it is not so natural either but toilsomely acquired in accustomed places viz oratory at the foot of cross and the cave under the of duty melting Coins into Baits TO IMPORT EAST INDIAN HONEY THAN TO BUY New Conn Aug The New Haven Brass Foundry Company received from India five tons of gold Indian copper coins which it purposes to melt into copper bars for castings The company holds that it is to buy Indian copper coins with American silver than to bay copper from American mines Copper is of American family and home life Every evening ha aald I git down to same formal dinner in a different bouse every course alike from the oysters on the shell to the liquors Sometimes same waiters are behind our chairs Why Is It no ana asks ma to share bis buckwheat cakes and steak In the morning or to help the children with chops and potatoes at noon The same of display is seen among us in the custom of wedding presanta Are not as a old enough to understand that display and outlay ara not the highest expression of good will A GOOD CARTERS OUTFIT Apply to Street Seed MAN A HABITUAL LIAR or ftaprlstlvs Distorts 411 Mil r Km David Swing once expressed the fear that through excess In the use of adjeo our generation would lose all sense of proportion and symmetry in th of facts Ha noted that the adjec tives most loved by our age ere eehes gross exaggerations In studying history of language ha found that very early man began to say the sun went down in a bed of gold the moon turned all things to silver pre darted forth flames face brighter Wholesale Retail PROVISION STOllE Two doors North Main A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Park A Co a Bacon Hams Lard The and Mildest Cored Meats on the Market today A trial will con vince Also Floor Boiled Oate Corn Meal Butter Errs Potatoes Bait Canned Corn Tomatoes Feet Bologna Ham and Tongue Honey Orders filled on the shortest notice worth nineteen cents a pound in this fi but for iun cent in fcMS American silver several pounds of cop- now that the modern of wit does per coins can be obtained in Bombay not deal in pure daifcau of or Calcutta Tile Coins are in com- Sydney Smith or Lamb but for use there hut are so that SEE the natives are glad dispose A them ttrTnnl- for silver and gold The fivotons also through ready received New Haven are part are teaching men to strain of a shipment of two and fifty uttermost in literature m which bat moat received by the Cop- enoe adjeotirea and per Company New York and dealing in This The coins are heavier than the character also finest which is simple American penny in circulation in the and part of this century They bear no Eriglish and are fceliev to have been issued- by the Indian fl l native X century when copper was cheaper eta than it is now aa a pipe material are that It Toe New Haven has ex- w a j i- want to buy up the coiob by the hun dred v i street rail ways light ar source REMOVAL dosiros to Inform the public has moved bis Shoemalting to 5J Jobbing All kinds Boots and Shoes Repairing Neatly and Promptly attended to our work is guaranteed continuance of your Best Gold Fill Gold Fill Best Glasses We guarantoa perfect OPTICAL CO Street Toronto Girl For general work Wages per month JA8 rial Home

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